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5989158 No.5989158 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Books which you regret reading

>> No.5989166


>> No.5989169

All of them. I could've actually done something important, like prevent sex with children.

>> No.5989175
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>> No.5989182
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You had sex with children?

>> No.5989197
File: 44 KB, 395x542, book-of-mormon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5989201


Even though I'm an atheist, I can't stand the books associated with new atheism. I can't stand Dawkins or Harris or even Hitchens (when he's writing about religion). I think they are poor researchers and as scholarly works, their criticisms of religion are garbage. So many obvious mistakes and twisting of facts in their books that they are worthless as atheistic works.

>> No.5989206

but that book is hilarious.

>> No.5989216

No, I have the schematics to a device capable of stopping all persons on Earth from having sex with children. Hint: includes mercury and lots of torque. My reading habit has stopped me from actually constructing the device.

>> No.5989222

Anti-pedos confirmed for being worse than muslims.

>> No.5989234
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I-im not an idiot, i-i swear!

>> No.5989239
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>> No.5989247

I'm honestly surprised no one posted the Bible.

>> No.5989256

The New Testament is shit.

Torah all the way.

>> No.5989258


What's that all about?

>> No.5989272


You mean Tanakh. Torah is only the first 5 books of the OT. Which would exclude the poetry, the major and minor prophets and the history.

>> No.5989281

I know, but it didn't have the same ring to it.

>> No.5989341

the illiad

>> No.5989349

The Secret

>> No.5989358


>> No.5989362

Are you Jewish?

>> No.5989378
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>> No.5989383

The Satanic Bible or The Fountainhead.

>> No.5989389

What exactly didn't you like about it? I've wanted to read this one for quite some time.

>> No.5989403

Ethiopian Orthodox when i want to be. so old it's almost judaism in a lot of ways

>> No.5989481
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I didn't even know that was a thing.

Are you Ethiopian?

>> No.5989512

I actually have a copy of this as well as the Qur'an. I plan on reading both, but what should I expect from the Book of Mormon?

>> No.5989519

So there's the Torah and the Tanakh, but what exactly is the Talmud? And why is it so long?

>> No.5989538
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Biggest crock of shit ever
The author is a massive faggot who I'd gladly run over in my car if I ever saw him

>> No.5989545

The Talmud is a collection of writings by Rabbis explaining things in the Bible. It's like a companion guide. Pretty much every little thing in the Bible has been pulled apart an analysed, including Hebrew characters, words, and whether some things should be taken literally or symbolically.

I've heard that it takes about eight years to read.

>> No.5989569

>the Bible

You mean the Christian Bible? or the Torah?

Sounds like a challenge. I love reading about world religions, but Judaism has always seemed the most...boring to me. I don't know why. Maybe it's because it's pretty much *the* original monotheistic middle eastern religion, and there aren't too many "interesting" bits in it.

>> No.5989590

>Either suggesting the Qur'an is even 1/10000th as bad as the Book of Mormon is or that you only own two books
Beyond pleb. Lurk.

>> No.5989594

Not really a regular here. Of course I own more than just a BoM and the Qur'an, I was just wondering what you guys thought of the BoM by itself and compared to the Qur'an.

>> No.5989603

The Hebrew Bible (Old Testament/Tanakh).

I think it's pretty interesting, I really like the idea of the subtext in the Bible. There's a Scientist/Torah Scholar who has some great lectures about how the subtext in the Bible and how it supports modern science. It's pretty great.

>> No.5989622

Garth Nix's The Keys to the Kingdom series

I didn't enjoy reading it at all, I just plodded through for some masochistic reason

Sabriel is very good, though

>> No.5989633
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>oh muh gud neel gaymin is liek so clever i luv his books anon
>i swer its liek modern day classik
Well what should I read by him?
>lol amuricun gods was reely clever the plot was like crazy

Repeat this conversation ten times with women who have read something other than Harry Potter or John Green or Twatlight or Pornography-with-an-~Artsy~-Title and I finally went ahead and got a copy.

Fucking 600 pages of coin tricks. Who the fuck names their main character "Shadow"? Fuck.

>> No.5989635
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>> No.5989643


Ethiopian Orthodox is a member of the Oriental Orthodox branch (includes Syrian, Malankara/Indian, Coptic/Egyptian, etc) churches. Basically really old eastern churches that broke from Catholicism/Eastern Orthodoxy long before the schism. Ethiopia was like the second country on earth to be a Christian country after Armenia. Long before missionaries in Africa, there was Orthodox.

I'm not Ethiopian. I'm just a lonely white guy who lives near an Ethiopian Orthodox church and started going years ago.

>> No.5989650
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Just got done wasting my time reading this.

>> No.5989653

What's the matter with this book?

>> No.5989671

Found it way to long with your typical Stephen King deus ex machina ending. I haven't enjoyed any Stephen King except The Shinning.