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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 31 KB, 343x429, Littleprince.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5975760 No.5975760 [Reply] [Original]

You guys always criticize adults for enjoying books written for children e.g. Harry Potter and Hunger Games

But what about Le Petit Prince? That book was voted the best 20th century book in the French language

What makes that book more acceptable to read than anything else?

>> No.5975768

It isn't retarded self insert fantasy.

>> No.5975774

Because it's children's book written for adults.

>> No.5975782

well, actually it's a self-insert fantasy, a very clear example, the narrator is an african pilot like saint-exupery

>> No.5975788

Operative word being 'retarded', though.

>> No.5975801

Is this actually a good book? I recently watched Morrissey's music video of 'Suedehead' which was hilariously (I hope intentionally) filled with literary and film cliches, and Le Petit Prince was included.

For the curious:


>> No.5975805
File: 358 KB, 849x1018, alicemockturtle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a great children's literature thread.

>> No.5975854

I'm not sure if /lit/ generally agrees on this, but enjoying children/YA literature isn't bad per se, it's bad if you get stuck on that reading level (see tumblerites etc.).

>> No.5976279

Take a punt. It's like 70 pages, just read it.

>> No.5976299

All the Oscar Wilde shit makes me want to have kids so I can read it to them: The Happy Prince, The Fisherman and His Soul, The Nightingale and the Rose.

>> No.5976301


I think it's only around 40 and 1/3 of the pages have pictures + they are short and easy to read. OP, google Little Prince PDF, it's a pretty good book. Should take you maybe an hour depending on your speed of reading.

>> No.5976305


Here, this is considered the best translation: http://download.bioon.com.cn/upload/201111/21084046_8501.pdf

>> No.5976320

because it's fucking good
there is other good children's lit, you know
idea-focused, not the character-driven self-insert trash

>> No.5976322

My parents love that book and terrorized me with it when I was a kid, so I grew up with a profound hatred towards it, its author and its characters. Now, at 27, I have to admit that I only remember fragments about some fucking fox, and a drunkard that was actually a pretty cool, if cliched character.

>> No.5976324

>the author and the main character are similar therefore it's self-insert

Yes, I am sure Saint Exupery dreamt of meeting a blonde little boy. That was his biggest fantasy and Le Petit Prince is the literary realization of that dream.
Do you even know what self-insertion means?

>> No.5976333


The drunkard was only a page and he wasn't cool, you just felt that way to be contrarian as a child.

>> No.5976336

I don't criticise adults for reading Harry Potter and Hunger Games because they're children's books, I criticise them for reading Harry Potter and Hunger Games because they're shit books.

>> No.5976340


He was pretty much >>>/r9k/ incarnate.

>> No.5976349

Yeah, I'm pretty contrarian still. But that book is just way too starry-eyed for my tastes.

>> No.5976351


How is Harry Potter a shit book? I finished Deathly Hallows when I was a freshman in high school (had been reading them since I was in 2nd grade) and they were extremely well written.

Are you just saying that to go along with the meme? And I bought my friend Hunger Games for his birthday and I read a passage from it, it's not poorly written at all. Maybe you should form your own opinions and instead of blindly following the flock.

>> No.5976373

Prisoner of Azkaban and Half Blood Prince were unmemorable at times, The Hunger Games despite being a rehash of a common sci fi theme was ok until the last book where it tanked horribly

>> No.5976440

dude just gtfo go to some other board

>> No.5976457


Why? I'm probably more well read than you and read more than you do, meme spouter.

>muh Harold Bloom

You gtfo

>> No.5976460

>Yes, I am sure Saint Exupery dreamt of meeting a blonde little boy

who knows :3

also you mix self-insertion with wish fulfilling dreams

actually the little prince has some traits of the author too, as well, as the aviator, see his relationships with the rose

>> No.5977535

>Stop liking what I don't like!

You're the one that is a child.

>> No.5977547

>being so edgy as to dislike le petit prince

Give it a rest

>> No.5977574

heretic. Azkaban is the best book of the series

>> No.5977893

Should I add Lolita?

>> No.5977982

Nans. OotP.

>> No.5980382

"Stop hating what I like!" is the more childish attitude nowadays.