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File: 41 KB, 800x450, christianity-vs-atheism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5949724 No.5949724[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does /lit/ believe in god(s)? Let's see.

>> No.5949767

Define your terms, fuccboi.

>> No.5949777


>> No.5949785

Not really, but I'm more sympathetic to theism

>> No.5949828

>no option for agnosticism

>> No.5949838

Agnosticism has nothing to do with the question. Do you believe, or do you not. OP doesn't want to know whether you're ready to accept the possibility.

>> No.5949844

Agnostics don't believe and they don't disbelieve so I literally can't answer the question.

>> No.5949845

fuck off you edy contrarian atheist. lewronggeneration right? youre such a meme.

>> No.5949851

LOL this is 4chan, we hate all religions. Atheism is the truth.

>> No.5949865

So their answer to the question would be "I dunno lol"?

>youre such a meme.
>lelelelellelel #edge #angst #maverick fuck off edge lord xDDDD
The elitism is strong in this one.

>> No.5949866


>> No.5949870

Fucking what?

>> No.5949885

>Agnostics don't believe and they don't disbelieve

Read a fucking book

>> No.5949892

Why are you learning about agnosticism just now? How are you so idiotic you've never considered it?

A pure, pragmatic agnostic doesn't even let the question enter his life.

>> No.5949893


Lets clear /lit/ of retardation and claim it as a Christian boards. Atheism is literally a mental disease.

>> No.5949900

I have, how is that wrong?

>> No.5949901

i'm not sure how it is.. could you explain

>> No.5949906

>Atheism is the truth.
>using 'truth' outside of Model Theory

Oh Lord

>> No.5949907

only retards believe in it ergo its a diesease

>> No.5949917

4chan is mostly Christian. Haven't you realized that we hate atheism by all the hate they get here? tips fedora

>> No.5949919

Agnosticism isn't a position on if you believe in god or not. It's about whether you're able to know something with 100% certainty

>> No.5949928

>Hurrrr fucking durrr
Shut up. You don't believe in the retardation that is the story of jesus. stop shitposting, constantly, you ridiculous fucking moron.

>> No.5949929


>4chan is mostly Christian

My keks have just gone in orbit.

>> No.5949934

That's a really bad account on Atheism but I figure it's a troll image anyway.

>> No.5949937

Right, so judgment is effectively suspended, thus rendering the question of belief or disbelief impossible to answer.

Use your fucking head.

>> No.5949938
File: 118 KB, 1280x720, [Mamiko]_A_Channel_+smile_OVA_01v2_[F6B3DCFE].mkv_snapshot_08.59_[2014.12.31_03.15.22].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>in the beginning there was nothing. which exploded

strawman much? I've never heard atheists actually say this. This is what theists accuse atheists of being for.

All the atheists i know say they don't know how the universe came about and aren't willing to use the god of the gaps argument to explain how it came about.

"i don't know how the universe came about, so god must have done it"

this is basically the thought process of a theist idiot

>> No.5949941

Atheism: has absolutely not a single fucking thing to do with the Big Bang or any other theory on how the universe started. Stop confusing a denial of deities with science.

>> No.5949956

Fighting strawmen with strawmen, good job anon, you make Dawkins and the Mormons proud.

>> No.5949962


>in the beginning there was nothing. which exploded

isn't this what theists believe? they believe god came from nothing. where did god come from

what is the purpose of a god anyway? what was he doing before creation? nothing? just floating in the void?

>> No.5949966

thats the point, athiests have no credibility because they can't show why the universe happened. Christianity proves a clear and logical explanation

>> No.5949967

>isn't this what theists believe? they believe god came from nothing. where did god come from
God is beyond time, according to theists. He is everything, so therefor he didn't begin or end.

>> No.5949968


point out my strawman

every argument a christian makes is a god of the gaps argument.

>> No.5949973
File: 78 KB, 452x468, astonished_cow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bait is just crazy enough to work.

>> No.5949975

Are you being this retarded intentionally?
You have to be. You can't be serious.

>> No.5949977
File: 16 KB, 410x403, 13685_294528597411120_3199719861157018080_n (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And it attracted a great number of butthurt atheists who decided to fight the retarded picture with equally retarded arguments.

>> No.5949979

which is evidently not true.. so again, why?

>> No.5949983


Eternal god

why would there even be such a being? It's existence would be absurd if it existed because it would just exist for the sake of existing. What the fuck is the purpose of a god?

>> No.5949987

I don't think you know what "strawmen" means. Conflating atheism with a cosmological model is idiotic and uncalled for. Theists are the only ones we can assume to be dedicated to a certainty of how the universe started. Even cosmologists are still looking for evidence and refining theories: why should that crap be chained to religion?

>> No.5949996

Just out of curiosity for how the other side lives: how did come to the conclusion that I'm an atheist?

>> No.5949999

It's funny /lit/ is probably the most religious board on 4chan.

>> No.5950006
File: 122 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Kiniro Mosaic - 03 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_11.48_[2015.01.03_20.19.45].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think people read on here as much as they say based on how dumb they are

>> No.5950007

Christianity is the only moral belief, morals that stem from god himself

>> No.5950018

agreed, but I have a feeling all these "athiests" are just trolls trying to gank replies.

>> No.5950026

like the very moral founded commandment of you shall have no other god before me?

>> No.5950031

>watching pathetic childrens cartoons
>thinking you're some kind of supreme being


>> No.5950032

Yeah, the responses are too dumb to be on /lit/ from non-trolls.
Or we are having an invasion of /pol/ atheists.

>> No.5950035


>ignores other cultures that had no christianity and are pretty moral(even more moral than christian cultures)

What about confucius and plato, you fucking christian retards? they talked about morality and they weren't christians.

>> No.5950039

is pantheism a god(s)

>> No.5950043

Why should I become a Christian if I'm already full of joy to be alive and at peace with death?

>> No.5950045


>believings in a 2 thousand year old cartoon(jesus)
>bashes anime

am i the only one who finds irony here?

At least having a waifu is less homosexual than worshipping a man named jesus

>> No.5950053



video related

>> No.5950055
File: 15 KB, 400x400, jq513f8689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being this uneducated

Pick a side, because you belong to one or the other.

>> No.5950057

"Belief" is not a default attitude, no matter how many times you keep repeating it to yourself.

>> No.5950062

How are you at peace with death if you're still alive?

>> No.5950067


>> No.5950076


>> No.5950077

>Not giving those four options

>> No.5950078

I've accepted that I and everything I've done is mortal. That's all. For now, I can feel joy looking out my window or laying on the ground and looking at the sky.

Perhaps peace is the wrong word. I should say that I no longer fear death.

>> No.5950082

this is some next level shit

>> No.5950086

But I think you're a retard. Which one of us is right?

>> No.5950096

No, point out his straw man. Just do it, for the sake of civil debate.

>> No.5950098

>In the beginning there was nothing, and out of nothing came a giant faggot, and that giant faggot created a world, filled with a bunch of faggots made in his image.

>> No.5950108

you don't want to go to hell for eternity do you?

>> No.5950110

The thing you need to learn is that discussing with retards never leads anywhere so there is no point.

>> No.5950112

How old are you? I don't believe you've fully overcome your fear of death. You need to actually look death in the face to understand and accept it. A faggot "intellectual" in the 21st century western world will not have overcome his fear of death. Do you think your literature has enlightened you? No it hasn't. Wait til you actually have a brush with death, and you'll see that you did fear for your life.

>> No.5950114

god side or your side hmmm..

no really fuck off retard

>> No.5950118


>you don't want to go to hell for eternity do you?

why not? satan is going to reward his followers with drunken orgies and such, not punish them like christians want you to believe.

>> No.5950119

Perhaps I'm mistaking an acceptance of death with finding joy in living.

>> No.5950121

How can be sure you're more right than I am? Seriously, what makes you so positive that you have the right view of things? Are you completely sure right now?

>> No.5950132

How do you look death in the face?

>> No.5950135
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, [Underwater-Commie] Nichijou - 01v2 (720p) [6803F16E].mkv_snapshot_08.56_[2015.01.01_03.01.41].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you can't point out my strawman because i didn't make one. that's why you won't point it out

>> No.5950149

Come close to experiencing it.

>> No.5950151

Nah, it's because you are a fucking idiot who for some reason ended up on /lit/ and hasn't read a fucking book sice that one Nietzche work you read 2 years ago.

>> No.5950156

How do you experience something by being close to experiencing it? How do you come close to experiencing non-experience?

>> No.5950159

I love my life, but I understand that some day I will not have it. Instead of feeling despair because it will eventually be gone, I realized that I was despairing because I desired things like fame (and as an extension of that, immortality), intelligence, or material goods- things that were all temporary. I also viewed it as somewhat selfish to expect some sort of universal meaning or moral code from the universe or immortality, and figured that I should instead just live until I die and be honest with myself and others. I may still 'fear death', but I no longer dread it as an eventual thing. It's difficult to explain, and didn't come from any sort of book or person.

>> No.5950161
File: 109 KB, 680x1202, 1419259624787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>atheists winning
reddit infiltration at work

>> No.5950162

Let me clear this up for you less scientifically proficient people.

Christianity: In the beginning there was an ultimate being which created everything.

Atheism: Due to the fact that the universe is space-time (ie time is a part of the universe, not external to it), it is meaningless to talk about the universe as if it can be acted on (this would require an external temporal dimension). Thus, it is meaningless to talk about the cause of the universe. Restated, a cause requires two states of affairs, corresponding to a cause and an effect, separated by time, the transition between which is the causation. Because there can have been no time 'before' the Big Bang (much as there is no book before page zero), the universe has, and can have, no cause.
So it is misleading to say 'In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.'. Instead, we arrive at the conclusion that the existence of the universe is self-coherent - it does not require anything external to explain its existence. If you find this unpleasant, get rekt, because this is a very simple conclusion to draw following Minkowski's reformulation of Special Relativity as showing that the universe is four-dimensional, and relativity is one of the most successful theories we have.

>> No.5950163

Or it could be because you are putting up an ad hominem and don't want to be a hypocrite.

>> No.5950165


kill yourself. that's how

>> No.5950169

How Is Death Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real?

>> No.5950171

That's some wild projecting. Do you have anything else to say, friend?

>> No.5950178

Do you actually not understand what I'm saying here, or are you just being needlessly analytical?

>> No.5950183

I don't even think people on here are christians. They are nihilistic atheists who don't give a fuck about atheism pretending to be christian to troll atheists who care about atheism.

>> No.5950185

because I side with the one who is all knowing.

>> No.5950190

How can you be needlessly analytical when you're analyzing?

>> No.5950193

Why do you think the God you believe in exists? Why are we stupid for not believing in him? Is every single person on earth who is not a Christian also stupid? Do you realize why this point of view is problematic?

>> No.5950194

>not understanding agnosticism
>yet complaining about lack of option
>implying you view yourself as an agnostic

I used to be like you. Then I did ten minutes of research/thinking.

>> No.5950195

I have always tried to explain how retarded the concept of a being who created the entire idea of time and yet punishes people is.

>> No.5950197


I never read nietzsche.

my atheism is not dependent on what i have read. I was born a secular-minded person.

>> No.5950199

My estimate is that there are 10% of religious Catholics here with another 5% orthodox and another 5% protestant. 15% of other religions including deists and sef made beliefs.

>> No.5950205
File: 253 KB, 786x715, 1418483120222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to be trolling.

>> No.5950206

Bro, 4chan in general is largely American protestant. Catholics are largely more secular, accepting people these days anyway.

>> No.5950210

4chan maybe, I'm talking about /lit/ in partucular.

>> No.5950213

>le ebin meme guise xDDDDD
>not realising that, outside of murica, the majority of the civilised world is atheist

Maybe America just isn't so civilised then

>> No.5950217



I always thought religion was ridiculous even when i was a kid.

I remember going to church and seeing adults pray and thought they were idiots. Why do have to bow your head and put your hands together in order for a god to hear you? that's retarded

if god is all-knowing, why do you have to pray? god should all ready know what you want.

>> No.5950219

Define 'civilized world,' and provide statistics to back up your claim.

>> No.5950220

/lit/ is mostly christian

>> No.5950228

>I remember going to church and seeing adults pray and thought they were idiots. Why do have to bow your head and put your hands together in order for a god to hear you? that's retarded
You don't, in the same way that you don't need to sit down and cross your legs and close your eyes to mediate. Associating a mental action with a physical one often helps you get into a certain mindset more easily. You don't have to do anything specific for God to hear you.

>> No.5950231

You my friend win the most retarded comment of the week award. This is seriously the dumbest, most /b/ tier opinion I've seen in a while.

>> No.5950232

>civilization must be predominantly atheist if outside of America
I guess that makes America the most civilzied country on Earth, since it is both civilized and predominantly theist.

>> No.5950233

Most "christians" in america are #yolo swaggots who just repeat what their parents told then

>> No.5950236

Don't think it is, large percentage of them sure, that's plain, but not above 30%.

>> No.5950239

yeah, I was brought up catholic but in my teens it just started to seem more ridiculous as I got older. Why would and all knowing and powerful being demand that you go worship him by going to church, isn't he supposed to be humble? Things like that just keep piling on until you just can't take it seriously any more.

>> No.5950240

This. No one cares about God in Europe.

>> No.5950247

An answer that isn't a question: no, I don't understand what you're saying, that's why I'm asking.

>> No.5950248

Poland, Italy. Part of France.

>> No.5950252

>implying theism means you're more civilised

>> No.5950254

What? The default attitude is apatheism.
That chart is unbelievably retarded and I refuse to talk with anyone who utilizes it. You cannot be an 'agnostic theist', or an 'agnostic atheist' they are both oxymorons.

>> No.5950255
File: 22 KB, 300x426, Jesus-Lamb-001-or.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But they do, its the biggest religion there. Atheism was just a one time thing I think. Christianity is on the rebound in Europe and within our lifetimes I think we will see the church return to power.

>> No.5950256


>majority of religious countries in Africa/Middle East
>non-religious countries: Germany, Austria, Ireland (but also China)

>> No.5950258


christianity is dying out in europe. You are in denial.

>> No.5950260

>Poland, Italy
no one cares about what the Poles or South-Italians think
>part of France
lel no

>> No.5950261

China discredits the "civilized" countries. The rich and cultured are always religious while the lower class are atheists.

>> No.5950262

>People cannot choose to belive or disbelive in something but know that they cannot truly know if their belief is correct.
Why not? Do you have a different definition of agnostic?

>> No.5950263

I'm Catholic, religious one at that and it's true, it is dying and this pope is killing it.

>> No.5950265

europe will die with christianity

>> No.5950269
File: 491 KB, 800x800, 1e5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes but only in the sense that virtue is absolute and universal. Kind of like karma, but karma always gets misinterpreted as "hurr step on a butterfly and a building will collapse on you". Both the definitions of God and karma have been ruined by lazy people.

No afterlife though.

>> No.5950270

Also true.

>> No.5950271


>this pope

it was dying before pope francis

>> No.5950274

fuck, I hate the new pope. He is so "lel libural" new age church. Any traditionalist pope would curb stomp him.

>> No.5950275

The civilized world is generally very sinful as well.

>> No.5950280

how come i only see these people on the internet? I've never once encountered a SJW or a militant atheist in real life.

>> No.5950282

No, any traditional pope would be a bishop at best, most likely a forgotten priest somewhere in Bumfuck Reddrapes, Ireland.

>> No.5950287

I believe in Japanese gods ("kamis" in Japanese). I'm not even Japanese, though, lol.

>> No.5950290


>> No.5950293

But this pope is helping to kill it faster with an evil intent. Instead of a new counterreformatiom we get a feelgood all is fine hippie pope.

>> No.5950294

you got it backwards brah

>> No.5950298

Benedict was a traditional pope, and was doing ok.

>> No.5950302

Other than the fact that he looked like Emperor Palpatine of course.

>> No.5950309

>implying that was a bad thing :D

>> No.5950314

> :D

>> No.5950328

- ISIS operative

>> No.5950332

>Atheism is literally a mental disease.
>Edgy angsty fedora kids from /r/atheism start irradiating people with their ego.
>People's DNA and brains are damaged by the radiation.
>People start getting aggressively religious and retarded.
>hurr durr #edge #angst #godisatyrant i'm le maistre du sarcasme >:DD
>This is the fate that fedoras have laid upon us.

>> No.5950336

Actually it is a position of if you believe in god or not. It's effectively 'I do not believe' which differs from "I believe He doesn't exist'.

>> No.5950338

>Realise that this is in fact theism and not atheism.
>yfw the game has just begun.
>yfw it's happening.

>> No.5950344

physics major working towards his phd and atheist here

that is the most bullshit of all fucking justifications I've seen, please stick to your one minute physics videos

>> No.5950364

>I study physics hurr your argument is invalid durr.

>> No.5950365

>Benedict was a traditional pope, and was doing ok.
he was a fucking useless prick, what exactly did he fucking do to "reinforce christian values?"

>> No.5950373

yeah, definitely, where do i go wrong
for the record, i also study physics

>> No.5950377

How is the Christianity in pic related any less ridiculous at all?

>> No.5950379

Belief os disbelief is done with 100% certainty, I don't understand. Does your brain not function or something. Actually think about it. Christianity says you need to give your whole heart and soul into Christ. This is true for any religion, it encompasses your being and you believe in it 100%. Otherwise it would not be a religion.

>> No.5950385

go away faggot

>> No.5950395

That's actually complete bullshit.

>> No.5950399

Did you check out his books?

>> No.5950401

It's just logical. I'm using simple logic here and evidence from various religions.

>> No.5950410

>there can have been no time 'before' the Big Bang (much as there is no book before page zero)
revisit this statement

>> No.5950411

I would like to see this evidence.

>> No.5950416

>believes there was a beginning

Also this:

I want to see the results but must decline to offer an answer until this is done.

>> No.5950420

I dunno, I've been looking into Astrophysics recently as well as doing some meditation, and it's kind of really made me believe in a God.
Maybe not a Christian God, but at some point I believe intelligent design was used.
I mean, shit, look at everything, then look at yourself, and inside yourself. Your conciousness and self awareness in itself, in my opinion at least, is proof that, at the very least, we each have the essence of God inside us.

>> No.5950428

Well, it took some semi-intelligent design to make this website.

>> No.5950429

>Your conciousness and self awareness in itself, in my opinion at least, is proof that, at the very least, we each have the essence of God inside us.
Is that what was meant when it was said that we are made in God's image?

>> No.5950434

That is because agnostics don't belong to a religion.

What sort of god would that be?

No, it meant we physically resemble him.

>> No.5950447

Read the Holy Bible, read the Qu'ran, read pretty much any religious text. Communism is referred to as a religion for this very reason.

>> No.5950454

>atheists leading by 42 percent
How foolish

>> No.5950461

That's not what I was asking. I was asking for your evidence, not for the name of two books of late religions. Link me to the exact parts that justify your definition of religion.

>> No.5950464

>The Holy Bible and the Qur'ran talk about communism.
No, anon.

>> No.5950468

Furthermore, a theory I don't exactly subscribe to but came to mind while on acid:
>universe is infinite
>time is infinite
>both are aspects of the mind of some sort of infinite being
>humans can't properly process the idea of infinity because we haven't transcended to the point of infinite memory yet

While it's often interpreted to be literal in that we look like him, I think that's what Christianity was trying to say, that we are blessed with the ability to create due to our self-awareness, much like God.
That being said, almost 2000 years of philosophy would disagree with me

I couldn't tell ya, to be honest. Were I not so exhausted I could maybe give you an answer but as it stands I don't really know

>> No.5950471

I've tried to explain this to people, but all the labels don't really fit me (inb4 edgy hipster faggot) I'll attempt to elucidate.

Whether God exists or not is not at all in question for me. God has nothing to do with religion to me. ''God'' (borrowing the name from religion, I'll give you that) is simply that which is unexplainable, that which surpasses our understanding as humans, it's the only reason it can be called ''God''.

What people have done is taken this concept of the unknoweable, and started giving it a will, we made it an acting entity with laws that we have to follow etc. It's like we took that which is beyond our grasp and enslaved it to enslave ourselves to it.

I guess this fits the whole agnostic thing, but everytime you start labels like these you're never talking about God, you're talking about religion, and that just doesn't sit well with me.

>> No.5950474

Those two books encompass all three of the Abrahamic religions. I'm sure there are exact passages referring to a believer's faith in Christ (and by the way faith is, by definition, 100% belief).

Also, in the cases of most religions, especially those already mentioned, 100% belief is just sort of a feeling you get from reading them. Just from your responses though, I am sure you have not done this, you just most likely read Dawkins or something like that.

>> No.5950475

>buttmad lesuperior commies reporting

>> No.5950477

>universe is infinite
unbounded != infinite

>> No.5950482

Because that's what I was trying to say with that post...

>> No.5950483

>he hasn't read the Talmud

>> No.5950488

There are other religions, anon. Your "just a feeling" is irrelevant, you said you had evidence. Take me to your evidence.

>> No.5950493

I don't feel like going to find it, plus this is ridiculous, anyone who has read those texts understands exactly what I mean. Faith is essential for those religions.

>> No.5950495

Fuck, you're a dumb cunt.
Agnosticism refers only to an understanding that you cannot KNOW whether God/gods exist. You can have a theist agnostic who cedes that cannot know their concept of God/gods exist, but believe in its/their existence. Similarly, you can have an atheist agnostic who believes such entities do not exist, but cede that they cannot know whether they are right. Do you fucking get it now, you dense motherfucker?

>> No.5950498

Nope, doesn't logically make sense.

>> No.5950503

What of the other religions, anon? I was not asking about whether the Abrahamic religions demand 100% faith from its followers, I was asking what you based your assertion that all religion must demand 100% faith in order to be called a religion on. You said that you had evidence that all religions demand 100% faith from its followers. Take me to your evidence.

>> No.5950509


faith is not 100% belief, someone who believes something requires absolutely no faith.

>> No.5950510

Never mind someone already gave this to you in a pic and you simply refuse to accept that you were wrong about the definitions of the terms. You are a fucking waste of oxygen, water, food, and whatever other resources you use.

>> No.5950513

Cum and feces.

>> No.5950519

>The word religion is sometimes used interchangeably with faith, belief system or sometimes set of duties
Wikipedia definition idiots. Immanuel Kant.

>> No.5950541

>universe is infinite

>time is infinite

>both are aspects of the mind of some sort of infinite being

>humans can't properly process the idea of infinity because we haven't transcended to the point of infinite memory yet
It is impossible to have infinite memory.

>I think that's what Christianity was trying to say, that we are blessed with the ability to create due to our self-awareness, much like God.
Define "create".

>I couldn't tell ya, to be honest. Were I not so exhausted I could maybe give you an answer but as it stands I don't really know
lol rephrase this; it seems as if the person who wrote it was high when he did.

>''God'' (borrowing the name from religion, I'll give you that) is simply that which is unexplainable, that which surpasses our understanding as humans, it's the only reason it can be called ''God''.
That is called the incognoscible. God is a deity which is supposed to become fully cognoscible after transcending to Heaven or reaching whatever spiritual state is ideal in the religion.
Pro-tip: Stop trying to change the meanings of words to make your bullshit make sense.

Why not?

>You are a fucking waste of oxygen, water, food, and whatever other resources you use.

>> No.5950545

How does it not make sense? As a parallel example, say I catch a fish, and its huge, like fucking monstrous. I could believe it to be the biggest fish ever caught in the history of man, but I could never know that for a certainty. Now do you understand?

>> No.5950548

This was meant for >>5950471
>>''God'' (borrowing the name from religion, I'll give you that) is simply that which is unexplainable, that which surpasses our understanding as humans, it's the only reason it can be called ''God''.
>That is called the incognoscible. God is a deity which is supposed to become fully cognoscible after transcending to Heaven or reaching whatever spiritual state is ideal in the religion.
>Pro-tip: Stop trying to change the meanings of words to make your bullshit make sense.

>> No.5950549

I too hate Wikipedia definition idiots. By the way, where did you get that definition?

>> No.5950551

I'm actually surprised it's so one-sided
Feels weird being the minority

>> No.5950577

Not bothering to read through all the shitposting that undoubtedly comprises this thread, also not voting, can someone please tell me what the results are at the moment?

>> No.5950578

Wikipedia, idiot.
> I could believe it to be the biggest fish ever caught in the history of man, but I could never know that for a certainty.
That would make you an idiot.

Besides, you're missing the point of religion. Religion is rationalizing something that cannot be provable to a 100% certainty to people who then believe it. That is religion, and that is why it requires faith. If you 'believe' in any other way, you are half-assedly going about religion, which means you are an unbeliever, essentially.

>> No.5950588

Right, now how does it in any way prove your assertion that a religion must demand 100% belief and faith in order to be a religion?

>> No.5950596

>He still doesn't realize he's just part of a dying cult and retarded
>He thinks meme shitposting means he isn't a delusional faggot

Hahahahahaha *tips fedora*

>> No.5950612
File: 42 KB, 479x720, Fedora Tip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe 30% of you are raging autists.

>> No.5950616

I'm done. You're too thick for me to concern myself with you.

>> No.5950654

I find that a "God" can only exist as something unknowable for people. If people know what "God" is, the "God" would no longer hold as much power; thus, this understanding may give way to the defiance of any religious order. What is "God" in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam would be past knowledgable according to the type of faith each religion commands. I agree as much in that a "God" is described in a way as something that is not fully understandable, if at all. I find one fault in your post in which there is an assumption of the intentions the originators of the belief systems incorporated with the demands of a "God".

>> No.5950664

>Pro-tip: Stop trying to change the meanings of words to make your bullshit make sense.

Right, in that case replace God with the incognoscible in my post. People have confused the incognoscible with God. (at least every explanation in every church and every strictly religious family member/teacher/friends I have ever talked to would make you think so)

I don't see how it's bullshit at all. What does God have to do with religion? It's an entity that's been abused for religion, with people claiming to know its will. To see it as anything else you'd have to be religious, in which case we can start citing the experiment of the set of messiah complex lunatics put in a cell together and everyone else's favourite reddit arguments.

The whole question is silly to begin with, there are myriad gods according to people, nobody answers this question with all gods in mind, etc.

>> No.5950675

I'm >>5950541, not >>5950545

>Besides, you're missing the point of religion.
Actual agnostics do not care about or believe in religions. They are agnostics, not Christians, Muslims, or Jews, agnostics.

>If you 'believe' in any other way, you are half-assedly going about religion, which means you are an unbeliever, essentially.
No true Scotsman and black-and-white fallacy in one package? Whoa!

>> No.5950677

>I find one fault in your post in which there is an assumption of the intentions the originators of the belief systems incorporated with the demands of a "God".

I agree it might come across that way, I'm not saying there is an entity or group of people deliberately creating these rules or laws, it's organic and grows over time, I think the thousands of religions testify for this. But reading the OT alone shows how God wills everything, how almost anything that happens is justified by God's pressence, aid or punishment (save Esther, which is why I really like the book).

>> No.5950686

>don't believe in the big bang
>hasn't read about particle accelerators

These always seem to go hand in hand.

>> No.5950688

>Actual agnostics do not care about or believe in religions.
I never postulated they did
The black and white fallacy doesn't apply when you're talking about something that requires 100% absolute belief like religion.

>> No.5950691
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 47558490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Christians are the new fedoras

>> No.5950702

How is schizophrenia treating you?

>> No.5950706

The argument could revert to the faulty cliche, "God works in mysterious ways." A "God" may be a manipulator of all things that exist everywhere, or everything itself.