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5960838 No.5960838 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/

Just finished reading Candide by Voltaire. This book really shed a new light on how I see life and disgrace as a whole.

Has anybody else read it? What do you think about the message that Candide carries?

>> No.5960895

Voltaire just wanted to make fun of a retarded christian ideology.

>> No.5960946

So? Does this discredits his book? Does it loses it value because of this? I understand that Voltaire was very sarcastic and humorous, still his works are amazingly well done.

>> No.5960965

is the whole point of that book

>> No.5960968

I read it. Was sorely disappointed. It was about as funny as an episode of Friends.

As for the message, who cares? It was a strawman attack at Leibniz's philosophy. Even if we took Leibniz's stance on this seriously, satire like Candide wouldn't really add to the discussion.

>> No.5960978


>> No.5960993
File: 325 KB, 661x717, jhgfjfg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate everyone in this thread besides OP.

it didn't have to be funny. the story was told with grace and efficiency, and the dual drive of the narrative and the impending, growing metaphysical lesson made for a riveting read.

i thought the part about the place with the red sheep was particularly enthralling

with the ending, hes not saying life sucks, if you read it and think that then you're a really pessimistic person that I don't like

>> No.5961005

While I browsing the bookstore in my hometown, I started chitchatting with this man on the line, when i asked what book he was buying, he showed me a copy of Candide. He told me he was buying it for his girlfriend and how it was hes favourite book ever. I decided to give it a try and I am glad to say I'm not disappointed. Sure, it's satire, it is kinda entertaining. But it is one of the most simple and honest philosophy texts i've ever read, and by that alone it is pretty amazing.

>> No.5961011

I'm glad you think that way, most people think it's just about how life sucks so much, but it's much more than that.

He says that in the end, if you want to be trully happy, you just need to work for it.

>> No.5961022


Unfunny satire is akin to non-arousing porn.

>> No.5961035

I thought the message was well summed up in the final sentence:
"We must cultivate our garden"

>> No.5961039

eh, I disagree

>> No.5961045

the satire doesnt matter at all though. its good on its own. plus satire can be profound rather than funny

>> No.5961080

Wow you really convinced me with those hot opinions there bud open a blog all of us will read it for sure.

>> No.5961089

Wow great argument dude you should write an advice column with opinions as blasting as those they are really really convincing me to sway my opinions to match yours.

>> No.5961111
File: 139 KB, 424x470, 1409196539170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw learning French
Supposedly Voltaire was very skilled in French prose. Can any froganons confirm?

>> No.5961122


Non. Voltaire est Rousseau pour les homosexuals.

>> No.5961124

Je confirme anon. C'est très bien écrit.

>> No.5961130

>tfw il fait le mec

>> No.5961156

M-merci pour votre aide, anon

Merci, Monsieur.

>> No.5962419
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Clairement, un très bon prosateur (même si je préfère Montesquieu ou Rousseau pour le XVIIIème).
Je te conseille surtout son théâtre et son Siècle de Louis XIV

>> No.5963334 [DELETED] 

>Has anybody else read it? What do you think about the message that Candide carries?
A few leftist/liberals call him an usurpateur because they view his whole moral 'cultivate your garden' as an invitation to have a public life engaged in the city. I think that their views is exaggerated. Voltaire was a bourgeois sure, but I am not sure that he wished to keep the people down.

>> No.5963342

>>5960838 (OP)#
>Has anybody else read it? What do you think about the message that Candide carries?
A few leftist/liberals call him an usurpateur because they view his whole moral 'cultivate your garden' as an invitation not to have a public life, engaged in the city. I think that their views is exaggerated. Voltaire was a bourgeois sure, but I am not sure that he wished to keep the people down.

>> No.5963358

Wow great retorts to those posters anon you should post on /lit/ more often, start tripping with the name "SniperQuip" so I can stabilize my mind for your impending wit.

>> No.5963921

It's not right. Leibniz was right. Voltaire is just butthurt the best of all worlds woudn't have much premarital sex.

>> No.5963971

I agree 100%
Candide simplifies the philosophy until it sounds idiotic, then beats a dead horse with the same joke over and over again: "everything is sooo shitty but that's actually good! Dohoho"

I think Candide was a little more powerful in the context in which it was written - I think he was more satirizing the prevailing French reliance on Leibniz's philosophy rather than the philosophy itself. But in that case the meaning is a little lost on modern readers...

Still overrated as fuck IMO

>> No.5963975

Yes dude, its a pretty good book. Now get to the next one.

>> No.5963982

>a retarded christian ideology
Confirmed for poorly educated.

>> No.5964002

I left the book with the message that life is often out of our control and absolutely fucking crazy.

You can't save the world, you can't help everyone, but that doesn't mean give up and bury your head in the sand.

It means cultivate your garden, tend the area around you. Spread positivity and encourage the growth of those closest to you, those you can effect, and hope they will in turn spread that our further and further away.

Just my take.

>> No.5964006

*Spread that out

>> No.5964193

i enjoyed the ending after all the trauma and bs the motley crew ends up on a farm doing absolutely nothing, and are more miserable there than ever. eventually they begin fruitful toil, as if they were in their own garden of eden, and begin enjoying existence.
heaven>hell>purgatory, that was my lasting impression.

>> No.5964203

Yeah, the book is pure shit. It's basically propaganda with no attempt to even prove why he is right.

>> No.5964358

the only people who don't like Candide are the same who engage in dick-contests between philosophers just for the sport of it, like Candide can't in itself just be the glorious novel it is

all Voltaire 'argues' is that a terminally optimistic outlook will lead one in circles from worldly horror to worldly horror, and that we must cultivate our garden

he's not wrong. Candide is fantastic.

>> No.5964369

I think he literally meant "toil the earth and you won't be so depressed faggot".

>> No.5964421


>> No.5964447

>has anybody else read Candide

>> No.5964484

No he didn't. He meant that people have to actively work to make the world a place worth living, not passively accept the way it is.

>> No.5964492


>> No.5964502
