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/lit/ - Literature

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5968895 No.5968895 [Reply] [Original]

It just so happens that I happen to live in one of the most idiotic, non-literary cities in the U.S. Miami, Florida. so whenever I take the public transit and pull out a book, I get scrutinized and get the weirdest looks. It only bothers me initially and usually just get lost in whatever I'm reading. I don own a cellphone so whenever I'm bored and want to stare at something other than the pleb in front of me I just start reading, but as soon s I do people around me get distraught, sometimes they change seats or simply stare at me with a confused look in their eyes "did dis nigga jus pull out a book? lmao" I do most of my reading at home but my commute to work and back and when I go out I try to get a bit of reading in if i can. anyone else got hrough shit like this? this one time an old dude saw me reading and asked what I was reading; he showed me what he was reading and we chatted up the importance of reading and blah blah blah. that's about the only positive interaction I've had while reading in public. feels bad man.

>> No.5968932

No. Well, this one time I was at a party and so bored that I pulled a book from the host's parent's bookshelf and started reading it, got a few strange looks then.

>> No.5968934

I lived in a college town of a more-literary-than-most university, and I also got "wtf? is he...is that...a book?" stares also whenever I was reading in public.

Just ignore it. Reading is not and has never been popular, even in literary areas.

>> No.5968939


stop trying to look smart on public transport. at least get an e reader or something.

>> No.5968940

>not being the change you want to see in the world

>> No.5968946

Yeah, because you were at a social gathering you tard. Reading is generally seen as antisocial in such a setting. It's akin to putting headphones on when you're the third person in a conversation.

>> No.5968956

at least that actually is wierd

>> No.5968959

>this one time I was at a party and so bored that I pulled a book from the host's parent's bookshelf and started reading it, got a few strange looks then.

That's because it's a weird thing to do.

>> No.5968967


I honestly don't believe this happens. Strangers don't go up to strangers and start hooting about books at them.

You're both fucking liars, recycling some shit you've seen somewhere else to make yourselves look more intelligent than your surroundings.

I never believed Bill Hicks when he did a bit about it either, so you're in good company.

>> No.5968968

I see no difference between this and checking your phone and refreshing instagram and facebook endlessly while there are people talking to you. so yeah anon don feel bad for that.

>> No.5968972

I wasn't talking to anyone, though. They were running around half-naked, shouting, thinking they were drunk. It was not a patrician party.

>> No.5968974

>so whenever I take the public transit and pull out a book

Seriously? Wtf? What do people do then?

Loads of people on the Tube read books. 4-5 people in each carriage during rush hour. I always try to peek at what they're reading.

>> No.5968981

>Strangers don't go up to strangers and start hooting about books at them.

this did not happen in either post you quoted

>> No.5968982

Perhaps these scenarios are devised (even by Hicks) because some readers want to be noticed by others.
I'll admit, I am always tempted to ask people what they are reading when I can't covertly scope out the title of their book; however, I restrain myself because I know this is somewhat socially unacceptable.

>> No.5968996

I'm pretty sure that most people would enjoy being asked what they're reading by a stranger.

>> No.5969001

9 tomes out of 10 I am the only one reading a book either on the bus or train. I dont do it all the time, sometimes I wear headphones or not reading or listening to music at all. I dont mind someone approaching me and asking me a question or striking up a conversation, as a matter of fact I've had some pretty insteresting chats with all sorts of people; homeless, rich, young, old, tourists, locals you fucking name it. This is a very culturally diverse city, and there are some pretty cool bookshops and events (miami book fair) thats why it irks me that I get weird reactions when I read.

>> No.5969003
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>9 tomes out of 10

>> No.5969007


I'm pretty sure that's the only reason people read in public anyway

>> No.5969008

I guess I'll have to be that guy from now on. I almost asked the girl sitting next to me on an airplane recently what she was reading, but I am self-conscious about coming off as weird.

>> No.5969011

but maybe I'm just really self conscious that I'm doing something that most people around me arent doing and I only THINK they think I'm weird. I dunno man it's a really weird situation.

>> No.5969020
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>9 parchments out of 10

>> No.5969024


Well why the fuck did you stay then. You should never carry stay in a situation where you're bored.

>> No.5969027

Do you really see no difference? Jesus people like you are almost as bad as people who are obsessed with their phones

>> No.5969033

Explain the difference. Help him see it.

>> No.5969034


Are you a girl, OP? Post ass pics

>> No.5969039

Because I was an hour's drive from home, slightly tipsy, and planning to spend the night to catch a bus the other day. It was out in the boonies.

>> No.5969041


>> No.5969042

>be at party
>they a have a bookshelf
>see interesting book
>pull it out and browse through it
>put it back in

I've done this. not that big of a deal depending on the people that are there.

>> No.5969045

>It just so happens


>> No.5969054


>> No.5969056

not like that at all. when I dont read I dont get any reactions at all. it's like im not even there which is fine.

>> No.5969060

Why don't you have a fucking phone OP?

>> No.5969068



>> No.5969076




>> No.5969081


picked up

>> No.5969082

how do u red in pubic...all those persons...and their facial nodules...i am limited by my HAUGHTISM, but even I would not walk the metro platform without sanditizers in my dr schols

>> No.5969083


>> No.5969084


>picked up

Passed around

>> No.5969086

Take some benzos and go to bed

>> No.5969089

Puff puff'd.

>> No.5969093

/lit/ does these stupid fucking comment chains more than /b/, not kidding.

>> No.5969098

it's a shit thread

>> No.5969105


It's no worse than the literary lifestyle threads or the inspiration threads or the drugs threads, you're probably just butthurt about the content for some reason.

>> No.5969115

they're shit threads too

>> No.5969120

Well, there's not much more to say about it.
And this.

>> No.5969125

then stop posting and kill yourself.

>> No.5969133

i already did

>> No.5969137

take a shit in my mouth and I'll crawl back into bed

>> No.5969144
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>> No.5969159

I used to own one but every time i would get a call it would be negative or bad news. so I started to have it off at all times and only use it for emergencies, but then family and friends would complain that I would never pick up so I just dropped it entirely. it feels good not constantly checking for texts an social media shit. I really dont care if other people do it it just didnt feel right for me.

>> No.5969165

Just for the record, Miami is the second most well-read city in the United States according to sales data from Amazon. It sounds to me like you aren't getting weird looks because you're reading a book, but because you're most likely a crusty autistic nerd who smells like hot garbage.

>> No.5969200

>according to Amazon

Yeah if you consider old jewish ladies reading 50 shades of grey and the goldfinch well read.

>> No.5969209

>The Goldfinch
I'm going to power through Ms. Tartt's latest effort, but it's getting somewhat draining. Unlike The Secret History, this novel doesn't really move. She's like a pseudorealist without purpose this time around.

>> No.5969210

ding-ding-ding! you are correct
retard doesnt know shit about florida. Its a bunch boring suburban people and urban degenerates. A good 50/50 split

>> No.5969215

Just when I start thinking the people on /lit/ seem pretty normal, this "I Was a Teen-age Sperglord" shit just busts in and wrecks everything. Thanks a lot guys.

>> No.5969221

Kind of off topic, if you're ever in this hellhole, check out Books & Books and the Bookstore at the grove. prety good selections and god tier food. also the miami bookfair is full of good shit. although one time I saw a copy of Vonnegut's Galapgos going for $125. that shit was cray cray.

>> No.5969261

Only because /b/ isn't even capable

>> No.5969271

I live and go to school and Miami and not only are you obviously and blatantly lying, it is in fact the complete opposite of what you say.

>> No.5969718

shouldnt you be studying for the FCAT?

>> No.5969747

You live in a city that has one of the easiest potentials for a great social life, and you don't take advantage of it.

Leave the reading at home, and go out and get laid instead.

>> No.5969767

A girl once asked me what I was reading whilst on the bus.
I don't recall how I responded, but she gave me a look of pure poison.

>> No.5970460

tons of people reading on the bus in Toronto. America must be fucking awful (TO is for other reasons)

>> No.5971133

I socialize, although not as much as when I was younger. Either way READ THE FUCKING OP this is reading done mostly during commute to and from work you shit head.

>> No.5971206

>He thinks Miami, FL is the most non-lit city in the US
>He's never been to Baltimore, MD

Get a load of this guy.

>> No.5971218

What were you reading?

>> No.5971252
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I've been reading on the LONDON underground many a time, and one time some dad with his family whispered to them "He's reading an actual book! Silly hipster".


>> No.5971259
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dis nigga neva seen them bus benches:
I assume the message is intended to mean bus benches specifically, but I still BELIEVE.

Go to the Peabody Library. That shit is Indiana Jones (pic related) The Enoch Pratt on Cathedral Street is pretty dope too.

>> No.5971282

I'm trying to convince my fiance to have our wedding there actually. Too bad this city is nothing but hipsters. faggots, and niggers with no middle ground.

>> No.5971287

Mein Kampf

>> No.5971348

I don't know if this is a joke or what.
I live in Sweden and read books all the time in public transit, and when I wait for trains ect. No one cares

>> No.5971460
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>> No.5971506

You live in miami too? I take it you take the metrorail? I fucking hate the metrorail. I sometimes read books in it on my way to uni, I honestly dont care whether or not they give a shit or not

>> No.5971536
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nobody is paying attention to you in public

>> No.5971540

Why the fuck do you care


>> No.5971547

Yeah I would fucking hate you. I would probably be passing a joint with a few friends and then I would nod my head in your direction and say something like "this guy probably feels above everything but he just looks like a tool"

No joke. I would hate you IRL

>> No.5971550

Why are you on /lit/?

>> No.5971555

Sounds like Barthelme

>> No.5971563
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I slept over a friends house after a party and ended up reading one of his books in the morning
The look on his face was pretty funny.

>> No.5971574

Because I read often. But not at goddamn parties when it's an autistic thing to do. I mean, Jesus, people who are getting fucked up do not want to watch people read. Nobody. It kills the party vibe and the person is immediately ostracized. That's just how socializing at a party works

>> No.5971608

I'm more curious about what goes through their heads. It aint gonna stop me, thats for sure. But I just wonder what it is that makes someone think less of me if i'm immersed in a book rather than a cellphone which no matter what you're doing whether it be social media, browsing, talking, or texting, still consitutes some form of reading. like fuck whoa look at this nerd with his book haha so weird. at least thats what I get from some of the looks they give me. it doesnt happen every time, most days everyone is just minding their own business it's just that one asshole sometimes.

>> No.5971614
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how does it kill the vibe? what the fuck do you care if someone starts reading a book at a party?

>stop doing what I dont like and come smoke and drink waahhh!!


>> No.5971620


I bet you're the kid who always sat out playing spin the bottle when you were like 8.

>> No.5971629

Maybe that's the problem

>> No.5971649

nice burn bro. epic.

>> No.5971658

ignore them.

>> No.5971661

Its just the way some people are. Outside of the window of time the yuppies and doctors take the metro, most of the people in public transportation here are uneducated niggers and hispanics. Do you really expect them to not look down on reading?

>> No.5971672

I'm guilty of looking down on people that read really bad books. YA and the like. one time I saw a girl infront of me refresh her instagram at least 5 times in a row as she kept looking at the same pictures over and over. people do that alot when they're bored on the subway. sometimes they dont even look up to their surroundings not even once. BUT GUESS WHAT FAGGOTS you're doing the same antisocial shit when you read your books so deal with it.

>> No.5971682

>how does it kill the vibe

When you go to a party you'll see what I mean

>> No.5971692

I've actually gotten into conversations about books with other people and have had quotes from books read to me and others. college parties none the less. gonna take a wild guess here and say you dont know what the frickity frack you're talking about. grow up.

>kill the vibe


>> No.5971698

>I've actually gotten into conversations about books with other people and have had quotes from books read to me and others. college parties none the less. gonna take a wild guess here and say you dont know what the frickity frack you're talking about. grow up.

That's awesome what college

>> No.5971703

FIU and UM

fratboy city.

>> No.5972431
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burn them all, OP.

>> No.5972437

>live in a greater municipal area of approximately 130 000 people
>one retail bookstore to cover the entire area

I know your feel OP. Fifteen years ago there were four second-hand book stores and an additional two retailers... I don't know what happened.

>> No.5972439

You're all pathetic.

>> No.5972440

Are you 17?

>> No.5972685

Believe me, it was nowhere near the quality of a joint-passing party. It was a bunch of wannabe musicians (read: singers) getting drunk of cheap beer, their parent's wine, and some awful brew the local crust punker raised in a bathtub. It was a shit party.

>> No.5972695

>implying I gave a shit about killing the party vibe or being ostracized
Buncha wankers who can't enjoy themselves if not everyone around them is doing the same thing can go fuck themselves.

>> No.5972771

you kids aren't interesting or unique for reading

>> No.5972776

> ride the Toronto ttc everyday for past three months
>always four or five other readers in carriage

I saw a middle aged lady reading the goldfinch once but that was it

>> No.5972789

If you're implying reading at parties is socially acceptable, you're fucking retarded and obviously haven't partied

>> No.5972791

No, I was referring to Mr. Pass-a-Joint-and-Nod's attitude. He's the real faggot. Those are the people at parties I make the brunt of jokes or start hitting when drunk.

>> No.5972795


ya cuz being on Instagram is the same as reading Proust in the original French gtfo u pleb

>> No.5972799

My bad. Yeah just nodding to someone at a party is lame, you go up to him and introduce youself and invite him to whatever.