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File: 28 KB, 192x281, HamOnRye[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5944869 No.5944869 [Reply] [Original]

Wow, I thought you guys were kidding about how shit Bukowski is.

>> No.5944884

You must be new.

>> No.5944901

Bukowski is the Justin beiber of /lit/ people just like to hate him because its cool to

>> No.5944967

I don't know. I tried to go into this with an open mind despite /lit/'s grudge. Seems like he epitomizes that kind of adolescent misanthropy which you usually grow out of past 18. "Waah waah, people are shit. I am a precious flower in a dumpster." I mean, I had horrible acne as a teenager and never got a fuck, but Bukowski reeks of the inability to move past that bitterness.

I'm glad I read this book, though. It's like looking through embarassing notebook scribblings I might have made during a depressive episode and feeling repulsed by their childishness. It makes me want to move past that sense of superiority; of wanting to smoke and drink in a desperate attempt to show the world that I'm above it.

>> No.5945253
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>> No.5945271

do you watch this board 24 hours a day, waiting with fingers poised on keyboard, until that precious moment when someone mentions bukowski, your arch nemesis, then spring into action? i bet you do

>> No.5945294

The people who shit all over Bukowski are usually doing it because they feel insecure about being exactly the thing they're trying to distance themselves from. It's similar to the people who take every opportunity to hate on the Catcher in the Rye. I see it as a sort of fear of appearing resentful or inadequate that makes people immediately reject anything misanthropic or adolescent.

>> No.5945307
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Brah, don't be ridick. I posted over 50 mins later from the thread being made on a Saturday. Calm down.

>> No.5945319

>Ham on the Rhye
>not reading Dirty Old Man

>> No.5945323

Dont feed the troll

>> No.5945379
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What he said. My power only grows. I'm getting stronger.

>> No.5945388

I thought 'ham on rye' was considered his best because it has some historical significance.

>> No.5945403

Ham on Rye was awesome, It was a coming of age story where nobody actually learnt anything but literally came of a different age. Its like YA but not pathetic and ridiculous. Ham on Rye is his best work behind Women, though arguably better as a classic.

>> No.5945612

I'd argue that it's just as ridiculous. There are two extreme ways to approach the teenage condition. Bukowski goes full cynic, dismissing everything as horseshit. YA novels go the other direction, making the whole teenage experience sentimental and worthless. It's the rare novel that transverses these two polar opposites and they're the only ones worth anything. People like to shit on Catcher, but it's great because it recognises that teenage angst but it doesn't fully succumb to it; it acknowledges that there is some beauty in the world without being overly sentimental about it.

>> No.5945758

I like Bukowski's work, if only for the fact that it's a warning of what not to become. I used to identify with him a lot, and then I realized that it wasn't something to be proud of. And I changed.

>> No.5945825

There is a narrow window for his work to speak to you. Anyone over 30 who tries to get into him ought be disappointed, I would think.

I'm sure there are some lines he's written that I might find resonant even now, but it's been years since I read anything by him and I can't imagine relating to any of it as an adult.

>> No.5946198
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Nah, I think it's pretty clear that this guy starts these threads and then turns on his tripfag so he can justify posting screenshots of the important moments in his life when he said something ostensibly witty about a dead writer he hates being shit. Surprised he hasn't done that yet here, but he did in his other thread >>5941079. See, dude even starts a pointless new thread when he doesn't get enough biters on the other one.

Bukowski might be shit at writing, but he probably would have agreed with everything you say about him, and then he would have made you make him a drink while he fucked your mom in the ass.

>> No.5946358
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If I was starving for attention I suppose I could just go around without taking my trip off like the other tripfags do. Would you rather I do that? Go full blown tripfag? I'm willing to make dreams come true.