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/lit/ - Literature

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5948729 No.5948729 [Reply] [Original]

How do we increase literacy?

>> No.5948731

By force

>> No.5948738

I've been thinking that only certain members of the society enjoy contemplation of the higher issues, otherwise these issues would not be higher. Nietzsche had a similar theory. These birds of prey were naturally more inclined to tackle issues only they would understand, truly.

>> No.5948744

I'm assuming you're talking about non-fiction of course, otherwise what the fuck are you talking about. Not everyone needs to read fairy tales.

>> No.5948749


>> No.5948751

kill the illiterate

>> No.5948756


>> No.5948767

why bother?

no qt is going to let me bounce their titties and smoke weed with them either way

>> No.5948769


At the age of 18 everyone should take a test and the ones who fail get killed.

>> No.5948783

The problem isn't the illiterate, it's the illiterate attending decent universities. Dumb people shouldn't go to college to get jobs, they should get grunt jobs. We need plumbers, builders, cashiers, clean up crews, bus drivers, and janitors in the world, and the people who should be getting those jobs are going to fucking universities because that's what's expected of everyone.

Smart people should go to college, dumb people shouldn't

>> No.5948793

Well, literacy is not an either/or thing, so I revise my answer to be:

find the most literate person, then kill everyone else

>> No.5948796

we have robots to do that now

well, robots and exploited brown people

>> No.5948821

Yeah except as time goes on manual labor should be performed by machines or the stress attached to these jobs should be alleviated by machines so these works can have more dexterity in their professions. This is the basics of the separation of labor, you should know this.

However, a inundation of people are going to college, at this point it should be a public institution for the benefit of society.

>> No.5948843


>> No.5948847


holy fuck. that made me into a misanthrope.

>> No.5948857


>> No.5948870

Write better books.

>> No.5948873

Honestly, I don't really care to increase it. If people want to be stupid they are more then welcome to be. I had a friend tell me I read to much. Fuck society.

>> No.5948884
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I remember in school I would sometimes read during my breaks instead of playing soccer. People used to poke fun; which when I asked how reading was in any way a negative thing the response was always something along the lines of "we have TV now; books are outdated"

The idiots are winning

>> No.5948886

We have too much literacy. It is elitism that we must instill.

>> No.5948892

tell us how

>> No.5948894

they poked fun because you had no freinds

>> No.5948896

>unskilled and/or stupid

>> No.5948907

I did have friends, who I still know. It was the chavs mainly.

>> No.5948954
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why bother increasing literacy?

>> No.5948973

Because plebs vote

>> No.5948989

Then take away their vote. They are better off doing other things like securing that their children have a vote.

>> No.5948991

My old highschool required 20 minutes of reading after lunch in class. Really Only made the readers enjoy it more and the non readers resent it more.

>> No.5948992
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>implying people don't read to reaffirm their own prejudices

>> No.5948996
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Burn or tax all the bad books, then ration the amount of time people are allowed on the internet.

"Culture is perishing in over production, in an avalanche of words, in the madness of quantity"
-Milan Kundera

>> No.5948999

Did the chavs call you a boff?

>> No.5949002

How is this even objectively definable. You'd end up creating some sort of dystopian nightmare

>> No.5949006
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we're already in one open your damn eyes

>> No.5949007

Not me in particular, but they'd say that to some of my friends. I've always been pretty tall so I never had any trouble.

>implying it's a negative thing to be smart

>> No.5949008

Of course

>> No.5949009
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>> No.5949013

They didn't achieve that voting themselfs, why are they entitled to it. Also if voting for elections is your greatest thing in live, then I have bad news for you.

>> No.5949018
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not even

>> No.5949035

don't worry about it op.

when robots begin displacing jobs and everyone wonders what the fuck they should do with all their free time, people will naturally turn towards... oh, wait. who will bother with books when you can strap on your brain-virtual-reality helmet and fuck bitches and smoke weed everyday.

i'm betting the next big thing will be sensie, which is like a movie, but you're actually experiencing everything in first person with all kinds of sensations. who will bother reading about the collapse of rome when you can jump into the city and fuck slaves and bribe politicians, surfing the collapse like a badass.

isn't there a trend for disappearing libraries/bookstores/print editions?

>> No.5949057

why would you want to read about the fall of rome when you could experience it

like seriously

>> No.5949071

Until they render the bearskin rugs properly I'm not interested.

>> No.5949165

Is literacy at some alarming low? A lot of people do read, but very few read what /lit/ would consider 'accaptable literature'.

>> No.5949176

>isn't there a trend for disappearing libraries/bookstores/print editions?
Some colleges around here are having their libraries emptied and used for meeting places. If you need a book, you can just order it from the warehouses the books are all stored in

>> No.5949261

fuck, i hoped that i was misinformed or wrong about that.

who will officially declare "Text is dead"?

>> No.5949283

I've read similar theories. People only feel motivated to achieve when under a certain amount of pressure. Make the government truly oppressive and they will have to educate themselves to match it.

>> No.5949292

It already is dead. Not in the since that no one reads but you could go your whole life, from cradle to politician or engineer or even professor, not reading a single book by just watching videos.

>> No.5949300

>Is literacy at some alarming low?
It's at it's highest and that's the problem. We need to reduce it, to increase quality. The problem is that the pleb readers will made us resort to this decision, because they try to force their opinions as important.

>> No.5950202

I guess that is truly the price of Freedom. Ignorance is fucking bliss.

>> No.5950237


>> No.5950273

Wrong order.

>> No.5951442

>School curriculum that includes books that are actually interesting to read
>Literacy tests to work, vote, etc

>> No.5951557

This is not and has never been the problem. I don't know why people on 4chan think this.

Manual labor is cheaper than shit, and will only go down as the population rises and automation improves. There is an infinitely expanding pool of dumb labor, both human and mechanical. The problem is finding the most efficient way to control it.

>> No.5953570


>> No.5953632

Well done

>> No.5954177
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Eugenics. Just sterilize the 99% of the most stupid people.

>> No.5954199
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>wanting plebs to ascend to patrician status

>> No.5954267

I have thought about this one before. But who will work so we can live like effendis?

>> No.5954759

Then who will do the work?

>> No.5954765

Will it help people work at Walmart or Office Company #425? If not, then the system doesn't care. Public education is job training.

>> No.5954788

>it should be a public institution for the benefit of society
i agree, we need to go back to free education with a decent grant for living expenses, as it was in the 80s in the UK

>> No.5954806


>> No.5954840

It's kind of ridiculous to see people here going for the intuitive, knee-jerk reactionary position of depriving people of certain basic fundamental rights until they can prove themselves to be "worthy" of it, because this is such a characteristic position only the ignorant take.

It's the same thing when they discuss crime or any other issue: no amount of research or analysis could beat that gut feeling that says others need toughness to be put in line.

>> No.5954847

can someone recommend me a book that deals with finances in a stoic way
i need it

>> No.5954872

A true stoic has no need for money.

>> No.5954930

Stoics realize material possessions come and go.

They derive no pride from money so they don't go out of their way to receive it. They don't hoard it. They use money for the benefit of everyone.

I would say:
>donate to charities that actually help people (no million dollar salaries for the CEO)
>help friends and family in need without any expectations of interest income or even repayment
>live simply and within your means (if you made $500k annually, don't get the largest house that you can afford the mortgage for or the fanciest car you can afford payments on)
>don't distress yourself when money leaves or pride yourself when money comes
>don't derive pleasure from the number in your bank account
>don't make money at the expense of someone else
>don't buy anything 'just because' (there's nothing wrong with, say, an anime figurine collection if you appreciate it, but don't buy them out of compulsion or simply to fill a shelf)

If you are having money troubles, I would analyze your unnecessary purchases first and foremost. Just put a freeze on spending that doesn't affect your obligations (debts, housing, transportation, food). A lifestyle change might be in order but you have to stabilize. Then you can work on reconfiguring and reorganizing your priorities.

>> No.5954947

indeed so, i know that. which is why i want to read about it, i am currently reading hazlitt wisdom of the stoics
thanks, i do however have trouble with not deriving pleasure or pain on the contrary side whenever money gets pulled from my account. i realize money is petty in the grand scheme of things and only something to be used in order to live and operate in the world, but yet this realization doesn't help me at all.

>> No.5954954

I somewhat feel you. I was taking about a nonfiction book once in middle school (it was something to do with the '60s, possibly popular music) and a friend saw this and said "Dude, let it go."

It took me a while to fully comprehend that dismissal.

>> No.5954956

It's kind of ridiculous we allow borderline retarded people who don't own any property to vote themselves money and for candidates they believe "look nice".

>> No.5954965
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>> No.5954975

Those only exist on paper.

>> No.5954992

It's funny how with proper replacements for a respective board, it will still make perfect sense.

>> No.5955003

As does money, morality, countries, literature, laws, your citizenship, among other things.

>> No.5955011

Because if there's one thing that has always worked in diminishing the lower classes before, is restricting political power to the upper ones.

Your blind hatred to those ugh terrible people who received welfare is almost hilarious due to how misguided it is. You're probably just a kid who can't afford the lastest gaming device and you think taxes are to blame and therefore we need social cleansing.

>> No.5955026

I think most effective is school. Kids are easy to introduce to new stuff especially when they just have learned to read. Though they should be let to choose the book themselves and so it feels like forced homework. I should be made fun and not work

>> No.5955043

>Spooks: the post

>> No.5955298


The guy who made that image, how hateful must he be?

Can you provide some context on pic related? It's dreadful as it is intriguing. Might have to read Zarathustra now.

>> No.5955497
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>The guy who made that image, how hateful must he be?
It was made by a woman, and probably she isn't hateful at all.

If you weren't a pleb you would realize that the quote if from Zarathustra, and the painting belongs to a whole series of painting based on Zarathustra's quotes.

>> No.5955515

>I should be made fun and not work

lol u wish m8

>> No.5955516

>more then welcome
>I read to much
>complaining about other people being stupid
we got a live one here

>> No.5955545

It's historically higher, you're actually upset people are too literate. You want it like roman times were most people are farmers and can't even eternally express their pointless thoughts like Aristotle

>> No.5955570
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I read "On Virtue that Makes Small", and I have a better understanding of Lena's painting, but it's still nasty though.

The reason it triggered me, is because it's strikingly similar to another painting (pic related) which hits me right in the gut, but even more sinister.

>> No.5957487

Effendis work, Effendi.

>> No.5957508

Is literacy even important?

>> No.5957509

so true it hurts

>> No.5957539


>> No.5957573
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By going full Fidel Castro on those ignorants.
He did a lot of shit, but who cares lol

>> No.5958240

one of my favorite passages from zarathustra.

Of all that is written, I love only what a person hath written with his blood. Write with blood, and thou wilt find that blood is spirit.
It is no easy task to understand unfamiliar blood; I hate the reading idlers.
He who knoweth the reader, doeth nothing more for the reader. Another century of readers--and spirit itself will stink.
Every one being allowed to learn to read, ruineth in the long run not only writing but also thinking.
Once spirit was God, then it became man, and now it even becometh populace.
He that writeth in blood and proverbs doth not want to be read, but learnt by heart.

>> No.5958252

But where is he climbing to?

>> No.5959302

Professional sports is kill