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/lit/ - Literature

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5962956 No.5962956[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you think young children these days are spoiled, self centered,or egoistic? If so why?

>> No.5962968

Aristophanes, go to bed

>> No.5962973

I think most are actually insecure. In the dystopian, marxism infested parody of the West we live in today, children are told that everyone is equal, they're all shit rotting in the same heap, nobody is better at anything than anybody else, nobody deserves praise, parents ignore their children and single Moms see them as nothing more an annoyance.

You know that rich Chad who flaunts his cash and gets angry when Mommy and Daddy don't give him what he wants? That's a prime example of low self esteem and shitty parenting. Its a ign of a parent who tries to occupy their kids with material goods but not emotional ones.

>> No.5962974

I dunno, for every self centered ignorant kid there's a selfless ignorant kid applying himself to five different causes.

I just think it's more projected today because of social media.

>> No.5962976

This, same reason half of them are becoming trannies, and at higher rates the more decadent/rich their families are. California is the faggot teenager capital of the universe.

>> No.5962978
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>In the dystopian, marxism infested parody of the West we live in today.

>> No.5962981
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>Its a ign of a parent who tries to occupy their kids with material goods but not emotional ones.
>this is because of our marxism infested society

>> No.5962983

pure /r9k/ resentment

>> No.5962987

Just imagine for a moment, a person who exclusively browses /pol/ and /r9k/

>> No.5962990

>spoiled, self centered,or egoistic

Because they are the attributes of the parents and the attributes that society lauds. I know you're conservative but you should be able to look into the pure ideology of your wrong generation thinking.

>> No.5962991

tumblr's about to cry again, hit the deck!

>> No.5962993


You've just described the IT department of the place I used to work.

>> No.5962994

not even a good story


>> No.5962995

You say One Direction, I say ACDC...

>> No.5962996


Marxism isn't about love, its about distrubuting suffering. "If I can't be happy, then no-one else can" is the Marxist's mantra.

>> No.5962998

Everyone has always been that way, so yes

>> No.5963000
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Discussing Marxism while having no idea what Marxism is.

Just /lit/ things.

>> No.5963002

>nothing more an annoyance

>not crying

is it opposites day today?

sorry i mean is it not opposites day today?

>> No.5963006

>happiness at the expense of others is the only happiness allowed

spot the dude who got bullied in school. don't worry -- one day you'll run a major corporation and you'll be the one turning your bullies down for jobs. then who will have the last laugh!

>> No.5963007

how is this related to literature?

>> No.5963011


I know exactly what marxism is. The unfortunates of society gaze upon the happy with their beady little eyes and instead accepting help decide that the hard working capitalists are "too happy" and try to overthrow them. If Russia had just followed example and became capitalist Russia would be a nice place today instead of a depressing festering drug den. Capitalism is about helping people and raising them up; marxism is about violence, distributing suffering and tearing things down.

>> No.5963015

This was poorly punctuated nonsense.

Beyond your sweeping generalizations I don't think most kids sit around being indoctrinated by messages of equality. I remember as a kid being like fuck can't pass the presidential fitness test like Jill but I do a fuckton better on tests than Ben. Most healthy and well-functioning kids will pick up on some form of this.

The answer to the question is shittier parents because it's much easier to give up and go nowhere in today's society.

>> No.5963018


>I know exactly what marxism is

fuck yeah hell yeah

>> No.5963021
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Being this western

>> No.5963022

which page of the manifesto did you get that from?

>> No.5963030

also this >>5963011

>> No.5963036


>implying America isn't a festering drug den

>> No.5963042


I don't want to run a major corporation. If I had my way corperations wouldn't exist, they're toxic to Capitalism. I wouldn't turn my bullies down for jobs, I believe in second chances.

Its the opposite way around; you grew up with an abusive emotionally detatched single mother, and now you rage against the thought of anyone being happy instead of joining them.


>I don't think most kids sit around being indoctrinated by messages of equality

Yes, they do. I went to a comprehensive (public) school that was 50% white. All we ever learned in Religious education is about how great Muslims are, we learned all about blacks were "enslaved" by whites, in citizenship we learned about how everybody is equal and we were forced to watch fight club - marxism 101. 13 year old children being told that they're nothing but rotting shit, instead of individuals with lots of potential.


Its the idea that the prolateriat (revolutionary class) should overthrow the bourgiesie (exploititive class) violently because they would never be able to do it democratically.

>> No.5963044
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>I don't think most kids sit around being indoctrinated by messages of equality.

Okay. Unfortunately, you're wrong.


>> No.5963045
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>Capitalism is about helping people and raising them up; marxism is about violence, distributing suffering and tearing things down.

>> No.5963049

we must fight the commie menace. god bless america

>> No.5963053


That happened because of the state. One one hand because they banned weed which led to the prices skyrocketing and to cocain being smuggled because its harder to find which led to the crack epidemic. If they'd just let people smoke weed or do some opium in the first place it would niche hobby most people would see as an unhealthy waste of time and money.

>> No.5963059


I don't know waht reaction a man drinking whipped cream is supposed to convey.


I'm fine with communism-like societies as long as they aren't violently enforced. I've even thought about starting a commune myself.

>> No.5963062


Shit I never got the propaganda workbook.

I teach a middle school English class and make my own.

>> No.5963063

>and now you rage against the thought of anyone being happy instead of joining them.

not at all; i think all people should feel happy even if they are marginalised or impoverished. for some reason you don't

>> No.5963068

>I wouldn't turn my bullies down for jobs

Admitting you were bullied is the first step to admitting your mentality is warped.

>> No.5963069

>individuals with lots of potential.

you do realise this is why people try to give equal opportunity, right?

>> No.5963072
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We're laughing at you, because as we patricians know, capitalism is the ideology that states few should be happy at the great expense of all, while communism states all should be happy at a small expense to all.