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/lit/ - Literature

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5998686 No.5998686 [Reply] [Original]

Good books from a teen perspective for teens?

>> No.5998690

Rules of attraction

>> No.5998693

what purpose do you have for using that OP image

>> No.5998699

To make people believe OP is not a fag.

>> No.5998700

Romeo and Juliet

>> No.5998709
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>> No.5998716

add Less Than Zero and /thread

>> No.5998718


>MFW it worked.

>> No.5998720

faggot detected

>> No.5998721

That is a play

>> No.5998730


>> No.5998748


Shit tier book collection. Fucking smug pleb frog

>> No.5998933
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The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner
A Clockwork Orange
The Catcher in the Rye
School at the Frontier (Géza Ottlik)
Fatelessness (Imre Kertész)

>> No.5998981

#4 is perfection

>> No.5998984
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>> No.5999008

Ender's Game
Battle Royale

>> No.5999032


>> No.5999057

I read catcher in the rye when i was in high school and its probably still one of my favorite books.

I know many people seem not to like it and say it doesn't hold up with age, but for me it was perfect. The theme of loss of childhood innocence is fantastic and one less discussed in main stream literature.

Its one of the few books that have really effected me on a deep emotional level. Whenever I see a child's birthday party or children playing I think about the book and the emotional state it left me in. I lack the words to describe this feeling but it is one fairly similar to bliss or perhaps a great content. They have been some of the happiest moments of my life. It really allows me to put all the hate and atrocities through out the world into perspective. Im not sure why im writing this, but I have never told another human this and i felt i should to say it.

>> No.5999284

Yeah, I liked catcher in the rye too.

>> No.5999295

far left


>> No.5999307

The Long Walk, anyone? Kind of builds around the situation but it is a pretty engaging Stephen King book imo.

>> No.5999320

>you will never touch a lithe young white girl's ass with the tip of your cock.

>> No.5999798

speak for yourself

>> No.5999923

the Secret Diary of Adrian Mole

>> No.6000105
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>> No.6000150
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>> No.6000168

>implying I haven't already...

>> No.6000178

i used to read books for like troubled teens despite the fact that my teen years were fine
so i liked shit like Cut, Bottled Up, and Speak despite the fact that I had never self-harmed, drunk, or been raped.

>> No.6000183

Have you though. I'd bet at the very least she wasn't lithe.

>> No.6000184

>That awkward moment when youre the least attractive girl, out of focus, and the only one grabbin ass

Is it just me or did that girl actually buy a pair of Anne Frank underwear for her glorious booty

>> No.6000265

Jellicoe Road by Marchetta won the Prinz award. it's great.

Girl by Blake Nelson is pretty cool

>> No.6002953

Don't /b/ so mad, anon.

>> No.6002993

I'd hesitate to call it good; but for people who are reading YA anyway reading Looking For Alaska and then Paper Towns as a self-criticism/deconstruction of the former would be worthwhile.

Seconding this, most of the world-description is in the background as well so you have to pay attention.

Seconding these (except A Clockwork Orange); also hnnng

>> No.6003128

The Perks Of Being A Wallflower.

>> No.6004675
