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5941394 No.5941394 [Reply] [Original]

>/lit/ writes to their absent biological father

>> No.5941501

Hey dad, I just wanted to say that I know why you weren't around. I mean, mom is kind of horrible, and I'm not so great myself, but sometimes when I see those dads on TV I can't help but wish you were here for me. Just to play catch once in a while, maybe the odd bit of advice. A lot has happened since you left. I finished school, and I even went to college. Maybe if you'd known i was going to be someone you'd have stuck around. I don't know what to say, so I'll just say i hope you visit one day.

>> No.5941518
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>I don't know what to say, so I'll just say i hope you visit one day.

>> No.5941523

Hey dad. I just want to let you know I love you, no matter what. I don't blame you for anything. I'm sure you have your reasons, everyone does. Also can you pick up some ice cream on your way back?
Thanks for not abandoning me,
your son.

>> No.5941543

Hi Dad,
Thanks for kicking the bucket before you could induct me into the alcoholic legacy of our family like your parents did to you.
Stay dead, fucker.

>> No.5941557

Well, this is it, this was it. The divorce.
After all those years, you two finally did it.
I've hoped for this a long time, but now I don't know how to feel.

Anyways I hope you'll have some fun in your old age and do something more else than building model tanks and watching the military channel.
See you on your birthday, if I can manage it.
Your Son

>> No.5941575


Wow, your life sounds so fucking hard.

>> No.5941597

Hi, dad. I didn't want to write mediocre poetry like you, so i desied to write mediocre prose.

>> No.5941607

You left me skint you promised you never would but I don't really care you fuck I just want to go to the racing with you and shoot the shit. If I ever saw you again I'd fill you in then feel bad about it.

>> No.5941611


>> No.5941614

Hey dad.

I guess you were right all along; things got better when you left. Not at first, of course. At first it was hell. I lost a few good years of my life because of it. But in the absence of your irrational behavior, your mixed messages, your abject fury at the drop of a hat, we were able to recover and become more than we ever were. You wanted me to be everything you never could be; how could I ever meet those expectations? I could never live up to that. So I learned to evaluate myself based on my own standards. And I guess I should thank you for leaving.

It's been almost ten years and I still dream about you. Sometimes we argue about political things (I swear your politics are as naive as it gets). Sometimes I show you all of the music I've written (I swear you'd love it, even if it's not really your style). Sometimes you do your random violent aggression thing and I fight back (I swear I could beat you now, too). And every time, even in the dream, I know it isn't real, and I know you're never coming back. But I let myself believe, because it gives me a reason to keep going. And sometimes, I think you might actually be proud of what I've done, what I have become. But I'm grateful that I'll never have to find out. It's much easier that way.

>> No.5941634

ay bitch when u get out da can

>> No.5941645

Hey dad, I never got why work was so important in your life. But now I'm experiencing it myself: The isolation, the competition, the single-minded obsessive pursuit of one objective, all the money and none of the time, the inability to relate to people I liked three years ago, the perception of family men as suckers, the acceptance that social interaction is something that should be done only right and not at all in an original manner. The embracement of duty. The good feeling of having done good, and the searing shame of having done too little of it. All the narcism that lies in it. And all the good that comes of it.

I feel like shit, but that's only me. The idea of me, the things I do, make the world a better place. So it's OK to feel like shit, even for the rest of my life. The mission is more important than well-being. I'm now at the age you were when I was born. You have about ten years left before you gotta quit. The circle closes.

>> No.5941658

he aint absent he just dead now

hey asshole, thanks for marring some skank who's ruining my life now, miss u brozo

>> No.5941660

hey dad, thanks for leaving me with my abusive drug addicted mother that projected her hate for you towards me. youll be happy to hear, that i only suffer from a few personality disorders now, so everything went okay, right? also, thanks for your shitty ass genes, in a year ill be just as bald as you. oh, btw, your wife sent me a letter saying you have terminal cancer, but knowing that shes a pathological liar, im sure you are fine. its kinda funny, i thought all this anger would turn me into the compelte opposite of you, but to be honest, im on my way to becoming just as much of a deadbeat loser as you.

>> No.5941662

Dear Dad,

I know you wish the best for me, and I know I let you down. I think you went from never wanting me, to wanting so much for me. You're such a man of extremes, and you think everyone needs money to feel successful. Our priorities are completely different, and I wish you could see that. I know you feel bad for screaming all the time at me, and never being there for me. I forgive you.

I love you even though you never say it back,

>> No.5941671

Dear dad

I know your wife is a reckless alcoholic who won't fuck you since the alcohol has ruined her sex drive, and I know she pisses and shits her pants every night so man I literally cannot be mad at you if you divorced her.

>> No.5941679

>I love you even though you never say it back,
holy shit never?
man ur dad suck

>> No.5941681

My two older uncles on my dads side had a different father than my dad. He was a distinguished pilot, and died when his children were 4 years old and one years old. He had survived world war II and the Korean war but while testing some new plane over the dessert something went wrong.

My grandmother died recently and I was with them as they dug through their biological fathers stuff.
They called their biological father by his full name, whose last name they no longer shared.
"what should we do with John Sullivan's metals?"
The twenty or so metals dulled with age sat in a plastic container on the kitchen table.
"well we really shouldn't through them away. We better keep them in the family, but what is the point of saving the metals? Wont they just be in a box collecting dust"
Rather than a box of family pride the metals reminded the two older brothers that they never had a father. That the man who they met as teens whose last name they took, and who they called dad.

I wish I could write.

>> No.5941693

Hey Dad, I'm having fun spending Christmas vacation back home with you and Mom. See you when you get back from the store.

>> No.5941710


nigga u betta hope they neva let me go cuz when i touchdown u next

bitch ass

>> No.5941712

i think you can write

>> No.5941721

Dear Dad,
it was rad when you died

>> No.5941722

Dear Dad,

The family's fine
Though the weather's grim
And Jenni's fine
But she's with him



>> No.5941731

Dear dad,

My step dad is John Stamos.

Thanks again for leaving you fat piece of shit

>> No.5941762

Hey dad,
thanks for not being a dickweed like the dads of the posters above me. Could you bring me some coffee when you come back to the living room?

>> No.5941764

Fuck you, get a job.

>> No.5942111

Dear "dad",

Why? Just why? I now have to live the rest of my life knowing that I'm a cuck baby because my "dad" was a pencil dick pussy who let a strong monstrous black man blow his seed into my mom's cut. I was so foolish all those years to believe the lies. Fuck you faggot.

Kill yourself,
Johnny Cucksfield Jr

>> No.5942325


>> No.5942335

you don't know me, but I know you.
i happen to know, that you're a short jew
i read your pretentious blog, it makes me pissed
you are foolish to be a unrepentant marxist

p.s. jk, i'm not worried about it

>> No.5942399

I'm in love with the coco, obtained it for the low, low from my cholo. I'm sayin' dat cause I 'no you 'be wandrin' 'round 'da getto, but if you snitch it you motherfucker (no pun intended) I go loco no you with my treinta ocho regardless of the popo (I don't know him by the way).

P.S. I got baking soda.

>> No.5942541

Hey fag.

I just wanted you to know that my hatred for you is no less than the day I told you I never wanted to see you again and that you were dead to me. Not that it made a difference. You could never have given me anything but the curse of drink. I like to think that that day was the day you were going to take me out for my "first pint" or take me to a whore or something no less animal and wretched. I saved myself. When I heard you say that when I was sixteen you were going to take me out for my first pint, I knew that I needed to be free of you. You are scum. You are filth. I now dedicate my life to sterilizing addicts and other sorts of parasites in your honour, to ensure what happens to me never happens to any other human. You took my humanity. I am a machine of pure hatred now. All happiness is drowned in a sea of rage. I want you to die. I want you to die. But death is to good for you. I want to disarticulate every joint in your filthy body, and peel your skin off inch by inch. I want to inject battery acid into your testicles and put a hot wire in your urethra. Compared with insanity and the nights of looking into a future without light or happiness, it's merciful. Fuck you and your existence. I bet you caused lots of abortions, but you didn't even do it when it counted. Worthless.

>> No.5942698

Hi Dad,

Your leaving ruined the first 19 years of my life, until I decided not to pick up the phone when you called. I still won't do it. I don't hate you anymore. I even understand why you left, why you cheated on Mom and why you drank and got high as much as you did. If it weren't for you, I would never have become miserable enough to understand, but now I am, and I do. And I forgive you. I just can't let you back into my life.


Good bye,


>> No.5942714 [DELETED] 


*tips le grum dirk fedora*

>This whole thread


>> No.5942717


>> No.5942788 [DELETED] 

Dear father

You are the dumbest asshole I have ever had the pleasure to meet, I miss your sweetness and tenderness when I was a child. You loved me and took care of me as if I was your most precious gift.

I saw you a couple of days ago talking to your co-workers, your face is rugged and you have this constant tired look. I wish I could muster up the courage to ask you why you left me and possibly rekindle our relationship, but I know you are so much better off with your new family.

I did not fare well after you were gone, but now I am finding some closure and meaning on your departure.

I hope someday we can still be friends.

>> No.5942803

Dear father

You are the dumbest asshole I have ever had the pleasure to meet, I miss your sweetness and tenderness you gave me when I was a child. You loved me and took care of me as if I was your most precious gift.

I saw you a couple of days ago talking to your co-workers, your face is rugged and you have this constant tired look. I wish I could muster up the courage to ask you why you left me and possibly rekindle our relationship, but I know you are so much better off with your new family.

I did not fare well after you were gone, but now I am finding some closure and meaning on your departure.

I hope someday we can still be friends.

>> No.5942827


you're actually a pretty awesome dude, all things considered.
I'm glad you're my father and that we still spend time together, thanks for everything you taught me in one way or the other. I love you.

See you on Sunday,

>> No.5942917 [DELETED] 
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It's been ten years, Dad. When we last spoke I was a boy, and now I have grown into a man, as well as I could in a poor family with a single mother.

I don't blame you for my miserable childhood and adolescence, but it might have been better if you had gotten a fucking job and not run off to Europe. A family isn't a problem you can run away from, and I won't call a man who would do such things any father of mine. I can only hope that I can be there for my children, because God knows how much I missed out on after you left. You weren't even much of a father when you were there, I remember you more as what I would see today as a bloated man-child than a man deserving of respect.

Your absence has made me question the legitimacy of my existence from boyhood, but I've always realized that your presence would be no great blessing either. In short, you are a loathsome, childish, disgusting human being, and I fully resent you for shirking your duties to my mother, my sisters, and myself, you're first and only son. I look in the mirror and hate myself when I see your features plastered upon my face like like some gross leprosy. I want you and your toxic mess of a family nowhere near my offspring. You will never know a grandson or a granddaughter of my progeny; They won't even know your name.

I take solace in the fact that you cannot and will not return to the US. If I travel, do not seek me out. Perhaps in time, my bitterness towards you will fade, but your actions are unforgivable, and I'll have nothing to do with you.

- Ben

>> No.5942922 [DELETED] 


It's been ten years, Dad. When we last spoke I was a boy, and now I have grown into a man, as well as I could in a poor family with a single mother.

I don't blame you for my miserable childhood and adolescence, but it might have been better if you had gotten a fucking job and not run off to Europe. A family isn't a problem you can run away from, and I won't call a man who would do such things any father of mine. I can only hope that I can be there for my children, because God knows how much I missed out on after you left. You weren't even much of a father when you were there, I remember you more as what I would see today as a bloated man-child than a man deserving of respect.

Your absence has always made me question the legitimacy of my existence, but I've always realized that your presence would be no great blessing either. In short, you are a loathsome, childish, disgusting human being, and I fully resent you for shirking your duties to my mother, my sisters, and myself, your first and only son. I look in the mirror and hate myself when I see your features plastered upon my face like like some gross leprosy. I want you and your toxic mess of a family nowhere near my offspring. You will never know a grandson or a granddaughter of my progeny; They won't even know your name.

I take solace in the fact that you cannot and will not return to the US. If I travel, do not seek me out. Perhaps in time, my bitterness towards you will fade, but your actions are unforgivable, and I'll have nothing to do with you.

- Ben

>> No.5942928
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It's been ten years since I last spoke to you as a boy. Since then, I've grown into a man, as well as I could in a poor family with a single mother.

Things weren't good after you left. I don't blame you for my miserable childhood and adolescence, but it might have been better if you had gotten a fucking job and not run off to Europe. A family isn't a problem you can run away from, and I won't call a man who would do such things any father of mine. I can only hope that I can be there for my children, because God knows how much I missed out on after you left. You weren't even much of a father when you were there, I remember you more as what I would see today as a bloated man-child than a man deserving of respect.

Your absence has always made me question the legitimacy of my existence, but I've always realized that your presence would be no great blessing either. In short, you are a loathsome, childish, disgusting human being, and I fully resent you for shirking your duties to my mother, my sisters, and myself, your first and only son. I look in the mirror and hate myself when I see your features plastered upon my face like like some gross leprosy. I want you and your toxic mess of a family nowhere near my offspring. You will never know a grandson or a granddaughter of my progeny; They won't even know your name.

I take solace in the fact that you cannot and will not return to the US. If I travel, do not seek me out. Perhaps in time, my bitterness towards you will fade, but your actions are unforgivable, and I'll have nothing to do with you.

- Ben

>> No.5942932


>> No.5942955

Fuck you.
Not just "fuck you" to your internet persona where you get to say whatever you want and get away with it.
But "fuck you" to the real you. Whoever you are, wherever you are. Fuck you. Fuck you.

>> No.5942967
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hey dad,

i heard that your father is going through the final stages of alzheimer's. that must have made for a very difficult christmas. after running away, i heard about what it had been like growing up in that house, with him acting alternatively as the benevolent father figure and a source of abject terror, and all the abuse and other "unspeakables" that everybody was trained to never talk about. given where you were coming from, i can't be angry with how things turned out in our household. you did your best.

seeing that same person slowly turn into an angry, helpless child must have been horrible.

my christmas didn't go all that well either, what with being date raped and then spending the whole day getting drunk and posting on 4chan :P

i'm really sorry about turning out to be the antithesis of pretty much everything you believed in, especially the bit where you told me you'd heard a voice from god and had been told a name for your son who "would do great things and spread my will", and i turned out to be a trans-faggot who never used that name and had it legally changed and you found out i'd never really believed in any of that stuff in the first place.

i'm doing the best i can with what i have, and, even if you don't approve and still hate me, you were a good influence. thanks for everything, and i hope we can talk again some time.

>> No.5942971
File: 64 KB, 762x744, 3748644-3354133381-b4i7w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what with being date raped

I don't believe you.

>> No.5942974


>> No.5942984

>I got baking soda

>> No.5943021

2014 taught us to be skeptical about rape claims.

>> No.5943073

Dear Steve,
I'm sure you'll understand why I won't bring myself to address you with a term of endearment like 'Dad'. I just want you to know that, as much as one person can be directly responsible for the misfortunes of another, I blame you for everything. John's death, Mom's steadily-worsening disconnect with reality, my inability to trust anyone -- the collapse of an entire family rests on your shoulders. From what little I know of you, you have been nothing but a blight on the lives of everyone who's ever known you. Maybe I'm lucky you were never around to add me to the list. Wherever you are, I hope you stay there.

>> No.5943090

Im right here, you fucking faggot. Im standing right next to you, but you want say anything. Why wont you talk to me? Are you dumb? Are you afraid of something? Or do you just not care?
-sincerely (in anger), your son who you will not talk to even though we live in the same house.

>> No.5943153


Am I missing something here?

>> No.5943184

B-baka! It's not like I wanted you in my life or anything! Who wants their father around at Christmas, to share presents and tell them how proud they've made you? How embarrassing! It's totally way cooler to stand on your own as a strong man! Baka! Idiot!

I-If you wanted to read my post and call me or whatever, that would be okay I guess. Not for my sake understand, I-I thought you might enjoy it after being absentee for so many years is all...

>> No.5943750

You sound like a shit person. Think about the ancestors you're letting down. Two billion years of evolution went into your sorry ass. Generations upon generations fought and died for the chance to pass on their genes. After that legacy of survival against all odds you fuck it up. I hope it's worth it.

>> No.5943757


>> No.5943761

hint: /lit/erary stuff, no gossips, this is /lit/.

>> No.5943770

Hey dad,
Sorry you had to die at 45 from liver cirrhosis caused by hepatitis-c virus. Such is the life of an Egyptian born doctor, I guess. My worst fear was ending up like you. But we have sofosbuvir now. So yeah... so much for that.
Love, your son.

P.S. Thanks based jews!

>> No.5944089

>You sound like a shit person.

>> No.5944113

Hey Dad, you wouldn't FUCKING believe what has become of me, all ceilings, all... well, it's basically a phony but I read books and spend my time on literature channel of a chinese messageboard. That's beyond sickening isn't it.

>> No.5944132

I remember you as a paranoid workaholic who couldn't handle banter,
is it why you had no friends? is it why you were never unfaithful to a woman you despised and abused?
thanks for showing me that money doesn't solve everything, can't buy love or friendship.
you don't deserve to be called a "father"
I wish you could get help.
It must be tough being caught up in your lies, your fake persona, being surrounded by fear, never respect.
I'm alright now, you can choose to be angry, or be proud.

some would say I don't have the guts to write to you for real. It's just that I'm not a child anymore, I heard a billion times how you had "changed". A bigger BM is not what I call "change".
And never call me again to tell me I'm ruining your life and am killing mother for being so distant. If you don't want a schizophrenic wife, maybe leave her or try to give her the benefit of the doubt, instead of abusing her on a daily basis.
farewell, small scale bully.

>> No.5944139

>dad died when I was 10
>separated from my mom since I was 5
>I will never have a real conversation with him
>He will never teach me how to shave
>He will never tell me his old college stories
>I will never be able to have any intellectual conversation with any of my immediate family members because my sister is autistic and my mom is pretty ditzy and dumb
>I will never be able to smoke weed with my dad
>I will never spend any time with my father again
Why do I even live?

>> No.5944141

Hey anon, similar story here, I share all your points.

I got used to it though after dedicating a few years of my teenagehood to thinking of how fucking absurd that is and reading some Camus.

these years were traumatic though

>> No.5944155


I have a dad and have never done/barely ever do any of the things on that list

>> No.5944164

I like to think I grew up into a pretty decent adult even without my father, but I'd really appreciate having someone like my father in my life. He was a lawyer and very sociable. He was well known for being too generous, but I guess the drugs kind of kicked him in and drove him to suicide.

I don't really need someone to tell me to trim my pube hair or to wear deodorant, but I'd really appreciate it if I had someone close to me that I can have a real conversation with. I tried talking to my mom about a lab grown meat a few days ago and the social and scientific responses to the research and it's just nuts. I ask her what she thinks and then she starts blabbering about how humans are monkeys with alium dna and then she talks about how god is the universe and yadda yadda yadda. Like, you know how you can go to a teacher with a question, and even if they're wrong in some ways they can still give you amazing perspective built from a well rounded education... I wish I knew someone that personally that I could talk about. It's not like I have to talk about fetishes or anything, but I'd love to get back from college and just talk to my father about a few things. The bad decisions my friends and I made, my study habits, the new works I've read for my major, et cetera. Literally one of the prime goals of my life as of now is to get married and have a boy that I can share with. I want to be able to be there for a son, answer his questions, give him some perspective, implicitly share my story as I see him grow up. That way, maybe he won't be as confused about the world as I am.

Till this day, the only thing that makes me cry is thinking of my father.

>> No.5944167

You're honestly taking him for granted then unless he's like abusive or something.

>> No.5944172

>I like to think I grew up into a pretty decent adult even without my father, but I'd really appreciate having someone like my father in my life. He was a lawyer and very sociable. He was well known for being too generous
Are you me? Yeah, it sucks major time. But embracing pointlessness of any bitterness caused by that terrible RNG outcome is doable.

>I don't really need someone to tell me to trim my pube hair or to wear deodorant
could've been worse, I had problems with that.

>I want to be able to be there for a son, answer his questions, give him some perspective, implicitly share my story as I see him grow up. That way, maybe he won't be as confused about the world as I am.
Confusion is the key word. I feel you anon, but being conscious on how to fix this void is half of the success here, I think.

>Till this day, the only thing that makes me cry is thinking of my father.
that's the worst feel.

>> No.5944174

Hi Dad,

I know you've gone to Scotland for New Years. Hope to see you back on Sunday!


>> No.5944180


Nah, my dad's great and all but we're just not that close. We talk about sports and video games sometimes.

>> No.5944185

>terrible RNG
It wasn't RNG in the sense of a freak accident. He committed suicide.

>could've been worse, I had problems with that.
I get along with taking care of male priorities perfectly fine. I do well with grooming and I'm socializing much better after I got to college.

>that's the worst feel.
That will make me cry tears on demand, but I won't tear up for anything else. I might feel repulsed and sad, but I won't tear for nearly anything else.

>> No.5944191

I get not blazing it on the couch, but how do you not have conversations about his youth or about complex topics with him? Are they anomalies or something?

>> No.5944194

I referred to being born into such condition as to 'rng', as it wasn't really your fault, and partially to actually having a valuable parent that couldn't get to share the value.

I'm glad to hear your socializing is fine, mine has been messy in one way or another(in all of them, eventually) throughout all my life.

And on the tearing part... it has its upsides and downsides I guess.

>> No.5944195

>I'm glad to hear your socializing is fine
I'm doing much better with girls now. I don't get the club/bar scene that much unless you just want to have a beer with your friend, but I'll ask girls out and such now. Somehow dated 3 Beckas in a row.

>> No.5944198


My dad is an old fashioned guy, grew up poor and really the only successful man of his side of the family. He's a computer scientist and doesn't have much time for culture or anything I'm interested in. Not that I'm bitter, I love my dad and wouldn't expect him to be anything he's not, we really just don't have much in common at all. He's a funny fucker though, we tell jokes and drink and laugh together often, so I suppose that's not entirely true.

>> No.5944233

That is hella decent to be honest, I got quite miserable at one point in my life when I realized that being overeganging or underperforming in some of my 'relationships' was caused by huge lack of self-consciousness and major interpersonal autism, both caused by lack of father figure early in life.

>> No.5944404

Hey dad, I got into contact with my half sisterthat I remember you telling me about once from a previous marriage. I was hoping she would know how I felt and we could talk about the trauma you caused because I could never tell my real sister how I feel, I could never expose myself like that to someone I have to see. She told my you never laid a hand on her or her mother. When I read that I broke down. I could never have imagined that you could be anything but a monster to your family but here was clear evidence that you were different. I cried and asked myself "then why us". What was it about my mother who deserved to be beaten in front of me, what was it about me that deserved to be choked. Why did you hate us so much? Why did you love them enough to leave them unscathed and why did you stay and torture us only to leave when I could have defended us. I hate myself so much, I have a mole above my eyebrow just like you. I wish I could hunt you down and make you fell even a quarter of how you made me feel. I know it killed my mother to have the mirror image of you living with her. She told me once after she had caught me coming home drunk when I was a teen that I was just like you. I wish I had never met you. It kills to watch happy families. I have trouble with relationships and I am always depressed, I have a drugs and alcohol problem. Like father like son I guess.

>> No.5944875

>Hey dad.
>I guess you were right all along; things got better when you left. Not at first, of course. At first it was hell. I lost a few good years of my life because of it. But in the absence of your irrational behavior, your mixed messages, your abject fury at the drop of a hat, we were able to recover and become more than we ever were. You wanted me to be everything you never could be; how could I ever meet those expectations? I could never live up to that. So I learned to evaluate myself based on my own standards. And I guess I should thank you for leaving.
>It's been almost ten years and I still dream about you. Sometimes we argue about political things (I swear your politics are as naive as it gets). Sometimes I show you all of the music I've written (I swear you'd love it, even if it's not really your style). Sometimes you do your random violent aggression thing and I fight back (I swear I could beat you now, too). And every time, even in the dream, I know it isn't real, and I know you're never coming back. But I let myself believe, because it gives me a reason to keep going. And sometimes, I think you might actually be proud of what I've done, what I have become. But I'm grateful that I'll never have to find out. It's much easier that way.

you guys parents separated during a fight, that doesnt mean your fathers were violent, you know... it was a period a fight. thats what you do in a fight, show aggression.

>> No.5944895


>> No.5946597

>There are people who didn't grow up in a nuclear family

Hahaha oh wow

>> No.5946615

Hey dad. I know we haven't spoken in twelve years, but do you still sell weed? If so, do you think I could have some? You know, to make up for the birthdays and shit? Thanks bruh u da bes. Not really but you know what I mean.
Yours truly,

ps I changed my name after you left to spite you. I go by weednaruto now

pss dont u dare send me lows man you got twelve birthdays and christmas to make up for. mids are acceptable but only if ur sending bricks of them

>> No.5946622

>But in the absence of your irrational behavior, your mixed messages, your abject fury at the drop of a hat, we were able to recover and become more than we ever were. You wanted me to be everything you never could be; how could I ever meet those expectations? I could never live up to that. So I learned to evaluate myself based on my own standards
Fuck. you make me wish my dad had abandoned me