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/lit/ - Literature

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5930638 No.5930638 [Reply] [Original]

post charts, recommend books from them

>> No.5930669
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Isn't this the lit starter kit?

>> No.5930673

either you're new to reading or you're not really the adventurous type. recommendations vary on which you are, OP.

>> No.5930681

thats the old starter kit, the new one was made with more of a regard to board culture while that one is more of a general intro to reading.

>> No.5931601

I love this starter kit, it has way more variety than the older one which consisted mostly of American books.

>> No.5931684
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I have this chart I saved a month ago. The ones I've read have been rather disappointing. Any suggestions for my next try?

>> No.5931690

The one with "can't read the title" is The Pure and the Impure by Colette

Can't tell you anything about the rest, I'm not a fan of literary erotica, it's either too tame or catering too specific to the author's fetishes

>> No.5931780

Erotic poems by Cummings
Le bleu du ciel by Bataille

>> No.5931791

a don't think is a good idea to a new reader get the odissey

>> No.5931924
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>> No.5931928
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>> No.5932289


I'd imagine Dubliners, The Crying of Lot 49, Notes from Underground (mostly because of the first part) and maybe a couple more books there would be hard to "get" for a new reader.

Remember, most people who would use these starter kits are ADD plebs from /v/ who try to read Infinite Jest, get confused, and then shitpost about how we're all pretentious blowhards.

>> No.5932294

why the fuck not?

>> No.5932315


Depends on the reader, but Odyssey is much more readable to, say, late teen guys than anything else on there, because it is basically an adventure story. And most non-reading guys stay late teen for life.

>> No.5932320

The sticky has plenty of charts. All of them are good.

>> No.5932348

Can't I just start with Mason & Dixon ? It sounds most intriguing to me.

>> No.5932353

of course you can

>> No.5932363


Go ahead. You'd have to get used to the writing style, and knowing a bit of history of the times is definitely helpful, but it's not as difficult as GR and it's actually his most emotionally straight-forward book.

>> No.5932412

I've been reading "Gone with the wind" for past couple of days and as a big bearded man I find it deeply interesting, but depressing. What you guys think?
>inb4 too much about dresses and make up

>> No.5932433
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>> No.5932437

Why wouldn't you be able to?

>> No.5932441

>mfw all my face when

>> No.5932449

If Mason & Dixon piques your interest, check out The Sot Weed Factor by John Barth too

>> No.5932483
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>> No.5932509


The Consumer is the most uplifting thing I have ever read.

>> No.5933014
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What is plebcore supposed to mean..?
That all of these books are shit?
I see GRRM next to Ellis....
Then HG and 1984...
And fucking Twilag
So confused

10/10 troll?

>> No.5933030

absolutely not
it will be borderline incomprehensible unless you acquaint yourself with pynchon's style on a smaller scale with the crying of lot 49 first. what are you, a madman?

>> No.5933082

Does anyone have that one guide to "starting with the Greeks?"

>> No.5933113


>> No.5933167

I don't know, I've heard it's difficult to get into some of his works, so you have to start with the easier ones, that's why I'm asking.
No, just a guy who hasn't read a single sentence written by Pynchon in his life. I'll try it and if it doesn't work I'll get one of his more accessible novels.

>> No.5933184

i'm obviously fucking joking and making fun of these absurd flowcharts
just read what the fuck you're interested in

>> No.5933190

You can start with the Greeks.

>> No.5933209



>> No.5933228

It's there in the sticky, anon.

>> No.5933249

god, why don't you just marry the sticky?

>> No.5933258

I would but she's not into monogamy, she exists for the entire board to use. Don't neglect her! She demands every nook and cranny of her being to be explored before asking for Recs out here.

>> No.5933263

eh, she's not my type
i prefer a more personal connection
i don't want to just take what i want and leave, i want to meaningfully communicate with another human being

>> No.5933273

Fair point, she doesn't satisfy on any more than a physical level, but for your purposes of the simple desire of a Guide/Chart, she's more than capable of pleasing you.

>> No.5933300

>American Psycho
>Cloud Atlas

Other than that I'm OK w/ it, but jesus those are some horrible inclusions.

>> No.5933332
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>> No.5933337
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>> No.5933354

I read the Fagles edition of Homer already, what is the exit level translation?

>> No.5933356

exit level is reading in the original greek, obviously

>> No.5933366

So Suttree and Blood Meridian are considered McCarthys best?

>> No.5933440

Any charts/recommendations for a comprehensive reading of western philosophy in general?

>> No.5933462

Fagles is all you really need for "start with the Greeks". If you actually want to delve into the classics heavily as opposed to just using them as a foundation for other reading, you might want to try a more literal translation like Lattimore. If you're actually interested in learning Greek go with the Loeb books. Teubner and Oxford are for genuinely serious scholarship and are priced accordingly.

>> No.5933490

Damn. That's such a better starter kit than the last one. I feel like it could really use some order though. I mean Slaughterhouse and Dubliners are at different levels of difficulty. I feel like they should be in tiers.
1) Catch-22, Slaughterhouse-Five, Catcher in the Rye, Siddhartha
2) The Stranger, Dorian Gray, Gatsby, Metamorphosis, Lolita, Odyssey, 100 Years of Solitude
3) Dubliners, Crying of Lot 49, Notes from Underground, Blood Meridian, Ficciones

Haven't read Death of Ivan Ilyvich, As I Lay Dying, Stoner, or Grapes of Wrath so I don't know where they'd go.

I'd also throw 1984 on there under Tier 1.

>> No.5933757

You are a retard, also

*tips fedora*

>> No.5933795

wha. just on difficulty of prose I disagree with you

>> No.5933813

And The Crossing.