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5986405 No.5986405 [Reply] [Original]

>people only like Shakespeare because he'
s old

>> No.5986412

>people only like Buddhism because it's so old

>> No.5986418
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>can't even green text properly
>makes another one of these shitty threads
How's life as a community college wizard?

>> No.5986433

Not once have I ever heard anyone say this, not even an idiot. They just say he's boring, not liked because the age of his works.

If you REALLY want to set off some responses, you've got to make your post more inflammatory and prone to triggering peoples' "boogeyman defense mode".

For example:

"The only reason people like Shakespeare is because his works are part of the Western Canon, which is nothing more than a tool of the entrenched academic patriarchy to perpetrate their ethnocentric and male-centric viewpoint. Therefore, we should stop reading Shakespeare and ignore his works because they're incidentally perpetrating racism and misogyny".

Try that sometime. Guaranteed replies.

>> No.5986437

what did he sell lol

>> No.5986439

>Shakespeare is the greatest writer of all times. He encompasses all of humanity!

>> No.5986446

Search in Shakespeare for statesmanship, or even citizenship, or any sense of the commonwealth, material or spiritual, and you will not find the making of a decent vestryman or curate in the whole horde. As to faith, hope, courage, conviction, or any of the true heroic qualities, you find nothing but death made sensational, despair made stage-sublime, sex made romantic, and barrenness covered up by sentimentality and the mechanical lilt of blank verse.

All that you miss in Shakespeare you find in Bunyan, to whom the true heroic came quite obviously and naturally. The world was to him a more terrible place than it was to Shakespeare; but he saw through it a path at the end of which a man might look not only forward to the Celestial City, but back on his life and say: ‘Tho’ with great difficulty I am got hither, yet now I do not repent me of all the trouble I have been at to arrive where I am. My sword I give to him that shall succeed me in my pilgrimage, and my courage and skill to him that can get them.’ The heart vibrates like a bell to such utterances as this; to turn from it to ‘Out, out, brief candle,’ and ‘The rest is silence,’ and ‘We are such stuff as dreams are made on, and our little life is rounded by a sleep’ is turn from life, strength, resolution, morning air and eternal youth, to the terrors of a drunken nightmare.

>> No.5986468

Charles Dickens is a better writer than Shakespeare

>> No.5986479

Marlowe was a better playwright

>> No.5986510

haha this is funny. As far as attacks that function as celebrations of the target, this is way up there.

I've never wanted to read shakespeare more and bunyan less than I do after reading that