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File: 326 KB, 1280x960, artist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5953427 No.5953427 [Reply] [Original]

>artists you know and talk to picking your ideas and getting all the praise

>> No.5953464

That was basically my school life between 7-12, I was best friends with the most popular guy in school (since we were 5) and had little presence of my own, and I'd always crack funny jokes that only he heard, then he'd repeat them out loud and everyone would laugh. While I can't be sure that they weren't laughing just because it was the popular guy who said it, it might sort of mean that my jokes were funny, because they were laughing at my jokes. I didn't score any chicks or royalties, but such is the life of a misunderstood artist.

>> No.5953467

Ideas are worth nothing OP.

>> No.5953479


Oh how French of you.
What other profound wisdom do you have to share oh deep ennui-ridden frog?

>> No.5953489

Tell that to the people getting paid for them and changing people's lives with them.

>> No.5953503

>tfw you don't know any artists

I wish I knew some interesting people. Everyone in my life is a muh job bore.

>> No.5953509

It's much more pragmatic than you think. If you have an idea, but can't transform it into an actualty object, piece of art, product, it is worth nothing. This is exemplified by you spouting your ideas into the world without any consideration, you obviously don't care about them.

It's your own fault that you don't keep your ideas to yourself OP.

>> No.5953536

>only commodities have worth

>> No.5953540

It's not more pragmatic than we think, it's exactly as pragmatic as we think. We just happen to think it's retarded on top of that. Pragmatism doesn't exclude retardation.

>> No.5953551

That is why you learn not to tell them anything. For future reference, in terms of honesty, and sincerity:

Acrobats/street performers > musicians (only because talking ideas with them is interesting, having to communicate everything to a beat, or in relation to music, and they have no idea how to relay the idea in a non musical way) > techies / stage crew > actors > painters > photographers > lawyers > writers > politicians > journalists

Now you know. Don't be a fool.

>> No.5953562
File: 179 KB, 854x859, abstract_disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>caring more about praise than the fact that your ideas get spread

>> No.5953594

Evidence please.

>> No.5953626

How is it possible for me to provide evidence here? Anyone that has spent time mingling with these people will back me up. Tell me how to provide evidence? What if I told you I have friends that are in all these professions, and that I worked in the theatre and performing arts for years, and also in a newspaper?

>> No.5953642

Your anecdotes aren't relevant, you made a list, explain it.

>> No.5953649


>lawyers above writers

>> No.5953653


>philosophers are selfless altruists


>> No.5953659

Explain your reasoning.

>> No.5953681

Sorry, mate. If you want me to dish it up in little bite sized pieces on your silver spoon you are going to have to buff all the tarnish off first.

>> No.5953694


I mean this should be self-evident.
Or maybe you're under the impression philosophers are demigods not under any sway of jealousy or egotism.

>> No.5953728


>check out this analytic fag

>> No.5953856

I'm asking how you came to the conclusion that anon was saying that all philosophers are altruistic, as I can't for the life of me understand how you came to that conclusion.
I'd buff all the tarnish off alright, but I can't punch a retard over the internet. So instead I'll ask you: can you back up your assertion that everyone who has met people of the professions you listed will rate them in exactly that order?

>> No.5953884

But they are worthwhile to the man with the idea.

>> No.5953894

But there are people who have great ideas, but despite the poor execution, end up being praised.

>> No.5953932

Are you fucking kidding me?

Either your ideas are childish or you are full of it.

Artists are morons. They couldn't understand basic algebra let alone try and translate something philosophical into something visually prophetic.

>> No.5954048


>> No.5954358

How is it ever going to be possible to claim anything with 100% certainty? And the same question gets asked, again: how can I prove anything on 4chan? Besides, you don't need to punch a retard over the internet, you can punch yourself sterile with your spare hand while you masturbate tonight.

>> No.5954362

Are you a woman? A lot of women think thoughts and emotions are more important than actions. Men know better.

>> No.5954365

>make absolute claims
>can't back them up
>n-nothing can be proven
>I'm still absolutely right though
I'm sure you think you're smart, but reality just isn't that kind.

>> No.5954372

But you know it is true. I have my hierarchy, which has been tested in my life and compared with my friends, but there will always be a contrary opinion, maybe because it is true, maybe because it is 4chan, and fags gotta fag. My list is a good one, and nit picking about absolutes is nonsense. If you think it isn't, please give me one absolute, anything will do.

>> No.5954383

>which has been tested in my life and compared with my friends
Which has nothing to do with what you said earlier. In fact, none of what you just said has anything to do with what you said earlier. That's fine, and if this is your new position, then I have no further rebuttals.

>> No.5954390

I do video stuff, and you know me now.

>> No.5954394

What? Are you drunk? Are you sad? Did you get confused between reading this thread and photoshopping faceshots of your sister over winsest pics? What have I said that is different to earlier?

>> No.5954402

Man are you even old enough to browse 4chan?

>> No.5954426

This could have been interesting, but you have only proved that you are a witless shutin. Fuck you for getting my hopes up. Maybe next time commit to a dialogue, not just eye rolling tween insults.