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/lit/ - Literature

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5998714 No.5998714 [Reply] [Original]

Have at it, plebs

>> No.5998751

i have literally never finished a book

>> No.5998763

I dropped the gabagool

>> No.5998778
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Wow. That's the saddest and most pathetic thing I've ever heard.

I read the first five pages of Ulysses, put it back on my shelf, and haven't attempted to read it again.

>> No.5999879
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It's taken me nearly a year to read Don Quixote

I look down upon those who read YA fiction even though in high school I read it all the time

I frequently desire to buy a book largely because of how it will make people perceive me when they see it on my shelf

Frequently I will read less then 50 pages and then play a bunch of vidya

I didn't start with the Greeks

I can't stand poetry

I don't live the literary lifestyle

>> No.5999890

I unironically enjoy the books of Gene Wolfe.

>> No.5999959

I consider graphic novels good literature.

>> No.5999963

no u

>> No.5999969

i read like 10 pages of dorian gray and wilde's witticisms were pissing me off so i quit

same with catch 22

>> No.5999975

Suggest some.

>> No.6000020

I got peer-pressured into doing it. My circle of friends all read it and were Blooming about it. But I did it, though, every fucking page.

>> No.6000035

I read the god delusion and that book changed my life.

>> No.6000099


Maus, Persepolis

>> No.6000104

I haven't read anything new in more than a year, I just spend my time here discussing what I've already read.

>> No.6000106

I enjoy Poppy Z. Brite's fanfictiony fantasies about gay vampire incest

I think Christopher Paolini's Inheritance trilogy is actually pretty scent fantasy

>> No.6000113
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I don't like Orwell

>> No.6000128


Arkham Asylum: Serious House

Ashley Wood's Hellspawn

The Fountain

Watchmen (obviously)


>> No.6000145

The book that first grabbed me by the balls and made me want to start reading was Catcher in the Rye

I started reading Infinite Jest to get in this girl's pants. But now I really like infinite jest and idk how I feel about girlie anymore.

>> No.6000148

i read YA. my novel in progress is YA high fantasy. #notsorry

>> No.6000171

Reading makes me want to write but I think writing itself is boring as shit.

>> No.6000189

The first thing I do when I have just bought a book is smell it for about half an hour and imagine what kind of a woman that book would be.

>> No.6000200

i spend over twice the time i spend reading researching books to download onto my e-reader. I already have far more books in my online library than I will ever read

>> No.6000204

really? a full 30 minutes?

i will admit to smelling tobacco scented second-hand books while imagining what pipe-smoking gentleman might've read it before me, but it's no more than a whiff or two.

>> No.6000251

I buy books from Barnes & Noble

>> No.6000268

I've read fellowship and two towers, but never read return of the king

>> No.6000288

I feel like I have no aesthetic understanding of poetry. I've read some of it and like others, but I don't feel like I really "get" it in the same way I "get" prose. With prose, it is normally pretty clear what the author is trying to accomplish and how successfully he accomplishes it. With poetry, I just never really know and I'm skeptical of those think they do know.

While I did like Lolita, I think that the prose is campy and hardly the stunning example of excellent prose people tout it to be. It's just feels overdone for overdone's sake.

>> No.6000291

I sometimes lie about what books I've read to others.

A large part of why I read is for egotistical pleasure.


>> No.6000297

I stopped reading Gravity's Rainbow a third of the way through cuz 2deep4me.

>> No.6000338

I read more literature in english rather than my mother tongue, this means that now I've read more classics from the english language rather than my own.

I would have liked to study literature way more than what I currently do.

I hate harry potter, but I did read up to the fourth book anyways.

I enjoyed LOTR and the hobbit so I bought the silmarillion but never got past the creation of the world.

I want people to gift me an e-reader but no one has done so, I'll never buy one.

The most I've written was in the last year of primary school, it was a sci-fi and I dedicated at least a month building up the world and star system, also local physics (to make some ideas viable), I never wrote more because as soon I wrote the intro and read it I saw how full of cliches and cheap it was.

I have liked every single book lit recommended to me or part of a non-troll list.

I broke up with a girl because she liked paulo coelho and bukowski.

>Frequently I will read less then 50 pages and then play a bunch of vidya
I don't see the problem with this, there's no minimum length required per session.

>> No.6000362

I only listen to audiobooks

>> No.6000396

My attention span has been completely fucked up by the internet (or drugs or late onset ADD) to the point where i can't read decent novels anymore.

>> No.6000397

Shits going down over here!!

>> No.6000414
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The only thing I'm good at is reading and writing, but I'm not confident enough to attempt to live off my writing. I have no other skills and abhor boring desk jobs/business jobs. My life is going nowhere.

>> No.6000425

I'm fairly new to /lit/, mostly a /tv/ guy. Started coming here and reading in general last year. As such, I'm constantly reading at least 5 different books at the same time, and I can't stop picking up new ones. I'll see ones suggested here, or get interested in something, and I just start. I can't stop. Help me, I can't stop. I'm struggling to finish East of Eden right now just so I can finally finish the Odyssey, just so I can finally have time to devote to my library of books about film and also some Stirner. Oh and I've been a quarter of the way through The Second Sex for literally over a year now, might just start over at a later date.

There's so much goodness. Like looking at a rich person's dining table on Thanksgiving. Too many choices.

>> No.6000449

>High School

>> No.6000466

I'm embarrassed by my interest in literature and philosophy. It's so genuine and eager, I find reading so pleasant, the ideas and concepts so engaging, it feels too personal to talk about.

I'm also scared I'll be perceived as someone who tries to seem intellectual because I don't think people ser me as the kind of person who'd like these things this much.

I'm lonely, I want a friend to talk about these things. But I'm always afraid.


>> No.6000468

>read - present tense
>read - past tense

>> No.6000477

Sometimes I brag about books I didn't finish.

>> No.6000490

You can retrain it, start by cutting time spent in the internet and with digital devices.

>> No.6000508

I experience intense self-loathing on a daily basis, to the point where I live a shitty life and suspect that part of the reason for doing so is because I want to punish myself for being such a shitty person. I don't have anybody else in my life which is why I suppose I have no real sense of validation from others about my not being shitty, but still. I used to be pretty illogical and naive I guess, and I still feel like my positive traits only exist as a futile means of compensation for my flaws. One of the convictions I feel on a regular basis is that a lot, perhaps most, people I have gotten to know beyond a superficial level hate me, and that I am for whatever reason deserving of their hatred. I feel simultaneously inferior and superior to others, and both these things only reinforce my self-loathing. It's like what could have been a minor trait, easily overcome via having friends and possible a girlfriend (i.e. someone intimately familiar with my character and my dispositions), has developed into the central feature of my personality, and that all my actions and thoughts stem from this thing, and that they are therefore corrupted and fundamentally negative and repulsive. I feel I am beyond saving at this time, and not because I am prone to defeatism or self-pity, but because I have no concept of an alternative life to attempt to imitate or accept as more healthy as my current lifestyle.

>> No.6000528

That feel. It's not so much that its personal for me, I'm just afraid of people thinking I'm a pseud - even though I probably am.

>> No.6000529


I read all of Shiteggan's Wake and understood very little of it but act like I get it.

I've only read translations of non-english books.

I took Latin and Attic Greek in college, got B's in both, but remember pretty much none of it.

I love WH40K books.

I don't think Harry Potter is total shit

>> No.6000533

I skim everything, even the stuff I am consciously aware should not be skimmed and which I tell people to make sure not to skim when reading

I cannot help it

>> No.6000542

Back in high school I bullshitted Kierkegaardian philosophy for a paper on Frankenstein. I still haven't read any of his work beyond a few paragraphs, and sometimes think about revisiting the paper when I know more.

>> No.6000556

Me neither
i just read the summery, plot, theme etc online and it saved a lot of time

>> No.6000567
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I like Harry Potter. I think J.K. Rowling is a wonderful lady and I wish she were my mother.

>> No.6000578

I hate when people talks about literature in public
I always say that I don't read because people talking about it in public sound like complete cunts.

>> No.6000595
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My battle brother

>> No.6000604

You're just talking to the wrong people m8

>> No.6000642

every person of my age acts like he/she has the burden of knowledge on the back and reading is something like a social service they do for the community, it's annoying. but talk about books with old people is quite enjoyable

>> No.6000655

I've written over 480,000 words across multiple books, am not even half done with the story, and will never let another pair of eyes see my work for fear of wasting their time with a potentially shitty story.

>> No.6000681

>Arkham Asylum: Serious House
fucking yes
have you read year 100?

>> No.6000720

Over the past months I have exclusively read Pratchett's books. There's so many of them.

Sometimes I go on a book hunting spree and buy a bunch of them, but I have so many books on my backlog that many of them I have never touched.

I read up to dozens of books at the same time, interrupting my reading to another one when I get bored. Some books I started in 2010 I haven't finished yet.

I once talked to a girl about the book of the new sun and she said she was interested in it and asked that we see each other so she could borrow it. Turns out it was an excuse to hook up with me. I'm still with her, she's actually pretty patrician.

My sister manages a book committee and stands up for protecting small bookstores, but I own an ereader and pirate everything from libgen/#bookz/aaaarg/bookzz

I sometimes pirate "self-improvement" books, albeit in secret.

>> No.6000727


>reading is something like a social service they do for the community

they sound like proselytising wankers. you need to find people who can talk high art and pop culture in the same conversation. they're normally a more relaxed sort. it's a drag trying to talk to readers who take themselves super seriously.

>> No.6000784

Stop having shit friends?

>> No.6000811

I own at least 50 books I haven't read. I've only been to the library in my city twice, and I haven't checked anything out of it.

>> No.6000827

I read Atlas Shrugged

>irl /lit/ friends all rave about Atlas Shrugged while bemoaning writers like Stephen King and Dean Koontz
>Enjoy more popcorn lit and dime store crime novels but also stuff like Great Gatsby or gothic lit like Shelly Stoker
>Constantly bitch about how I'm rotting my brain having reading the wide variety of literature and not high brow books
>Finally read Atlas Shrugged
>Start a conversation about how its nothing more that right winged fiction that misses the point of the middle class and lower classes
>Epic autism from the shit eater brigade
>Start countering my point with made up points not found in book
>Stopped talking about a half hour in and watch as the whole group relies none of them read more than cherry picked pages they got online
>Whole thing take nearly a hour and a half

LSS: I read a shitty "high brow" fiction that none of the patrician /lit/ friends have read when i could have read something I enjoyed.

>> No.6000836

I am a Libertarian who tells people to read Atlas shrugged but I never made it past the first 100 pages.

>> No.6000886

Ive never had a hard time finishing a book, reading was as easy as breathing for me at a young age when I first read Where The Red Fern Grows in fourth grade.

Turns out my school was full retard who didn't want children reading something that make the slower kids feel bad. When I wanted to read day of the tripods or All Quite On the Western Front i was told by the head librarian and the principle not to read during class study time.

But jesus AS tested me, and I read the Twilight series to please a Ex-gf.

>> No.6000964
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I walk around the marketplace in my town all day and stop productive citizens and ask them vaguely philosophical questions in an attempt to trap them and make them reevaluate their lives.

>> No.6000977

The epitome of /lit/ fedora core people.

>I'm so much smarter than you, so you must have a horrid life and I need you to know it so you can be on my level.

>> No.6000985

more like genuine autism.

>> No.6001018

I generally really dislike older books (old as in older than 60 years) and the way their prose is usually structured.

Except for John Steinbeck.

>> No.6001028


>that misses the point of the middle class and lower classes

top kek, go to hell liberal tard

>> No.6001048

I dropped Notes from Underground ten pages in.

I dropped 1984 halfway in.

I dropped Dorian Gray halfway in and still don't know what the fuck it was supposed to be about. Literal faggots, as far as I can tell.

I read science and history books meant for children and idiots because I only care about the general idea and not the nitty gritty. 2dumb4that

Harry Potter got me through a dark time in my life and it's a comfy series.

I hated Tom Bombadil

I don't buy books. There are only three things on my shelf: oxford english dictionary, joy of cooking (a gift), and a 1972? print of LoTR/Silm (gift).

>I can't stand poetry

I despise poetry. It's arteeeestic garbage, all of it, and I've read a lot both in uni and on my own. I had no fewer than THREE literature classes during uni (not even English major), not to mention high school, and every single poem by every author was a steaming pile of purple prose like the author was having a wank.


Watchmen is good.


YA is not necessarily bad. I'm enjoying His Dark Materials and Ender's Game (is EG YA?)

>I read the Twilight series to please a Ex-gf.

I read (read:skimmed) the entire series just to see how bad it was. It exceeded my expectations and I still can't fathom how an agent read that and said, "Yeah, we should print this. People should read this." I tried skimming 50 shades and couldn't, so as bad as Twilight is, 50 is even shittier. And that's when I specifically have a fetish for both abuse and proper BDSM, so I should be in the target audience for 50, and I still can't stand it.

>> No.6001057

I am currently reading more books than I've bothered to count (~20) simultaneously because I'm a shopaholic and also lack impulse control when it comes to starting a book.

>> No.6001059
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You look like a Puerto Rican whore

>> No.6001067

wasn't that anon talking about socrates?

>> No.6001075

shhhhhhhh, none of us have actually read the greeks

>> No.6001078

I enjoy writing books more than reading them

>> No.6001093

As a philosophical pessimist, I'd say, yes, their lives are actually horrible.

>> No.6001095

I really, really, really enjoyed Ender's Game when I was 13-14 and I read all of the series and I think those books really helped me grow as a person.

I almost wanted to cry when I found out Orson Scott Card was a gigantic homophobic who wanted gay marriage to stay illegal. As a teenager, I felt his books were so open-minded that the realization was soul-crushing.

>> No.6001111

What a wacky story.

>> No.6001137

>implying everyone can't learn something from every person they meat

>> No.6001153

I go about college writing papers that play up to my professor's political sensibilities when in reality I am a far-right leaning fascist

>> No.6001729

I shitpost in dfw threads and I've never read IJ and have absolutely no intention to do so in the foreseeable future.

>> No.6001753


Fist time posting on lit. Why is this bad?

>> No.6001773

I skimmed The Great Inquisitor.

>> No.6001776

why buy from any expensive major bookstore when you can buy from second-hand stores for infinitely cheaper?

next step up from second-hand stores is local bookstores. they need to be supported.

>> No.6001780

Nigga I'd marry her. Her being my mom also would be a bonus though.

>> No.6001793
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I mark thee with my presence!

>> No.6001808


Well it's like any entertainment. Some of it's good, most is shit.

>> No.6001814


>No mention of Saga of the Swamp Thing
>Being this pleb

>> No.6001820
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Ricky that you?
Fuck off you prick!
Fucking twat.

>> No.6001823

>he doesn't know who Diogenes is

>> No.6001830

>I have no other skills and abhor boring desk jobs/business jobs

Yeah, and so do 95% of the people who work those jobs, snowflake.

>> No.6001833

If you claim to love reading but hate poetry you are the ultimate pleb.

>> No.6001838

I haven't logged into my reddit account all day because I was frank about YA and was probably crucified. Stop being cancer, /lit/, so I don't have to ever go there.

>> No.6001844

>buying books

I guess I'm privileged to be in a college with a great library, but I've always thought you should only buy a book if you can't find it at a library or know you will frequently reread and/or cite it

>> No.6001847

>I hated Tom Bombadil

Good, because hes shit and ruins the flow of the book. And dont any of you say I dont get it. I get it and it was shit

>> No.6001854
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Cry me a river. remember this?

lol faggot

>> No.6001861

Didn't 50 start out as a twilight fanfic?

>> No.6001866

I only like long poetic works. If it's only a couple of stanzas, I ain't having that shit.

>> No.6001875
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I bet you guise are total pussies, give me ur address I sware to god i'll stab you with my dad's knife

>> No.6001887
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You don't wanna FUCK WITH ME.
I just got authentic katana in the mail!

>> No.6001889 [DELETED] 

same. my grandma and him were buddies though

>> No.6001893

I never finished Frankenstein. I thought the plot and themes were interesting (especially in a historical/political context), but the prose was so goddamn high flown and flowery I dropped it about 2/3 or 3/4 of the way in. It was like if polonius from hamlet wrote a novel.

>> No.6001895


He was referencing Socrates, you fucking retard.

>> No.6001896

I've read about 12 books in my life I just like to lurk here.
I'd read about lots of them on Wikipedia, mind.

>> No.6001903

you have a good taste
short shit is killing poetry since the times of pindar

>> No.6001904
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Rick? Fuck your blade i'll borrow my dads AK
you'd be fin in no time.
Fucking TWAT!

>> No.6001911

320 blazin XD
this doo with it!

>> No.6001915


No, writing in English is killing poetry.

>> No.6001919

kind of

>> No.6001922
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Your fuckin trailer doesn't even have heat....getting cold lol

>> No.6001923


No, it is completely.

If your parents were too pathetic and dogshit to give you an education in Sanskrit, Greek and Latin you have no business pretending to be a poet.

>> No.6001927


>that classism

I'd be willing to bet you didn't have a middle class suburban childhood

>> No.6001930
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lol is that your fuckin sex mouth

>> No.6001932


Having standards isn't an 'ism', pleb.

Middle class suburban plebs ought to be shovelling dirt, not writing poems.

>> No.6001935

thats pretty......cold lol
got him +1

>> No.6001941

Ashley Wood's art is so fucking great holy shit. It's like the American version of the dude who does MGS art

>> No.6001942

lol you below the standards
little man

>> No.6001945

didn't she get busted for some drug related thing?

>> No.6001949


>Middle class suburban plebs

I so welcome the revolution

>> No.6001950

is this all the same guy?

>> No.6001951


Meanwhile my ancestors owned yours by law and probably still own your family in practice.

>> No.6001953

Same here. It doesn't help that I have mixed feelings on my writing; sometimes I think my voice is good, but most of the time it looks like I'm so obviously sucking Pynchon's chode. Though, honestly, I could probably dickride the shit out of ol' Tommy, and no one would be any the wiser because no one I've ever met has heard of the man.

Another huge thing I hate is that most ideas I come up with are just ripoffs of Videodrome and Serial Experiments Lain inspired by my constant listening to vaporwave. I don't want to be branded as an SF writer, and I don't want it to be obvious that I'm inspired by actual meme music lel

>> No.6001956

Talk for yourself; I attended a prep school and started with the greeks.

Honestly, it's a meme and not a good advice.

>> No.6001957
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plen detected, back to /reddit/ fedoracore halfwit.

Any Kanye West fans itt?

>> No.6001960


>my daddy can beat your daddy up

Get a life nerd

>> No.6001962

how do you know?
little man

>> No.6001967


>implying genes aren't real

Dat ressentiment though

>> No.6001968
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He my boy

>> No.6001969

>While I did like Lolita, I think that the prose is campy and hardly the stunning example of excellent prose people tout it to be. It's just feels overdone for overdone's sake.
I agree so fucking much. Only rarely have I read a book that I can actually feel to. Gravity's Rainbow had a number of great passages, Broom of the System was really fun for me, Hesse's Beneath the Wheel and fucking Siddhartha really resonated with me, and No Longer Human somehow made me nostalgic for 1950s Japan, despite being a non-weeb white dude born in '94. On the other hand, I felt nothing for Lolita or Notes from Underground. I can acknowledge both of those as greatly written, but just can't really care about them, which is especially weird since I'm that faggot who reads for prose!

>> No.6001975

Self-hating English speaker detected.

>> No.6001976


>genes define social ordering

Be careful, you're almost making an argument for feminism against patriarchy

>> No.6001980


No, I hate you for being a pleb.


Only resentful betas such as yourself would resent a patriarchy.

>> No.6001981
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jeans are real lol

>> No.6001986

dats pretty wak
skype me!

>> No.6001989


>Only resentful betas such as yourself would resent a patriarchy.

You really like daddy cock don't you. Come here little guy, I'll teach you the ways of your forefathers

>> No.6001993


This isn't a board for plebs, you should leave.

>> No.6001995
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sure how do I dial?

>> No.6001997


>giving up this easily

I, like your father, am ashamed

>> No.6002000

I bet you live in a trailer.

>> No.6002008


>> No.6002015

lol give me a boifeet footjob!
no homo.

>> No.6002021

I bet your always ready to service a man....
little fuckboi

>> No.6002025
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lol got him +1

>> No.6002034

Just because your loud doesn't mean you win.
although it was pretty good

>> No.6002038

I read the Greeks for the degenerate sex and puns #CorinthianGrills4lief

>> No.6002043

lol yeah he defo homo

>> No.6002046

I own all but of 3 of Thomas Pynchon's books. The farthest I've gone in any of them is roughly 50 pages in Gravity's Rainbow.

>> No.6002050

Is this all the same guy?

>> No.6002056

If the only far-right leaning fascist thing you do is claiming you're a far-right leaning fascist on an Aboriginal stonecarving festival, then you're no far-right leaning fascist. You're a normalfag student who writes lefty papers and tells himself he's far right to feel better about it.

But remember: if you don't do more for fascism than you do for leftism, you're essentially a leftist (that's a general comment, I'm not a fascist myself).

That's what clueless people say. Ideal length for poetry is 20-1500 verses (what takes more than two minutes to memorize but less than an afternoon to read). Past that it's functionally a succession of shorter poems with common characters.

I pretend to not want to be a writer and to prefer doing math instead. The truth is I suck at math and I keep my writing "ambitions" alive without writing anything so that there is always at least one thing I have yet to fail.

>> No.6002058

Yeah he a little tampon boy.

>> No.6002066

lol reminds me of that tampon baby story from that other thread.
Dumb bitch had it coming.

>> No.6002075

wtf are you guys talking about?

>> No.6002082

Nearly spit out my drink, don't remind me.
can someone repost it?

>> No.6002095
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>> No.6002110

Fuck thats the one.
Jesus this needs to write a whole book about this shit.

>> No.6002115

lol god not this shit again.

>> No.6002131

Guys your going off topic!

>> No.6002135

I read all of The Fountainhead by Rand just to upset my Phil major friend and I kind of liked it

>> No.6002139

Is that you Katie bitch let me see your hoo-hoo.

>> No.6002142

>Past that it's functionally a succession of shorter poems with common characters.

What the hell does this even mean?

>> No.6002150

fully eye-intact

>> No.6002160

Fuck that stupid slag!

>> No.6002161

>what takes more than two minutes to memorize
we are not talking about memorizing poetry for your school

>> No.6002165

Who's Katie?

>> No.6002181
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>Past that it's functionally a succession of shorter poems with common characters.

>> No.6002185
File: 5 KB, 125x128, uutytte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bitch that ruined /lit/

>> No.6002189

lol horseface

>> No.6002191

Don't start this shit again.

>> No.6002192

I must not have been here for this

>> No.6002197
File: 129 KB, 696x935, dfdffd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres some more of that thread.

>> No.6002200

All me

>> No.6002205
File: 36 KB, 480x360, fgfgjjj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not forget!

>> No.6002209

Is that the kid who shit in a school shower on The Sopranos?

>> No.6002217

lol fucking cumlover cunt wanted it.

>> No.6002219

That fucking font sucks

>> No.6002226

Fuck off, Ayn Rand is the epitome of "fuck you, got mine"

Its a "philosophy" I have only seen taken seriously by fedora-tier highschoolers and my 2 year old cousin.

>> No.6002229

I wish I were her tampon boy.

>> No.6002236

that's zombieface

>> No.6002241

>i never actually read any rand at all

No matter. Free country, right? Blather on.

>> No.6002247

Why must you insist on destroying all things of innocence on this planet /lit/?

>> No.6002253
File: 50 KB, 696x425, fdaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you her videos sucked!

>> No.6002255

Didn't she hang herself or something?

>> No.6002264

She's sort of cute in a naive way.
too bad she dead

>> No.6002267

What she died?!!!

>> No.6002275

I can't believe lit actually drove someone to do something like that. I mean, your entire existence over some stupid comments.

>> No.6002279

stop forcing this stupid shit

>> No.6002281

This wasn't a normal girl... she was sort of slow.

>> No.6002286
File: 7 KB, 257x196, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apologize for poor english

Where wer u wen u found out katie was kill?

I was at bohemian orgy when my colledge proffesor said "Katie is die"


>> No.6002290

I started with the Europeans.

>> No.6002294
File: 48 KB, 705x406, sssrrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol remember this.
The glory days!

>> No.6002299

wow fucking sweet post number

i don't even ever post anywhere

but oh miraculous heaven
oh ho ly shieeeeet

>> No.6002309

I was pissing in bottle when I first heard.

>> No.6002315

wtf is that?

>> No.6002322
File: 77 KB, 960x639, 1421295955395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, not again

>> No.6002328

Is she really dead?

>> No.6002335

>i have literally never finished a book
I always begin by the end and hardly ever read the beginning.

>> No.6002337

Yes no, this is just another ebin meme brought to you by /lit/

>> No.6002340
File: 3 KB, 131x82, yyuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/s lowest moment.

>> No.6002349

Shes not dead but may aswell be.
Damn Bitch!

>> No.6002352

What she do wrong?

>> No.6002360

Her offense was being a pleb whore.

>> No.6002368

She wasn't a super smart patrician like some super smart patricians on /lit/

Remember guys! Only REAL intellectuals can appreciate books! Everyone else should be bullied!

>> No.6002376
File: 7 KB, 142x214, eererew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Katie oh Katie where are thee?

>> No.6002382

Wait is she really dead?

>> No.6002386

Its people like you that enforce the patriarchy!

>> No.6002390

wtf's going on here?

>> No.6002396

Looks like my dyke aunt.

>> No.6002397

really funny internet culture

>> No.6002401

Is she our new queen?

>> No.6002405

Anybody got her phonenumber?

>> No.6002408

Go back to /b/

>> No.6002409

you monster

>> No.6002414

I swear /lit/ is done for we all said it was the end!

>> No.6002417

are those piss bottles?

>> No.6002425
File: 29 KB, 250x234, 1421285628762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes... they are piss bottles.

>> No.6002434
File: 27 KB, 204x330, Dem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not surprised.....

>> No.6002439

me too

>> No.6002446

What's wrong with good ol' Terry?

I've read Discworld series twice just for the hell of it. It's relaxing and fun easy-to-read series that can sometimes be genuinely thought provoking.

>> No.6002447

someone post the entire thread if its out there

>> No.6002454
File: 817 KB, 756x9800, bpZEHOV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found it!
The story of our Katie baby.
too bad she dead

>> No.6002460

What an embarrassment.
It is a little funny though.

>> No.6002461

My favorite book in the world is Savages by Don Winslow.
I haven't finished a single Bret book other than American Psycho due to getting bored halfway through.
I like I. Welsh. Filth was great.
I like Ryu Murakami.
I'm rereading Snakes and Earrings.

>> No.6002470

lol she ended her channel over that.
fucking idiot.

>> No.6002480
File: 158 KB, 510x556, fdfff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol dat tampon story tho

>> No.6002488

I have to stop coming here.

>> No.6002501

You and me both brother.

>> No.6002513

The ending was too cliche.

>> No.6002519
File: 18 KB, 732x126, wwewrt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You killed her /lit/!
how do you feel?

>> No.6002553

I like to pretend I'm either a rightist or a leftist loony in political threads, depending on my mood and the course of the threads. I'm a contrarian hipster shithead so I always go against the circlejerk.

I like to annoy some online friends of mine by ironically seriousposting about the dumbest issues and arguments, e.g. video games are a higher form of art than literature since they are by their very nature more interactive and involve the consumer of art more and are therefore more emotional and therefore more artful as a medium.

I used to enjoy ASOIAF series and would recommend it to all my friends, but after the TV series came out I slowly started to resent all the new fans and since the TV adaptation turned to such shit since second season I genuinely started to dislike the entire franchise.

I used to read on, say, at least five books a month on average.

Last time I bought a book was in 2011. Then I got a kindle and every single book I've read since was downloaded from various torrents.

Last time I read a book was in late 2013. Then I started watching anime again after a 10+ year break and haven't read a single book in the entirety of 2014. Watched roughly 200 different anime series, though. Only thing I've read in the past 14 or so months was Boku Girl.

>> No.6002554

Pretty damn good.

>> No.6002564

This Katie chicks kinda hot anybody got nudes?

>> No.6002565

Congrats bro, you are in the majority of the population. Mediocrity is for most people.

>> No.6002571

>I need to look down on people to feel good

>> No.6002580

Your the cancer thats destroying lit.
Besides she's engaged

>> No.6002582


>> No.6002590

Fuck you she's soon to be a married woman!

>> No.6002598

Katie oh Katie my little dear throw away that tampon baby and let me fuck you up the rear.

>> No.6002600


katie pls

>> No.6002601

>If the only far-right leaning fascist thing you do is claiming you're a far-right leaning fascist on an Aboriginal stonecarving festival, then you're no far-right leaning fascist. You're a normalfag student who writes lefty papers and tells himself he's far right to feel better about it.

>But remember: if you don't do more for fascism than you do for leftism, you're essentially a leftist (that's a general comment, I'm not a fascist myself).

Writing bullshit essays to get a better grade isn't doing anything for a particular cause you plank. I can't be a leftist if I do not believe any of the words I'm writing.

What if in my personal life I write material that I actually put intentional purpose and meaning behind which advocates fascism? What then?

>> No.6002609


>> No.6002612

She'll never be married, she's dead.

>> No.6002615


>> No.6002632
File: 6 KB, 163x166, 34ttt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lovely Katie your my heart and soul let me fuck you in every hole.

>> No.6002646
File: 197 KB, 475x365, cosby-confused-face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm I on /b/?

>> No.6002661

Fuck off we r talking about katie

>> No.6002670

Katie honest and free I want you to be with me!

>> No.6002678

Does this girl know she's a meme yet

>> No.6002682

Shes dead.

>> No.6002734

I read a lot in high school though I did terrible in most of my classes. Now that I'm in Community college I'm doing really good in all my classes but I stopped reading for pleasure almost altogether.

>> No.6002746
File: 303 KB, 1536x1069, N01506_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Katie the Hamlet to /lit/'s Ophelia?

>> No.6002757

Actually kind of works

>> No.6002763

bon mot/10

>> No.6002800

>Poppy Z Brite
mon nigér

>> No.6003138

I have never finished Atlas Shrugged. This book pisses me off, it's just too pretentious.

>> No.6003166

I can't read novels anymore. They just stopped being fun. I read short reportages, documentaries and a lot of poetry but I haven't read any good prose fiction in a year.

>> No.6003322


>> No.6003398

She hung herself with a belt :(

>> No.6003401

She blew her face off with a shotgun :(

>> No.6003408

Haruki Murakami>Yukio Mishima

I also think he's better than DFW,since I wasn't impressed with Infinite Jest.

>> No.6003412

I pay for ebooks

>> No.6003417

Why ?

>> No.6003426


>> No.6003443

man he looks like christopher from the sopranos

>> No.6003466

IS it ok to be mediocre? Compared to 99.9999999999999999% of the rest of the universe, Im a fucking special snowflake.

>> No.6003535

Hey man, that sounds rough. I don't know you, but you seem clever, and I think that you possess the intelligence to rise above what you're feeling. I want that you should be able to change yourself however you would like

>> No.6003551
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>> No.6003608
File: 43 KB, 455x700, latest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only novels I actually own are based on slasher movies.

>> No.6003625

Cringe general

>> No.6003781

During 1996 while stationed in Bosnia I accidently killed a woman and her child during a firefight with Serbs. Two guys ran I to a cabins and I emptied the whole 200 rounds out of my SAW. I didn't know they were inside. I committed a warcrime before I was old enough to drink. I never told anyone

>> No.6003911

Silver Age Aquaman

>> No.6003927

I didn't apply to oxford because i was lazy and doubted myself and now i pretend that Oxford didn't interest me anyway because of the elitist traditional public school bullshit..... Even though i still fantasise about living the Oxford life in a college that has formal dinners every night wearing funny hats and rowing and playing student pranks and being able to tell people I'm an oxforf student and it's really depressing
just like everyone else who apllied to LSE did

>> No.6003948
File: 216 KB, 498x364, 1416949925220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6003957

>>6003927Also i am eating a mustard, lettuce and chorizo sandwich that tastes just lke marijuana and it's really confusing my tastebuds

>> No.6004039

That Vito Jr. story could have been better, maybe. Hope everything worked out for the poor guy, though.

>> No.6004145

Actually never read one or just not fond of reading?

Das pretty bad man.

>> No.6004229


>Not wanting to outlaw gay marriage

It's like you welcome degeneracy

>> No.6004252

I care far more about solid storylines then I do about prose.

>> No.6004265

So it's soul crusing read pretty much any christian?

>> No.6004272

/lit/ drove a girl who does book videos off of YouTube with a bunch of stupid comments. She's not really dead. Looks like people have already made a meme out of it.

>> No.6004279

Shit troll.

>> No.6004281

Were you reading a book at the time?

>> No.6004296

why you on this board, mayne?

>> No.6004303

I cried after reading Chekov's "Stories"

>> No.6004321

Don't lie shes dead!
My Katie you were so young, imagine what could've been

>> No.6004335

Someone should put the piss bottles on her grave lol

>> No.6004344

Why would you want to piss on here grave?
She was so sweet!

>> No.6004365

Katie you are my dream, a lovely queen, FUCK MY DICK BITCH!
lol piss bottles

>> No.6004381


There is already a place designated for guys like you two.


>> No.6004386

If she ain't in the ground yet i'd tap that.

>> No.6004394

Fuck you Katie is /lit/s little tampon baby!

>> No.6004403

I get that reference. sadly....

>> No.6004423

Katie oh Katie oh my little dear one, let me be your baby boy tampon.

>> No.6004430

Whats wrong with you people?

>> No.6004434

This thread is crazy as fuck.

>> No.6004440

Why does this picture keep appearing everywhere I go on this board?

>> No.6004443
File: 43 KB, 304x436, 1421273ffffffffffuhj683706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what you've done!

>> No.6004458

Is this some kind of meme or something?

>> No.6004517

i work in a library and hate how His Dark Materials got moved upstairs to the adult's section. it was down in middleschool for the first couple of years, but a bunch of catholic parents complained.

>> No.6004678


More confessions

I use to go to large retail bookstores (B&N, Borders, etc.) multiple times a week and read entire books in the store without ever paying for them. I essentially used it like a free library.

I read some pretty overrated pleb books (The Book Theif, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close) because a girl I was dating at the time loved them with the hope that she would take my suggestions and read some better stuff and we could then talk about good literature together. This didn't end up well as I imagined as she never once considered reading anything I recommended her (Dostoyevsky, Wolfe, Melville, etc.) The worst part about it? She graduated from Pepperdine with a degree in English, having never read Melville, Faulkner, Conrad, and many others. Her father was also a pleb professor at Pepperdine who wrote a critical book on Harry Potter, I shit you not.

I rarely re-read books, with the exception of Moby-Dick, Wolfe's works, parts of the Bible, and Faulkner's works.

I'm a rabid Disney fan and have read the entire Kingdom Keepers YA series. It's fucking atrocious but I can't help it.

I spend more time playing vidya than reading these days.

>> No.6005977

You whore.

>> No.6005988

Who will be the first against the wall anon?

>> No.6006186

100 Bullets, Sandman, Blacksad, Locke and Key