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5973895 No.5973895 [Reply] [Original]

Thinking about giving this a go. Is it worth reading?

>> No.5973906

If you're a moron who likes bad writing then you'll probably find it worthwhile, yes.

>> No.5973938

MAN I started reading this two days ago; haven´t been able to put it down! Dont listen to


The writing is really good, the psychology is intense. As for the philosophy: it throws a glance on lots of things, but sideways. It works great in Rand´s literary universe, but doesn´t work in ours. Strange to think that there´s actually Objectivist think tanks, with conflicting opinions on the Iraq war and all.

>> No.5973954

Really I mean it, when you read it you can understand how people actually pick up a lot from this book, or how it drives them to suicede. It wouldn´t do either for me, and it might do neither for you too, but you´re sure to get a very interesting perspective on things. And as I have said before, it IS great writing.

>> No.5973960

I had to read that shit in high school and it was awful

>> No.5973968

If you're a creative type with a tendency toward self absorption and narcissism then you might adore it. That said, I really enjoyed it. Hated Atlas Shrugged, though

>> No.5973970

I read it about 8 years ago. It was pretty good. I'd recommend it.

>> No.5973987

YES now you´ll have to read it. Don´t listen to the americans, who once more miss a rare occasion of having put out something worthwile that is not war-related.

>> No.5973989

About twice as long as it ought to be, has some good passages and ideas scattered around what is otherwise trash

>> No.5973992

Of course it is. Its one of the most significant texts of the 20th century.

>> No.5974029
File: 98 KB, 640x480, Suicide Note.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read it, better than Atlas Shrigguddedd

>> No.5974032
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>> No.5974046

I know you faggots are mostly trolling, but if you find rand insightfull in any way kill yourself.

>> No.5974051

I read Atlas, but I am not a fan of the writer.

>> No.5974067


And OP, how about you don't read Ayn Rand and just say you didn't.

>> No.5974852

If you want to see how a religion starts

>> No.5974985

Rather just watch the Life of Brian.

>> No.5975018

Serious: Characters are interesting so long as you remember she isn't going for realism. But I do not think she uses the characters she created well. There are a couple good moments, but it is mostly not that good. Worth a speed read, not worth dwelling on.

Best moment of the book which also sums it up went something like
Keating: Why don't you say anything! Just tell me! Tell me what you think of me!
Roark: But Peter, I don't think of you.
There, now you don't have to read it.

>> No.5975069

Just finished reading this, I highly recommend it. Really compelling narrative (I was surprised after all the stories I've heard about Rand being a boring writer) that I couldn't put down. Read the entire thing in four days. In my opinion definitely worth reading.

>> No.5975077

Small correction mate, it's Toohey saying that to Roark, and Roark with the famous reply, rather than Keating and Roark.

But I totally agree, that part is the tops.