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5951373 No.5951373 [Reply] [Original]

What is the solution to the Trolley Problem?

>> No.5951377

Superior reliance on solar technology for wind-based transportation.

>> No.5951382

Kill the one you fucking autist.

>> No.5951391

Ban all trains

>> No.5951394

its in the language
no literally
there is no problem and there is no solution

>> No.5951398

Kill the train

>> No.5951399

I bet you'd feel differently if you were the one strapped to the rail.

>> No.5951401

deepthroat the handle

>> No.5951409

Probably not. I hate my life.

>> No.5951411


>> No.5951415

And I'd feel great if I were one of the blokes on the bottom. What's your point?

>> No.5951416
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I fixed your problem anon

>> No.5951435

How does smearing doo-doo on their faces change the situation?

>> No.5951436

Full communism.

>> No.5951438


>> No.5951439

Some lives are more valuable than others. It is up to you to determine if the one is worth saving over the five. If you are unsure, it is statistically better to kill the one.

>> No.5951440
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They are supposed to be darkies.

>> No.5951444

Now they're clearly white supremacists doing blackface. They deserve to die.

>> No.5951447

the doctor is a woman

>> No.5951453
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I'd axe my entire bloodline to death if it'd allow me to avoid being accused of racism.

>> No.5951458

How the fuck do you fail that hard at Paint?

>> No.5951460

Clearly you must kill the 4. 4 body's are more likely to slow the trolley and prevent further collateral damage.

>> No.5951464
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>> No.5951467

5, you fucking aspie.

>> No.5951469

How can you say it's ethical to kill the one to save the five when you wouldn't make the same decision if you were that one person?

>> No.5951482

It's clearly the driver's fault, whichever way it goes. What we have to do is shoot the driver before he gets away and so restore justice. Then all weighed, nothing bad will have happened at all.

>> No.5951486
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>getting this upset
>5 is even better for the situation

>> No.5951488

My life > 5 other people > 1 other person

I mean it'd be just as ethical to kill me, I just wouldn't like it that much.

>> No.5951491

Simply allow it to take the course it was meant to take; you have no reason to alter what God has already willed.

>> No.5951499
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>the only right answer in the whole thread.

>> No.5951516

Aside from the Typo, this is the correct answer. Fuck the Police.

>> No.5951519

but what if god willed me to kill the person?

>> No.5951526
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>> No.5951531

I hope you're trolling. To assume that not taking action would be following God's will is disgustingly arrogant and presumptuous.

>> No.5951533
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>> No.5951537

new atheist

>> No.5951546

Switch it to the side with one person and then then and pull him off the track.

>> No.5951553

Do nothing

>> No.5951570

Oh man oh man...

>> No.5951571

But once you've been confronted with the situation and the possibility to change it, doing nothing is a decision to kill the one.

>> No.5951579

The five, I mean.

>> No.5951587

1) Nothing because the trolley isn't connected to any electrical source and isn't moving.
2) Depends who the one person is, how important they are, etc.
3) The one person, utilitarian style

>> No.5951608

The Jokes on you, the trolley only activates when you pull the lever.

>> No.5951609
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>> No.5951611

Hello Wittgenstein.

>> No.5951617

Naw man, by that same logic, I am responsible for every death conceivable in the world. I could be in Africa, helping little niglets not get aids, but I'm not.

Murder is an action, I have to act, to do something, to initiate a murder.

>> No.5951621

What if, and I'm just spit balling here, god didn't give two shits who my cousin Jimmy tied to a rail.
God gives you free will. Somebody used their free will to create that situation. Now i can use mine to save four lives.

>> No.5951626

Inaction is a choice. Blood will be on your hands either way. Kill the one.

>> No.5951645

There's no assurance or even reasonable expectation that giving up your life to go do volunteer work in Africa will actually save any lives. It's an abstract possibility. With the trolley problem there's no ambiguity -- you're standing next to the lever, you have the strength to pull it, and you know pulling it will divert its path. Saying that doing nothing isn't an action is like not shaking someone's hand when they extend theirs to you and saying "I didn't choose not to shake your hand, I just didn't choose to."

>> No.5951647

>Inaction is a choice.
Inaction is a choice, but it's a morally neutral choice. I have no duty to my fellow man. I only have a duty to help someone else if I put that person into the situation.

Just ask yourself this question: If I stopped existing, would those people still die? Yes of course they would. I, existing and being there, do not affect the course of their destiny.

>> No.5951649


>> No.5951657

>There's no assurance or even reasonable expectation that giving up your life to go do volunteer work in Africa will actually save any lives.
There's no assurance if I pull the lever that the train will turn in the other direction. Or that if I try to turn the lever that it will turn and not jam.

>It's an abstract possibility.
What the fuck do you think this is? It's a thought experiment.

>With the trolley problem there's no ambiguity -- you're standing next to the lever, you have the strength to pull it, and you know pulling it will divert its path.
Yes, no and no. Assuming yes, yes and yes. I could equally say that since I have the opportunity to save those niglets, I should. I might not be able to save every one of them, but I'd reasonably be able to save a few. I could save little Tyrone from starving if I just sell everything I have and donate to the red cross or something.

>Saying that doing nothing isn't an action is like not shaking someone's hand when they extend theirs to you and saying "I didn't choose not to shake your hand, I just didn't choose to."
I don't get how this is any sort of response. It's a choice, but it isn't a physical action. If I wasn't there and he extended his hand, he'd still not be shaking anything.

>> No.5951662

If the person who tied them to the tracks died suddenly, the five would still die. Even though the man put them into that situation, his existence has no important.
Each man is given equal opportunity, thus, they are equally responsible.

>> No.5951663

Sorry man. I hope you find something to live for.

>> No.5951668

Train comin' round the beeeennd

>> No.5951673

The new atheist is probably just some edgy kid that won't do much harm
The tripfags are mentally ill

>> No.5951675

>If the person who tied them to the tracks died suddenly, the five would still die.

>Even though the man put them into that situation, his existence has no important.
No, it's very important because I don't carry the sins of other men.

>Each man is given equal opportunity, thus, they are equally responsible.
This does not follow in any rational way. That's like me saying I'm rational when Kim Jong Un shoots some North Koreans or when ISIS beheads Christians.
>we're all human beans therefore we're all responsible for each other

>> No.5951680 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5951687

I would. I'm not suicidal, I love being alive, but I will die someday and in this situation I would sadly agree that my death would be better than five other deaths. My belief in God would definitely help make this decision though.

>> No.5951689


>> No.5951693

Well Wittgenstein and Spinoza were Jews, so I doubt he'll turn the lever.

>> No.5951716

I'd pull the lever. However many jokes I may make, I'm pretty indebted to Beauvoir and co. for the cool culture I live in now.

>> No.5951736

You don't have to be responsible for the sins of the other men to be held responsible for the death of four extra people.
You were there. You had the opportunity to intervene. You chose not to. Those people died because you didn't.
The man had the option not to tie them to the track. He didn't. They died. Therefore he is responsible. You had the opportunity to save five people. You didn't. You are responsible.

Both of you had two choices to make. Both of them ended with five people dying. You are both equally responsible.

>> No.5951741

There's only one correct choice, I'm surprised no one has suggested it yet:

1. Close eyes
2. Begin rapidly switching the lever back and forth as fast as you can
3. Keep doing this until the train passes by and eventually goes off into the distance
4. Turn your back to the tracks and walk off.

This is the best thing to do.

You don't know who got run over.

If you believe in fate, you can assume that fate decided who died, not you.

>> No.5951746 [DELETED] 

How did she influence any culture at all?

>> No.5951751 [DELETED] 

>2. Begin rapidly switching the lever back and forth as fast as you can
The train derails killing everyone, including you.

>> No.5951767

Imagine a police officer arrived on the scene immediately after you made your decision and the person/people were already dead. Would you be arrested? How would it play out in court?

>> No.5951774

Just pull the lever halfway so the train may crash and all people die , including the Trainer driver all people survive by coincidence. Since coincidences arent your fault you made the right decision...

>> No.5951780

if it's me tied with the other 4, then the morally correct action is to kill the singlet

if I'm the singlet then the morally correct action is to do nothing and let the 5 splat

if I'm the lever pusher I don't give a fuck shove it up my ass and jack off to the incoming gorefest

>> No.5951781

the press would have a field day

>> No.5951784

*train driver

>> No.5951795

depends on what bias the media wants to use against you.




>> No.5951800

Switch, then switch again while the car is changing tracks.

>> No.5951802


>> No.5951822

The moral thing is to kill the one and sacrifice your innocence than be a pussy and let five die and sacrifice your innocence, the accepted "moral" position of letting five die assumes you won't feel guilty for not interfering but you'll feel guilty no matter what

>> No.5951826

By being a major social commentator in her time and after?

>> No.5951829

>You don't have to be responsible for the sins of the other men to be held responsible for the death of four extra people.
Here's the thing, I don't.

>You were there. You had the opportunity to intervene. You chose not to. Those people died because you didn't.
You have the opportunity to do a lot of things, but there are opportunity costs. Pulling the lever means that I kill a person. By pulling that lever, I lose that other person. You're not explaining why I'm responsible at all. Just because I have an opportunity doesn't mean I'm responsible. Everyone has the opportunity to do anything they want. The odds of success are higher and lower depending on what you want to do. There is no absolute guarantee for anything in life, and even if there was, that has no implication of morality.

NAP, don't harm, don't threaten, don't commit fraud. Those are the three moral guidelines that I have to follow. These are the only three guide lines I can reasonably expect other human beings to keep up with. Whether it be for deontological or utilitarian reasons, I should only expect other people not to violate my property rights (on my body, home, land, et cetera). That's it.

>The man had the option not to tie them to the track. He didn't. They died. Therefore he is responsible. You had the opportunity to save five people. You didn't. You are responsible.
You're confusing terms and conflating things. He didn't have the opportunity to not tie them to the track. That was, by default, the natural consequence regardless of whether he chose against it or if he didn't exist. An opportunity is a potential, choosing not to do something is not a potential, it is by default what will happen. By definition, having the opportunity means having circumstances that allow you to do something that you'd normally not be able to do. It's kind of a misnomer within itself, but generally when we say we have the opportunity to do something, what we really mean is that we have the increased probability to do that thing. If I say, "I have the opportunity to go to the moon" when NASA offers me to go on their spaceship, I'm not actually saying that it was previously impossible to go to the moon without NASA's offer. I could imagine a scenario where I go into college, pop out with an EE degree, apply at NASA, apply for their astronaut program, and go to the moon. It's not very likely, but by all means it is possible. However, getting an offer from NASA increases that opportunity's probability by magnitudes.

>> No.5951830

This is difficult decision. On the one hand I could save based Fred and Kierkegaard. Camus is alright too. On the other hand, I wouldn't be killing Sartre.

>> No.5951850

I'd sacrifice Nietzsche and Camus to kill Beauvoir.

>> No.5951854

>Both of you had two choices to make. Both of them ended with five people dying. You are both equally responsible.
You're not defining your terms in any meaningful way. And you're skipping huge steps in logic. Let me just break down why it's such a shitty argument.

>All men who Tie people to tracks are men who have Opportunity.
>All men who Tie people to tracks are not men that left those people Untied.
>All Innocents tied are people that Died.
Therefore all men who Tie people to tracks are men that are Responsible.

>All men who are You are men who have Opportunity.
>All men who are You are not men that Saved those people.
Therefore All men who are You are men that are Responsible.

Let me break this down into a simple logical argument:
>All T are O.
>All T are U.
>All I are D.
Therefore all T are R.

And from that argument, you infer:
>All Y are O.
>All Y are S
Therefore All Y are R.

The conclusions do not follow from the premises. You have no logic on your side.

>> No.5951892


The five people are all lower-middle class, but they are all parents with children and spouses who love them.

The one person is a billionaire and by saving him, he will give you $500 million.

>> No.5951897

is there a reading list for the background issues surrounding this problem

>> No.5951899

This is just a lame version of this one >>5951533

>> No.5951952


Consider the following case:
On Twin Earth, a brain in a vat is at the wheel of a runaway trolley. There are only two options that the brain can take: the right side of the fork in the track or the left side of the fork. There is no way in sight of derailing or stopping the trolley and the brain is aware of this, for the brain knows trolleys. The brain is causally hooked up to the trolley such that the brain can determine the course which the trolley will take.

On the right side of the track there is a single railroad worker, Jones, who will definitely be killed if the brain steers the trolley to the right. If the railman on the right lives, he will go on to kill five men for the sake of killing them, but in doing so will inadvertently save the lives of thirty orphans (one of the five men he will kill is planning to destroy a bridge that the orphans' bus will be crossing later that night). One of the orphans that will be killed would have grown up to become a tyrant who would make good utilitarian men do bad things. Another of the orphans would grow up to become G.E.M. Anscombe, while a third would invent the pop-top can.

>> No.5951954


If the brain in the vat chooses the left side of the track, the trolley will definitely hit and kill a railman on the left side of the track, "Leftie" and will hit and destroy ten beating hearts on the track that could (and would) have been transplanted into ten patients in the local hospital that will die without donor hearts. These are the only hearts available, and the brain is aware of this, for the brain knows hearts. If the railman on the left side of the track lives, he too will kill five men, in fact the same five that the railman on the right would kill. However, "Leftie" will kill the five as an unintended consequence of saving ten men: he will inadvertently kill the five men rushing the ten hearts to the local hospital for transplantation. A further result of "Leftie's" act would be that the busload of orphans will be spared. Among the five men killed by "Leftie" are both the man responsible for putting the brain at the controls of the trolley, and the author of this example. If the ten hearts and "Leftie" are killed by the trolley, the ten prospective heart-transplant patients will die and their kidneys will be used to save the lives of twenty kidney-transplant patients, one of whom will grow up to cure cancer, and one of whom will grow up to be Hitler. There are other kidneys and dialysis machines available, however the brain does not know kidneys, and this is not a factor.

Assume that the brain's choice, whatever it turns out to be, will serve as an example to other brains-in-vats and so the effects of his decision will be amplified. Also assume that if the brain chooses the right side of the fork, an unjust war free of war crimes will ensue, while if the brain chooses the left fork, a just war fraught with war crimes will result. Furthermore, there is an intermittently active Cartesian demon deceiving the brain in such a manner that the brain is never sure if it is being deceived.

QUESTION: What should the brain do?

[ALTERNATIVE EXAMPLE: Same as above, except the brain has had a commisurotomy, and the left half of the brain is a consequentialist and the right side is an absolutist.]

>> No.5951958

There is no one solution. We lack information, so it's only value is mental masturbation, really.

>> No.5951960


>> No.5951974

witty and spinoza are jews but kant is so righteous and morally superior that the merchant will choose to kill that party and let the existentialist run amok to ruin the world.

>> No.5951979

she made student rape hip

>> No.5951980

I do not give a shit, it does not matter whether the people would have been ran over

>> No.5952019

underrated post

>> No.5952046

This question is a loaded question.

>If your relative is on that railway, would your choice still the same?

Don't say you are going to sacrifice your relative.

>> No.5952081

Wittgenstein wasn't Jewish

>> No.5952094

The same solution to any inane "philosophical dilemma": you flip a coin

>> No.5952271

going over the four people would likely make it loose speed. Therefore it wouldn't be able to do the loop

>> No.5952278

it was god's will whether you leave it alone or flip the switch

>> No.5952282


Kill the one.

The 'problem' is that people don't want to be directly responsible for killing anyone. If you don't pull the lever, you didn't do anything.

This is for illogical, emotional faggots, and women. Any man would pull the lever, and sleep soundly that night without another thought of the incident.

>> No.5952283

It doesn't matter - I'm not the one at the lever; what I want is irrelevant to the decision Leverman makes.

>> No.5952293

>tfw the trolley problem proves god is a sadist

>> No.5952320

if kitty is among the tripfags do it. hell even if you just get buttershite it would be worth it

>> No.5952328


>Any man would pull the lever, and sleep soundly that night without another thought of the incident.

no matter what you do, if your decision didn't eat you at you for the rest of your life and drive you to alcoholism and eventually suicide, then you aren't human.

correct answer is to throw yourself in front of the trolley, too much pressure

>> No.5952347

kill the trips

>> No.5952348

It's simple math guys. Watch:

>be presented with situation
>don't know what the lever is set at currently, thus you don't know who will die whether it be 1 or 5
>walk away
>you now only have to worry about plus/minus 5
> if potentially 5 die, potentially 5 live
> 5 minus 5 = 0
> 0 people died or lived due in part to you
> solved

>> No.5952414

Do any of the people strapped to the rails mean anything to me?

>> No.5952418


>> No.5952420

Leave it to /sci/ to turn this into some lame physics problem.

>> No.5952431
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>> No.5952435


>> No.5952436
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Not so easy now, huh /lit/?

>> No.5952438

No, it's very easy. I can't make the fucking decision anymore you idiot. I just gotta lay there.

>> No.5952440

One of them has to pull the lever so that the six will survive.

>> No.5952443

Be a little less pragmatic. What decision would you want the switch operator to make?

>> No.5952452

Me. But just because I have a romantic notion of human existence and shit.

Truly though, no one can make this choice nor should they.

>> No.5952496

But if I'm tied to the tracks, how do I affect the trolley?

>> No.5952501

Can you read the thread?

>> No.5952512

Though that poor person is going to be pissed.

>> No.5952516


Kill one to save four if people are watching.

Let the four die if they're not.

>> No.5952524

Don't u just untie the one guy and let it go that way

>> No.5952526


You guys are late, someone mentioned this problem already

Also, >>5952348 covers it nicely, in my opinion.

>> No.5952533

>don't know what the lever is set at currently
you can easily tell by looking at the tracks which way it's set for the train to go. you're wrong

>> No.5952540

By looking at the picture, can you tell me?

>> No.5952544

>we are stick figures living in a drawing
fuck off stupid shit, you're not as clever as you thought with your shit and incorrect solution

>> No.5952547

#rekt fucking twice with dubs m8. it's over, you're finished

>> No.5952549
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Let the three die.

If you let the one man die, you are at fault for his death. If you do nothing, you are at fault for the death of no one.

>> No.5952550

>intentionally letting people die
>not at fault

>> No.5952553


I have absolutely no obligation to do anything at the scene of the tracks. If I interact with the scene at all, I am involved in it and I am at fault for what occurs there.

>> No.5952557

>have ability to help
>actively neglect to
>b-but muh passive behavior
that's like being armed and faced with a criminal and his hostage and walking away. being too much of a pussy to act doesn't negate your being a part of the situation

>> No.5952569


I disagree. If I'm not involved its not my problem. I'm not part of the natural flow of events that are pre-destined.

>> No.5952573

you're an idiot. I hope someone you love is killed because someone was as big of a pussy as you and didn't act when they had a responsibility to

>> No.5952575


Only solution is to not be in the situation. Never go outside. Stay in your room. Lock your door. Read your books. Remain paranoid.

>> No.5952576
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The single man deserves to live because he is going to survive. If I make him die in favor of the others, I am betraying him. Letting the others die is preferable because it is already going to happen to them.

>> No.5952578

>denying your fate of being there to save them
>being this fucking stupid
how the fuck do you not understand that having the ability to save the 5, but not doing so is the same as condemning them to die yourself

>> No.5952579



What? Did you sign a mutual agreement before hand about how you'd help him out in any ethically sketchy, trolley-related problems he may be in?

I bet he slipped you a 5 too. Fucking traitors, you make me sick.

>> No.5952586
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Why do they deserve to be saved? How are they any greater than the one man?

Also you are basically claiming I have the responsibility to save people. I have no reason to save them.


He was already going to live. What I am betraying is his fate, what is going to occur to him. I'm interfering with his fate. That is betrayal.

>> No.5952588

well i can tell you that the solution to the trolley problem is NOT atheism! atheist morals is an oxymoron

>> No.5952589

no, betrayal is essential promise-breaking, and that's not going on here. what is going on here is you're being too much of a bitch to act, and want to save yourself the responsibility of deciding someones fate, when in reality, either decision you make decides someones fate, and you're shitty decision maximizes death

>> No.5952595

So what do you choose?

I'm not the guy you're yelling at by the way

>> No.5952598

well if i found myself in that shitty situation, without knowing anything about the people or any other information, i'd switch the track over to the one guy

>> No.5952601


I used 'betrayal' for the lack of a better word.

If I redirect the train, I am MAKING one man die. That is MURDER. If I let the train run its course, I am ALLOWING five men to die. That is CARELESSNESS.

>> No.5952603

>it's the law that makes my decision, not morality

>> No.5952607


Regardless of law I would rather be careless than a murderer.

>> No.5952610

murder is just a term based on the law. you're responsible for the deaths no matter what decision you make, only one decision could be seen as murder in a legal sense, but morally, you bear the responsibility for the deaths in either case. so you're saying legality > morality

>> No.5952613


The difference is that in the case of the 'murder', I am Making someone to die. In the 'Carelessness' I am Allowing someone to die.

I give absolutely zero fucks about how many people are on what tracks. In the first, I am taking the initiative, making the active effort, to kill. In the second, I am allowing those that are already going to die, to die, and I make no absolutely no effort to kill anyone.

>> No.5952616

your effort or lack of effort will result in 1 death or 5 deaths. choosing to let 5 people die is worse than choosing to let 1 person die. it doesn't matter how much effort you think you're putting into doing what, the consequences of your choice are 1 death or 5.

>> No.5952618


I believe that whatever action I take is more important than how many people die.

>> No.5952619

Oh fuck

>> No.5952621

you're the reason Uncle Ben dies m8

>> No.5952622

What if an asteroid is about to hit the earth in 2 minutes killing everyone involved

Does this change anything
>pro tip, it doesn't

>> No.5952623


what if the people who get saved from the track immediately go around and suck hundreds of nigger cocks? so what?

>> No.5952627


>> No.5952636

The "Do you still beat your mother?" argument is lame, considering you're given two options and pretty much railroaded to choose without considering the other person in the situation with you.... The driver who has access to a break. Kind of reminds me of Communists and Socialists fighting over which system is better.

>> No.5952640

The problem isn't really an ethical question. Its an example meant to illustrate the flaw in logic involving assumption of perfect information.

>> No.5952676

>pull lever
>have sex with tied up people
>leave them there

>> No.5952704
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Don't pull it, unless you want to become a murderer.

All you utilitarians can go fuck yourselves.

>> No.5952706

>choosing to let 5 people die is worse than choosing to let 1 person die.
Unless you are brain-damaged (utilitarian), five lives are no more valuable than one life.
>it doesn't matter how much effort you think you're putting into doing what, the consequences of your choice are 1 death or 5.
See the above.

>> No.5952721

flipping a coin. if you make any decision you automatically judge the people. You judge if they should live or not.
Therefore you musn't make a decision so you flip a coin

>> No.5952727

you made the decision to toss a coin

>> No.5952732

People who let it run its course don't understand what negligence is and that your inaction still makes you responsible for the death of a larger group.

>five lives are no more valuable than one life

What if it was 5 million lives to one life?


>> No.5952736

You kill one person to save five. Haven't you read fate/stay night?

>> No.5952740

>that your inaction still makes you responsible for the death of a larger group.


>> No.5952741

Can you show me the mark scheme?

>> No.5952773

>What if it was 5 million lives to one life?
Doesn't matter, human life is not quantifiable in the way you suggest.

>People who let it run its course don't understand what negligence is and that your inaction still makes you responsible for the death of a larger group.
Negligence is not murder.

The size of the group is irrelevant.

>> No.5952784

>human life is not quantifiable in the way you suggest

What if the entirety of the human race minus one person was on one track and then one person of your own sex on the other?

>> No.5952786

Still wouldn't pull it.

Killing off humanity in such an elaborate way would save billions of future, innocent lives from being condemned to a short, mortal life. Perpetuating the species is for retards who never reflect over what consequences their actions have.

>> No.5952790

Michael Sandel gives a pretty good run down on the weights of numerous arguments on the trolley question in the beginning of his book Justice.

>> No.5952801

What if the larger group were military? And the single a civilian?

>> No.5952814

i have a 5/6 chance of not being him

>> No.5952815

>being this edgy

>> No.5952832


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>> No.5953076

The tram would get jammed up with guts and bodies and would grind to a halt after mere dozens


>> No.5953089

your own suicide

>> No.5953109


>> No.5953194
File: 23 KB, 360x360, easy-button1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pulling the lever both ways really fast, thus creating a lottery type deal where the trolley hits someone at no choice to you.

>> No.5953219

trips die

>> No.5953226

I don't think train tracks work that way.

>> No.5953264

The real world

>> No.5954151

I'm probably alone in this but I actually find the tripfags of /lit/ pretty amusing.

>> No.5954488

Shitskin pls go

>> No.5954522

do nothing
reverse the train
then pull the leaver
if not all can survive then none will survive
thats fair

>> No.5954534
File: 94 KB, 600x450, 18497l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is nothing wrong with being colored we arn't /pol/

>> No.5954540

The actual solution is fuck you.

>> No.5954542

we don't want racism here

>> No.5954552

how new.ru

>> No.5954626

Not to do anything. As it stands, you haven't caused any of this to happen, you're just a by stander. The second you pull that lever, you become a murderer.

>> No.5954895


Your lives are as pointless as the other five. Moralfags.

>> No.5954926

be honest, how long have you been waiting for this perfect moment to post that?

>> No.5954943


Oh my fuck.

>> No.5954964

Once your knowledge of the conditions exists, only then does one have a moral choice and take into account said conditions.

The only answer is to close your eyes, put your forehead agains the stick, spin around it a few times, and flip the switch back and forth until the train passes.

>> No.5954983

Id walk away and pretend im a blade of grass