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/lit/ - Literature

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5944361 No.5944361 [Reply] [Original]

Any other muslims present on /lit/?

What denomination do you adhere to?
Which thinkers influence you the most, Islamic or Western ones?
Will the ride ever end?

>> No.5944393

Not Muslim but ibn sina is based

>> No.5944412

>believing in ooga booga magic and worshiping a paedophile messenger of someone that doesn't exist


>> No.5944444
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Not muslim myself, but I feel solidarity with my fellow reactionaries. Is based Guenon popular at all among contemporary muslims?

Also, God bless ISIS and death to Amerikkka.

>> No.5944494

Not a muslim, but what do you think of the following things:
>the acceptance of homosexuals
>muslim women deciding to go unveiled

>> No.5944508

Not a Muslim (obviously) but in the spirit of that other thread; what is some good Iranian literature? Some good Turkish literature? Moroccan? Egyptian?

>> No.5944547


Rumi. Omar Khayyam.

>> No.5944562

Salman Rushdie is my favourite author on islamic topics, what is yours?

>> No.5944590

why can't this shit stay on /pol/?

>> No.5944609

Absolutely jihad

>> No.5944628

What shit?

>> No.5944644

this shit

>> No.5944654

You don't want people to discuss theology?

>> No.5944702

/pol/ got axed in case you are behind on 4chan current events.

>> No.5944747

nope. it's still there. moot screwed about with it because they couldn't keep a lid on just how fucked up they are but it is almost back to normal. like any other cess pit, the big pieces of shit full of air always rise to the top

>> No.5945015
File: 35 KB, 612x389, 4chan_today.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's got giant blocks of text scrolling across every post, random s4s stickies, dozens of word-filters, no captchas, rampant bot spam, and no mods. It's been axed. There is no way to claim that /pol/ posters still have their board, and they're perfectly entitled to post on other boards with their shit now.

btw don't forget about pic related.

>additional features

4chan gold passes coming soon!

>> No.5945036

muslims are influenced by thinkers? yeah, sure...

>> No.5945108

>Any other muslims present on /lit/?

Fuck off, you are despised by all in Europe, Australia and North America.

>> No.5945172

Clearly not, since all three of those continents import millions of muslims every year. They love muslims so much that they have even stopped having children in order to bequeath their ancestral homelands to muslim immigrants. That is not hatred.

>> No.5945258
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/pol/ was designed to be a containment board to keep the most dysfunctional 4channers away from the other boards, to lift the quality of the site overall.

But despite his best intentions, I don't think moot (PBUH) considered the consequences of warehousing so many neurotic and hateful young men in the one place. Sure, it kept most of their nonsense off other boards, but it created a critical mass that lead to the various external campaigns they started waging which the whole site into even further disrepute.

It seems that some of the /pol/ refugees have gone to another chan altogether, but others have just migrated over to other boards.

There's no solution to this that I can see so long as 4chan remains an anonymous site attractive to the young and the deeply alienated.

>> No.5945283

Back to tumblr please

>> No.5945288

> the various external campaigns they started waging which the whole site into even further disrepute.

So they made your friends on reddit hate 4chan? How awful :(

>> No.5945290
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sunni muslim here. i'd say western thinkers have influenced me the most however i only recently started delving into Islamic philosophy.

>> No.5945293

you idiot, you forgot to sage

>> No.5945296


>i treat belief systems like baseball cards

>> No.5945326


Keep it up, Mudslime, there is a reason why European resistance movements are rising.

Your ancestral homelands are the chessboards of the kikes, guess you must love being invaded by ZOGs.

>> No.5945327


I was born into it, my dick got the chop. Whether I was dealt a bad hand or a good one, only time will tell.

Death to America.

>> No.5945334

>Your ancestral homelands are the chessboards of the kikes, guess you must love being invaded by ZOG

Jews did the towers.

>> No.5945345

>I was born into a retarded cult
>I might as well commit to it

go rape your camel

>> No.5945352

>There's no solution to this that I can see so long as 4chan remains an anonymous site attractive to the young and the deeply alienated.

Fuck off if you dont like that, KIKEfaggot

>> No.5945362

>European resistance movements are rising


You don't get it. It's already too late. There are literally tens of millions of muslims in France alone. How will you get rid of them? Slaughter them all? Hitler killed six million Jews and they still infest and corrupt Europe. You will never be able to shed enough blood to cleanse your homelands.

Death to America!

Death to the Jews!

>> No.5945366

>you are despised by all in Europe

English here, I prefer Muslims to Eastern Europeans.

>> No.5945378

>There are literally tens of millions of muslims in France alone.

And? You think anyone likes them? Why is the Front Nationale the most popular party in France?

>> No.5945381


No shit a betacuck modern Anglo bends over for the mudslime cock

>> No.5945384

>my dick got the chop.
You're from one of those hardline families, aren't you?

also not lit

>> No.5945391

That it, hu?

Why not?

>Death to America.
Death to religion

>> No.5945400

also English here
i prefer eastern europeans to muslims

now what

>> No.5945401

>>Death to America.
>Death to religion

Why not both?

>> No.5945405

Europe has hated the yids far more, for far longer, and still after 1000 years of trying has not been able to expel their rot.

There are ALREADY too many muslims to ever turn things around. At best all FN would do even if by some miracle they got into power is to reduce immigration slightly for 4 years--and they would just promptly lose power again in the next election.

Europeans simply don't have and have never had the stomach to do what is necessary. Hitler was the last desperate manifestation of the dying European folk-soul, and everything he did was in vain. Now there is no more hope.

>> No.5945408

We need another lad to be the deciding vote.

>> No.5945417

>your country was under muslim rule for centuries
>it might happen again
>this time we will let them

Well, fuck.

>> No.5945421

Born-and-bred Egyptian Muslim, don't find much use for it. I will say this though: domestically, Islam keeps people in check. I was being robbed once and told the guy "This isn't Muslim behavior, you should be ashamed." Mofo gave my wallet back. Plus, most people are pretty chill about it.

Based Naguib Mahfouz nigga there ain't no question.

>> No.5945429

>Now there is no more hope.

Good goy. The Kali Yuga will end. Keep thinking it won't.

>> No.5945435

I was born into a Sufist Qadiri family that have traditionally been prominent sheikhs here in the region. So I've got a lot of real estate. The mosques my families possess are cool authentic mosques where they prepare delicious food for the neighbourhood to eat. There are many dance and music sessions. My mom's uncle is the head of the seat and he always wears the most beatiful beige with gold silken outfit i have seen. On my father's side, my granddad was the head of his region. (Another region than my mom's uncle) But after his death, his natural follower, my dad, declined. My father doesn't even believe anymore though, he is a rational businessman that is dissappointed by what Islam is turning into. More and more kurds are turning away from Islam and IsIs is a good example that they use for why religion shouldn't be a dominant power in life. My mom does pray since her dad got sick and died last year.

>> No.5945440

In the name of moot, The Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful.
All praise belongs to moot, the mod (Who is the Creator, Sustainer and Guide) of all the boards.
The Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful; Sovereign of the Day of Judgment.
Thee (alone) do we worship, And from thee (alone) we seek help:
Please delete this thread.

>> No.5945457

The Kali Yuga won't end before Europe and all her peoples are dust. Maybe afterwards some new traditional civilization will arise in the ruins. What do I care? Europe will be gone. The European bloodlines will have ended. The brown hordes will inherit the Earth.

>> No.5945460

Well not without some clarification as to what is meant by "America" The neocolonialist commercial empire or the USA, sure, but the duel continent or it's people? Naw man.

>> No.5945466

not muslim but i fuck with al-Farabi

>> No.5945472

>The neocolonialist commercial empire oF the USA,

>> No.5945483


>> No.5945491

what country?

>> No.5945496

What do the traditionalists ITT think of this guy?


>> No.5945499



>> No.5945503

europeans, instead of killing a bunch of muslims just go to church

and if you do decide something stupid leave sikhs and hindus alone

>> No.5945510


Personally, I don't find it retarded but everyone is entitled to their own opinion :3

>> No.5945524


We'll see, troll. Lick my fat nuts, nigger.

>> No.5945532

>Personally I don't find the literal cult that brainwashed me and mutilated me to be retarded despite it being retarded, but I sure am gonna le xD


>> No.5945543

Typical European, whining about muslims online while getting dominated by a big nigger buck.

Enjoy your shariah and cuck porn.

>> No.5945550

A huge part of our history is being subjugated by Turks, and the damage is still here, luckily mostly contained to neighbour countries

>> No.5945551


Brainwashed? I wouldn't go that far. It's my own choice, my parents aren't very religious anymore (my extended family on the other-hand are but I don't really see them anymore).


>> No.5945564
File: 309 KB, 450x411, RDumUUI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really cool how /lit/ has turned into /r/atheism. I tip my fedora to you, gentlemen.

>> No.5945571

i thought all the the muslims were the bosniaks? or are they the ancestors of turks?

sorry i have a poor understanding of the yugoslav shit

>> No.5945572



Redditor detected.

>> No.5945575

>I'm proud of being a delusional, mutilated cultist

;^)))))))))))) America is never going to stop bombing your shitty people. We get drunk and laugh about the size of the unnecesary explosions with returning veterans.

>> No.5945582

Muhammad was a false prophet

>> No.5945589

It's hysterical that people indoctrinated into ancient desert cults have no rebuttal left whatsoever except vague mockery that people don't agree with them.

>> No.5945593

muhammed just made up a bunch of shit cause he wanted to warmonger

arabs should just stick to math and leave religion alone

>> No.5945595

kekkity kek

America is never going to stop getting colonized by mestizos and muslims, I can't wait until the race-mixing and population replacement drives your satanic country into third-world-hellhole status.

By the time your population is 50% Mexican you won't even be able to maintain the technological base to get bombs across the ocean.

>> No.5945607


I'm from Morocco. Technically, me and you are best friends :)


>> No.5945611


Look at this cuckold stroking his 2incher to cuckfag, reddotior, sissycuck, niggerfaggotry.

>> No.5945621

>I have no idea what I'm talking about and am racist against other brown people achieving more than anyone in my actual-hell-hole country ever will

Stay mad. Enjoy the missiles and not understanding anything about anything.

>> No.5945630
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>> No.5945631

You're right, the thought of your dumb nigger president gets my dick hard.

Enjoy your population replacement and Jewish media, cuckfag.

>> No.5945634


Keep cucking. Faggot piece of shit little sissy faggot nigger fuck.

>> No.5945643
File: 21 KB, 531x471, 1409589377670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't mind homosexuals at all and believe that they have rights.
>I hate veiled muslim women
>apostasy: everybody is free to do what they want; punishing people for their religious beliefs harms islam more than it benefits it

pic related, it's what my friends would call my beliefs

>> No.5945648

you probably watch more american television than most of our yourh at this point

>> No.5945649
File: 24 KB, 211x176, 1413494846501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


low-effort trolling is unbelievably lame and unfunny. But keep doing what your doin' bro!

>> No.5945652



Fuck off, cuck.

>> No.5945661

They are few, i will admit, but I know a few that are truly well-read, intelligent, and open-minded. Most of my friends can't even read most philosophers or books without constantly bitching about their "blasphemy". I don't really like my friends (or my culture) much.