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/lit/ - Literature

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5982204 No.5982204 [Reply] [Original]

Gf is makes decent income through paintings, has published poetry, has traveled around living in her car before, and is well read in Marx and philosophy in general, but I'm pretty terribly read, and I currently don't have a job, and I can tell she's beginning to find me a little boring. What can I read to be more exciting for her, and yet nothing too difficult?

>> No.5982210 [DELETED] 
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>well read in Marx

>> No.5982216

I hope she leaves you.

>> No.5982222

Become a reactionary traditionalist to keep her on her toes.

>> No.5982224

Yeah, I'm not endorsing Marxism just because she reads Marx, dumbass.

Why? Do I come off as an asshole, or something?

>> No.5982230

>Why? Do I come off as an asshole, or something?

Because I always hate seeing the rare good woman tied down by a fucking pleb.

>> No.5982232

No thanks. I'm politically apathetic, personally, I certainly don't feel like being contentious with my girlfriend.

>> No.5982234 [DELETED] 


Your gf is social justice pinko scum, is what i'm saying.

>> No.5982236

Why the hell do you care? What matters is that we're happy and care about each other, you don't even know how relationships work.

>> No.5982240

Yea, she is. In fact she's vandalized police cars and advertisements before. Nonetheless, I still love her.

>> No.5982242

>What matters is that we're happy and care about each other
>and I can tell she's beginning to find me a little boring

ok m8

Just look at the /lit/ starter kit sticky. Though I don't think it will go very well if your only motivation in reading is to impress another person.

>> No.5982243

Kill yourself /pol/

>> No.5982245

If you don't want to be boring i suggest you don't stick with what is easy and being apathetic towards society. Otherwise i would have to say she is right in leaving you, you are a boring fuck.

>> No.5982249 [DELETED] 

Whenever my relationships start to ail I start to behave more erratically and temperamentally and it usually spices thing up a bit. After I gave my ex a hard public slap she actually took me back for another couple of months after she had already dumped me. Educated women love crazy men.

>> No.5982257

>get into subjects she's interested in
>ask her about her thoughts on them because you want to understand it better
>you learn about her and you're on your way to being literary

There ya go.

>> No.5982264 [DELETED] 


>unironically being a marxist

your parents are ashamed of you

>> No.5982270

I'm not going to get worked up over something I have zero control over

Any introductory work or summary I could read that would give me some material to talk with her about?

>> No.5982271

She sounds beyond cool. Do you know what organisation she's in, OP?

Yes I'm jealous and bitter that you've lucked into a relationship with my ideal woman.

>> No.5982274

>I'm not going to get worked up over something I have zero control over

My god, this is pure ideology.

>> No.5982283

>intelligent, artistic, independent girlfriend
>boyfriend is an uneducated meet

Just fuck her like no tomorrow while you can, because there is no tomorrow for you.

>> No.5982285

>zero control over

you sure need to read some history

>> No.5982293

She's part of a few, like the IWW, at least by donation. The main one she's active in one she organized in the area.

Actually, if anything it's absence of ideology.

>> No.5982305

>She's part of a few, like the IWW, at least by donation. The main one she's active in one she organized in the area.

Was just wondering if she was a Trot drone. The Wobblies are generally cool.

>Actually, if anything it's absence of ideology.

Lel. I hope she leaves you, pleb.

>> No.5982311


>she's vandalized police cars and advertisements before

It's fine when an upper-middle class whtie girl does it!

God I hope she gets killed by terrorists.

>> No.5982320

>It's fine when an upper-middle class whtie girl does it!

What the fuck is your point? It's fine when anyone does it.

>> No.5982322 [DELETED] 


>She's part of a few, like the IWW, at least by donation

>has never actually worked a day in her life

sounds about right

>> No.5982325

I don't think she's a Trotskyist, or at least she never talks about Trotsky. She deals more with theorists and worker struggle history in the U.S. than people who actually put communism into effect.

>Lel. I hope she leaves you, pleb.
Ironic. A communist using a classist put down.

>> No.5982327


Try again weenie, an attractive white girl could do that shit in broad daylight in front of a crowd and get nothing but stares and stern talking to.

>> No.5982331

Look for a general art history text like Stokstad's. Find an anthology of poetry, maybe English/American. Read the Communist Manifesto, it's simple and can be read in an hour. If you find the terminology is confusing look up some terms online, like here http://www.marxists.org/glossary/index.htm or http://plato.stanford.edu/ but you'll probably only find articles for person (like Marx and Engels) on there. Actually, if the CM is difficult try going through an Intro to Philosophy textbook. Any should be fine as long as it's not Russell's Western Philosophy.

>> No.5982338

>said the prole shitposting on 4chan

>> No.5982343

The plebians were a reactionary class in Roman society who lived off the labour of the slave class. "Classist", don't make me laugh you liberal pleb.

>> No.5982349

No, she has. She dropped out of highschool and has worked a number of shitty jobs. She got an education so doesn't anymore, but I'm glad she doesn't because then I'd feel like a real jackass living with her without a job of my own.

>> No.5982351
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>> No.5982354

The plebeians owned slaves?

>> No.5982361

Let's be clear, you don't deserve this woman. It's time to step your fucking game up- start hitting the library.

>> No.5982362

Thanks a bunch.

>> No.5982366

Adorno, git gud.

>> No.5982370
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I am this feel anon. I love a girl just like this. She's a sweet shy introvert who loves nature almost as much as she loves books. This Christmas, she was the only person who gave me a present. Her boyfriend is a jobless welfare degenerate who, I shit you not, used to browse reddit but now browses /pol/.

There isn't enough rage in the world for me to express how I feel about this.

>> No.5982371

>she's vandalized police cars and advertisements before

oh for fuck's sake

>> No.5982376 [DELETED] 
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>is well read in Marx

Find a new gf.

>> No.5982384

They were provided for by the grain dole, which was harvested by slaves on latifundia. Therefore they had no interests against the slavery-based economy of Rome.

>> No.5982386

reading won't make you interesting, not in the short term at least. just get a job, some money, and start 'doing' things, going places. you can read through the lit reading charts while you do that.

you know /lit/, you get way too many recommendation threads. you should learn to ignore or actively shun anyone who ignores the sticky. it kills boards.

>> No.5982406

>if anything, it's the absence of ideology

>he doesn't know zizek

>> No.5982418

If she's dating him and not you, what makes you think you're any better?

>> No.5982419

Vandalizing police vehicles is both pathetic and incredibly stupid.

You do realise you pay for and in fact own those vehicles, as a tax paying citizen? It's even funnier when you realize its a Marx reader destroying public property...
Sounds like your girl is actually an anarchist, since she doesn't want to have a police force?

She's gonna dump you, and you'll be better of because of it.

>> No.5982424

So what, the army is Marxist because taxpayers pay for it? Are you fucking stupid or something?

Please read more before you embarrass yourself any further

>> No.5982435

Would someone put the /pol/s back in their hole?

>> No.5982443

She's not an anarchist, she just thinks that the main purpose of police to substantiate the property claims of the bourgeoisie, so she sees them as enemies of the working class.

>> No.5982453


>> No.5982455

Smart girl

>> No.5982463
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Become an egoist

>> No.5982466


Girls dig when they find a no-good dude as then they can change him for the better. An offshoot of motherly instinct or something. What this means is that as long as you start 'improving' yourself your girl will most likely stick around. As she seems like the general thinking type she probably isn't very vocal about your loitering, so you also have to be rather discreet. Ask her if she knows anything to read / view / whatever on a question or topic you've been thinking about.

Also, reading alone isn't enough, as some have mentioned. Get a hobby or two, something that interests you. Don't immediately start filling your week with hours upon hours of activities, instead start of small. Start going to a gym every now and then, perhaps take up drawing or an instrument to counterbalance that sort of 'raw' physical activity. Drawing might be fun since you can ask your girl for pointers every now and then, and have her model for you, but there's a risk of coming of as obnoxious or try-hard if you're not that into it.

In short, ask your girl for some books to read every now and then and pick up a few hobbies.

>> No.5982481


Having something against the destruction of public property is now /pol/???
Do you often avoid discussions or voicing your opinion, and instead resort to simple catch phrases or ad hominem attacks?
Do you feel this is a quality that fits well with a liking of literature?


How did I say or even imply that? I didn't say the police force itself is marxist, not even close to it. Do you lack reading comprehension or are you wilfully misinterpeting my words to attack my arguments? Why are you on /lit/ if this is your style of discussion?


... really? So she doesn't mind that she is personally paying (together with the rest of the working class) to have those vehicles repaired or replaced?

>> No.5982489


>> No.5982523

Ahahaha, oh wow.

>How did I say or even imply that?

You said the police force is 'public property', therefore Marxists can't attack or defend themselves against cops. This is asinine. We live under a class society. What property is 'public' is owned and run by a ruling class. And this nonsense about 'taxpayers'? Wtf? The working class is having its labour exploited daily.

Your childish and absurd argument (where you show you are unaware of even the most basic parts of Marx's critique of capitalism) makes about as much sense as revolutionaries being unable to attack the state's tanks, because to do so would damage the property they want to run. I mean seriously...

>> No.5982536

>... really? So she doesn't mind that she is personally paying (together with the rest of the working class) to have those vehicles repaired or replaced?
Of course she minds. But she considers the police her enemy in a very, very serious way. She's probably kill a cop if she thought she could get away with it.

>> No.5982588


Wow.. You got your mind stuck in the cold war. You actually think in concepts like "revolutionaries". Back in REALITY though, we have representative democracies, and you choose who rules in your name. You're free to imagine you are fighting something when you destroy police vehicles, but in reality you are just wasting public funds (funds that, I repeat, you and the working class pay for). Meanwhile you are also hindering hard-working people from protecting the public from rapists and robbers, like a true revolutionary would lol.

>> No.5982630


If you live in America or Europe then your girlfriend is a stupid cunt.

>> No.5982636

My gf thinks there's going to be a revolution too. But she says material conditions aren't currently ripe and so she works toward the point that they are. In the meantime she just consider cops violence enforcers of capitalism, so she derives joy from upsetting or inconveniencing them in any way.

>> No.5982643

>we have representative democracies, and you choose who rules in your name


Putting a cross on a piece of paper once every four years means fuck all. The structures of 'representative democracy', inherited from the 18th century, bulldoze any systemic opposition.

>funds that, I repeat, you and the working class pay for

So if a slave burns down the plantation, he's a moron because he's might have to work to rebuild it. Gotcha.

>Meanwhile you are also hindering hard-working people from protecting the public from rapists and robbers

Cops can't prevent people raping or robbing. All they can do is arrest people afterward. Which they do a pretty bad job of, considering their only incentive is conviction rates which means framing anyone they can get away with.

>> No.5982669

I really think all remotely attractive female wanna-be revolutionaries are just enjoying the benefits of being a system-within-a-system (muh revolutionary art and commie campus club) and would be the first up against the wall in real revolution.

I hope you swing around and accidentally headbutt her two front teeth down her throat OP.

>> No.5982681
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You read about motherfucking Flashbird, is what you do.

>> No.5982698

You sound like you have some pretty major problems with women. I would seek professional help.

>> No.5982701

>What matters is that we're happy
apparently she's not if she's finding you boring, anon

>> No.5982702


I think from what you're saying you must be American. Don't you guys have lots of local elections as well? Considering starting a political campaign to change the nature of your political system, if you want to have some effect. I'm sure it does more than burning police vehicles.
I also find it incredibly ignorant of you to say that the right to choose your own government "means fuck all". You're white middle class I presume? Go talk to someone in Somalia about such matters and enlighten yourself on the blessing that is a stable democratic government.

If a slave breaks the tools he's made to work with, he's a moron cause he's just gonna get whipped. If he burns down the plantation he actually achieves something, which doesn't compare to burning police vehicles at all.
Btw, comparing yourself to actual slaves is horribly insensitive. Mind this when you actually get to discuss this topic IRL instead of on the internet.

Cops prevent rape and robbery by their mere existance. Conviction rates aren't a incentive for police at all. You seem to forget that police officers are actual individual people, and not some homogenous evil force with a single will.

>> No.5982709

Epic may may bro.

>> No.5982716
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It's pretty much an exclusively female thing so it's not my problem. Don't even get me started on attractive male "revolutionaries" who simply enjoy fucking all these women.

>> No.5982795

Wow lots of people being butthurt at other people having gfs that read
I hooked up with mine over a book of the new sun discussion and literally all my female friends are well-read, maybe you people should stop having shit friends

>> No.5982817


>Wow lots of people being butthurt at other people having gfs that read

Point out one post ITT that says that.

>> No.5982825


She's too good for you, anon. This is what happens when you shitpost on literature boards instead of trying to better yourself.

>> No.5982845

i hooked up with mine over the Game of Thrones discussion. She's a fantasy buff just like me and really well read guise:^)

>> No.5982850

you and your girl deserve each other

>> No.5982857

You seem like you have some pretty major problems with attractive people, I would seek professional help.

>> No.5982864


It's not my problem, it's an attractive people problem.

>> No.5982878

Ressentiment is actually just your problem.

>> No.5982888

This is why we need to reinstate marriage by money, not by love. Trash like you are fucking up the master race.

>> No.5982913


who's problem is it if i throw acid into a crowd of good looking girls picketing literally anything

>> No.5982914


>> No.5982919

>he thinks the unversity educated woman weren't the first to be raped in 1944

>> No.5982923

This. There ils literally no reason to marry if not for money.

>> No.5982924

>who's problem would it be if I introduce this random hypothetical????

I'm talking about reality, not your weaboo fantasies.

>> No.5982928

did rapists ask their diplomas

>> No.5982932

Helen married Menelaus for love. And Parris. And her third husband, I forget the name.

>> No.5983038

We both know im better, but she's not a vapid whore who just jumps to the better man. I know she will come around though, slowly.

>> No.5983072


my gf reads science textbooks and I have no issues with it

willingly dating a marxist feminist pseudointellectual whore is just hilarious and any guy who does it deserves the scorn

>> No.5983082

Most science people are leftist, you know. At least outside America.

>> No.5983133

That's because intellectuals are by nature weak willed and need a gonvernment to tell them what to do. All the smart and capable intellectuals die in revolution.

>> No.5983144

How typical.

>> No.5983160

How typical.

>> No.5983163


>> No.5983172

No I'm not.

>> No.5983185

Ok, keep telling yourself that

>> No.5983521

Read Milton Friedman and debate her on the free market vs income redistribution. You guys will have a blast.

>> No.5983709

She's read a lot of Milton Friedman, so that might be tricky territory. Also doesn't interest me.

>> No.5983861

Enjoy your Myrna Minkoff bro.

>> No.5983883

She should read Gramsci.

>> No.5983885
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>mfw OP doesn't get the reference
>mfw OP wishes he could lead an office-supply warehouse rebellion
>mfw muh Boethius

>> No.5983899

To tell you the truth if someone is intellectually 'bored' with you they are probably a piece of slate themselves.

The smartest people are those that can make good times out of nothing. Ones that can craft enjoyable experiences out of thin air. That's intelligence.

>> No.5983917

She has, she works toward cultural revolution too. She doesn't believe in it, but she says she heard that you don't have to believe in it for it to work.

>> No.5983923

By that standard, dogs are intelligent. As are a lot of people who are actually very stupid.

>> No.5983956

>The smartest people are those that can make good times out of nothing

but they do it for themselves, not necessarily for you too,
i.e. a guy or girl like that may simply ignore or almost ignore you if you can provide nothing to them and, say, think of a book they read recently or imagine/compose something, explore some idea etc. sure, some of them can entertain you too, but not every of them would want it, and can it too, because, if you are shy and/or ignorant, it may need a good deal of social skill of them

>> No.5983964

Just read Kafka and camus and chekhov and drink heavily and smoke a pipe and laugh at random shit and she'll find you interesting enough to stay with you, women are easily manipulated

>> No.5983966

Dogs can be very intelligent, though.

>> No.5984051

Fuck marx
Hegel gang

>> No.5984082

There's something behind "Ignorance is bliss". If someone doesn't actively seek to broaden their intellectual horizons, what's wrong with them being at peace with or enjoying simple lives? A lot of stereotypical intellectuals are very unhappy, while plenty of stupid people are perfectly happy.

>> No.5984132


>people who don't get bored are intelligent
Counter statement
>actually not necessarily
Goalpost change
>how does that explain why stupidity is bad?

>> No.5984157

Counter statement
>actually not necessarily
Yes necessarily contingent upon you agreeing that meaning is subjective.
People who do not get bored are intelligent because they live lives they find fulfilling, and that is as valid an intellectual pursuit as traditional intellectualism if you accept that meaning is subjective.

>> No.5984334

Don't be slow, make a caveman move, don't give her a chance to say no.

>> No.5984431

Meaning is subjective. Intelligence,, however, is not defined by having a fulfilling life, and having a fulfilling life isn't an intellectual pursuit except where an intellectual pursuit is part of one's idea of a fulfilling life.

>> No.5986112

Discworld Terry Pratchet.
Learn to think better.
Shut up and read!