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5965173 No.5965173 [Reply] [Original]

Story idea thread time

The story I'm working on goes something like this:
>Narrator is 23, living in a shitty flat in a small town
>Insomniac, spend all his night smoking cigarets and watching soft core porn
>One night he go for a walk and decide to check the price in a photo booth
>Find a picture of himself in it
>A bit scared, go home
>2 days later go to the grocery store to buy some magazines
>Find his face on a bag of cakes
>Don't remember having ever take this picture so call the cake company
>They tell him to fuck off and clear the line
>Time pass and his face is like on everything
>Billboards, at TV, on some porn site
>Guy is like totally paranoid right now, he try to contact the agency and all but
nobody seems to care
>Call other model who all seems to be scared about him asking question
>One day he see his face on a bag of cigaret
>Get really mad, go to the police station
>He's arrested

I don't like the ending though. Any thoughts? Also post your ideas so I can rip you off (jk not jk)

>> No.5965183

Sex Motorcycle sounds like a brilliant novel.

>> No.5965788

Well you need to find some kind of way to wrap up why he's appearing everywhere. Just having him get arrested is very anticlimactic. Maybe after he gets arrested and he's in jail he gets contacted by the force using his image, or maybe from being such a shut-in he's started going crazy and you can in some way visit all the events from the perspective of a normal person. Something along those lines might work to add more depth to the plot. Could certainly be interesting.

>> No.5965796

A salesman works for a credit repair company. He starts losing it on his calls and ends up meeting a beautiful woman with a profound interest in repairing her credit. The two go on a date and end up in the man's apartment. She dies in the bathroom and he finds her body in the bathtub. He wraps the body with a tarp. Weeks later, dark oil starts leaking from her sides and mouth. He takes the corpse and dumps it in a river behind his house. The body floats and comes to rest at a neighbor's house, an old man who begins to can the oil leaking from the body, saving it and keeping it in his closet. The old man's brother is a machinist who lives in the basement of the house. He eventually stumbles upon the collected oil and begins using the fuel to power an oscilloscopic television-like device he's been devoting his life to creating. The old man's nephew discovers the screen and interprets its function as being related to the empty cans of oil and the disemboweled body of the woman he had recently discovered near the river. Days later, the nephew's mother receives a call from the salesman, offering her a deal on credit repair. She accepts and spends the last of her month's money on restoring her credit as an attempt to qualify for a loan to save her house from being foreclosed on. Eventually the old man kills his brother for stealing the oil. The salesman finds the emptied body and wraps it in a tarp, carrying it home. He brings home another female client and asks her to stay the night. Nearby, the old man's nephew burns the house with the machinist's screen and uses the oil to make a path beyond the yard, setting fire to his mother's church. The salesman wakes up the next morning and takes his date to an empty beach house.

>> No.5965801

How about you change the endings because I really like the premise. Make it more surreal and spooky Illuminati. That story sounds creepy as hell already. Make it so there is a huge conspiracy, don't do that cop out ending.

>> No.5965802

>An Artist recalls being a child
>Then a teenager
>Then an adult
>Basically an autobiography
>With lots of fancy prose
>And I guess there's some psychological stuff involved
>tfw revolutionary bestseller and one of the greatest in the whole century

>> No.5965806


And I agree with this anon, I was going to say make the reader question whether the man is insane or if it's really happening.

>> No.5965843

After he's arrested he notices the other inmates look like him. Guard looks like him. He is everything. No escape from himself which is all he really wanted. His own personal hell.

>> No.5965856

He gets a message somehow to meet at a place
Goes to place
Meets his double
His double says which one are you?
He's confused
His double says lets walk to a grocery store
They talk about what each other does on the way
The double suspects there's a charade and plays along, inventing a life, 'yeah, I do that too!'
They get to grocery store
One of the cartons at the back has a blank square where the guy's face usually is.
The double steps into the square fills it with his image, freezes.
The guy walks outside
Sees a blank billboard
Watches another double stride into it and freeze on it.

I don't know how it could end.

>> No.5965869

Kafka never gave us a reason K. was arrested in The Trial.

It sounds very Kafkaesque. I like it.

>> No.5965883

But being arrest as a climax doesn't sound worthwhile in OP's story.

>> No.5965889

sounds like a shitty early-2000's "psychological-thriller movie" or maybe just a terribly uninspired ripoff of lot49 and ubik

absolutely nothing original about your idea. to my knowledge it's never been done exactly like you put it but similar things have been done well and then done to death

>> No.5965903
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>> No.5965909

better start writing everyone, because i'm stealing all of your ideas

>> No.5965910

/lit/ has really gone onto some new levels of shit

>ops post and plot if fucking atrocious
>everyone's replies are atrocious

>> No.5965914

Or the fucking dostoyevsky book

or the movie enemy with a little Lot 49

>> No.5965926

>The foundation is cracked
>Expecting the building to be anything more than a heap of rubble

>> No.5965933

i have a series planned out

Distant future, global warming has completely ravaged the planet and most if not all major cities are under water.
Humanity is made up of roving "tribes" of people who have settled on abandoned boats, ranging from a fleet of over 500 yachts to aircraft carriers

Once a tribe finds a bit of land they often become trapped in long, bloody and convoluted wars with opposing tribes over the land

One smallish tribe, the Resters, have suffered decades of hard luck, and now a much needed solar panel engine shits the bed in the middle of a garbage patch

Nowhere to go, they float listlessly through the garbage patch. They can't fish for food or desalinate the water because it's too polluted

winter comes

when you get stuck in a garbage patch over the winter you're fucked because (I still need to flesh that out)

Try to survive by melting icetrash, just posions everyone who drinks it

Many die, Donner party shit happens

One man survives to spring

He starts to float, barely survives the garbage patch, spends two weeks hovering between life and death

He loses consciousness

regains consciousness in a decently decorated cell, hooked up to an IV

Slowly nursed back to health by a mysterious group of Doctors who wont tell him anything

Eventually, he can stand

He's taken to a huge white room with dozens of other people. Everyone is very friendly, smiling, happy.

No one will tell him what's going on.

He walks over to a man dressed in black (everyone else is dressed in white) and asks him what's going on

The man smiles, and points to a door

He walks out and is on the side deck of a huge aircraft carrier

The sea is the most calm he's ever seen it

The man in black walks out, shows him to a lifeboat

Tells him to get in

He does, the lifeboat is lowered, and the man begins to float away

end of book one

>> No.5965939

how about dante's inferno, only hell is modernized and is instead a giant urban shithole that is separated into circular districts, and the closer you get to the center the worse everything becomes

at the center is a fucknormous crater formed from a nuclear explosion when satan fell

>> No.5965963

Yeah you forgot Guy de Maupassant. He was obsessed with the thought of his double somewhere around. Its a psychological disorder. Someone plots a story about depression, are you going to list all the stories that have depression in them?

>> No.5965964

I'm not big on sci-fi to begin with but that sounds like a lot of ideas for a single book. It could easily get too convoluted; I'd recommend editing your ideas down a bit or splitting up your thoughts.

>> No.5965978

I kind of like this concept, however, I feel as though it would be very easy to fall into the trap of mediocrity. Without superb prose or poetic form (depending on your preferred medium) you would quickly find your work on the two dollar stand in some shoddy stand in a bankrupted mall.

>> No.5966119
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>mfw my idea is so good I dont want to post it because one of you faggots will steal it

>> No.5966844

Sounds like a harlen Ellison story I read but forgot the name of once

>> No.5966870

I know, right?