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5959654 No.5959654[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you believe in Love /lit/?

>> No.5959661

what's your favorite book, /lit/?

>> No.5959664

I do now :^)

>> No.5959668

I believe in a thing called "love".

>> No.5959669

Yes, but there are unloveable people in this world. People who will never experience love from another.

>> No.5959673

Fucking crossposters

>> No.5959678


I believe in nothing everything at the same time. :)

>> No.5959685

Yes. It seems to be that feeling around the opposite sex you find attractive but doesn't happen to be lust...

>> No.5959689

God is love, so as Christian I believe in love.

>> No.5959695

This question is equivalent to "do you believe in friendship?" and both are very, very retarded. Any kind of concept constructed by social rules (which some of them necessarily public) has as much existence as it can: as a concept.
Whether there is people who behave according to the public rules or not is different question.

If you're asking for "love" as some kind of spooky metaphysical entity like "soul" or "spirit", then the answer is obviously no.

>> No.5959697
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>that feeling around the opposite sex you find attractive
>around the opposite sex
>being a het-norm

>> No.5959712

If you believe in love, you're a stupid human being.

>> No.5959717

love is not a religion so why would i believe in it lmao

>> No.5959784

>not accepting that heterosexuality is the default state
No matter how tolerant society is, homosexuality will always be a minority. Doesn't mean anything derogatory, just a biological fact.

>> No.5959799

why is she so hot

>> No.5959801

Love is a many splendoured thing.
Love lifts us up where we belong.
All you need is love.

>> No.5959831

Love as in strong sexual and romantic/emotional attraction and attachment to a person. You can't deny the existence of that; love exists, just not the fairy tale one true love, soul mate crap.

>> No.5959858

I believe in fidelity and devotion. Enough to keep me in happy ship.

>> No.5959865 [DELETED] 

#stopsexual deviation #stop/b #stoppatriarchy #stopinappropriatedsexualcontent #stop4chan

4chan users your site must be PURGED by deleting /b or establishing stricter rules and norms. We noticed an exceeding level of injustice, racism, prejudices and abusive behavior. Be ready

>> No.5959866

There are no biological facts, get your cisgendered Eurocentric prescriptivism out of /lit/

>> No.5959868

>There are no biological facts

then why do scientists study biology then


>> No.5959870

Is love a purely social construct though? Does it not naturally occur in humans in the state of nature?

>> No.5959873

Eurocentric nonsense. :^)

>> No.5959875
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/pol/tards are more frequent but tumblr kids are more annoying. Fuck.

>> No.5959886

It's the colors. They are so warm.

>> No.5959887
File: 244 KB, 1067x1600, FashionableNonsense.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are no exact science facts
I know it's 80% bait but there are really people who argue like that seriously which makes me a little worried.
Since It's lit, here book. "Fashionable nonsense" for every so called "progressive". "postmodern leftist" trying to speak about exact science and make statements based on it.

>> No.5959917

Get your derogatory bullshit away from me.
I've got no problem with your sexual preference/orientation/identity/whateverthefuck, just don't act like there ISN'T a default/ norm.
Are you that uncomfortable with being outside the mainstream?
Myself, I generally dislike "normality", but I don't dispute that it exists.

>> No.5959924


>> No.5960222

every man has a soul mate, but this soul mate cannot be met in this life, and is a spiritual entity and not a physical one.
your soul mate is the same being as your guardian angel.
your soul mate is the fulfilment of your desire
to try to meet your soul mate in this life, or to try to make someone in this life your soul mate, always results in disaster proportionate to your desire to make this impossibility real.
for you sceptic and atheists, instead of looking at the soul mate as a spiritual being, you can look it as a psychological phenomenon symbolizing Eros or desire
though our soul mates are with us all our lives here, we cannot see them until we enter heaven, and cannot be separated from them other than by being condemned to bell
Dante realized the truth of the soul mate.Read Later Vita Nuova. He realizes that his Beatrice is not the physical woman that he saw, but that the physical woman was just a muse that presaged his spiritual/mental souli-mate
in this world we can't have our souli-mate, we can only have bodyi-mates. Marriage is the union of two bodies, and if you read Scripture carefully you will see that it always depicts marriage as the union of flesh, not of soul. The idea that marriage unites two souls is sentimental nonsense that has caused a lot of failed marriages and disappointments, as people have tried to make their earthly body-mates their souli-mate
that doesn't mean marriage isn't beautiful; the body is not evil and the union of our bodies is beautiful, but it is not an absolute and fulfilling beauty like the union of the souli-mate, which is why disaster always occurs when one expects ultimate fulfilment from this only partial union of two people

>> No.5960244

No. I never believed in England, either.

>> No.5960250

>"Fashionable nonsense"
Get out.

>> No.5960261

back to tumblr with you

>> No.5960278

dat nice rural yard.

>> No.5960285

Then the Lord God cast a deep sleep upon Adam: and when he was fast asleep, he took one of his ribs, and filled up flesh for it. And the Lord God built the rib which he took from Adam into a woman: and brought her to Adam. And Adam said: This now is bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman, because she was taken out of man.

see how Adam recognizes Eve has the fulfilment of his flesh. a part of his flesh is missing, and Eve fulfills that missing part. At this point in time Adam's soul mate is God himself because he is in paradise and God is providing for his every desire (everyone's soulmate is actually God in the final analysis)
Adam being put to sleep symbolizes his dreams and desires, so that Eve was given the shape of his soul's desire; however, Eve only has the image of his desire, she is not the fulfilment of it.

>> No.5960299

as a male you find feminine features attractive because humans evolved around mating with what they found good looking.

>> No.5960315

eternal love is the only kind worthwhile

>> No.5960316

I agreed, the way you wrote it triggered off some /pol/ tards but technically you are absolutely right.

>> No.5960324

I should quote the next line

Wherefore a man shall leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they shall be two in one flesh.

I believe Christ references this very verse in the New Testament, confirming that marriage is primarily the union of flesh
he also speaks of those in heaven having no marriages and being like the angels

>> No.5960327

100% medical grade ideology.
Homosexuality itself being a perpetual existing identity in clear opposition to heterosexuality is as contemporary as you can get.

I'd give you that there may be a chance of quasi-heterosexual practices of insemination (as comparable to Vedic duty) existing throughout the existence of the human race, but even that's a stretch.

>> No.5960331

you will do one day
you'll meet England while driving down the motorway one day past the countryside
it'll come

>> No.5960333

Because they aren't smart enough to study physics.

>> No.5960338

Yeah, I believe in that happy place called "love". Sometimes it makes you feel like shit when stuff doesn't go the way you like.
Can be manifested in many ways,
Caring, feeling happy, or couple love (wich is the most common I suppose).
Of course that, by default you must love yourself in order to love someone else. Dunno, love it's so simple to feel and so complex to describe.

>> No.5960340

fuck off to tumblr sfw, the kike is strong in this one

>> No.5960348
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>> No.5960355

All you need is love.

>> No.5960366

I'd like to believe in love. {spoiler];______;[/spoiler]

>> No.5960373

i have denied myself every opportunity to experience anything resembling love or romance

its always so clear after the fact

>> No.5960377

default state? where is it carved in stone what the default state of man is?

>> No.5960382

Love, yes. life after love, no

>> No.5960383

love is just a chemical reaction, its not something you have to believe in or not. Its like saying do you believe in pain?

>> No.5960388

>i have denied myself every opportunity to experience anything resembling love or romance


>> No.5960389

when did this line of thinking become so common, it's so plebby

>> No.5960405

i love lamp

>> No.5960438

human evolution is so plebby XD

>> No.5960448

some sort of subconcious self sabotage

>> No.5960454

If the idea of one of your remote descendants maybe sucking a cock in the future without that act and his feelings towards it constituting a definition of lifelong personal attraction to that act and the feelings surrounding it rouses you so that it prompts you to shitpost a complete catchphrase, you be pathologically paranoid about circumstances over which you have no control.

>> No.5960458

What could possibly be wrong with a word I spelt correctly?

>> No.5960469

my descendants weren't degenerate fags like yours though. I come from a family of Christian values and that is the way its been for ages.

>> No.5960498
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yes. its a thing that exists, not something you can believe/not believe in

>> No.5960499

>tfw you fart
>tfw you look at an unattractive woman at the same time

Is there anything worse than seeing a butterface and smelling your own stale, Joycean colon spirits at the same time?

>> No.5960531

it exists? isn't it just a concept made up by humans? If you take away all of life would it still exist?

>> No.5960540

Not really the same thing, but the first time I was on a boat as a kid -- maybe about 10-years-old -- I was sitting across this real qt, her on her bench and me on mine, and, as the waves become more erratic, my stomach began to feel uneasy. So after a few minutes of this my seasickness reaches its climatic level of queasiness, perfectly aligning with the moment me and this qt locked eyes, and as soon as she smiled I turned to my left and vomited my In 'N Out burger all over the fishing boat.

I think I hid in the cabin after that, later overhearing one of the employees saying "damn, someone had onions!" referring to the ectoplasmic soup my stomach had spewed.

Sorry, just had to share that with someone.

>> No.5960584

Like the Christian value where God makes you straight again if you ask him nicely and sincerely enough, no matter how many men have pounded your rusty Sherriff's badge, amirite?

>> No.5960650

My teeth are just a concept, if you took away all of life they wouldn't exist any more.

>> No.5960664


>> No.5960667

yeah, you can pray to god to give you strength.

>> No.5960668

So the word "concept" applies to literally everything, and is therefore a pointless word.

>> No.5960677

yeah. pointlessness is also a concept though.

>> No.5960687

So is "concept", necessarily.

>> No.5960706

of course, you can't experience the world in any other way. That isn't to say there isn't some kind of objective world that exists outside of our heads, just that you can't think about it without using some kind of human made concept

>> No.5960727

the bible

>> No.5960871

and where is it written that the bible is right.

inb4 circular logic

>> No.5960897
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love is sharing. the more life two people share the deeper the love. being physically attracted to somebody can facilitate this, but ultimately love is a choice that needs to be made by both parties.

>> No.5960921

>Is love a purely social construct though?
Love manifests itself through practice just as friendship does, that's why we can talk about it in the first place. "Love" is not private.

>Does it not naturally occur in humans in the state of nature?
Hardly. Can we say that monkeys "love" their partners from their point fo view?, or that dogs can love?
Animal behaviour is nothing but instinct, under this light we would define "love" just as other anons: strong sexual atraction.
But the social conditions which determinate atraction in humans are far more complex, which I don't think we can dismise.

>> No.5960941

So therefore, you can carry out vast amounts of the most infinitely depraved homosexual activity and remain irrevocably straight with help from God and the family through which you fulfill your Vedic duty. Human Nature being infinitely fallen it should come as no surprise if some time in the future he planned for mankind, the Freemasons Lodge and the Knights of Columbus have a rainbow party, as long as they get licence from the Lord on Sunday. In terms of actual gay acts being performed, it's no different from the Temple of Priapus. Thus the homosexual acts have nothing to do with homosexual identity, which is what I have been trying to tell you.

>> No.5960964

>Hardly. Can we say that monkeys "love" their partners from their point fo view?, or that dogs can love?

you're placing an unnatural boundary between humans and other animals. if humans can love it would be natural to assume that other animals can, though maybe to a "lesser degree", and there is a great deal of evidence to support this assumption. apes, elephants, dogs, and other animals all cry for the loss of those they spend time with, and there is a visible change in behaviour after the fact.
