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/lit/ - Literature

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5992793 No.5992793 [Reply] [Original]

>IRL friend recommeds goodreads to me, since 'you love books so much!'
>check their 'best books ever' list
>1 The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games, #1)
>2 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Harry Potter, #5)
>3 To Kill a Mockingbird
>4 Twilight (Twilight, #1)
>5 Pride and Prejudice

>> No.5992807

suck a dick op then maybe youll get better friends.

>> No.5992811

This just in! Popular things are popular!

>> No.5992829


Popular and best are not synonyms.


>> No.5992843

>7. The Chronicles of Narnia

>> No.5994122


What's with /lit/'s compulsive need to feel superior to others?


I thought the popular philosophies involved not giving a shit about how people enjoy themselves.

>> No.5994129

le patrician face xd

>> No.5994131

>unironically being this much of a pleb
shouldn't you be out harvesting my crops or something?

>> No.5994133

We aren't judging them for liking Twilight and The Hunger Games. We are judging them because they think those books are the best ever written.

>> No.5994138

>can't explain how they're not the best books ever

>> No.5994143

what's wrong with pride and prejudice? written by a woman?

>> No.5994145

>Implying this list isn't commercial advertising in its laziest form

Clearly they're not talking about quality when you put THG as the pinnacle and Divergent anywhere on the list. Its mostly just people circlejerking over their similarities like EVERY community online does. Or are you actually saying you get bent out of shape at a list comprised of people who write reviews like
>The Hunger Games is brilliant because it draws you in on the very first word. Not chapter, not sentence, but WORD.

Come on now, be better.

>> No.5994148


Yes Mass'a. After I pick the cotton can I get book money? I wanna read Divergent.

>> No.5994150

There's nothing wrong with it, nor Mockingbird per se, but it's not top 5 all time.

>> No.5994170


>> No.5994172

>I'm a patrician xd so I get to decide what the best books of all time are

>> No.5994182
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>Caring about a bunch of high school students and stay at home moms thoughts on what the best books of all time are

>> No.5994204

m8 it's /lit/
NEET neckbeards need to get some validation and fuel their superiority complex somewhere

>> No.5994245


lol you sound like Woody Allen's wife in the beginning of 'Husbands and Wives'

>> No.5994278

uh, yeah, that's why those philosophies are the popular ones, not the good ones you haven't heard about, which I have on vinyl

>> No.5994286
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haha A+ reference
I really want to read Oral Sex in the Age of Deconstruction

>> No.5994846

What is the problem? It is a useful site for recording what you have read and finding reviews outside of amazon.

How does the tastes of your friend affect this?

>> No.5994914

>these really popular books that many people have read and liked are ranked highly on a list who's algorithms reward popularity

>> No.5994953

Who are you to decide which book is the best ever written? With something like a book, especially genre fiction, it is extremely subjective. Maybe it just speaks to them in particular. Whats your problem with that? If you want to quantify shit, go study hard sciences, it has no place in literature, high or low.

>> No.5994964

>What's with /lit/'s compulsive need to feel superior to others?

More like: What's with people's compulsive need to read shit books?

>> No.5994969

>5 Pride and Prejudice
Disregard his opinion entirely, how the hell can this book be in your god damn top 5?

>> No.5994981


>> No.5996054

What a bunch of pretentious dicks. Not even /b/ is this annoying.

>> No.5996092


Gee we get that you're butthurt that you love THG so much, but there's no need to go 2deep4u with shit like that.

>> No.5996111


Theres nothing wrong with reading shitty books, the only problem is when you dont recognize that they are shitty and try to extoll them as good.

This whole thing is a farce anyway, the list is a popularity contest. Why get worked up for it? THAT is fucking stupid.

>> No.5996119

One can never read too little of bad, or too much of good books: bad books are intellectual poison; they destroy the mind.

In order to read what is good one must make it a condition never to read what is bad; for life is short, and both time and strength limited.

>> No.5996154
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>As a scholar can confirm, every popular book is horrendous. My bookshelf contains only obscure classics

>> No.5996155

the board has got worse in recent weeks, culminating in a despicable booktuber incident

though the e/lit/ist autists were always present

>> No.5996218

why do people respond to these retarded threads?

>> No.5996274

>so many butthurt YA fans ITT

This is the people with whom you discuss the Greeks with.

>> No.5996292

*tips fedora*

>> No.5996316


By responding like that to my comment, you made it clear that you're one of the people I'm mocking.

Shouldn't you be reading your girly novels instead of getting mad on the internet?


>> No.5996327

>having friends


>> No.5996372
File: 387 KB, 949x800, book defence force.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What people who criticize OP's attitude don't seem to understand is that we are not hipsters who like obscure stuff "you don't know about". Isn't Moby Dick one of the best known books of our time? And Don Quixote? Or most of the books we always "discuss" (shitpost) about?

The problem is that most middle-class people who have attended High School or College think that can say anything they want because everything is a "matter of taste" when it comes to literature, music or films; but of course, only when they're not talking with Twilight or Transformers fans -in that case, they're truly enlightened and know about "good shit", right?-. On the other hand, when they hear someone talking about Faulkner or Proust, they feel the urge to disqualify them: "Bunch of hipsters", "That shit is so boring, you only read it in order to make me feel bad about my inferiority complex", etc.

tl; dr People lack of decent artistic and literary education and need to learn how to read a fucking book.

>> No.5996386

underrated post

>> No.5996392

How do you objectively define what is and is not a good book?

To put it another way, how is literature not a matter of taste?

>> No.5996402

Of course it's a matter of taste. But not everything is a matter of taste.
I mean, you can say that Twilight is better than Lolita; it's an opinion and a matter of taste, but a shit one that probably came from a spoon-fed reader.

>> No.5996562

*scratches neckbeard*