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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 937 KB, 500x300, pure ideology.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5924892 No.5924892[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Guys, we're the least harmful board. How can it be that our pure ideology isn't harmful?

>> No.5924920

we need more houellebecq

>> No.5924925


>we need more frog forced misanthropic edginess spouting pseudo-sociological nonsense inbetween chapters
>60's are the reason I'm sperg

Yeah no.

>> No.5924934


>> No.5924942
File: 295 KB, 600x700, keep-calm-and-combat-liberalism-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We wish to document, explain, and support any activism that is part of the greater social justice movement, e.g., feminism, the LGBT movement, anti-fascism, the civil rights movement, the queer movement, no borders and migrant solidarity movements, the trans movement, the fat acceptance movement, the body positive movement, and so on

Fat acceptance is mentioned, Class struggle isn't

>> No.5924951

why cant frogs just write without autistic theories. they cant even write a poem without feeling a need to start a new literary movement

>> No.5924955

They took a cursory look at what we discuss (Hegel, DFW, Joyce, Various PoMo/Frankfurt philosophers, Zizek) and decided we weren't as offensive.

I think they're mistaken.

>> No.5924956

>trigger warning

So this is a thing for real?
People can't control themselves anymore when even reading about shit they don't like?

>> No.5924965

>/hm/ only "moderate"
>/s/ is "very"

>> No.5924971
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>sjw wiki

What the fug man.

This is so... surreal.

>> No.5924972


The theatrics of French intellectuals is annoying as fuck.
Lacan f.e. couldn't give a fucking lecture without sounding like a demagogue.

>> No.5924973


This. Especially after all the /pol/ turds have lost their home and been cast out to wander the desert like the new jews that they've ironically become.

There is no way we should even be on a list like this with board like /diy/ and /ck/ etc, they are truly lacking in "harmful" posts. This board has only turned into a bigger shithole as of late.

The SJW who wrote that couldn't have lurked this board for more than a day.

>> No.5924979

I have no idea why /cm/ and /y/ is considered so harmful. I thought most of these people where all over naruto male pregnancy and such shit (also why they hate /a/ i suppose).

>> No.5924982
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the bias in the wiki author's ideology is perfectly stated in this one point alone. it's beautiful.

>> No.5924989
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>> No.5924994

Why would the tool of capitalism supportit's end? Sjw is activism for the self-absorbed burgeois.

>> No.5924997

It must be so exhausting looking for new things to be offended at every day

>> No.5924999


french intellectuals approach lectures like group foreplay what do you expect

>> No.5925003
File: 327 KB, 1024x1499, SJW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

identity politics is the most capitalist backwards non leftist thing of all time

>> No.5925004
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>mfw we put these degenerates in the gulag

>> No.5925007
File: 583 KB, 1345x1700, de ribera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most of the time, being told to kill yourself for reading genre or YA could be considered family friendly

>> No.5925008


>> No.5925010

SJWs are authoritarian leftists who attack free speech under the guise of protecting feelings and hate sex more than any christian evangelical ever would.

>> No.5925015



>> No.5925016


That image would cause tumblr to flip the fuck out over its 'racism'.

>> No.5925019

Probably because this board is extremely liberal?

>> No.5925023

but we are not the tumblr liberal type.
more like the zizek liberal type.

>> No.5925031

Where's the sniffing??!

>> No.5925032

Those people who scream that there must be a black handicapped trans otherkin in every form of entertainment are agents of capitalism.
They are actually demanding the commodification of culture.
If you think more women in your vidya games is progress you might be a capitalist.


>> No.5925033

They're the same

>> No.5925035
File: 97 KB, 610x473, 1419644302760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>racist misogynistic nazi
>been on the board since its creation
>been on /new/ and /pol/ since their creation
>post right wing shit here all the time
>tfw still not enough
>tfw /lit/ is still the pussiest board

>> No.5925038

The loss of a person's basic ability to control themselves is the center-point of the SJW movement.

>> No.5925041

they are too stupid to understand how ideas are more dangerous than blatant shocking content and trolling

>> No.5925042

America, please stop pushing your outdated and weird definitions on the rest of us.

Zizek is a communist, this board is filled with flavour-of-the-month anarchists, not some guy in white wig who talks about universal suffrage.

>> No.5925044

I mean, my god. *shirt tug*

>> No.5925047
File: 348 KB, 1247x882, w01_3c21804u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not the biggest pussies in the world

>> No.5925050

>being dumb frogposter

is the gratest tragedy of your post, your father just should have pissed you in fire you disgusting mongrel

>> No.5925052
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>Most of the time, being lectured by jaded antinatalists could be considered family friendly

>> No.5925062

The word trigger warning originates from people who have ptsd, like soldiers who had to fight and kill and see other people get killed.
Tumblr uses it cause someone reminded them that they really arent a wolf in a humans body

>> No.5925071

>that image


>> No.5925077

I'm only ironically racist since it's the cool thing here

>> No.5925081

more like nigger warning lmao

>> No.5925087
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>misusing "liberal" this hard

>> No.5925088
File: 6 KB, 267x323, 1415335393281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


/lit/ has the morals of a Greek state circa 500 B.C.

Not sure where they're getting the peace and tolerance thing from.

>> No.5925099

>I am so terrified of my own repressed homosexuality that I obsess over the sexual lives of others

>> No.5925098

Lit is either far left neo commies who look down on sjw tumbrltards or far right reactionaries who jerk it to Julius evola and yukio mishima.

>> No.5925109

>far left neo commies who look down on sjw tumbrltards

That's me alright

>> No.5925117

im far left neo commie jering it to mishima

wat do

>> No.5925123

Watch Anime English Dubbed


>> No.5925125

I'm a moderate liberal (the Hayek kind) and man of science. I look down on both of those groups.

>> No.5925129


>i don't see a picture of a particular slave fetish depicted there i only see blanket homosexuality

why are you so homophobic anon? are they all like this in your mind?

>> No.5925130

you've hit it closest, I think

>> No.5925137
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>english dubs

>> No.5925155
File: 31 KB, 565x188, when will they learn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5925159

>moderatly harmful ... /lgbt/

>> No.5925162

Because they're ONLY gay.

>> No.5925167


>> No.5925174

Mishima was pretty leftist though, his nationalism was more about protecting Japan from American capitalism.

>> No.5925178

yes. either/or. black or white. you've really nailed it on the head.

>> No.5925190

That's called "being a reactionary", not leftism

>> No.5925201

>Reversing the advances of global capitalism isn't leftism

Go back to tumblr

>> No.5925214
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>> No.5925230

this anon has a point, tao lin is yellow

>> No.5925231
File: 151 KB, 634x634, 1419372214128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5925259

leftism is about having a proportional amount of minorities and women crushing the proletarian underclass and not using bad words now, thanks identity politics

>> No.5925263

That "Brocialism" article is going to make me fucking vomit

There needs to be a "trigger warning" for bad philosophy

>> No.5925271
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>> No.5925274

Yes. How was he not?

>> No.5925282
File: 135 KB, 739x518, occupy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.5925285

i think we should reclaim the word brocialism and work toward a socialist society but with football and stuff

>> No.5925290

Even marx praised capitalism for rescuing people from "the idiocy of rural life" (ie, what Mishima and Evola meant by muh tradition). Many fascists (supported by old aristocratic landowners) were anti-capitalist, even if they supported capitalism once in power

>> No.5925302

>"the idiocy of rural life"

What did Marx think was so idiotic about it?

>> No.5925304

> what Mishima meant

Japanese rural life =/= European rural life.

>> No.5925308

I think a lot of radical leftists are realizing the folly of identity politics


>> No.5925311

A socialist society wouldn't have sports?

>> No.5925315

It would, but only sports with no winners or losers and where everyone gets a trophy ::::^^^))))

>> No.5925318

Seriously? Have you never lived in the countryside?

>> No.5925320


Like a typical sjw since mishima isnt a white cis male he must be a leftist even though the he longed for the Japanese empire that genocided 30 gorrillian Chinese and colonized asia and was a nationalist, another sign of sjw'isim is cultural relativism.

You see something like this playing out today when a tumblrtard will shit all over Christianity but defend barbaric Islamic fundamentalism just because they are brown people.

>> No.5925321

>Even marx praised capitalism for rescuing people from "the idiocy of rural life"

And he had a point about the development of capitalism in western nations but that is very different from capitalist nations through imperialism forcing other countries to take part in the global capitalist system, by your logic we should oppose all leftist movements in the third world on the grounds that those countries haven't properly undergone bourgeois revolutions and presumably we should then support the likes of pinochet. This is a perversion of Marx.

>> No.5925329
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>least harmful

I find that offensive you dumb lesbians

>> No.5925334

Not him, but I live in the countryside and see nothing idiotic about it. What part of living in the country is idiotic?

>> No.5925337

I'm not sure what you mean. Surely you're not equating post-industrial "countryside" living with pre-industrial rural life?

>> No.5925338

Nice slippery slope. I didn't say he praised imperialism

>> No.5925342

He hated America, he hated capitalism, he denounced the emperor and he gave speeches to leftist student protesters. Stalin was a nationalist to you dumb /pol/ fuck was he not left wing either?

>> No.5925344

Leftism without liberalism

>> No.5925368

>He was hated by leftists, in particular for his outspoken and anachronistic commitment to bushido, the code of the samurai


It's possible to be so right-wing you want to go back to before capitalism. Look at evola, he also hated capitalism and America

>> No.5925370
File: 397 KB, 1200x744, OrvilleHicks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey ma, that there karl marx is sayin' that we is dumb cause we ain't highfalutin city folk

>> No.5925371

I have to make the hat joke because no one else has, I hope you don't hold it against me.

>> No.5925374


>> No.5925383
File: 26 KB, 300x291, 1315624899707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post-left anarchy tends to criticize what it sees as the partial victimizing views of identity politics. Feral Faun thus writes in "The ideology of victimization" that there's a "feminist version of the ideology of victimization—an ideology which promotes fear, individual weakness (and subsequently dependence on ideologically based support groups and paternalistic protection from the authorities)".[5] But in the end "Like all ideologies, the varieties of the ideology of victimization are forms of fake consciousness. Accepting the social role of victim—in whatever one of its many forms—is choosing to not even create one's life for oneself or to explore one's real relationships to the social structures. All of the partial liberation movements—feminism, gay liberation, racial liberation, workers' movements and so on—define individuals in terms of their social roles. Because of this, these movements not only do not include a reversal of perspectives which breaks down social roles and allows individuals to create a praxis built on their own passions and desires; they actually work against such a reversal of perspective. The 'liberation' of a social role to which the individual remains subject