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5928542 No.5928542 [Reply] [Original]

Do you like getting high and reading?
Getting drunk and reading?
Tripping and reading?

>> No.5928553

Weed and read all day

>> No.5928556

And post on /lit/, of course.

>> No.5928557

no, i'd rather listen to music or go out while on opiates
no, can't really focus

>> No.5928564


Yeah. More of this than actual reading

>> No.5928565

adderall and blast through em all

>> No.5928574

nope can't concentrate enough on drugs

>> No.5928578

I can't focus when I'm drunk or high. When I tried to read on acid all of the letters wriggled away.

Coffee is the only substance that seems to help my reading. I guess amphets would be cool.

>> No.5928584

drunk and reading dosnt really mix

weed and reading is awesome especially with a big masterpiece like war & peace or 2666

tripping is better spent doing stuff aside from reading

>> No.5928588


can't do it high.
It's fun a little buzzed.
Not even an option tripping.

>> No.5928600

Fuck im so jealous of all the people with access to amphetamines. I want them really bad.

>> No.5928606

I could actually understand Gravity's Rainbow high

I generally get too distracted when on anything though

>> No.5928625

I read The Dying Earth stoned. Still remember how cool the words looked on the page.

>> No.5928639


Amphs are fucking everywhere. Or just go to any college library, you'll find someone with adderall.

>> No.5928645 [DELETED] 

I tried writing while tripping once but the ink turned to oil and boiled away. It was nuts.

>> No.5928681

Shit's overrated IMO. While you feel motivated, it's way too easy to get distracted by just about anything else. Amphs only intensify the desire to not do yr work.

>> No.5928695

That's only on higher doses. It's so easy to go overboard while smoking meth though, but a lower 20mg addy is perfect for studying. Hell, maybe even 10mg IR.

>> No.5928701

You feel my pain... As much as I want to read I just dont have the focus and then turn to music.

Really wish I could read when "high" .....

>> No.5928704

I like to read fiction high, non-fiction I kind of want my better faculties so I can take sensible notes

I also journal high

>> No.5928706

Never touched Meth. I just know that I can't be anywhere near a computer on Addy or else I'll end up jerking off for like 3 hours.

>> No.5928717

I always drink a few beers before reading or writing. Not enough to get drunk, just to loosen up.

>> No.5928721

What doses were you taking? But yeah, that is pretty common.

Unless you know you have a specific taste of AMPs and addiction potential, the negative hype for Meth is really overstated, it's 'just' a stronger, more intense Addy. It's worth trying I think.

>> No.5928727

The only time I ever did meth I ended up shagging a ladyboy. I'd advise against it.

>> No.5928733

I've only ever done p low doses. I have a pretty addictive personality, so I only ever take like 15mg XR

>> No.5928743

Damn, 15mg XR had you like that? That's crazy. Some people are just more sensitive to drugs than others, I guess.

lol nice

At least Meth usually provides an interesting story by the time you'[re sober...

>> No.5928757

getting high and reading is a must for any intelligent young man who takes his affairs seriously

>> No.5928921

It would probably be cool to read while tripping if only one could concentrate on it.

>> No.5928926

How do you walk into a college library and acquire adderall?

>> No.5928930

You dont, unless youre a rude faggot.

>> No.5928936

I can't read straight when I'm drunk. I can barely follow the plot of a movie.

>> No.5928938

I only read Greek philosophy while I'm high. Anything else is impossible to follow.

>> No.5929000

finishing Anna Karenina while high left me sobbing on my floor

>> No.5929003

I never had any desire to read when I used to do drugs. I much prefer listening to music, watching movies, or talking to people. I do like drinking a coffee while/before I sit down with a book but it doesn't do much to combat drowsiness.

>> No.5929021

Listen noobs the trick is not to be TOO high/drunk when you read. If you cant pay attention to the book then you've gone too far and you're just wasting valuable high time. Better off playing a game or watching a movie if youre that fucked up

>> No.5929031

>I'll end up jerking off for like 3 hours.
is this a serious thing? i hear this all the time

>> No.5929033

I can't read high for shit and I've been smoking regularly for years. However, I like reading even pynchon or gaddis with a couple of beers (no more though)

>> No.5929079


>Listen noobs

Board is 18+.

>> No.5929103

>Tripping and reading?

Bad idea. You'll be like

>"she left the door was ajar"
>How can a door be a jar?

And wander about it for a couple of hours.

>> No.5929111



>> No.5929122

Can't focus when drunk, I enjoy reading after smoking marijuana if it isn't exceptionally dense, read while tripping for the first time when I last ate acid, really enjoyed looking through an illustrated book about different horse breeds and read almost all of Vonnegut's Timequake.

>> No.5929129


What did you think of Timequake?
I think it is easily the worst Vonnegut I've ever read. Maybe I was missing something or not properly appreciating it. Might give it another read but I remember thinking at the time that it was terribly underwhelming.

>> No.5929134

it is not tho

>> No.5929161
File: 34 KB, 450x450, baudelaire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best poetry turn worst...
Not sure *Le fleurs de mal* was all writtin in an all crazed hashish fog, though.

>> No.5929726

i dont understand even a little bit about ur post

>> No.5929753

LSD=PKD and the Bible

>> No.5929802

Reading Kafka while high was pretty great. Sadly i can't smoke weed anymore, my mind gets all fucked up

>> No.5929807

ur a schizo?

>> No.5929816

Depressed neurotic, but i have been a depressed neur- a neurotic depressed for many years but this summer suddenly weed made my mind go crazy. Smoking really just a tiny bit, 1/5th of a joint gets me extremely high, normally i used to smoke a pure joint by myself. No idea why things changed like that.

>> No.5929979
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>Depressed neurotic, but i have been a depressed neur- a neurotic depressed for many years

aka average /lit/ poster then

>> No.5929990

I cant read when drinking, I just browse /lit/ and listen to music when drunk

>> No.5930087

same here

>> No.5930517
File: 139 KB, 1024x768, fentanyl-patch1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back when I used drugs I used to cut up Fentanyl patches in strips and put them in between my gums and cheek or do some oxy 80s or a few bags of heroin and the shit would keep me awake for days. I would read the whole time. It was amazing how much I could absorb with no fatigue. I miss it sometimes.

>> No.5930613

Fuck, man. The same thing happened to me and I've replaced weed with alcohol instead, which frankly is a horrible choice.

Anybody know how to cure this problem? I just want to enjoy getting high without turning into a paranoid freak.

>> No.5930640

I read an entire book while on PCP once, it was cool

>> No.5930973


I'll be honest, drugs have always just had a way of finding me. I make friends, strike up conversations.

In reality, you should just use DNM

>> No.5930980


The problem with not getting TOO high to read for me is that one hit is too high for me.

I'm not an inexperienced smoker, either. I've been sober for about a month for job related reasons, but at the height of my smoking (I started tapering down from this about a year ago) my roommate and I were going through a half ounce about once every week. Not huge weight, but not small.

A couple times, while my tolerance was at its highest, I tried just taking one or two hits and reading. Now, at one or two hits, someone with my tolerance feels pretty much 'normal.'

Still couldn't do it. Just could not retain the information. Shit sucked. Every once in a while I read short stories when I was beyond baked, just because it was fun finishing it any having no idea what happened.

>> No.5930984


Tried reading while tripping once. Read the first paragraph, laughed because I had literally no idea what was going on, got sidetracked on how fucking crazy it is that written language exists, and moved on.

>> No.5931861

>I could actually understand Gravity's Rainbow high
For me it was good and bad reading that while high. It just worked out that I read some of that novel high while Slothrop was smoking hash with Saüre and it felt like Pynchon was probably high while writing it too and it was awesome. But for some of the other episodes, it just isn't a good combination, because I would just miss a lot of what's going on.

>> No.5933564

How do I stop doing this even if I'm not on AMPs?