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5955610 No.5955610[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>20-something leftists

Surely, your political beliefs aren't influenced by the current academic climate, are they?

>> No.5955631

no, my political beliefs are influenced by literally nothing except logic (no facts), to ensure that I am pure

>> No.5955633

I dropped out of school, OP. I study rhizomes and contingency in my spare time to get women

it doesn't work

>> No.5955634


>pure ressentiment

>> No.5955641

damn nigger I was just thinking about this

I said nigger because Im not a leftist

>> No.5955642
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>underage posters


>> No.5955643


>> No.5955645

I don't live in the west, so, no

>> No.5955811

>20-something rightists

Surely, your political beliefs aren't simply a reaction to the current academic climate, are they?

>> No.5955816

>your enviroment will influence your worldview

well color me shocked op

could the fact your political positions probably resemble /pol/ be a coincidence?

>> No.5955829


>> No.5955834

Kill this thread, mods.

>> No.5955838

if Nietzsche had been reborn in the USA last century would he have been a leftist? my theory is that he would have said the same thing about black culture (not all blacks are "african", racist PCs) as he did about jewish culture.
>downtrodden race
>made new cultural contributions (like jazz, sexual openness) despite (because?) of that
>mainstream society looked down on their achievements because of moral hypocrisy
>signs of their decline eventually show up, e.g. the self-fulfilling "ghetto" thug stereotype (nietzsche's jewish equivalent: "nothing worse than the stockmarket jew").
Valid theory?

>> No.5955876

No, You've never read Nietzsche.

>> No.5955882

I don't need to have read his work proper to have verified quotes from them where he says those things about the jews.

>> No.5955900

Would be a valid theory if "not being a racist" was the only criteria that makes one a leftist.

>> No.5955908

>contemporary German music, which is romanticism through and through and most un-Greek of all possible art forms—moreover, a first-rate poison for the nerves, doubly dangerous among a people who love drink and who honor lack of clarity as a virtue, for it has the double quality of a narcotic that both intoxicates and spreads a fog
>what would a music have to be like that would no longer be of romantic origin, like German music—but Dionysian?
cue jazz.

>> No.5955911
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>I don't need to have read his work proper to have verified quotes from them where he says those things about the jews.


>> No.5955918
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>> No.5955923

>20-something rightists

Surely, your political beliefs aren't influenced by a Mongolian brass rubbing website, are they?

>> No.5955928

>"I would like to know how much one must excuse in the overall accounting of a people which, not without guilt on all our parts, has had the most sorrowful history of all peoples"
>"Every nation, every man has disagreeable, even dangerous characteristics; it is cruel to demand that the Jew should be an exception."
>"the youthful Jew of the stock exchange is the most repugnant invention of the whole human race."
All from Nietzsche, idiot.

>> No.5955935


I was making fun of the candor of your post, friend. I don't care what Nietzsche said about der juden

>> No.5955943

He also condemned anti-semitism in the genealogy of morals

>> No.5955958

I don't get the notion that you have to read everything in its purest complete form to understand it. So my paraphrasing seems fine for this context.

And therefore I think he would feel the same about the racism in the USA last century.

>> No.5956252

I think you should just to understand to what extent those statements are qualified by the rest of his sentiments about every nation, peoples and persons he detests.

>> No.5956285

>would he have been a leftist?

Don't think N would have supported such a suckling nanny state.

>> No.5956289

Not necessary for the USA comparison. Unless you'd like to prove otherwise.

>> No.5956304

they're influenced by leftism but not because it's the current climate