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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 32 KB, 466x382, Fedora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5972778 No.5972778 [Reply] [Original]

What are some fedora-core essentials?

>The 48 Laws of Power
>The God Delusion
>The Prince

>> No.5972784

>another atheism vs religion thread


>> No.5972794


>thinks machiavelli was anti christian
>hasn't read viroli

>> No.5972800


I'd guess OP just means "edgy" literature.

>> No.5972801

>implying the OP was implying Machiavelli was anti-Christian

Machiavelli is fedora tier regardless

>> No.5972802

The Art of War
The Iliad
Mein Kampf

>> No.5972810

The Moral Landscape by Samuel Harris

>> No.5973276

>The Iliad
>not all greeks

>> No.5973286


>The Iliad fedora core

You really don't belong here

>> No.5973311

I see Nietzsche called fedora a lot here but how does a fedora harmonise his new atheist, humanist beliefs and retro/nerd culture with the radical aristocratism and classical aestheticism of Nietzsche?

>> No.5973329

Fight Club

>> No.5973341

>muh god is dead
It a meme you dip

>> No.5973374


>> No.5973407

Athists like Nitzchuh cause he says in his works is the ultraedgy phrase, God is dead.



>> No.5973408

>The Iliad
Depends on the translation. Pope and Fagles are definitely fedora core. Lattimore and Merrill are patrician core. Lombardo is hipster core.

>> No.5973426

Nietzsche wasn't an atheist, certainly not a new atheist. New atheism was what Nietzsche prophesied as taking the place of Christianity, that science would be worshiped and everything would have to be "scientifically object", and now we are seeing that with Sam Harris saying morals have to be "scientifically objective". Nietzsche subverted this through seeing things with "many eyes", that is, he said himself that trying to see from multiple subjective viewpoints.

Nietzsche was probably a Hellenist, but even if not, there's no evidence to suggest he didn't believe in god(s). He just doesn't like the Christian conception of God where we disdain the physical world and only care about the afterlife.

>> No.5973429


I'd also like to add that Nietzsche's aristocratism is very different from traditionalist aristocratism. Nietzsche didn't want to put the old families in power, rather he wanted new ubermenschen to take the power, people like Napoleon. A new ruling caste.

>> No.5973586

Hence why we say radical aristocratism, not traditional or regular.

>> No.5973601

this whole thread is fucking retarded and a massive expression of superiority complex

>> No.5973616

strike too close to home?

>> No.5973619

So is the entirety of 4chan though.

>> No.5973620

I don't think you're using radical in quite the right way. A closer term would be neo-aristocracy, but even that isn't quite it. Nietzsche doesn't care about having princes or dukes or kings, he wants a pan-European empire administrated by Augustus, Napoleon, and Tokugawa. Nietzsche wants for Europe what Machiavelli wanted for Italy/, and just like Machiavelli he's not really talking about his long-term, ideal politics, but his politics for saving his world from an emergency. That's ample evidence that Nietzsche's long-term choice was something much different, almost anarchist (but not leftist anarchism, which is mainly what anarchism meant in Nietzsche's time, more like a union of egoists), judging by Thus Spoke Zarathustra. But for Nietzsche, people need human idols before there can be a radical shift, or else talking about acting and being an ubermensch is just abstraction and nothing that will actually change most people.

>> No.5973625

>i don't understand something so that makes it retarded and pretentious

>> No.5973640

>he doesn't agree with me, therefore, he is ignorant

is this how you always argue?

>> No.5973645

>using argumentation and knowledge to argue against idiocy and ignorance

The OP established himself as a legal idiot by even posting the thread; there's no use being reasonable with him.

>> No.5973692

>all of /lit/

>> No.5974061

Nietzsche, Camus, McCarthy, DFW

>> No.5974696

>The Iliad
The fuck?

>> No.5974875
File: 31 KB, 422x500, 41+QTmbqKRL._SL500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I Gum Gum, Wink!

>> No.5974884
File: 28 KB, 398x500, 1323402442113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gum Dat You!

>> No.5974899
File: 74 KB, 550x462, Weird-Looking-Guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baby Minger please come home?

>> No.5974908
File: 72 KB, 720x483, 7TmGu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lonely Heart Friday Night, Song?

>> No.5974911
File: 10 KB, 466x231, M2_Prototype_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex, Dream?

>> No.5974919
File: 36 KB, 480x531, oball1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Baby... Pregnant?

>> No.5974934
File: 69 KB, 609x541, 1420863104207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I climb high mountain......


>> No.5976537


Bullshit. Go read his Discourses on Livy and get back to us.