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5924509 No.5924509[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Which has better aesthetics, lesbianism or male homosexuality?

>> No.5924514

go ask /gay/

>> No.5924516

it depends on the gender, each gender generally likes homosexuals of the opposite one more

>> No.5924556

Up until they hit ~25 years old, lesbians. Men age better when they hit old age.

>> No.5924559

Depends on age. When lesbians hit thirty, they go downhill fast.

>> No.5924565

Uff I don't know. Lesbians have a strong stigma of being masculin women.

>> No.5924571

qt under-age lesbians

>> No.5924573
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Exhibit A
I'm asking you which is more beautiful not what pairing sexually arouses you.

>> No.5924575
File: 249 KB, 944x633, slavespusholdmanupladder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this isn't even a contest

>> No.5924577

But before that, people just treat it as a rebellious phase they are going through and no one takes them seriously. Poor lezzies can't win.

>> No.5924583

>Which has better aesthetics, lesbianism or male homosexuality?

Since the female form and femininity in general is seen as beautiful, no doubt lesbianism is the correct answer.

>> No.5924584

le this
>tfw not being qt underage submissive lesbian nailed by other qt underage lesbian
end life pls

>> No.5924587
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Exhibit B

Literary examples are encouraged.

>> No.5924590

Gay men value health and exercise.

The american government did a study on lesbians proving they are all fat


>> No.5924592

Probably male homosexuality. They're either super fit or overly effeminate. Whereas lesbians can often be quite manish.

This is the opinion of a straight male though.
>Inb4 'straight' green text

>> No.5924602

>tfw you watch lesbian porn and you realize that you will never experience lesbian sex

Jesus christ the sensuality of the girls makes my dick diamonds.

>> No.5924603
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>> No.5924608

God Tier: Hard Butch and Leatherdaddies
Shit Tier: lipsticks, twinks, and femboys

>> No.5924609

>The american government did a study on lesbians proving they are all fat


oh lord wait,

>> No.5924619

I find gay men overall more pleasant aesthetically

Also not gay male, but

>> No.5924623
File: 185 KB, 665x1000, tumblr_n6ul83HxUe1qzymneo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Aesthetically and stylistically, lesbianism is superior in every single possible way.

>> No.5924625
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Twinks have inspired the first writings of many a young novelist.

>> No.5924630

Lesbians are all batshit insane so aesthetics don't mean much.

>> No.5924638
File: 55 KB, 500x744, tumblr_ne1qvfrypV1ret9yto1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>being stoopid

>> No.5924649

male homosexuals are the masterrace. they define aesthetics and breeders lap up whatever crumbs they can find because they can't think up of anything on their own. lesbians are even more irrelevant than women.

>> No.5924656


Faggots actually use this word unironically.

>> No.5924657


*tip gaydora*

>> No.5924669


>> No.5924673
File: 106 KB, 639x479, dAH5RvC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Men look good with masculine and female features, but women with male features are deformed.

More beauty falls within the category of male homosexuality.

>> No.5924679

Probably right. The majority of the best creative artists, whether they be writers, painters, musicians etc. are/were all gay.

>> No.5924689

It's funny how gay men are ten times more misogynistic than straight men yet never get any shit for it.

>> No.5924698
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Like how straight women are 10x more homophobic than man, but never get called out on it.

>> No.5924709

the greeks were a bunch of homos and they were awesome at aesthetics

what have lesbians made?

>> No.5924711
File: 12 KB, 569x423, 1386014582908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chaos, chaos and sickness.
>What if all were dead
>and only we two left alive?

>> No.5924720

A lot of people don't know, they assume gay men are all politically progressive which is not the case, except for when their own rights are concerned. Some of my gay friends are so sexists it's downright funny.

>> No.5924724

>what have lesbians made?

my dick hard

>> No.5924738
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Oh, hi.

>> No.5924744

i just remember jeanette winterson's novel written on the body actually managing to
pull off a genderless 1stperson narrator & Helene Cixous's Book of Promethea being an impressionistic,
microemotional account of her relationship w/ another woman. opposite ends of lesbian stylistic innovation? dunno..

>> No.5924746

She was a filthy bisexual slut

>> No.5924747

what a tiny accomplishment

>> No.5924773

Lesbianism, because women are just sexually more enjoyeable to watch, they have more sexual possibilities when lesbian, and there are no shitstained dicks.
Ideal male body looks nicer, though. It's the sex part that ruins it for me.

>> No.5924804


These feels depress me endlessly.

>> No.5924836

as a bisexual male i can say that sex with a man is actually much more pleasing to watch, theres so many possibilities and it just looks like art when you fuck a good looking guy

>> No.5924844

Pederasty definitely is the noble and beautiful part of homosexuality. Especially the platonic part.

>> No.5924850

there's such thing as butch homosexual men, I think they call themselves bears

>> No.5924855


>> No.5924866
File: 1.14 MB, 1500x2000, LKQiPSc - Imgur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Male bi crosdressers are the winning team.

>> No.5924875

So...does anyone know of any books that deal with the topic of aesthetics?

>> No.5924896
File: 17 KB, 220x254, 220px-Werner_Herzog_Bruxelles_02_cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean there is a secret world of the bears

>> No.5924908

Aristotle's aesthetics, kants critique of judgement, Goethe's writting on architecture and gothic empathy, John berges ways of seeing,

>> No.5924954

Male homosexuality duh.

Greece, the Romans, the Persians, the Samurai, English boarding schools, the Qing, traps on the net, Chinese cartoons... the list goes on.

>> No.5925009

Lesbians are the purest form of love. Men should either upload themselves into machine bodies, or get sex changes once technology allows it.

>> No.5925012

tumblr plz go away.

>> No.5925134

Lesbians, cause I can get off to them