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/lit/ - Literature

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5982622 No.5982622 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best anti-theist books you know of?

>> No.5982633

The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe.

>> No.5982637

City of God

>> No.5982655

If you are looking material to affirm your beliefs, then you aren't very secure in them. See, God's Not Dead.
Why do you take an anti-theistic stance?

>> No.5982661

Who said I did?

>> No.5982665

I assumed from the picture, my bad. Either way, why are you looking for this stuff?

>> No.5982682

I just don't know of many books besides new atheists that are strongly anti-religion

>> No.5982695

the bible

>> No.5982756

Nietzsche, Freud, and Marx are the first that come to mind, all of whom had interesting ideas but also batshit ones. Nietzsche believed that Christianity was literally created to make weakness virtuous and oppression possible. Marx obviously believed it was the opiate of the masses, and Freud hated it because it meant he couldn't fuck his mother. Obviously these are oversimplifications, but regardless each of these people had had theories that were deeply flawed, leading to edgy teens, commies, and degenerates respectively (however they are worth a read given their influence).

>> No.5982781

>This is how dumb theists/ apologists for theism are.
So you have never heard of an idea, become drawn to it and wanted to read more about it? You might as well tell Christians not to read the Bible because it means they are insecure in their faith, not to mention your understanding of all those thinkers you mentioned is atrocious. Considering that the language you use means you probably come from /pol/. I have a feeling the one with the deepest flaws is you.

>> No.5982788

>Freud hated it because it meant he couldn't fuck his mother
topest of keks anon

>> No.5982791

dumbest post in the thread

>> No.5982810
File: 33 KB, 442x307, 1419862305302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told him to read those authors for their influence. I WANT him to read it.

>> No.5982830

You began this thread by shitting on him for asking books about antitheism and accused him of wanting to confirm his own beliefs. If this was about literally any other idea, you wouldn't have given him this shit.

If someone had made a post asking about Christianity and wanting to deepen their faith, a large variety of christfags would have jumped in to be helpful. Someone asks about antitheism and he is just wanting to confirm his biases. The double standard and hypocrisy is laughable.

>But it's okay because I'm right!
Fuck you.

>> No.5982880

I don't know any good anti-theist books.

>> No.5982881

I assumed he wanted to confirm his bias because his picture was a strawman of theists, and I apologized when he said he wasn't.
Also you seem to be making many of assumptions about my character. For clarification, I am an atheist but by no means an anti-theist for the reasons I have already stated, but OP should still have an understanding of that side of the argument, whether he is for or against it. You, on the other hand, are have done the most shitting on out of anyone in this thread. Seriously, give some recommendations or just leave.

>> No.5982933
File: 52 KB, 499x499, smug ss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The God Delusion is an original, philosophical masterpiece

>> No.5982952

Needing affirmation of faith is not the same as needing affirmation that people who have faith are retards or bad people, and you're a retard for thinking so.

>> No.5982961

Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right for Marx.
Nietzsche's beliefs were scattered throughout his work, but Thus Sprach Zarathustra and The Antichrist were the most prominent.
Future of an Illusion for Freud.

>> No.5982962

Crime and Punishment is certainly not anti-theist but it presents the best Problem of Evil argument in any fiction novel.

>> No.5982977

The Bible, because anyone who ACTUALLY reads it will know how ridiculous religion is, particularly Christianity.

>> No.5982990

He's asking for books that advocate anti-theism, not books that make someone anti-theistic.

>> No.5983000

>his picture was a strawman of theists,

I literally screencapped that off youtube like 30 minutes ago

Just because one person said some retarded shit on youtube doesn't mean I hate all religion

>> No.5983006

freuds mother must have been a total qt

>> No.5983040

Some people do think along those lines. Glad you aren't one of them.

>> No.5983219

Anything by atheists who have something original and meaningful and significant to say, who are real philosophers and historians with an actual academic background in the relevant fields, and who write because they love knowledge and learning and not for personal fame and to pander to angsty STEM college grads.

>> No.5983242

such as?

>> No.5983276

Common Sense: A Guide

>> No.5983610

>Thus Sprach
Höchstes kek.
Good list tho, can't think of any better on the subject.

>> No.5983653
File: 40 KB, 640x480, vis7ES3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Bible, because anyone who ACTUALLY reads it will know how ridiculous religion is

>> No.5983695

Yeah fedora and all, but if a close reading of leviticus doesn't put you off religion at least a little bit, you're probably damaged beyond repair.

>> No.5984742

>antitheism=/=theists are bad people/retards
This isn't what that means and you are retarded for thinking. You are also retarded for thinking the reaffirmation of these ideas have any significant differences. It's just the "But it's ok because I'm right" hypocrisy.

>> No.5984750

trying reddit.com/r/atheism/

>> No.5984752

everything by hermann hesse obviously

>> No.5984774

>he thinks christians pay attention to leviticus

you will be thrown into the lake of fire when the son of man comes

>> No.5984809

this is fedora tip tier shitposting but it's exactly where you should go op.

Pretty sure they have a list of anti theist books on the sidebar.

You'll see authors like

All three which are pretty militant about it.

>> No.5984933

please block 4chan from your web browser

/lit/ is okay without retarded christian sarcasm