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/lit/ - Literature

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5945112 No.5945112 [Reply] [Original]

Started a book collection 8 months ago and here's what I've got going on.

I'm still reading the Amy Poehler Yes Please book -- it's quite entertaining and an easy read, and the last book that I read was Infinite Jest. The first thing that I read was the Hunger Games trilogy.

>> No.5945120

cute blog

>> No.5945263

thanks m80

>> No.5947142

You have a crazy taste op

>> No.5947154


All that shit.

>> No.5947161
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>tips fedora

>> No.5947170

I read The Hunger Games trilogy because I wanted to know what happened after the second movie and could not wait 2 years.
It was shit, Katniss in the books is a fucking bitch who whines about everything, at least in the movie we have Jennifer Lawrence to look at.

>> No.5947171

I see that you enjoy fiction

>> No.5947177
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pol pls

>> No.5947192
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>only owning 12 books in your entire "collection"

>> No.5947200

That copy of IJ is completely pristine. You didn't read it you fucking poseur. Stop trying to look cool for an anonymous Taiwan image board.

>> No.5947215

That collection is unreal

>> No.5947230

Cool. Make sure to keep us posted as your collection grows. Looking forward to your future threads. Thanks OP.

>> No.5947256

this is kind of what mine looked like when I was your age

just sub Poehler for Brand, Hunger Games for Harry Potter, Wiesel for Voltaire

>> No.5947257

You clearly just started coming on /lit/ when you got Infinite Jest

>> No.5947263

This, I dropped my copy off a fucking cliff before I finished it. A real mans book looks like it has gone through hell

>> No.5947356

>we have Jennifer Lawrence to look at.
And this is somehow good?

>> No.5947364

I would watch a Gravity's Rainbow movie where Jennifer Lawrence played the lead

>> No.5947374

>Everyone owns a copy of Infinite Jest

What is the deal with this book? Is it actually good, is this just some kind of hipster /lit/ status seeking shit?

>> No.5947381

I dunno it's probably really good but there's a lot more to do with my waking life than just read contemporary doorstopper bullshit (DeLillo, Pynchon, DFW)

>> No.5947387

I don't think you can get half way through it without forming creases on the spine, and having multiple bookmarks I assume is also typical

>> No.5947459

Infinite jest looks untouched and its the only decent book you have you try hard piece of shit faggot please die

>> No.5947632

>I'm still reading the Amy Poehler Yes Please book
You'd benefit more by conducting extensive research on the subject of diarrhea.

>> No.5947647

Where the fuck are your Greeks, OP ?
Do not even post again untill you read at least The Illiad and The Odyssey.

>> No.5947658

>Hunger Games
>Wreck This Journal
>Philosophy Ideas
>Smart Enough to Google
It kinda makes me sad you have Infinite Jest

>> No.5947664

>People mistaking that fat fuck as pretty
I feel you

>> No.5947675

i heard yes please was decent. what are your thoughts?

>> No.5948269

Jennifer Lawrence as Slothrop?

>> No.5949574

I'm about half way through it. I liked Amy before I started reading the book, now I am a fan. She seems like a super down to earth individual.

>> No.5950013


>> No.5950021

Dude, basketball!

>> No.5950198


>> No.5950559
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This is the current collection that I have with me right now. I'm away from home in the Navy, so this is no where near my full collection of books. I have a bunch of ebooks as well, but I just love used book stores, so I can't help myself when I find them.

>> No.5950586
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>tfw little money for books and even less time to read them

>> No.5950598
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>Dream of Red Mansions
>Not David Hawkes
Still, props for reading superior Sino literature as opposed to those Greek dogs.I would go down on Xiang-yun like cheese on pizza.

>> No.5950602
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got this guy too

>> No.5950615

my sister has a tina fey book and really liked it, but it's just weird to see this type of book seriously asked about on /lit/

>> No.5950639

I really like Hawkes but the box set is such good value. Plus it's not like anyone needs more penguins on their shelf.

>> No.5950718

Tina and Amy are the only two female celebrities that I can watch/listen/read while still respecting

>> No.5950731

I looked into different opinions on translations, and a lot of people said this one was the best, but honestly, I'm just happy I got them.

>> No.5950777


My nigga

>> No.5950928

I'm so pumped to read it, I have been waiting so long to get it in my hands.

>> No.5951493

I actually didn't put a single crease in mine, but I'm generally real gentle on my spines so that doesn't happen. however there are more than a few scuffs on the edges cause the cover is real flimsy.