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File: 221 KB, 594x594, im-an-atheist[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5994317 No.5994317 [Reply] [Original]

What comes after atheism?

>> No.5994326

In terms of societal trends? Agnosticism. Because it's less certain, meaning it's less offensive. After that, mysticism will probably get popular.

>> No.5994328


>> No.5994333

The Kingdom of God

>> No.5994341


>> No.5994346

>Seth MacFarlane
>critical thinker
I'm sure he's not a stupid man, but to assume an entire belief system that billions of people hold is wrong because of some hyperbole and some science articles you vaguely remember reading is a bit short-sighted.

>> No.5994348

Fearful makeup sex with god before death.

>> No.5994360

I'm glad you posted that picture, I had lived before now not knowing that a creator of retarded cartoons considered himself more intelligent than everyone else.

>> No.5994365

Most atheists don't believe the entire belief system is wrong. Rather the assumption they hinge on is wrong, an understandable mistake.

>> No.5994381

Oh, I wrote that wrong, sorry. I was meaning to say the fact that he's surprised a good portion of the modern world disagrees with him shows a huge arrogance coming from the guy who has not exactly shown himself to be an intellectual.

>> No.5994382

Contrarians flip back to theism.

>> No.5994397


>> No.5994398

since religions are mutually exclusive, that means that if you are the follower of any given religion you automatically believe that the followers of every other religion are wrong. the 1.7 billion muslims believe that the 2.2 billion christians and billion-odd hindus in the world are wrong, and so on. how many billions of people do you think are wrong?

>> No.5994400

anon, you talk nice and kind. clearly you are not a faggot. i like you.

>> No.5994406

Eternal suffering in Hell

>> No.5994458

A lot. Maybe all. I don't really know. That's my problem. He was acting like he knew, 100%. I'm a Christian. I think a lot of people are wrong. I don't know though.

>> No.5994465

your 14th birthday

>> No.5994471

Y-you too, anon.

>> No.5994472

Not all religions are mutually exclusive, it's mostly a particularity of abrahamic religions.
And thinking someone follows the wrong religion doesn't mean you think that person is stupid. There are muslims, christians and jews that agree that their neighbor who practice other religion are as worthy of respect and intelligent as them.

Macfarlane depiction of religion, however, is not only crude and inaccurate, but downright disrepectful. "You believe in an invisible man living in the sky" is a veiled way of saying "you're stupid". It's the TV equivalent of

>still believing in a transcendent God

without the humor.

>> No.5994475


Most Christian sects don't believe that Christianity is the only path to salvation, just the only one that's been revealed to us.

>> No.5994477


>> No.5994479

>There are muslims that agree that their neighbor who practice other religion are as worthy of respect and intelligent as them
I think that goes against the Quran.

>> No.5994486
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People start pretending to be interested in Christianity and other religions without ever taking the time to understand them. They start using the word "fedora" often because a minority of atheists dress and act like assholes. This is mostly because it is easier to scapegoat the old hat hidden in your closet instead of developing a non-hedonistic worldview compatible with atheism. It is just another form of feeling superior to a strawman. Most people are crushed under life and children and a wife and bills to think about anything interesting and they adopt cliches they find in Facebook memes and shitty movies on Netflix and take prescription pills.

>> No.5994497

No jews and christians are called children of the book in islam and they are told to respect them despite them not seeing the light just yet.

>> No.5994498
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>> No.5994502

C.S. Lewis suggested that if we ever met aliens, they probably have their own path to salvation, if they needed one at all.

>> No.5994506

Why does /lit/ hate science so much?

>> No.5994514

So agnosticism?

>> No.5994517

Christianity in the Middle-East is almost extinct due to Islamic persecution. I get what you're trying to say, but it's funny.

>> No.5994524

so basically as a christian, you're an atheist of hinduism, an atheist of islam, an atheist of the nordic tradition, and so on

basically you're an atheist of every religion except one

when you understand why that is, you might understand that actual atheists go just one step further

>> No.5994525

>Quran (8:12) - "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them"

>> No.5994526

/lit/ hates the atheist stereotype, just like the rest of the internet. We'll drive it to extinction soon, replaced by another horrible, very rare stereotype that we pretend happens all the time.

>> No.5994528

If God isn't real, then why does religion exist?

>> No.5994538

God is like a silent fart on a crowded elevator: None of you can tell exactly where it came from but all of you can feel it's there.

>> No.5994539

please tell me how hinduism and islam are not mutually exclusive. or christianity and druidic beliefs.

maybe once you've done that you can fly to syria or kashmir and tell them about it, cos they seem to be having a bit of trouble working it out for themselves

>> No.5994544

I'm a Norse Pagan, but I accept that other gods could exist. I believe that Wotan, Thor and the other Norse gods are geographically exclusive, as England, Germany, etc. all had the same gods with different names. The same goes for Southern Europe with the Greco-Roman pantheon.

>> No.5994549

That's not my point at all. I'm fine with him being an atheist. That doesn't bother me. He's just being a dick about it. Lots of Christians are dicks about being Christians. Some Hindus are dicks about being Hindus. He's being a dick about being an atheist.

>> No.5994551

When you say persecution I think you mean christians trading in one belief system for another because it doesn't especially matter which you choose.

>> No.5994552

>considered himself more intelligent than everyone else

How did you draw that conclusion from the OP?

>> No.5994561

No... He means missionaries aren't sent to those areas from churches because of the danger of being a white person. In the middle-east, white=Christian for a lot of extremists.

>> No.5994571

Saying people believe in an "invisible man in the sky" is pretty much calling them all stupid, implying that he's more intelligent.

>> No.5994581


And the cycle continues

>> No.5994597

Mysticism is the new paganism, bro. Get with the times.

>> No.5994601

Anyone who believes in an omnipotent sky fairy who tells them what to do is either an idiot in that regard, or mentally unstable.

>> No.5994615

mmmmaybe. he's right tho

>> No.5994620

Good old alchemy with a bit of science to spice it up.

>> No.5995268

This is why the girls at your junior high don't like you.

>> No.5995297

I think you have no idea what goes against the Quran and what doesn't, and even if you did, who cares ? People do as they please, as always. The book is an excuse, a rationale, or in the best and worst cases a stimulus.

>> No.5995309

>please tell me how hinduism and islam are not mutually exclusive. or christianity and druidic beliefs.

What part of "abrahamic religions" didn't you understand ? Pagans and animists have no problem assimilating gods from others countries. Hell in some region it's hard to tell the difference between christianism and paganism with Christian saints as gods.

>> No.5995311
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>> No.5995321

>soviet union


>> No.5995583

>omnipotent sky fairy who tells them what to do is either an idiot in that regard, or mentally unstable.
And calling someone idiot or mentally unstable for his beliefs it's not only rude for also primitive(were is the tolerance). Believing in a god doesn't have anything to do with being intelligent.

>> No.5995605


>> No.5995631
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>> No.5995646

Are you making a point ?

>> No.5995650

We're afraid that there might not be anything after death or that it might be different than we imagined.

So we make up these stories to feel less scared about dying.

>> No.5995653


>> No.5995662

Atheism +

>> No.5995667

There's nothing wrong with pointing out dumb ideas. It's not his fault that you are so emotionally invested in your beliefs.

Just wondering, do you believe in unicorns? Why or why not?

>> No.5995750

Worship of the State Religion: Medicine. Modern Medicine and Authoritarian "Science" trumping all other ideas.

>> No.5995779

>There are muslims, christians and jews that agree that their neighbor who practice other religion are as worthy of respect and intelligent as them.

Holy shit it is like you never seen a Christian denominations flame war thread. Not to mention RL conflicts

>> No.5995784
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new atheism

>> No.5995801

always go with the most modern reasoning.

>> No.5995812

>Holy shit it is like you never seen a Christian denominations flame war thread.

I haven't because I'm not an American and don't spend my whole life on the internet.

>Not to mention RL conflicts

Read what you quoted again, I mean, read it as if you were actually trying to understand what it means. Do you think I said there was never any conflict between religious people ? Do you think every single Christian ever fought against every person they met that wasn't Christian ? Think about for a moment. Like, more than three seconds straight.

I'm starting to get really pissed at this board's general tendency to leap on thread and posts without bothering to do the disctinctions that could occur to any intellectually responsible ten years old.

>> No.5995820

Why is judaism a millenium younger than catholicism ? Why does catholicism start at a time when the Church didn't exist ?

>> No.5995870


>> No.5995903

Mormons claim all the Jewish patriarchs were Mormons, should we predate Mormonism?
Muhammadans claim all the Jewish patriarchs were Muslims, should we predate Mohammedanism?

The Talmud existed in an incomplete form in the time of Jesus, was rebuked by other Jewish sects as heresy, and gained text over the centuries after Jesus. The earliest existing date where we can mark the end of the apostate Jews changing their religion is only 1342.

>> No.5995922

>Do you think I said there was never any conflict between religious people ? Do you think every single Christian ever fought against every person they met that wasn't Christian ? Think about for a moment. Like, more than three seconds straight.

I got what you mean. But I also didn't say they were fighting all the time either you idoit. It is just that there is usually conflict between abradhamic religion followers that sometimes isn't just violence alone, calling each other heretics and threats to burn them also counts. The RL conflicts is the most obvious answer to point out that conflict. And the respect element in your statement can be attributed to the rise of secularism.

>> No.5996936

>is pretty much calling them all stupid
Seth is an ass, but I think he's calling the idea of anthropomorphic deity stupid, not the people who hold it. It's actually fascinating how a lot of really smart people hold fantastically retarded beliefs and I'm not just talking about religion.

>> No.5996982

>It's actually fascinating how a lot of really smart people hold fantastically retarded beliefs and I'm not just talking about religion.
Like what?

>> No.5996986


>> No.5996991

>implying "truth" is anything but an emotion we feel toward something
Plenty of smart people also have anger issues or depression.

>> No.5997032

>He's just being a dick about it.
Why? It is incredibly strange that miracles only work for the one religion your parents told you was the right one, which is confined to your geographical area, which has been desperately clinged to in the face of contrary evidence for thousands of years, leading to a backtracking of almost every principle it stood for, untill the logical world of miracle performing relics had been reduced to ''well, you're just going to have to take God's word for it, but only my God, because your God is a lie''

The fedora meme will be whipped out, and it's fair, because it's anonymous, so for all you know I'm a 15 year old who just read this argument on reddit, but you can write books about sophisticated reasons, to try and appeal to a sense of logic ammongst both religious people and others, and you can ''not be a dick about it'', but in the end, it really is as simple as this:

Life wasn't more magical than then it was now. There were ordinary people, like you and I, who shat, pissed, puked and fucked, some who were ignorant cunts, some who were smart and respectable. There was a vast herritage of religious and occultist beliefs, with solid stories attached to them, some of the absurd cults got popular, and now people have been murdering eachother for two centuries in the name of this cult. (Not saying the cult is the reason, but for the people who said it was, it was)

Just because your parents are stupid enough to believe something, doesn't mean you should be. Your parents are just as stupid as everyone else. I think the most damaging aspect of ancient culture and Christianity is honor thy elders, because that just leads to perpetuating archaic ideas.

And I know, all of these arguments have been repeated into infinity, and you've heard it all before, but this doesn't make any of it less true. You believe in nothing but your own miracles, and a muslim will call you just as stupid as you call him, and you will both be equally convinced of your own being right. That in itself, is enough evidence for me that it's a completely arbitrary social construct that does nothing but obstruct your life from your own desires, because you're forced to reason around an infallible set of arbitrary morals.

>> No.5997038

Literally most people who are atheists don't give a fuck what stupid shit christians say

christians always think like "hurr, they simply haven't addressed the arguments" but most people seriously think the arguments aren't even worth considering

like, you wouldn't actually debate a 9/11 truther. neither would i debate a christian, it's just retardation

>> No.5997039

ps: I could argue against my own post on every point, don't think this is my only perspective and undeniable truth, there are plenty of details and explanatory things in every little paragraph.

What I'm trying to convey is that you should view the ancients as people, and it will all become incredibly demystified and stupid.

>> No.5997058
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>> No.5997060

Women are lesser beings,they are utterly enslaved to group think.I've yet to meet a female atheist who doesn't reject religion because she wants to be a cock sucking slut.

Existential anguish isn't a thing for females.

>> No.5997070

What's wrong with sucking cock? It's just sucking cock.. Who cares? If women want to have sex, but aren't allowed to because muh religion, I think it's a fine reason to discard your religion.

>> No.5997084

Bruh, the Koran mentions Jesus more than Mohammed. They literally just think that Jesus was another prophet but that the Christians thought he was god on accident. There are Christians living peacefully under Islamic State controlled Syria in case you didn't know. I mean they pay a higher tax and have a separate court system, but they're not beheaded

>> No.5997105
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>not understanding alchemy as a metaphor for individuation

>> No.5997107

>I mean they pay a higher tax and have a separate court system, but they're not beheaded

Still not acceptable.

"not being beheaded" is not a sign of civilization. They're just slightly better than a Taliban, but it's still not enough. Not even close.

>> No.5997134

>he's just being a dick

yup. anyone who says something that contradicts your opinion can be accused of being a dick. muh feelings.

>> No.5997183

>Why? It is incredibly strange that miracles only work for the one religion your parents told you was the right one, which is confined to your geographical area, which has been desperately clinged to in the face of contrary evidence for thousands of years, leading to a backtracking of almost every principle it stood for, untill the logical world of miracle performing relics had been reduced to ''well, you're just going to have to take God's word for it, but only my God, because your God is a lie''
*Christianity is explicitly anti-miracles. Anyone who teaches otherwise is a heretic.
*Christianity confined to a geographical area? Really?

>> No.5997197

Sluts and whores are pschologically damaged and females should be encouraged to remain chaste until marriage.

>> No.5997200


The Pope must be a heretic then, since John Paul II has several recognized miracles under his belt.

>> No.5997203

>Christianity is explicitly anti-miracles

It's like you don't know what you're talking about here...

Just a list of a few miracles that just Jesus performed.

1 Jesus Turns Water into Wine

2 Jesus Heals an Official's Son

3 Jesus Drives Out an Evil Spirit

4 Jesus Heals Peter's Mother-in-Law

5 Jesus Heals Many Sick at Evening

6 First Miraculous Catch of Fish

7 Jesus Cleanses a Man With Leprosy

8 Jesus Heals a Centurion's Servant

9 Jesus Heals a Paralytic

10 Jesus Heals a Man's Withered Hand

11 Jesus Raises a Widow's Son in Nain

12 Jesus Calms a Storm

13 Jesus Casts Demons into a Herd of Pigs

14 Jesus Heals a Woman in the Crowd

15 Jesus Raises Jairus' Daughter to Life

16 Jesus Heals Two Blind Men

17 Jesus Heals a Man Unable to Speak

18 Jesus Heals an Invalid at Bethesda

19 Jesus Feeds 5,000

20 Jesus Walks on Water

21 Jesus Heals Many Sick in Gennesaret

22 Jesus Heals a Gentile Woman's Demon-Possessed Daughter

23 Jesus Heals a Deaf and Dumb Man

24 Jesus Feeds 4,000

25 Jesus Heals a Blind Man at Bethsaida

26 Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind

27 Jesus Heals a Boy with a Demon

28 Miraculous Temple Tax in a Fish's Mouth

29 Jesus Heals a Blind, Mute Demoniac

30 Jesus Heals a Crippled Woman

31 Jesus Heals a Man With Dropsy on the Sabbath

32 Jesus Cleanses Ten Lepers

33 Jesus Raises Lazarus from the Dead

34 Jesus Restores Sight to Bartimaeus

35 Jesus Withers the Fig Tree

36 Jesus Heals a Servant's Severed Ear

37 Second Miraculous Catch of Fish

>> No.5997207

Could you include something of a source for that second claim please? I really want my idiot friends to stop buying into the western propaganda of men in black beheading everyone they get their hands on.

>> No.5997210
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>> No.5997214

Oh I agree with you, anon. I don't like the Islamic State or Islam in general for that matter, I was merely trying to point out that being a member if one religion does not mutually exclude others necessarily. Especially for Judeo-Christian beliefs and Muslims. That's all.

>> No.5997216


except on Judgment Day

>> No.5997218

Not off the top of my head, but let me look for a second. It was a part of a Vice documentary on the Islamic State and then f course they were meeting with the media correspondent (or whatever the fuck ISIS calls this guy - basically one of their propaganda bitches) but I wouldn't be terribly surprised if it was true considering how many panel discussions I've been to, heard things online, etc about Islam and Christianity being very similar. Let me look for it.

>> No.5997219

It's true.Female oxytocin receptors in the brain are damaged by lots of sex with different men.

>> No.5997225

only the blood of Christ can wash away the damage

>> No.5997228

>*Christianity is explicitly anti-miracles. Anyone who teaches otherwise is a heretic.
You better not be a catholic. For a thousand years people brought relics to battle, threatening to the the remains into the river if it didn't aid them, etc.
Also, >>5997203 that.

>*Christianity confined to a geographical area? Really?
Yeah, do I even need to explain this?
The Middle East - majority muslim
Eastern Asia - majority not Christian
Indonesia - Biggest muslim country on earth

This is all without taking into account that ''Christianity'' isn't exactly a uniform religion, look at Ireland for example.

>> No.5997232

*threatening to throw the remains into the river

>> No.5997237

The Islamic State (Full Length): http://youtu.be/AUjHb4C7b94

Here's the link, go to almost exactly the 30min mark (a little before that is them explaining the Muslim courts, and then right at about the 30:00min they talk about the Christians pact they have in the Islamic State). The entire documentary is pretty interesting.

>> No.5997296

An IS participator says something, so it must be true. The christians fleeing are all just scared pussies, right?

>either give me money or there will be nothing but killing and fighting between us
Yeah, they live so peacefully.

>> No.5997312

Because this is marxist /pol/.

>> No.5997317

Come on now, /lit/, I expected you to be better than /b/.

Please see >>5997218, I literally went out of my way to point out, before posting the video, that it was just what their propaganda bitch told Vice.

>> No.5997412

I thought you were >>5997084, who said:
>There are Christians living peacefully under Islamic State controlled Syria in case you didn't know.

>> No.5997418

I'm not religious,but I believe in what I see,the facts on the ground if you will.And all the evidence I've seen leads me to the conclusion that the cock carousel destroys women.

>> No.5997448

Any source on this shit?

>> No.5997459

I am....and just because they're treated unfairly and gave to pay a lot more, doesn't mean it's not peaceful. Regardless of whether or not the IS propaganda is true, they aren't just being shot because they're Christian, you know what I mean?

Peaceful doesn't mean fair or just, it just means nonviolent. Or at least that's how I was using it, perhaps I'm wrong.

>> No.5997495

If you force someone into giving you money in exchange for not being murdered, then you're not being peacefull. You're being abusive, extortive and tyrannical.

A direct threat of lethal violence in order to coerce a population is not ''living peacefully'' under a regime, and once again, the mass emigration testifies for this.

>> No.5997548
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Nobody on this wesbite is qualified from a Muslim perspective to say a single word of opinion on the Quran. Do not attempt to speak on Muslim views unless you are directly quoting a scholar, as these are the only people who have the authority to really speak on the Quran according to Muslims anything else is ignorant or untruthful of what Islam as a concept is. The only thing up for debate is how Islam is used by people, but to try to speak on the concept is absolutely retarded. There are people who devote decades of their lives to scholarship and refuse to answer questions on the religion because they are not qualified, does anyone really think some random fuck on 4chan knows better?

>> No.5997969

Argument from authority is a logical fallacy.

Fuck off, sophist.

>> No.5997983

>having a quote inside of a quote

>> No.5997993

If they can't pay, then, violence is used.

Totally peaceful.

>> No.5998018


The argument from authority is a fallacy either when the authority you're mentioning isn't an authority on the field or when you're saying that the authority MUST be right.
He's doing neither.

>> No.5998021

Only one way to find out.

You've no idea if someone on 4chan could be a 90-year old islamic scholar. I thought that the entire point of an anonymous imageboard was that the identity of the poster plays no part in the post itself? Or am I mistaken? Should we add usernames and job descriptions now, so that we can all know at a glance if a post on a certain topic is revelant or to be immediately discarded?

If you place such great importance on /who/ writes something, rather than what is written there, then I think you're on the wrong website, mate.

It's argument from authority x10. He doesn't want anyone who's not an islamic scholar to say anything about the quran.

>> No.5998029


>implying that Puin, Crone and Donner aren't scholars

Good one Abdul

>> No.5998189

Oh boy I bet he read acclaimed philosopher and theologian Richard Dawkins' scientific papers on religion too!!

>> No.5998264

Sanity is not statistical

>> No.5998271

First you have to define sanity

>> No.5998310


Catholicism, typically.

>> No.5998318

probably a form of totalizing pragmatism or utilitarianism which will culminate in some sort of world-ending event

>> No.5998334


>implying that anyone takes Catholicism intellectually seriously

>> No.5998339

Arguably i would probably say something like Humanism or Egoism
After you realise that you are your own master, to some extent, you either go full Stirner or hold your species as the highest level.
That or you become Ubermensh

>> No.5998345


>> No.5998401

The problem I have is that these atheists actually can't comprehend that someone is religious for any other reason than indoctrination. I understand their arguments since I used to share them years ago, but that just makes me more baffled how ignorant and wrong they are.
Before I read any serious theology I didn't take theism seriously. Needless to say I changed my mind and today I'm convinced in the necessity of an Absolute Being. I see the cosmological argument as hitherto unbeatable, but that's really only the surface of it, a lot of traditional metaphysics are implied in religious ways of understanding these things.
At the very least I clearly see that we should and must discuss these things and get to know the worldviews of the other. A philosophical system that lasted for centuries and still captivates people today is behind most of Christianity and it was shaped by incredibly intelligent people. I can't make fun of it oit of sheer intellectual honesty and respect.

Seriously, read an intellectual giant like Aquinas and tell me that this is a man indoctrinated by Church tyranny. A man who vigorously attacked commonly held opinions of God because he was convinced they were wrong. A man who integrated Catholicism into a clear, logical system that would take a decade of study to fully comprehend and a good background of Aristotle. Simly said a man who thinked about theology every day, and considered the existence of God more than any people today I'd suspect. Under such genius I feel humbled as fuck and even if every Christian I met was a drooling retard it wouldn't say one thing about the validity of Christian metaphysics.

>> No.5998405

but aristotle's argument for teleology in nature is laughably bad

>> No.5998417

>cosmological argument
you realize that argument could ony have been taken seriously in the indoctrinated society that you say atheists are wrong about

and yes, it was an indoctrinated society, just because a couple of educated individuals questioned the church doesn't change the fact that the church was the prime means of social control and indoctrinated the shit out of the peasantry, who were around 80% of the population

>> No.5998419
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Christianity is on the rebound. The good Shepard won't let his herd stray too far.

>> No.5998430

keep telling yourself that

>> No.5998441
File: 32 KB, 400x256, post-2011-06-03-the-good-shepherd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will, and when we die Ill be the one laughing.

>> No.5998453

>Before I read any serious theology I didn't take theism seriously.

I read serious theology and I still don't. I find most of the stuff that Aquinas uses to 'prove God' some of the dumbest stuff ever. Most of the 'arguments' for God involve arguments from ignorance, begging the question, misrepresentation and outright namecalling. Combine that with the fact that we have a fairly good grasp of how most big religions were developed (usually a slow development over multiple centuries) and most of the stuff that religions claim become absolute gibberish

>> No.5998458

Modern scientific theories have only strengthened the cosmological argument.
Vor centuries the claim that the universe had a beginning was controversial and you had to take it up on faith. Now it's almost the other way around.
So no I don't see your view. Design is more and jore apparent the more you look into these things.

>> No.5998467

>In terms of societal trends? Agnosticism. Because it's less certain, meaning it's less offensive. After that, mysticism will probably get popular.
I second this

>> No.5998475

>Modern scientific theories have only strengthened the cosmological argument.

No they haven't, because nothing in cosmology even remotely suggests that all of this was the result of an entity with intelligence and a conscious will. In fact, most of the stuff we find show that structure in the universe is almost invariably the result of mindless processes

>> No.5998490

Even Aquinas is indoctrinated.
Every theologion is indoctrinated, except for someone who creates a completely new religion. Aquinas was trying to prove the existence of God. He could've been the smartest man ever, the most noble of figures, eloquent and every positive aspect you want to attribute to him, but he started from the position that God was real. Christian God was real. That's indoctrination.

I'd love for there to be someone who wrote a thesis on a philosophical necessity to existence that isn't attached to some supposedly infallible book with rules from this supposed necessity.

Not all theists are stupid, some are very smart, but their theism obstructs their thought because their reasoning always circles around the infallable God that is nestled in their minds. This doesn't mean that all they say is dumb, not at all, there can be the most intelligent people of any field imaginable stemming from religious beliefs, but metaphysics...

>> No.5998507

That's pretty pathetic of you, to laugh at all the people who missed out on heaven but entirely consistent.

>> No.5998530

>Modern scientific theories have only strengthened the cosmological argument.
well, we know there was some kind of creative force, doesn't have anything to do with god

> Design is more and jore apparent the more you look into these things.
you are not in a position to make this statement, if everything really was designed then that means nothing you have ever seen was not designed and you have no idea what something that was not designed looks like. therefore, if the universe was designed then it is impossible for you to know the difference between something designed and something not designed. Therefore if the universe is in fact designed there would be no way of discerning this fact in such a universe anyone who claims that they can see evidence of design is lieing.

>> No.5998585

That's about 85% true at least.

Can't believe I never realized that.

>> No.5998596

>you are not in a position to make this statement, if everything really was designed then that means nothing you have ever seen was not designed and you have no idea what something that was not designed looks like. therefore, if the universe was designed then it is impossible for you to know the difference between something designed and something not designed. Therefore if the universe is in fact designed there would be no way of discerning this fact in such a universe anyone who claims that they can see evidence of design is lieing.

Is there a name for this argument? I've had similar thoughts myself but you put it much more neatly.

>> No.5998606


Wouldn't that make the design proposition an unfalsifiable proposition?

>> No.5998625

>Is there a name for this argument?
not that i know of

>Wouldn't that make the design proposition an unfalsifiable proposition?
well yes, but it was already unfalsifiable, the argument simply holds that you cannot logically claim to see any evidence of design

>> No.5998727


The only logical conclusion an honest atheist has to come to grips with is either total nihilism or total self-annihilation. There is literally nothing to live for and degrees of value are by definition, non-existent. Self-destruction is the only logical conclusion. Any atheist who doesn't kill himself is a phony faggot.

>> No.5998745

then why are you typing this post and not killing yourself?

>im not an atheist

then please dont tell us how to live

>> No.5998762

>then please dont tell us how to live

Then be honest with yourself and realize that you have no direction, purpose, or value in the universe and only exist as an empty sack of cells which will be forgotten and your life ultimately rendered meaningless, including this conversation.

>> No.5998768

He can live hedonistically or wait for possible god revelations

>> No.5998784

>Then be honest with yourself and realize that you have no direction, purpose, or value in the universe and only exist as an empty sack of cells which will be forgotten and your life ultimately rendered meaningless, including this conversation.
im the ubermensch, bitch, i am a self propelling wheel and i shall never submit to you're slave morality of 'thou shalt'

>> No.5998850

>i'm the ubermensch

Power and self-impowerment mean nothing. They are fantasies the human brain employs to trick man into thinking their life has any sort of meaning or purpose. The ubermensch is the most delusional of all people. Even more so than religious people, for he believes that he has attained a destiny which he himself has forged when destiny is an illusion. He is merely a slave to his biological functions and his inevitable march towards death.

>> No.5998858


For what purpose? Why would he do that? It is all meaningless.

>> No.5998912

Ok, I already do. What's your point?

>> No.5999118

Living for the joys of living isn't meaningless.

>> No.5999188

This is the part where you begin to realize that the concept of "fantasies the human brain employs to trick man into thinking their life has any sort of meaning or purpose" is the same as "realities the human brain employs to convince man into thinking their life has a meaning and purpose" stated negatively.

Those sentences say the same thing, just one looks at it from a negative point of view and the other with a positive. Neither are true.

>> No.5999193
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You know, this is very true for me. After my atheist phase I was just left with the terrible realization that nothing matters anymore. I've thought about it every night for about 7 years now. Sometimes I cry, sometimes I don't. I want to be enlightened by god but I'm too far gone, too close minded. It's unfortunate really.

>> No.5999195

You seem to be of the opinion that the human brain and the human being are separate entities, that one 'tricks' the other.

Once you see how little sense that makes you can move past this kind of thinking.

>> No.5999211

Why is it that when the idea "nothing matters" pops into your mind it matters so much to you that it can bring you to tears?

If you were in the presence of a person who's dog had just died and they were weeping over its dead body how could you possibly believe them if they then looked up at you and said, "It doesn't matter to me that this dog died"?

You don't want to be "enlightened by god" you want to find something that will keep the thought "nothing matters" (which paradoxically means quite a bit to you) from popping into your head.

I've been there.

>> No.5999217

Let me guess, you read Dawkins "refutation" of Aquinas in the God Delusion and now you think you understand Aquinas?

>> No.5999230

because it's a joke picture, ya dummy

>> No.5999236

lel, you think Aquinas' theology was derived from the bible?

Do you even Plato&Aristotle?

>> No.5999248


No, I simply figured out that the argument from ignorance, special pleading and begging the question are fallacies

>> No.5999273


Which is why any honest atheist is a devout nihilist or is on the path to suicide or insanity.

Case in point--Nietzsche.

Dostoyevsky identified this problem when Ivan Karamazov simply can not handle a world with suffering and a world without God. His mind breaks.

>> No.5999289


Or you could simply conclude that the meaning of life is an unknown, like a non retarded person

>> No.5999310

>Which is why any honest atheist is a devout nihilist or is on the path to suicide or insanity.
To say this is a universal phenomenon is simply baseless, but I would agree that what you refer to is a problem with a lot of people today. Secular meditation can help, or at least it did for me.

>Case in point--Nietzsche.
I don't think you really get Nietzsche considering that you present Dostoyevsky as a counterpoint. Nietzsche was a big fan of Dosty.

>Or you could simply conclude that the meaning of life is an unknown, like a non retarded person

Or instead of seeing meaning as something handed to you by fate/the universe/god/anything outside yourself you could arrive at the conclusion that the only context in which meaning even makes sense is the one where it comes from within.

Just because a meaning isn't handed to you by god doesn't mean it's not real.

>> No.5999325

I think it was easier to say nothing matters instead of explaining the thoughts that go through my head every night.

I don't think of it like that. I just keep asking myself if this is it and I get frustrated knowing that I'll die just like everyone does and all my memories will be gone after. I just can't accept it but it's not in my control so fighting is useless.

I want to believe that there is a big reunion of all the people I've loved after I die and we talk after years of not seeing each other. I want to know that there is a presence beyond ourselves out there. I just want answers but I'll never get them.

What did you do after?

>> No.5999348

No, I don't, and I didn't say that. I never even mentioned the Bible. Where are you getting this from?

>> No.5999351

>the conclusion that the only context in which meaning even makes sense is the one where it comes from within.

This sounds dangerously close to Kirkegaard.

Besides, what is "within"? What is "the self"? And why are we to believe it is not simply another product of chemical reactons, and thus meaningless? The moment an Atheist relies on anything outside of the material world to justify his position he has opened himself up to the very position which he himself denies; namely that meaning, truth, ideas, etc. can exist outside of the physical realm and thus must reconsider his position.

I'm not saying he has to believe in a God of sorts, but he'd be hard pressed to find a better explanation for transcendent 'truth'.

>> No.5999355

u wot m8

>> No.5999358

>I'd love for there to be someone who wrote a thesis on a philosophical necessity to existence that isn't attached to some supposedly infallible book with rules from this supposed necessity

So you're not referring to the bible here?

>> No.5999392

>I just keep asking myself if this is it

To make judgments about life as a whole implies that you have a perspective somehow outside life, which you don't.

>I'll die just like everyone does and all my memories will be gone after.
The fact that you're afraid of dying and losing your memories means that you value life and the content of your memories positively, they have meaning for you. So your problem isn't so much that life doesn't have meaning, it's that it has quite a lot for you and you're afraid of losing it.

>it's not in my control so fighting is useless
Who's control is it in then? If you're like me you probably have some notion that there's "you" and then there's the deterministic forces which control "you", and they're the one with the real power.
Does that make sense?

>I want to believe that there is a big reunion of all the people I've loved after I die and we talk after years of not seeing each other. I want to know that there is a presence beyond ourselves out there
>I just want answers but I'll never get them.
Before setting out to find answers you had already defined what those answers would be and now your sad that the answers you've found aren't the ones you had dreamed of finding.

>This sounds dangerously close to Kirkegaard.
Never read anything by him. Why is it dangerous to to approach him? Is that just a way for you to say you don't agree with him?

>And why are we to believe it is not simply another product of chemical reactons, and thus meaningless?
What does it matter we are a product of chemical reactions? See the problem with this is that to see a problem with "simply being chemical reactions" you have to actually see yourself as separate from those "simple chemical reactions". You have to see yourself as a powerless being -over here- looking at and judging the cruel, meaningless tyrant "chemical reactions" -over there-. Does this view make sense?

>> No.5999400


>> No.5999410

A belief system that is built on a single grain of sand.

And the stupidity of people.

>> No.5999427

>Never read anything by him. Why is it dangerous to to approach him? Is that just a way for you to say you don't agree with him?

It's dangerously close because Kirkegaard essentially identifies the human being as a "self", a finite being attempting to grasp at infinitude. I agree with him on many accounts. The Sickness Unto Death deals specifically with this topic.

>> No.5999434

Are we just gonna ignore that the style of this image is laughably edgy?

>> No.5999470


Since half the thread is basically edgy teens "reflecting" on the meaning of life and coming up with banalities, yes, we might as well.

>> No.5999475

I mean, it almost looks satirical

>> No.5999483
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>critical thinker
>hurr durr guns are bad, if we banned them all there would be no street crime

>> No.5999491

I'm referring to the fact that he is trying to prove the existence of the Biblical God. Not that he's using Biblical theology. From the get-go his philosophy was to prove the existence of God, no?

>> No.5999494


Yeah, it sorts of look like one of those fedora caricatures.

>> No.5999534

Does that make his proofs of God invalid? Scientists at CERN wanted to prove the Higgs Boson, does that make their proof meaningless?

>> No.5999559


>Does that make his proofs of God invalid?

Not that guy but there are several other reasons why the five ways are wrong, it's just that aquinas' enterprise wasn't exactly honest and open minded which really doesn't help his case.

>> No.5999584

But the more educated people become, the fewer of them believe.

Except in the US of A.

>> No.5999595

well, it is.

>> No.5999597

It's really hard to have a discussion with you.. You never reply to what I actually say, it seems.

My original point was that Aquinas was indoctrinated. Which he was, and that because he was indoctrinated, his philosophy always suffers as a result, because:
>their theism obstructs their thought because their reasoning always circles around the infallable God that is nestled in their minds.

There is also a difference between thinking of a measurable concept (Higgs) and trying to prove it, to see if it actually exists, and already being 100% convinced something exists, because your whole world revolves around it, and then coming up with some reasons as to why you're correct.

Once again, not saying Aquinas wasn't incredibly smart and all of that, but the fact that he was an indoctrinated christian ruined his potential.

>> No.5999606

Belief in you, dog. I will worship YOU

>> No.5999617

worm food marketing

>> No.5999641

>people are only religious because their parents are

What a terrible argument

>> No.5999674

Is there a word for belief in God but not religion?
Or does that just fall under Atheism

>> No.5999702

You're right, that was the entire argument I made. There was literally nothing else in my post but that.

Have a look at the IS video linked somewhere in this thread, take a look at the Belgian.

>> No.5999721

That is literally the definition of theism. Religion is organized thiesm

>> No.5999724


>> No.5999729

I'm using literally in the literal sense here, I figure that needs to be pointed out on 4chan.

>> No.5999761

Please give some actual criticism why the five ways are wrong.

Right, so if Aquinas was an atheist, you would view his work differently?

>> No.5999793

Agnosticism and tolerance of religion, at least that's what it was for me after my euphoric period

>> No.5999805

>critical thinker
>vehemently defend that because something is unprovable it is factually false
>not the only truthful way

>> No.5999819

Reminder that there is no middle agnosticism

>> No.5999828

Did I imply that, or were you just clarifying?

>> No.5999836
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>> No.5999843

>Did I imply that
A bit, it's a common misconception

>> No.5999849

Goerge Carlin is a universal genius

>> No.5999867

Oh boy, I knew someone was going to post this. Just because you feel insecure about somebody disagreeing with you doesn't mean that they're just pretending to in order to feel above you.

Instead of attacking me, why not refute what I say about agnosticism being the true way?

>> No.5999880

well, the important thing is that the guy who drew that shitty comic found a way to feel superior to all three of the types of people it contains.

Seriously how can you draw this and not realize that the irony just ends up making you exactly what you're mocking.

apparently he could only see 2 meta levels and not 3.

>> No.5999886

Just by claiming to be agnostic, I implied that it meant I was on the fence about belief in god? Did I say anything specifically that made you think that's what I was saying?

>> No.5999899


>I'm an agnostic, debate me!!1

lolwat, I was simply commenting on the fact that theists worship God, atheists worship science, and agnostics worship the inside of their own anal cavity. No need to be mean, little Jimmy, you're still a special snowflake to mommy

>> No.5999907

oh u r a joker
I'll still be here if you want to talk :)

>> No.5999909

>I implied that it meant I was on the fence about belief in god?
No, not exactly
I apologize for troubling you

>> No.5999910


>meta level

Is that the level in which you're not a gigantic gaywad?

>> No.5999919

No that's the 6th meta level

>> No.5999921

>What comes after atheism?


It didn't always exist.

>> No.5999932

Thus the cycle continues

>> No.5999933


No, but seriously, there is not going to be a standing ovation or a special parade in your honor because you've found a way to jam your head up your own ass so far your forehead is coming out of your own mouth, so stop it with the self congratulating

>> No.5999939

atheism is a rejection of the belief in god; a disbelief, not the lack of belief.
agnosticism came first, then theism, then atheism.

>> No.5999952

Or maybe, just maybe, somebody is positing their thoughts for reasons besides wanting to be a "special snowflake". You're making a lot of assumptions, and I think they're either based on your preconceived notion on typical 4channers or personal insecurities, but seriously, simmer down, it's not healthy to get this worked up over trivial shit.

>> No.5999961


That must be why you respond in such a butthurt manner

>> No.5999962

And do not argue with the People of the Scripture except in a way that is best, except for those who commit injustice among them, and say, "We believe in that which has been revealed to us and revealed to you. And our God and your God is one; and we are Muslims [in submission] to Him."

>> No.5999964

>atheism is a belief

>> No.5999976

What was "butthurt" about my responses?

>> No.5999982

A religion revolving around science.

>> No.5999987

where did i say that?

>> No.5999990


The number of responses mostly, and the faggy 'debate me!!!1' shit

>> No.5999995

>atheism is a default state

I can't take 4chan seriously anymore.

>> No.6000004
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pusheen get

>> No.6000026

If I'm being called out I'm obviously going to defend myself, and you seem equally interested in responding. I wasn't trying to instigate a debate, all I said is that if you don't like what I say then you should argue with my viewpoints, not attack your perceived idea of what kind of person I am.

>> No.6000060
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>all I said is that if you don't like what I say then you should argue with my viewpoints, not attack your perceived idea of what kind of person I am.
>what is the fedora maymay

This would be ironic if it didn't demonstrate how completely unaware you are of your own immense hypocrisy

>> No.6000067

What did I say that was hypocritical?

>> No.6000080

>appeal to authority is wrong because of my appeal to the masses

>> No.6000100

atheism is the null hypothesis. not euphoric atheism as in "i KNOW god does not exist" but "i have no convincing proof god exists so i accept the null hypothesis that god does not exist"

>inb4 fedora

>> No.6000108

"atheism is... not the lack of belief"

>> No.6000117

did you actually misread it that bad, or are you just taking the piss?
i said that atheism is a DISbelief.

>> No.6000131

what is the exact difference between "lack of belief" and "disbelief", thomas aquinas?

>> No.6000134

no, atheism came first.

there's no such thing as pure agnosticism. You either live your life as if there was a god, or you don't.

You don't have to be certain of yourself, but at the end of the day, you're either doing one, or the other.

before people ever acted as if there was an omnipotent deity watching over their actions, they didn't, and that made them atheists.

there was no uncertainty over this stance, because there wasn't an alternative yet (theism).

>> No.6000143

disbelief is the rejection of a belief. lack of a belief is neutral, simply saying that the given belief is not held. neither words imply that i said atheism is a belief.

>> No.6000147

the specific rejection of theism came before theism? huh, interesting how time works.

>> No.6000165

>You either live your life as if there was a god, or you don't.
implying people aren't self contradicting and paradoxical. it's like you don't even understand human nature.

>> No.6000173

okay..... lol, how about this then:

implicit atheism -> theism -> explicit atheism


>> No.6000206

better, but why tack on a word to a state where the question wasn't even considered? "agnostic" fits better than "implicit atheism" here because it blankets all "default state" beliefs, while "implicit atheism" is contrived, since it's dealing with the thoughts of a period of time where the term was meaningless since the question wasn't pondered yet.

>> No.6000208

You're an idiot.

An atheist is someone who actively disregards the possibility of a god or gods. If they don't, they aren't atheists because they're either unaware or haven't taken a stance on the issue yet.

>> No.6000218

came here to post this.

>> No.6000221

>An atheist is someone who actively disregards the possibility of a god or gods.
No, that's an agnostic. An atheist is someone who specifically rejects the concept of gods.

>> No.6000307


>> No.6000359

>appeal to authority is wrong

In what way is Seth McFarlane an "authority"?

>> No.6000366

I was referring to the 'some science articles' part.

>> No.6000884

Personally I adhere to Agnosticism believes Atheism entails logical positivism and I'm not a fucking idiot.

>> No.6001377

Same, atheists bashing christians for believing in some thing about which they have no proof baffles me, since that's exactly what atheists do.

>> No.6001463

>muh feelings

>> No.6001464


>> No.6001487

People bandy around language without a thought regarding semantics and definitions.

This debate will never more forward.

>> No.6001557

I have never understood these threads. Christianity has been the best thing I have ever embraced. It provides a meta-narrative, a motivation to help others, a sense of guidance and peace, a passion for the pursuit of knowledge, a virtue to follow and other pragmatic benefits I can't recall at this time.

In terms of 'evidence', I really only have my subjective experience. A overwhelming sense of God's love, guidance and purpose. I could be stark raving mad, but holy shit is it working out for me. Its the fucking good life.

>Muh feelings.
Yep. That has a lot to do with it, it makes me happy and is reasonable, if not provable in an evidentialist sense.

>But you enforce it on others!
Never have. Following Jesus should always be voluntary. Although a lot of Christians seem to do this.

> Enjoy being deluded dumb sheep XDDD I is a ckritycal finka.
Whatever helps you sleep at night.

Read Kierkegaard, read Tillich if you are keen.

Now back to the 'rational' discussion.

>> No.6001862

I just really have a hard time believing in any kind of Resurrection or afterlife

>> No.6001865

>no other gods before me etc

>> No.6002162

Atheism = not theism. If you are not a theist, you are an atheist.

You could be an agnostic (negative) atheist or a gnostic (positive) atheist. Agnosticism and atheism aren't mutually exclusive. The theism/atheism axis describes whether a belief in a deity is present or not, the gnosticism/agnosticism axis describes whether or not the person claims certainty.

I think that Dawkins is wrong when he criticizes agnosticism and constructs it as some sort of cop-out. To me, it seems to be a misunderstanding of agnosticism, and simply a chastising as any atheist who doesn't share the enthusiasm he does for declaring from the rooftops why religion is stupid and not being a theist is so much superior.

>> No.6002180

Resurrected martyr reporting in. Confirming that afterlife is real thing.

It's VIP only and has all the cocaine and maddened orgies you can imagine.

>> No.6002222

it means your imagination is poor and your mind is dogmatized by the common sense. the common sense, a bunch of common ideas of what is possible, is good for everyday life but it's not a good thing to follow neither in science nor in philosophy

>> No.6002291


A lot of those who self-identify as atheists are still open for the possibility of a god (Dawkins is included here), if the evidence comes around, that is. Some people call them agnostic. Since there's no evidence, they live lives on the non-belief of gods.

Some self-identifying agnostics equate agnosticism to something like "confused" or "apathetic". Atheist, agnostic - depends on the person you're asking and how they define the term.

>> No.6002534
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New Sincerity

>> No.6002563

dayum ivan could paint

>> No.6002599


>In terms of 'evidence', I really only have my subjective experience

And this is the core problem, because some people present their subjective experience as 'evidence' that UFOs are real. Feminists have their subjective experience as 'evidence' that the patriarchy is oppressing them. It means jackshit when we're talking about what is actually real

>> No.6002616


No, it means you have a set of standards when it comes to distinguishing whatever is true from whatever is false and don't let your life be guided by a bunch of hysterical idiots who lived in the desert two millenia ago

>> No.6002650

Confliction is a necessary trait of understanding. The most true believer is also the one that sees mistakes. In a way, seemingly spontaneous bouts of idiocy help genius to flourish.

>> No.6002662

>I haven't because I'm not an American and don't spend my whole life on the internet.

You just did what you complain about Seth doing.

>> No.6002667

I think its more important to ask what comes after Nihilism and Hedonism? The Western world seems to be dominated by these two schools of thought.

>> No.6002683

If we applied this reasoning to ideas besides Islam, we would have nothing to talk about because no one here is a best selling author, tenured professor of philosophy, or world traveling literary lifestyle guru. For both good and bad, people deserve to speak of things they aren't "qualified" to speak of.

>> No.6002687


Dude, ignore him. He's just an asshole.

>> No.6002714


>Nihilism v. Hedonsim

No, you're thinking of the edgy subculture to which you belong. Western society it categorized by Greek Ideals of freedom, democracy, essentially balancing the Republic with City of God.

Hedonism was anathema until about 1963. Nihilism is still edgy, even Nietzsche believed that improvement of the self was valuable.

>> No.6002723

And this is why the West continues to show complete indifference to its problems. Its hard to tell if its the ultimate weakness or the ultimate strength. Its inevitable that this indifference will fuck everything up, but then, it also makes the fucking up irrelevant.

>> No.6002769

>Western society it categorized by Greek Ideals of freedom, democracy, essentially balancing the Republic with City of God.

But we have been steadily moving past these ideals for some time now, to the point that some of them are only lip-service. We don't really care for the actualization, so long as we have this false sense of "choice", like the choice between a red car and a blue car and so on which is actually an absence of choice in that the ability to choose something "not a car" is not even recognizable. As long as we have "freedom", no one cares that the government and businesses are given increasingly larger ratios of power, that our cultural traditions are second to the multicultural tolerance, or that these trivial "choices" that you make end up being made for you by obvious cost-benefit analysis.

Its hard to imagine that the West will still be a Democracy in anything but name in another 100 or so years.

>> No.6002802

Sentimentalism. People are becoming more in touch with their religious roots without actively practicing.

>> No.6002808
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>> No.6003009

>Western society it categorized by Greek Ideals of freedom, democracy, essentially balancing the Republic with City of God.
this is more a social choice. What drives the individual ?

And you mention freedom ; but freedom of what ?

Idem with democracy : there are people who try to establish a more democratic system, as they say, but they only know that the actual system sucks and have absolutely no clue where to start a new system as the ambient subjectivism seem insurmountable...

>> No.6003449

>that oceangrunge painting


>> No.6003532

ignosticism, yes, ignosticism.

>> No.6003536

You just converted me.

>> No.6003545

Truly the patrician flavour if combined with a gentle, Epicurean apatheism.

>> No.6003572

If everything goes right and the world stops with religion and totalitarian regimes, What awaits us is a hyper flexible world society, a rush towards biological immortality and eventually a complete escape into vitality that we can easily(unlike reality) design and bend to our hive mind(a result of worldwide instantaneous communication and idea sharing).Virtuality will act as a filter through which we safely engage reality and shield ourselves from the tragedies of its randomness.

We will all work in unison, blend together and become one big productive intelligence.
Already we can see how anyone with internet access essentially "knows" most of what humanity knows, the problem is that it still takes time to "know" it when you need to because of lag due to all the filters between our processing and the information.
Once we connect Wikipedia and shit like social networks directly to our brains thats it.

>> No.6003575


>> No.6003581

bananas in the ass

>> No.6003592

Hedonism an anathema until 1963?
How about epicures's ideas?
Rich people with nothing to do have existed for a long time now.

>> No.6003614
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>> No.6003615
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You are either a teenager or read too much of the spin media.
>Scientists discover how ageing works! In 50 years we are all gunna be immortal!

>> No.6003622

Reminder that all predictions of future technology that people were actually willing to accept were always way too conservative.

Reminder that predictions of future technology that people called insane and implausible were actually closer to reality.

>> No.6003624

We create meaning and others create meaning to our lives as we live it.
having meaning to one's life just means engaging with the world.
The one who engages with the world has "chosen" the meaning to his life.
Meaning is a concept only available to us sentient self conscious beings. It exists within society and we as part of society assign meaning to different things including our own existence.

We have evolved as a result of natural process to be biological creatures that inherently want to survive.
Our lives start with the very basics, our needs as creatures, food, society, shelter from the elements and so on.
Since most of us cannot avoid but survive, we start by making sure we have the basics needed for survival.
Than as we became more productive we realized that we happen to also enjoy stimulating our imagination and our curiosity, that was evolutionary advantageous, can be a source of happiness.

From here we get culture, science, exploration, entertainment etc..
We do what we enjoy and our curiosity and changing experience through time changes what we enjoy and so on...
People look for meaning when one hobby or interest or occupation in their life dies out and they have not yet found another anchor to their life.

>> No.6003638



belive in urself :)

>> No.6003645

This is also why fears of an AI are ridiculous and are a result of misunderstandings.
The only possibly dangerous AI is the AI people program to be Dangerous.
In fact, there is no reason why an artificial Intelligence not directly programmed to survive would not self destruct.
We only survive and continue living, as oppose to self destructing at a first sign of inconvenience, because we have to..Our interest in life is a direct result of our biological "programming".
The psychological torture that we must experience(that is a result of our evolution) before finally deciding to commit suicide means that we have to experience a lot of discomfort in our lives to force us to overcome our inherent aversion to the idea of our own death.

>> No.6003650


>> No.6003652

Reminder that's cherry picking cases and wishful thinking.

>> No.6003656

I wrote it cause its the best and most positive thing i can think of. One way or another, our choices and quality of life have increased throughout history(with bumps of course) and it seems now that after we get rid of the lack of education many people still suffer from(that results in religion, totalitarian thinking and other irrational shit), we will be able to accomplish the goals that are already visible to us.
I dont know if it will be in 50 years or 500 but we have been around for 300,000 now so either would not be a very long time.

>> No.6003662

What about it do you disagree with?

>> No.6003665

We always had more and less intelligent people and always education about the world increased but now with online connectivity and digital information, the spread of information itself and its delivery have increased exponentially.

>> No.6003679

I would dare say that many 4channers and others ,who cant seem to focus their life, lack this very basic understanding of what drives interest motivation and purpose.
If you are a child, your parents are responsible For providing you the tools to give meaning to your own life and focusing you on something.
If you are an adult you have to dig deep, kick away all external expectations and ideals, and ask yourself what do you want to do, what can give you pleasure even if you are not the best and never will be the best and even if others might not approve.

Of course as we become older and approach death all endevours seem more and more pointless and thus it is harder to muster up motivation, it is still possible however, to find meaning and fulfillment at an old age even if you lacked it throughout your entire life.

>> No.6003682

Yes, hence the
>only one that's been revealed to us
meaning the human race does not and presumably never will have another path to salvation.
Therefore that doesn't contradict
>no other gods before me
at all.

>> No.6003686

the human nature is sheer technique to lessen our woes and improve our joys, nothing else.
As said, we get more more knowledge but what matters is equally the how we manage this. A head well-filled matters just as a head well-formed.

All you can say is that we tend to hedonism by reducing our sufferings and never ever reducing our pleasures. To depart from the human nature is truly to ask why to diminish our pleasures.

>> No.6003688


Anything else is a fad

>> No.6003694

Not true. You didnt bother googling it? takes 2 seconds to make sure...

>> No.6003705

An argument from authority is when you claim an argument about biology is correct simply because a renowned biologist used it.
If you have a brain you do not ultimately consider something to be true, no matter what big of an expert on the topic says it is true.
You have to repeat the experiments and test reality to make sure what he is saying is deductively sound and relies on proper experimentation.
This is how the scientific method manages to produce credible results that solve problems.

You a leading scientist in climate? Ok I still need to check your arguments.

>> No.6003727

Ah.. so cute...Dont worry you can overcome your fears...Its like watching a kid say something very revealing about himself but he is too naive to realize how obvious he is being.

>> No.6003729

your life, lived.

>> No.6003732

I bet you cock-sucking "christians" haven't even read the kirk. I bet you've never had a true existential crisis in your life. Fear and tremble before god you worthless drones

>> No.6003826


>> No.6003852


>> No.6004369

So fucking what?

Doesn't mean I have to kill myself or hate the existence I have. That's just you projecting your own insecurities and dependency on your religion. I'm fully aware of my place in the universe, I just don't care.

>> No.6004399

In a world with no purpose, and no objective good and evil, there's no universal moral imperative to do 'good'.

It's just that living and trying to do 'good' feels good. Why should you need a purpose ordained by some being claiming to be your lord and master? You can make your own. Isn' ruminating on your own existence part of philosophy?

Your claims are pointless. You're telling people what you think their worldview should be based on stereotypes. Why? You're not going to turn a bunch of life-loving atheists into 2edgy4me killeverything nihilists.

>> No.6004411

We're not tumblr.

Well, we weren't. These days, I'm not so sure.

>> No.6004415


>> No.6004426
File: 32 KB, 500x375, nihil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ladies and gentlemen, the phenomenon of a real human bean.
Realizing the futility of life and the meaningless of existence; "I don't give a fuck!" he exclaims and proceeds to be an insignificant, purposeless sack of cells like any other day.

Sigh, look at these wonderful repeating numbers. Why do they excite me so?

>> No.6004428

People who claim with certainty there is no god are gnostic atheists.

Wouldn't 'atheist' just imply 'not a theist'? Ergo, if a theist is someone who has belief in the existance of a god, then an atheist is someone who doesn't have that belief. That doesn't mean the atheist believes that god doesn't exist.

I don't care what you call yourself, I'm just saying that most atheists don't make the claim that god/gods doesn't/don't exist, they just don't accept the claims that they do- like you.

>> No.6004455

It is not a stretch to presume that billions of people are idiots.

>> No.6004463


underrated post. my sides are so nonexistent atheists are shouting at it.

>> No.6004483

Sure thing, keep telling yourself that.

I'll be over here, with my empirical evidence and scientific method. Oh, and the giant robot I've built using them.

>> No.6004486

Robots aren't empyrical.

>> No.6004487
File: 906 KB, 1000x1000, 5271405684_bf924d5842_b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fear of hyperdimensional multiverse chaos

>> No.6004492

Or to change ourselves such that we biologically find pleasure in other things. It's always an option.

>> No.6004493
File: 281 KB, 2822x2500, 1389099501833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh Anon, you've built a gigantic robot?
Can I see it? :3

>> No.6004495

For a week. Then the locusts jump ship and move on to gaming.


>> No.6004505

What's it like, being a nihilist?

>> No.6004508

They are when they're made by the empire.

Yes, it should be up your ass. Just turn your head slightly to the left and you'll be able to see it!

>> No.6004518
File: 47 KB, 369x368, 1387860436297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think it's there, anon. D-do you want to take a look?

>> No.6004527

No, because I'm not aGastroenterologist

>> No.6004535
File: 35 KB, 368x368, Absolutely.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6004619


>> No.6005242


>> No.6006146

A+ underrated post