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File: 34 KB, 314x500, frankenstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5983597 No.5983597 [Reply] [Original]

What are some of the best horror books out there? I have been having trouble finding good horror books consistently but it remains my favorite genre. So any recommendations would be much appreciated

>> No.5983602

what's with this fucking cover?

>> No.5983604

Barker's Books of Blood

>> No.5983619

Frankenstein is a heavily romantic novel, ao it makes sense to have a Caspar David Friedrich painting on the cover, no?

>> No.5983624

ahh fair enough.

>> No.5983654

I liked the terror by dan simmons

>> No.5983663

Seems very interesting, thanks anon

>> No.5983702

Thomas Ligotti.

>> No.5983711


Your mother is a heavily romantic woman, but I didn't feel obliged to put Caspar David Friedrich on her sex tape.

>> No.5983721

man, im an innocen bystander but i think you should be banned for that offensively dumb joke.

>> No.5983747

Koja - The Cipher
Simmons - Song of Kali, Summer of Night, The Terror
Ketchum - Girl Next Door, Off Season
Aycliffe - Naomi's Room
Barker - Books of Blood, Damnation Game
Ligotti - Grimscribe, Teatro Grotesquo, etc
Matheson - Hell House, I am Legend
Bradbury - Something Wicked This Way Comes
Shelley - Frankenstein
Lovecraft - Whatever collection you find
T.E.D Klein - Ceremonies, Dark Gods
Lindqvist - Let the Right One In
Skipp & Spector - Light at the End
Morrell - Totem
Streiber - Wolfen
McCammon - They Thirst
Straub - Ghost Story
Laymon - The Cellar, The Woods are Dark
Mabe - All the Lights in the World
Laimo - Deep in the Darkness
Smith - Ruins
Piccirilli - A Choir of Ill Children

>> No.5983762

You know the Grim Fairy tales could be really fucked up, kids get eaten and Jews thrown down wells

>> No.5984299

This is a great list. Here's some more recommendations.

Laird Barron - Occultation, Imago Sequence, The Beautiful Thing That Awaits Us All
Brian Lumley - Necroscope series, Titus Crow series
Caleb Carr - The Alienist, The Angel of Darkness
Will Elliot - The Pilo Family Circus

I also like Edward Lee but most people seem to dislike him. He's over the top in regards to gore and sex. I've always thought of them as 90's horror B-movies in book format.

>> No.5984327

Been meaning to check out Lumley's stuff

>> No.5984405
File: 52 KB, 284x475, 941305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Straub is a neglected master, and there's nobody currently writing horror fiction who can equal him as a stylist. Most people gush over Ghost Story, but Shadowland is his best book.

>> No.5984441

Definitely check out Barker. I'd also recommend The Hellbound Heart as a primer once you're done with the Books of Blood.

>Dracula by Bram Stoker
>Let the Right One in by John Lindqiv
>Pet Semetery by Stephen King
>Lovecraft's short fiction

>> No.5984467
File: 168 KB, 809x1008, Graveyard Under Snow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they could have at least chosen one more immediately fitting for the subject matter found of frankenstein

>> No.5984501

I enjoyed Shadowland, but I still think Ghost story is the better horror novel. Shadowland is more of a dark fantasy/coming of age story, and it does that quite well

>> No.5984882
File: 99 KB, 340x491, tumblr_mp2cikh1Mm1rhcorso2_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything by this guy.

can't believe no one has even mentioned him yet

>> No.5985016

Never heard of this guy, but I'll check him out. Also, I've been reading House on the Borderland, and that's surprisingly entertaining (other than a rather lengthy time travel sequence)

>> No.5987297

I enjoyed The King in Yellow. Most recently read The Monk, which was horrifying in its own way, though sections where the plot departed, or at least seemed to, from Ambrosio, dragged a little from time to time. I'd still recommend it though.

>> No.5987309

Highly recommended. Not exactly visceral most of the time, but creepy and dreamlike.