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599439 No.599439 [Reply] [Original]

I'm looking for a book to get for my coworker's birthday, nothing too special or intellectual, any suggestions that aren't 1984 or Brave New World? he doesn't speak english that well either, I think hes indian

>> No.599447

American Indian or East India Tea Company Indian?

>> No.599444

Get him a V.S. Naipul novel with a sticky note on the cover that says "totally not racist bro ;)"

>> No.599453

Get him 'A Passage to India' and 'Reading Lolita in Tehran' with a sticky note that says "whichever one is more relevant to you man! ;)"

>> No.599461

ender's game

>> No.599463

Something Rohinton Mistry

>> No.599468

Get him 'Persepolis' with a sticky note that says "Hey are all your bitches this crazy? ;)"

>> No.599469

I never said I wanted to get him a goddamn indian book

indian indian

>> No.599480

Get him the Manusmrti

>> No.599483

John Steinbeck

something like Cannery Row or Tortilla Flat

>> No.599491

Print out James Joyce's dirty letters to Norah Barnacle on some bible paper. Bundle it loosely together with some dirty twine and put a sticky note on the top sheet that says ";)"

>> No.599505

>he doesn't speak english that well either, I think hes indian

surely if you know him well enough to buy him a gift, you also know his background?

>> No.599509

War of the Worlds. I read the hell out of that book in grade six - starting another read through at the moment!

>> No.599527

war of the worlds is obsolete shit.

i have recently devoured rohinton mistry's "a fine balance",
so, it's really good and it's in english.

>> No.599528

The Day of the Triffids by John Wyndham.

>> No.599530

It doesn't matter what book you get him as long as you leave a sticky note in the middle of it that says "I jerk off in the employee toilet ;)"

>> No.599531

this, cannery row.

>> No.599536

I was considering "Things Fall Apart" but I'm not sure he'd give a shit about african tribes

nope, the subject never came up

>> No.599539

yeah that sounds like a pretty good choice, thanks

>> No.599547

why? isn't steinbeck a bit dry and dreary?

>> No.599562

dudes old and jaded, I think it would suit him fine

>> No.599567

life of pi

>> No.599568

Frenchfag : reading Steinbeck in English is actually easy for someone not bilingual. Even if he uses a lot of vocabulary, it's still understandable by the context.
And, Cannery Row, Sweet Thursday, Tortilla Flat are comical (really. people think Steinbeck only wrote Grapes of Wrath type of depressing shit. not true)

>> No.599616

are you saying this because he is indian?

>> No.599624

ffs he's indian not aboriginal