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5936669 No.5936669 [Reply] [Original]

You have roughly 7 minutes to explain in the form of a post why you don't align your ideals with the situationist movement and fight modern capitalism.

>> No.5936674

I have a perfect response but it would take eight minutes to write, sorry

>> No.5936680

No, none of that.

>> No.5936691

because capitalism is useful

>> No.5936840

Because the Situation movement fractured into into (even deeper) irrelevance 40 years ago and radical nostalgia for a movement that achieved fuck all is the most idiotic kind of nostalgia.

>> No.5936846

Because SI and Debord fucked over my precious surrealism.

>> No.5936857

Because I am too stupid to understand what that even means, let along do it, let alone assess if it's a good thing to do.

>> No.5936924

Because I don't want to be included into nigger riots.

>> No.5936937

>tfw I want a riot of my own

>> No.5936950

does it even exist anymore?

>> No.5936952

>implying I haven't already

>> No.5937585

why fight. I'm free to do as I please thanks to capitalism.

>> No.5937589

Because it's absolutely irrelevant.

>> No.5937602

What's wrong with modern capitalism OP?

>> No.5937651

Because who gives a shit anymore

>> No.5937671

Because Marxist are the most insufferable faggots I've ever encountered.

>> No.5937682

> did not celebrate New Years
> me 1 capitalism 0

>> No.5937688

>did not celebrate New Years
>me 1 pagans 0

>> No.5937698

because i don't want to work in a mine for 10 dollars a day

>> No.5937726

my art, this poetry, this post.

"that is my rebellion. not your petty actions. the new sincerity is here." - carl hill

>> No.5937758

But I do, capitalism is just more tricky than we think. It is subversive in relation to any attempts at subversion of capitalism itself.
E.g. you wanna make fake logos that make fun of the major brands? BAM, now your logos are an art commodity or a subculture and you're making subversion and art themselves capitalistic.

>> No.5937762
File: 38 KB, 196x341, stirner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I don't do ideology, kid.

>> No.5937768

marxists are chill as fuck

>> No.5937772

But I try daily OP. Shit's disillusioning though.

>> No.5937776

LOL, here we go. Remove ideology and you have nothing left, ya doofus. Everything is a spook. Your idea that there is some spook-less ego at the center is the biggest spook of them all!

>> No.5937777

Marxists who actually know what they're talking about.

Tumblr kids who read a few internet articles on Marxism, not so much.

>> No.5937783

Plenty of things aren't spooks, lad.

>> No.5937784

Capitalism is doomed anyway, the battle needs to be won on an ideological level on preperation for the day after it falls

>> No.5937801

C'mon Maxy, you're seriously suggesting that there is magically some spook-free zone? Some absolute truth or value? I thought you were better than that, Maxy. I though you moved beyond morality and religion.

>> No.5937803

>I don't do ideology
my god

>> No.5937821

sup zizek

>> No.5937829

>isn't a Posadist

>> No.5937842

"spooks" refers to the conceptual, not to the sensual.

>> No.5937854

Fuck Zizek, I'm talking about Foucault and Nietzsche if anything. "Ideology" is just a popular term that most people comprehend somewhat.

Stirner's ego and property are Stirner's concepts.

>> No.5937893

>Stirner's ego and property are Stirner's concepts.
What does that have to do with me saying that I don't do ideology?

>> No.5937917

Because Shituationism ignores the material conditions of capitalism which lead to people becoming spectators to their own lives (of which there are many, e.g. people being forced to move to where they're offered jobs, which makes it hard to form communities or interpersonal relationships) and instead blames it on "the spectacle". Marx and Engels denounced this sort of crap in Theses on Feuerbach and other works. Debord's analysis failed because he exclusively looked at the populace's relationship to art and media instead of the broader societal context. Also, it doesn't really help to reify various media-related phenomena into "the spectacle".

>> No.5937939

That you do since Stirnerism is one more ideology. Not that there's anything bad about this. Didn't Stirner kinda claim there's no absolute truth anyway?

>> No.5938057

You're so engrossed in ideology that you actually believe you don't do it. That's pretty bad, man. Get well.

>> No.5938255

Where did I say I was a Stirnerist?

>> No.5938279
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I don't know what you wanted to achieve with that post above but it reads like this:
>le stirner les spooks lol ideology btfo lmao
Sorry m8.

>> No.5938380

tru. to be completely honest, far leftists are probably the most intellectually stimulating people you're gonna find these days. not sure what that says about the current cultural zeitgeist or leftism though.

nice quads, too.

>> No.5938426

Hah, wow, It's like you don't even trust the Chinese! You've forgotten how patient Asians can be! Like the industrial revolution that led to capitalism, it won't happen in a day. It's a constant process and it's gnarly. I think as soon as we get rid of the capricious vestiges of the agricultural feudal, which as still embedded in the capitalist mode, it's caprices are still the same, the caprices that dwell in the animal hearts of men. Cast off them shackles first and the rest will come. No use fighting capitalism proper, just whack out it's roots until it concedes and is ready to play by your rules, naked and afraid as a babe. HAH!

>> No.5938464

I think I kind of get you but can you explain what you mean exactly?

>> No.5938662

at wat