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5946253 No.5946253 [Reply] [Original]

What are your opinions on reading more than one book at once?

>> No.5946272

I can at best read two at a time. Otherwise I get paralyzed by indecision or begin to lose interest. I prefer to read one book at a time. I feel it allows for complete immersion.

>> No.5946278

i usually do this when i am reading a short stories book, so i pick up a 100~200 pages novel. Sometimes i read a graphic novel and a novel at once.

>> No.5946284

Reading two at a time take twice as long to finish.

I'm in the middle of too many atm
I can keep them straight in my head though.

>> No.5946300

I try to read no more than two ebooks, two physically at a time

>> No.5946352

I generally read around 3 books at once, in different genres. I'm mildly bi-polar however so I won't always feel like reading fiction or non-fiction.

There was an interesting article in the Guardian related to this, but I can't seem to find it right now

>> No.5946366

I struggle to read more than twenty six books at a time. I found after training my eyes to move independently of each other and additionally learning braille so that I could utilize all ten fingers and ten toes to read separate works, while playing a different audio book in each ear that I began to run out of options. I devised a electro-shock system that inputs short and long zaps to my skull, forming morse code, and finally I eat alphabet soup, discerning each letter with my tongue.

>> No.5946375

What about your sixth sense?

>> No.5946380

I only read two at a time if one is fiction and the other not. It's much easier that way, sometimes I want to read without building an entire world in my head and immersing my self in fiction anda simple nonfiction book is easy to jump into.

>> No.5946386

Almost useless except in the case of effectively comprehending Infinite Jest.

>> No.5946398



It is often that I've found myself at dinner with the fam , the droopy father sitting kitty corner to the perky, pent-up mother, who'd rush to my side, intent on giving my person 'huggles'. The attempt is deflected with a gimp oblong shrug, coupled with my shrieking howls, in flawless Shakespearean pentameter:


She pauses, horrified.

'SUAL! '

At this juncture, I'm generally given to retreating darkly to my basement, where shelved in a hue and pattern of an offset Serpinski triangle is my perpetually festering collection of dust-gathering hardbacks. I gaze at the collection; meta and non-metaphysically patrician in form and content. As I do so, I begin to feel the trouser snake emerge.

In heat, I unbury my Martin Heidegger Real Doll™ and wrap his continental lips around my throbbing member, cooing gently as his bushy liptuft tickles my pubis. Pumping furiously, I read from my perpetually open copies of Gravity's Rainbow and Infinite Jest with my left and right eyes, respectively. I stroke my braille copy of Ulysses with my right hand, guiding Heidi™ up and down with my left. I come furiously down his ravenous, hungry throat and pull out, looking deep into those soulful German eyes as we share a cigarette in post-coital bliss.

I tuck Heidi™ away and stare at my books, thinking maybe I should read one of them.

My mother shuffles into the room and pats me on the head, singing

'Hahaha, time for 4chan.

>> No.5946449

I'm always in the middle of tons of books.

Right now I'm reading Spinoza's Ethics along with Stephen Nadler's introduction to it, John Ashbery's Selected Poems, The Flowers of Evil, and A Portrait of the Artist.