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/lit/ - Literature

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5972987 No.5972987[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Alright, you fucking faggots. Listen the fuck up. I'm going to say it once and only once.

I am utterly fucking sick of all you faggots spamming your ">he does it for free" bullshit. It is nothing but mindless drivel and inane bullshit. Why? Because I'm the fucking janitor. I've had it with all this bullshit spamming. You know how fucking long it takes me to delete all your shitty ass threads? You know how much of a pain in the ass it is to delete your shitposts? Eh? Put yourself in my shoes and you'll see how fucking annoying it is. I work hard to help stop all this 'le ebic slipery wet poo poo xDDDD outlawwwwzzzzzz XDDDD LEL LEL LEL RIP LYL' shit and all you do in return is come back on your little proxies and spam the shit out of /int/ again. Do you faggots have no life? I don't give a flying fuck if I'm 'doing it for free', at least I'm doing something with my life you twelve year old fucks. I don't care if this isn't a 'real' job, because I don't moderate this board 24/7, unlike what your virgin manchild minds might think. I have a real fucking job. I work as a drafter for an architect in Salford. I have an actual education unlike most of you people. And I'm married, too. I make like 25 thousand pounds a fucking year at this job, probably more than you'll ever make in your entire lives.

This is a literature board, not your personal website. This is a board ONLY for literary culture, not for your off-topic crap like 'news' and 'feminism' and 'philosophy'. They are all off-topic and do NOT belong on /lit/, like it or not. Thus, it's my job to clean up the crap and report offenders to the moderators. Using 4chan is a PRIVILEGE, not a RIGHT. Heard it before? No? It's in the rules, which you should read at some point so you can understand what NOT to do. If you want to post your 'lel so randumb' cancer, go straight to /b/. Better yet, go to Reddit, the age demographic and social status of the people there is better suited for you.

Fuck. Off.

>> No.5972992


You dun goof'd

>> No.5972993

le ebic slipery wet poo poo xDDDD outlawwwwzzzzzz XDDDD LEL LEL LEL RIP LYL

>> No.5972997

I know this is bologna but
>mfw there's an art thread on the front page right now

>> No.5973025

is this a poetry thread?

it is. okay ill give it a try.

On a midnight's summers dream
I sipped on the juice of cocoa bean
And for me it did seem
that the moon constantly gleamed
But, lo, whats that
there in the sky
why my oh my
its a android
But not just any oh no i say oh no again i say it one more time maybe three or four or seventy seven times fourty four oh no
not any droid but a human cockroach phallic mecca porn droid of love
and he spews a mix of heroin and cum for all the children to drink
raise you goblets
fill it with cum droplets
this is for it is and all is
and 14 year olds cut their wrists for their parents
we are the parents of a new cockanation
and so the cock crows and grows
and finds love in a hen
but then
oh then
yes then and then and then
i say then 100 more times -- 2 more times times two more 3s is four i say it so much more on more and 4 more for the whores of
and that is a self inflicting infliction upon which all is inflicted
uploading the uplinked mega self into
the database of existence of self of death
i rape computers
i rape self
i rape therefore i am
a rapist
everything is rape
is drugs
is heroin
and my sandwich has no clothes
if you read this all than that is two by two and the ants march on 4x4 times 12 more

>> No.5973031

>the janitor doesn't like genre lit

>> No.5973846

Fuck off D, go back to AL or FS tell M and A I say hi

>> No.5974539

Thanks for the laughs, J.

>> No.5974631



>> No.5974642
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>> No.5974684
