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/lit/ - Literature

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5998058 No.5998058 [Reply] [Original]

>There's overlap between the groups -- 28 percent of respondents did not read a book at all in the past year, while 25 percent read between one and five books, 15 percent read between six and ten books, 20 percent read between 11 and 50, and eight percent read more than 50.

Are you the 8%, /lit/? are you?

I d o n t t h i n k s o o o o o o

>> No.5998065

I was the 20% last year ;-;

>> No.5998072

There's no way 20% of americans read more than 11 books a year btw

>> No.5998103

Yes, yes I am.

It's all about pages, though.
>18k pages master race

>> No.5998120

It's all about content, not pages. 100 pages of Descartes is much better than 800 pages of Harry Potter.

>> No.5998148

Prove it.

>> No.5998169

They're probably counting a month's worth of reading Facebook statuses as the equivalent of a "book"
I think it, therefore I am right

>> No.5998200

I read a little over 52 books. Reading a book a week even with work/school isn't hard to do. Just need to replace the idle time that you spend watching tv or playing games with reading.

>> No.5998220

sure, 62

8% reading over 20 sounds very high though

>> No.5998231

Did toddlers group that data?

>> No.5998249

The people that read 20 books a year would of been higher if people still read books as their primary source of entertainment. Now we have so many damn options for entertainment that books have taken a huge backseat to other forms of entertainment.

>> No.5998265

I'm in the 20 percent. I read forty-five last year. :(

Feels bad, man.
I'll read fifty this year.

>> No.5998280

I plan to complete 6 novels this month so 50 books by the end of this year might not be implausible.

>> No.5998287

try to keep to the book a week pace and just be mindful of when you can take advantage of downtime during your day.

>> No.5998292

I'm in the group that just reads and doesn't count how many books I'm reading.
One Les Miserables or War and Peace is equal to like 40 American Gods, so keep that in mind, kiddies.

>> No.5998296

for the past four or five years yeah

>> No.5998314

not when you consider that they were probably only reading YA or fantasy series

>> No.5998331

>One Les Miserables or War and Peace is equal to like 40 American Gods, so keep that in mind, kiddies.

Yeah and serious readers should get through at least 50 War and Peaces every year.

>> No.5998350


i don't count too, that's some /a/ level of bs

and even if i wanted, i dunno how i could, like how many plays or not long poems or dialogues is one book if i read them separately. is the manual of epictetus one book? it's like 3 pages of text. what if i use a review book for a couple of references only not reading it completely etc

>> No.5998356

>1300 pages per book
>67.600 pages a year
>185 pages a day

Sure, darling.

>> No.5998362

a book is a book. In your would they have different values. But the survey is about books read.

>> No.5998363

Stalin read 500

>> No.5998370

Did you get that from the official Comrade Stalin biography?

>> No.5998377

I assumed that your juxtaposition of War and Peace vs. American Gods was more of a reference to quality than mere length. And 185 pages a day is not even that difficult. I've already read ~80 pages today and I'll do more reading when I get into bed later. Sartre read 240 books a year. Percy Shelley read for 16 hours a day. Show some ambition.

>> No.5998378

Im going to read 50 >200 page novellas and there is nothing you can do to stop me from saying i read 50 books

>> No.5998388

>Show some ambition
I agree, but some of us have jobs. Where we, you know, work to survive.

>> No.5998392

stalin is dead, apostle paul promised that we will read better after the death
>For now we see through a glass, darkly

>> No.5998403

Good for him. Sure worked wonders, didn't it?
Wasn't my juxtaposition.
I've finished 280 page books in a 24 hour span myself, but that doesn't mean I do it everyday.

And all those stats mean absolutely nothing to me. If you read for 16 hours a day you're not only missing most of the info, you're just as bad a nolife as a cheeto infested basement dwelling shitposter.

But alright, 185 pages a day, so you literally do nothing? have no friends? no family? no sports? no holiday? no hobbies? If you spend even one day not reading because you were out with your mates, you have to read 370 pages the next day.

>> No.5998408

Are you one of these people that yell "soviet propaganda!!" whenever people mention one of their many accomplishments?

That was actually from Montefiore, a very mainstream, generic british writer. I don't think I've ever read a biography of Stalin that doesn't describe as an educated, self-taught, voracious reader. Even Trotsky had to acknowledge that.

>> No.5998412

>And all those stats mean absolutely nothing to me. If you read for 16 hours a day you're not only missing most of the info, you're just as bad a nolife as a cheeto infested basement dwelling shitposter.

Or you are truly committed to literature as an endeavour. And apparently for Percy it paid off.

>> No.5998414

>Good for him. Sure worked wonders, didn't it?

haha yeah i mean going from a poor cobbler soon to the single most powerful individual in the world was no big deal, jokes on THAT guy

>> No.5998415

>projecting your own inadequacies onto others


>> No.5998425

holy shit you're a moron

>> No.5998429

>Good for him. Sure worked wonders, didn't it?
... yes?

>> No.5998448

Paranoid as fuck, always on guard, mass murderer, leader of a shite union.
Amazing life.
>people acting as if they read more than 150 pages every day

>> No.5998461

>Paranoid as fuck, always on guard
Like any leader people are trying to kill

>leader of a shite union.
He took it a shite union, made it the second most powerful state on Earth

>mass murderer
Yeah now you got a point

>> No.5998468

while you yourself are a leader of your dog only, if you have a dog

>> No.5998485

And that's just wirk for others (8 hrs/ day)
Throw in raising kids, making dinner, gardening, social life, and you got 1-2 hrs a day tops for reading.
Bearing in mind, some days less, some days more.

>> No.5998511

>precious little time on Earth
>spend a large amount of your time working

wage slave logic

>> No.5998518

i read 2-3 non fiction

and maybe 4-5 fiction per year.

my mom reads 60-80 books a year but i would definetaly not call her /lit/.

Its quality that matters, not quantity you plebs
>mfw sci-fi retards think they qualify as /lit/

>> No.5998528

Look I know that you guys talk up the NEET life or whatever, but for many of us it isn't even an option. You need a government with a significant social safety net and people one can leech off of. It's either work or go homeless. Trust me, being homeless takes of way more time and energy than working.

>> No.5998531

You think 80 years is "precious little time"?

If time is so precious, why do you spend it on a cambodian war criminal catalog? It's a myth that life is short. Life is very, very long.

>> No.5998538
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I choose to spend my time here, much like I choose to spend my life enjoy leisure, studying what I want, and doing what I want instead of doing what society tells me too

>> No.5998560


Don't pretend you look more like the guy on the left than the guy on the right. Hows that pissjar collection coming along?

>> No.5998587

So your life is basically over?

>> No.5998592

Writers like Eliot, Kafka and Pessoa didn't let their 9-5s stop them from achieving literary greatness.

>> No.5998615

you are underestimating middle age white women and romance books and middle age white men with thrillers.

>> No.5998667

More like I have what's called a "full life", young padawan.

>> No.5998676

Sounds awful.

>> No.5998746

>dinners with friends
>meaningful discussions with spouse
>lovely garden
>1-2 hours to read in evening
Careful, friend, your asperger's is showing.

>> No.5998758

Rather be a sperg than an anonymous mediocrity.

>> No.5998773

i finished exactly 50 books last year
however, i started a few that i haven't finished
would that count as over 50?

>> No.5998777

how did this discussion turn into a debate on the merits of Comrade Stalin

Not quite, 43. 50 isn't hard though, even with a 3 jobs/girlfriend/friends. Might be hard with kids and stuff.

>> No.5999707

no one made him do any of that shit. He wanted it like a fucking full.

>> No.5999734
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>equivocating books

>> No.5999753

I work in a kitchen from 8am-4pm or 4pm-midnight four days of the week and a double shift one day of the week
I got 40ish books done last year
Fuck you OP I'm busy WORKING

>> No.5999770

Pages are not equal, 10 pages of a complex story or a history book could take as long as 50 pages of YA or low quality thriller.

>> No.5999965

a book is a book.

>> No.6000073


That's not true. It took me much longer to read a page in Moby-Dick than it did when I read A Confederacy of Dunces right after it.

I could finish a page of Confederacy sometimes in the amount of time it would take to reread and reread certain passages of Moby-Dick.

>> No.6000111

>all this wageslave jealousy

>> No.6000562

I was the 8% in 2014

The only year I'd ever been and probably one of the few I ever will

But yes, yes I was

>> No.6001425

You gotta go Shelly mode and read 16 hours a day, every day.

>> No.6001489

Seriously. This is a very embarrassing thread for that specific reason.

>> No.6001749

i work a 40 hour week and still read 85 books last year. how you say? because I'm a sperglord with no social life or gf

>> No.6001762

>having a job

easy there normie

>> No.6001766

>tfw only read 49 books
Why did I have to read Ulysses and Poor Fellow My Country?

>> No.6001825

>Not having intellectually surpassed debilitating socially constructed notions of form like "book," "page," "passage," and "pending clause."
>Not swimming unfettered through the mysteries of the protean sublime latent in any cobbling of wordforms