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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 47 KB, 480x280, College_Textbooks-480x280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5927391 No.5927391 [Reply] [Original]

What is /lit/ majoring in? Are you getting a minor as well?

I'm majoring in Chemical Engineering with a minor in Math.

>> No.5927411


I'm planning on majoring in Nutrition when I go back to school, which will probably be in 2016, maybe Fall 2015.

From there I want to either study Physics, Bioengineering or Neurology. Theology really interests me and I've been writing a lot of poetry (my goal is to write 100 and then get published), but I don't think humanities is a viable major unfortunately, no matter how much I would exceed in the field and enjoy my time studying. Plus I can just study it in my free time I suppose..

>> No.5927416

I live in England so single honours in History, specifically British Imperial History. Though I'm meant to be doing an essay on Renaissance Humanism right now.

>> No.5927419

I was majoring in Accounting but I dropped out to focus on writing.

>> No.5927420

Software Engineering degree in China

>> No.5927432

Majoring in Philosophy, minoring in Literature.

>> No.5927437

Philosophy major with double in minor in gender studies and art history.

>> No.5927442

OP here, also what do you guys plan to do with your degrees? I see so far there's quite a bit of humanities degrees, where do you think that will take you?

>> No.5927459

History/Philosophy double major

>> No.5927479

I've come to hate my psych classes bc it's all obnoxious ed majors (I've gathered that ed students who choose other majors to do their second one in are less terrible.) Only plus is I don't have to put up with any men in my psych classes.

>> No.5927480

Double major pure math and physics

>> No.5927485


>> No.5927506
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>> No.5927512

Worst case scenario: The hospital, after your parents suffered a heart attack upon hearing the bad life decision you made.
Best case scenario: Starbucks, working as a manger after 10 grueling years of 3rd-degree coffee burns and inhaling smug.

>> No.5927582
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>working as a manger

>> No.5927620

Majoring in Journalism, minoring in Philosophy.

I don't plan on being rich.

>> No.5927629

Math/phil double major (mostly math)

>> No.5927634

I've always got the option to go back, anon.

>> No.5927688

I don't know. I was majoring in Chem E, but I've since taken a leave of absence because I absolutely hated the program (and the school I was at).

Should have majored in Literature.

>> No.5927702

I applied for Portuguese and Literature. Hoping I'll be able to get in.

>> No.5927711

History major/ philosophy minor.
I am pursuing a PhD in East African British Imperial history.

>> No.5927744

Biochem and classics double major

>> No.5927750


Majored in Political Science (with an emphasis on Political Theory) and minored in History. That was a decade ago, though.

>> No.5927784

Chemistry with literature minor,
Best case: go on to PhD in chemistry and teach college
Worst case: dropout and work on family farm,
join nuclear navy, or just do research for the rest of my life

>> No.5927786

Design and Innovation @ Open University.

>> No.5927912

History major with double minor in classics and anthropology

>> No.5927931

I study Zoology. Probably the least respected natural science of all.

>> No.5927934
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I graduated with dual Math/CompSci this past March. Pic related was the school. Currently work for IBM.

I'd like to go back and get a completely unrelated degree sometime, though, now that I have one for a career. Even night school would be fine.

>> No.5927961
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Majoring in PoliSci (focus in international relations), minor in East Asian Languages and Cultures (Japanese).

>> No.5927966

so you're basically a weeaboo lolicon piece of shit? why don't you kill yourself already?

>> No.5927976

Jeeze, this board could benefit from being less harsh

>> No.5927978

i think ur ok anon

>> No.5927980

No it couldn't, go fuc your japanese sex doll faggot

>> No.5927983
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I'm doing great, friend. Livin' the dream.

>> No.5927986
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My life choice is... film directing.

>> No.5927988

Archaeology with English Literature undergrad.
It's a weird course but damn other students taking it are all cute smart girls with good taste in books and Greek cities

>> No.5927990

Blood Sciences. It's pretty good. I'm still kind of unsure I made the right choice though, I think when I finish I'll see about doing something in immunology too.

>> No.5927995

What degree would you want to get?

>> No.5927996

Double major math and philosophy.
not an analytic tho

>> No.5928001

Literature/psychology double major

>> No.5928003

Analytic philosophy is shit, no big deal

>> No.5928018

I'm going to university next year, and I really want to study neuroscience, but I doubt it even exists on universities in my country.

>> No.5928028

hey, what kind of math and philosophy are you into? i like differential geometry and continental stuff too (Heidegger, Nietzsche, Nancy)

>> No.5928039

Ancient and Medieval History
Academia, office/legal/civil service job or just sucking dick. Won't be homeless either way.

>> No.5928058

Philosophy and Political Science double major

>> No.5928063


>> No.5928067

I'm not that guy. Kinda funny to see you spaz like an autist, tho. Stay cute.

>> No.5928071

>differential geometry
>not the boring pasttime of physics undergrads reading about relativity

>> No.5928073

Geology with minor in Music

Yes, as a matter of fact, I have heard that joke before. No, surprisingly it isn't as funny the 500th time.

>> No.5928081

UK here so just a Masters in Mechanical Engineering.

>> No.5928082

I love reading and writing, but why the fuck you are majoring in humanity crap ?

it's like you want to live a miserable life !

I'm not saying that muh STEM da best but you know sometime you need to get a plan when things get wrong. And no you will not stop reading or writing when you are In STEM majors !!

>> No.5928086
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It's really up in the air at the moment. I've tossed around the idea of Lit, Philosophy (my mom has a PhD in it), art ones like sculpture (my favorite art form) and even winemaking (some California schools have very exclusive programs for this, I used to live in wine country, and I've always enjoyed chemistry).

I figure if I'm going back strictly for something I enjoy, it would be more art-leaning. With a math degree I can already understand a large portion of the sciences, so I see no need to go further into those areas if I'm not wholly committed to it. If there was an accelerated program where I could finish sooner and not have to dance around pre-requisite classes, I'd prefer that. Part of me enjoys the lazy college lifestyle, but there's always more to do/learn.

>> No.5928092

Whoops, meant as a response to

>> No.5928100

STEM is soul-sucking garbage that only the true autists of this world can thrive in. You don't need to sell your body and mind to those shambling Benthamites in order to find fulfillment and joy in life.

>> No.5928117

I want to do something actually estimulating and aggrandizing with my life.


>> No.5928122

Good luck estimulating those burgers at Wendy's, m8.

>> No.5928123

Well that's a bit of a black and white approach to things. Stop buying into memes.

>> No.5928124


>> No.5928222

For philosophy, I like Nietzsche, Rousseau, Heidegger and Shakespeare (my professors stick Shakespeare in nearly every philosophy class and it generally works pretty well).
Mathematics, I like measure theory, complexity theory, and algebra (although due to the school I go to, I haven't gotten much past entry level linear and abstract algebra, instead taking class after class on obscure functional analysis)

>> No.5928246

getting my masters in hydro power engineering, not very /lit/ of me

>> No.5928252

I'm a recovering academic with half a PhD thesis going stale why I work in advertising.

>> No.5928259

>all of these engineering majors

I hope you use your education for something creative (ie, clever technology for revolution) and don't just become little beta SolidWorks office drones.

>> No.5928303

>I hope you use your education for something creative (ie, clever technology for revolution) and don't just become little beta SolidWorks office drones.
It's statistically impossible for most engineering majors to end up as creative innovators.

>> No.5928311
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Sitting in a room for 2 years straight, leaving to wander the wilderwaste deserts, then dying somewhere where no one will find my body.

>> No.5928324

What did you expect from a bunch of marxists idiots.

>> No.5928332

Yes, because "creativity" and "innovation" can be quantified and measured using statistics.

>> No.5928336
File: 120 KB, 480x640, Bone+cancer+skull+i+thought+it+was+kinda+cool_dd4c26_3636844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

STEM is the only thing that will advance humanity quickly enough to prevent WW3 followed by 100 foot tidal waves drowning New York followed by 10,000 AK47 wars. So get out of here with yer selfish hippy Bohibbian bullshit!

>> No.5928368

>Yes, because "creativity" and "innovation" can be quantified and measured using statistics.
They sure can, using IQ as a basis, and as you know IQ is distributed in the population in the form of a bell-curve.

Innovative people are in 99% of cases (yes, I got that number out of my ass, but you get the point) above average in terms of mental capacity.

That is the reasoning I used.

>> No.5928382

pre-med. I would like to become a psychiatrist.

>> No.5928384

i don't know anything about physics or relativity if that's what you're implying.

>> No.5928559

I'm in Colombia and we don't use the major/minor thingy here. I'm studying "Mathematical Engineering", it's like a major in applied math with a bit of computer science mixed in.

>> No.5928580

should I feel inferior that I didn't have to do the Canon Core or whatever you call it

>> No.5928599

I seriously hope you don't think that would actually measure potential creativity and innovation in any way.

>> No.5928617

>Canon Core
Nah, it sucks. I only get to pick 5 of my classes. The rest are predetermined. I have to take like a million classes in Statistics and I don't really like them a lot (although they are very important).

>> No.5928633

Good luck with the Journalism major anon, that's a hard major and a harder field.

I dropped it for a Comp Sci major.

>> No.5928652

it's basically differential geometry

>> No.5928654

nuclear engineering

>> No.5928773

I would imagine that the ratio and total amounts of "creative working" engineers is higher than in social sciences and related majors.

>> No.5928785

You autists need to stop thinking like this.

>> No.5928797

Well that is definitely not true

>> No.5928807

Pretty much.

Or the guy thinks creative is only the fine arts nonsense.
Though the ratio of the non-STEM guys in that field aren't that high as well.

>> No.5928840

graphic design

>> No.5928844

did Psychology/Electrical Engineering double major
working as a clinical psychologist

>> No.5928855

I don't even know a single engineer who works with SolidWorks or any other CAD tool for a long time.
That's a job for drafters or technicans.

>> No.5928885

stem fag here

>> No.5930117

Of course this would merely speak to the creativity of engineers and other stem fags as their IQs are much higher on average than other majors.

The IQ test was designed to test critical thinking and problem solving ability. Engineers score high on this test because they are trained to think creatively about problems. They are very creative in this sense.

>> No.5930131

that's what most of these faggots are all about. this is /lit/ after all. if you can creatively solve problems, you're worthless, but if you write some shitty stories and babble on about how you're a creative type they can't stop jizzing on you.

>> No.5930154

Thank you for your service.

>> No.5930169
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Asian studies, religious studies minor

>> No.5930234

British Joint Major in Drama and Philosophy, going onto do a research masters in educational philosophy

>> No.5930240

Mechanical engineering, no minor because I'm attempting to graduate on time with a co-op.

>> No.5930241

undergrad was physics and electrical engineering. just finished my first semester of physics phd classes.

>> No.5930244

philosophy, minor in classic philology

>> No.5930252

I feel that you're joking

>> No.5930255

Hahahaha, oh shit.

>Drama and Philosophy, going onto do a research masters in educational philosophy

Sounds good. (Snicker)

>> No.5930260


>> No.5930263
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I'm fluent in Korean because of it at least, so I have tons of job opportunities. But I'm still gonna waste away in grad school studying Shamanism because YOLO

>> No.5930274

Economics major, History and Arabic Minors

>> No.5930282

is hangul as good as they say it is

>> No.5930289


It's cool, I'm not an autist and I'm pretty efficient at networking. Already managed to secure my MA funding which is pretty fucking difficult considering the area. Working on securing a PhD place over the next year which will be fully funded by default.

>not doing what you love and making decent enough connections to ensure you can do it as long you like and get paid for it

>> No.5930290

Yes, it really is. Extremely easy to bring in loanwords and quite elegant in writing prose and poetry.

>> No.5930296

what do if i'm an autist

>> No.5930310


Do Stem. Might as well shovel shit for the highest price if you can't do what you love.

>> No.5930344

can't do stem
what do

>> No.5930367


Think what you want to accomplish by the time you retire, whether it be for yourself or others.

>> No.5930489

Majoring in Biology/Zoology and unintentionally minoring in Philosophy.

Honestly having a job out in the field with animals is a pretty sweet gig.

>> No.5930501

Double major in Philosophy and History of Mathematics and Science, and double minor in Classics and Comparative literature.

Holy shit is it tiring.

>> No.5930515

International affairs and Russian. Taking several Russian lit classes and living them brought me to this board.

>> No.5930587

Computer Science and Journalism, though I'm starting to like the former more than the latter now (though I do enjoy writing feature stories).

>> No.5930590

how math intensive is it

>> No.5930599

go to navy.

>> No.5930823

I loved your work in melancholia the best.

>> No.5930830

>Appreciating Lars Von Tryhard
>Not basking in the glory of Tarkvosky or Tarr
pleb tier cinema

>> No.5930848

>Tarkvosky or Tarr
>pleb tier cinema
pick two

>> No.5931949

what are your plans on taking over the world?

>> No.5931952

>Implying you can't like all three

>> No.5932009

finance, become an investment banker and earn 150k out of college. I was dumb and became a tax accountant and im only earning 65 grand a year.

>> No.5932029

lol wut. CAD is standard in most engineering depts.

>> No.5932161

Being capable of using CAD tools /= you're earning your money with working with CAD

An engineer is way too expensive to be wasted as glorified drafter. If an engineer is working as design engineer then it's job is to lead a team of drafters and technicans.

>> No.5932218

Majoring in English;
kill me na0

>> No.5932231

Marketing communication

Pls no bully ;-;

>> No.5932237

>going to university
>not using your family connections to get in with the cultural elite

Do you even live the literary life?

>> No.5932518

Underwater welding to make 300k a year for 6 years by sacrificing at least 15 years of my natural lifespan and maybe dying underwater, investing half of that every year, building up an empire to support my entire family who all expect me to support all my younger relatives and help them get connections in the world because all my older relatives are hacks

>> No.5932593

Comp Sci

It is so fucking fun and I get to take tons of humanities classes (mostly lit, film, philosophy) as well

>> No.5932700

you wouldn't be able to share this drivel without STEM

>> No.5932709

you need to stop using 'autist' as an insult

>> No.5932721

my family cultivates culture of assburger

>> No.5932729

I'm torn between majoring chemical engineering and near eastern studies. I could get a well paying job as an stem slave, but the arabic sphere is fascinating and I would enjoy my work. Can anyone who has gone through this give me some advice?

>> No.5932742


>> No.5932749

Hey I'm planning on double majoring on Physics and Philosophy, is it hard? Any advice?

>> No.5932816

It offends the autist

>> No.5932824

Of course it's hard, double majoring is stupid as fuck too. Dumbass highschooler.

>> No.5932835

No, it's basically the new 'retard'.

>> No.5932841

Minor in philosophy

>> No.5932853

Classical Languages & Philosophy

>> No.5932861

shut up, you autistic retard

>> No.5932863

>Got my B.A. in Music Composition because 18 year old me apparently makes GREAT decisions
>Decided the best place to go from there was academia
>Working on an MFA in Creative Writing
>hoping to go up to a PHD
>live that professor life, shiiit

>> No.5932865

Mechanical Engineering, might get minor in business since it's only 9 more hours I'd need to do and get an MBA though.

>> No.5932888

you're such a spaz.

>> No.5932896

Quit being a trisomy 21 haver

>> No.5932925

I'm still trying to decide. I'm considering switching to an English major and then just teaching English as a foreign language abroad. I hear Spain is nice and I enjoy studying Spanish.

>> No.5932940

Yeah, Spain is nice and all but there's the whole no jobs thing going on now. Maybe some way to wriggle in through diplomatic stuff.

>> No.5932950

From what I've seen, there are agencies I can apply to for work from America that will help me get set up in Spain. I hear that English is on the rise over there. Really though, I just love teaching and English. I figure if I can use those things to enable me to travel, then all the better. I don't want to stop at Spain though. I'd like to spend a few years in different countries before settling down. Who knows, maybe I'll even end up writing.