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5939897 No.5939897 [Reply] [Original]

define this word: SUCCESS

>> No.5939901

achieving what you set out to do

>> No.5939902

a noun, two syllables, the second one stressed, latinate etymology

>> No.5940104

a true liberal would ask the definition of merit

>> No.5940127

Having a lot of money :^)

>> No.5940128

1 Fugging lots of bitches and have lots of money.

>> No.5940133

being content with what you have

>> No.5940186

that's exactly what's wrong with society

people defining hollow words, not to mention ones like 'success', and their outside of text value, instead of anything spiritual

>> No.5940668

Making goals and meeting them

>> No.5940745

'Success' is a set of particular (set-theoretic) desire-goal pairs satisfied in a particular domain (being up-to-date in the knowledge of something, amount of money acquired, amount of women seduced and slept with).

Generally, this implies that you ignore whoever thinks your successes are not successes.

>> No.5940747

Success apparently means being attractive and wealthy.

>> No.5942110
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>> No.5943793

being a man who is wearing women's pants with no shirt on.

>> No.5943796

Meeting the goals set by the social order

>> No.5943799

Pynchon singing a song about me

>> No.5943805

Being poor and acting like you're better

>> No.5944265

a lame word


>> No.5944684

Doing better than your wifes' or girlfriend's brother-in-law if you are a man.

If you are a woman, I do not know.

>> No.5944692

nice lookin' cat

>> No.5944806

this. it's all about images
funny that most every other post consider it a personal thing, and not a social one...

>> No.5944822

warm apple pie

>> No.5944925

An undeserved superiority complex and a fulfilled sense of entitlement.

>> No.5944959

Feeling inferior and acting superior

/lit/ definition

>> No.5945035
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>> No.5945059


Happiness and successful children.

>> No.5945069

having died undisgraced and with honor intact

>> No.5945079

Kek spot on

>> No.5945081


Who is Alexander?

>> No.5945084

Money, power, bitches, weed and glory

>> No.5945097

Success: when results are favorable with in regard toward intention

synonyms: profit, benefit, gain
antonyms: 4chan

>> No.5947671

Constant happiness

>> No.5947698

Illusion of self-importance

>> No.5947713


>> No.5947717

Achieving your dreams

>> No.5947728

Achieving the cum-climax within the orifice of a woman, all over the penis, or anything else in your sexual interest. Success to me is generally a cum-climax of sorts.

>> No.5948663

[mass noun]
1The accomplishment of an aim or purpose: the president had some success in restoring confidence
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1.1The attainment of fame, wealth, or social status: the success of his play
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1.2 [count noun] A person or thing that achieves desired aims or attains fame, wealth, etc. to judge from league tables, the school is a success I must make a success of my business
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2 archaic The good or bad outcome of an undertaking: the good or ill success of their maritime enterprises
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>> No.5948667

The opposite of failure.

>> No.5948712

thinking in binary terms