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File: 185 KB, 1500x1125, pomo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5971278 No.5971278 [Reply] [Original]

Could post-modernism cure religious extremism?

Are fanatics just too sincere and lacking in irony?

Can po-mo save the world?

>> No.5971280


>> No.5971283

>postmodernism is just irony


>> No.5971293

>he said the word irony so that means he said pomo is nothing more than merely irony


>> No.5971311


>> No.5971321

Could someone please tell me what post-modernism is?

I don't understand the quote in the OP.

>> No.5971330


>> No.5971340

>ad hominem

>> No.5971355


>I don't understand the quote

That is postmodernism.

It's a bunch of academics using intentionally obfuscating and vague strings of text that convey no real meaning but SEEM deep and complex.

>> No.5971361

>It's a bunch of academics using intentionally obfuscating and vague strings of text that convey no real meaning but SEEM deep and complex.


>> No.5971396

Seconding this, I have a pretty big backlog and some things by Lyotard and po-mo are on there but a simplified version of OP would be useful

>> No.5971399
File: 24 KB, 396x360, kill everyone ITT 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5971401

the reverse is true. pomo is a destructive force it cannot unite

>> No.5971432

That's why it would work, silly. Leave them all in a hyperreferential puddle of Nihil Reich.

>> No.5971435

> Implying Post-Modernism isn't just as bad as Religion.

>> No.5971444
File: 178 KB, 321x265, catbird.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never be a modernist

Modernism was beautiful, postmodernism is just silly.

>> No.5971449

to the downvote it le goes

>> No.5971472

god OP, I'm sick and tired of irony, you can do 'wierd' things sincerely you know.

>> No.5971610

le special snowflake

>> No.5971628


You're talking about modernism. Modernism seeks to arrive at a truth by encompassing its opposites and associates. Postmodernism attempts to dissolve opposites into associates and then attempts to demonstrate that the principle is just a complex of associates as well. There's no such thing as being "too" anything inside of a postmodern framework. You're in a cold system of unorganized relations. The obvious reaction to this is actually fundamentalism, a return to passion as the guide, to faith in the Kierkeegardian sense.

What we need is modernism.

>> No.5971660

why not

>> No.5971870

Could Analytic philosophy cure Continental extremism?

Are fanatics just too sincere and lacking in logical rigour?

Can Analytics save the world?

>> No.5971924


He's right.

"...better produce <i>the feeling</i> that there is something unpresentable."

It's smoke and mirrors. Just like all fiction. That's why it's called fiction. There's no truth in art, no worthy meanings to convey, but we've kind of psyched ourselves out into thinking we can hold onto it, temporarily. PM is just more naked about the process, and I think, comes across as more authentic because of it. That's all we're after, a feeling of authenticity. If you're gonna tell me that Hemmingway, or whatever modern literary giant you like, changed your life... you're full of shit. We're reading to fill our lives with meaningless bullshit before we die, just like everyone else. There's no space ship to enlightenment. How fucking easy would life be if that were true? You just see things a certain way, purely through mental exercise, and, bam, ubermensch. It's all just the thrashing of decaying intellectual limbs into a cold, uncaring universe.

Unfortunately PM has a lot of pretenders. A lot of authors who just can't write. I still don't think we've seen a good PM novel yet. It's a new movement, one esoteric enough to need some time to produce something good. Pynchon and DFW are weak writers that don't deserve to be remembered.

>> No.5971927

Analytic philosophy is the true successor to the Greeks, who valued science and mathematics above feelings and pseudo-intellectual posturing. Continentals are the successors to the Christians.

>> No.5971933

It's been tried. Robert Anton Wilson designed discordianism to that effect, it didn't really take.

>> No.5972621
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So Continentals are the defenders of dignity and values while the Analytics are nihilist scum that seek to bring down tradition and create a vacuum, making society weak to invasive foreign ideology?

>> No.5972640

Nah, only modernists can even receive pomo critique, and religious extremists never were modernists to begin with.

>> No.5972645

Seems to be saying that it's impossible to represent things as they are through art, so they attempt to represent that things are impossible to represent as they are.

>> No.5972693

Post modernism has given rise shit art

>> No.5972724
File: 122 KB, 666x444, IMG_9842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it was such a good art performance in Paris recently. These muslims like conceptual art.

>> No.5972748


You are confusing relativism and avant garde with po mo i.e. you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

At least read something about post-modernism that isn't Wikipedia. Like "Postmodernism or, The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism" by Jameson, who even though he despises post-modernism as movement recognizes that post-modern form has specific characteristics,form and structure.

>> No.5972756


People talk about the slowing-down of Continental thought when in fact the Analytics have not produced anything profound philosophically since Wittgenstein.

Because Analytic philosophy can tell nothing about the world in terms society and it's metaphysical foundations it turns into epistemology and logic so that it can abstract society through science.

The epistemological break the Analytics have ultimately produced has become useless not only in the social and human sciences, but also is bereft of any originality or original claim.

To answer you question, we are not "extreme" enough, unfortunately.

>> No.5972981


more like ad homo since that guy is clearly a faggot amirite

>> No.5973069

Postmodernism is the rejection of all grand naratives, uneducated retards.

Google "grand narrative", I don't want to remain responsible for your uncultured STEM neckbeard

>> No.5973075


>> No.5973223

Isn't the rejection of grand narratives in itself a narrative?

OMG we're all like so enlightened now, we understand that narratives are false constructs, unlike those poor ignorant people living in the classical and modern eras!