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/lit/ - Literature

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5923816 No.5923816 [Reply] [Original]

ok /lit/ I want to become a writer (in the sense of living from making stories) but I want to write stuff from comics, anime, games because I like their tropes and I think there's great stuff that can be done (like a story that deals with mixing recettear and some works of Marx).

>just write whatever you want
I know, but I just want to talk about it.
Are there any good writer that writes about videogames?
like sword art online?
Or some good writer that writes cape stories?

Do you think there's a market for such stories outside japan?

>> No.5923835

get the fuck out

>> No.5923839

>not liking the idea of recettear dealing with the philosophy of capitalism and jews
Why so butthurt anon?

>> No.5923844

sword art online
cape stories

is /a/ or /v/ trolling us?

if not, go read neuromancer

>> No.5923848

>sword art online

>> No.5923853


fuck off to >>>/v/

>> No.5923859

Where is this gif from? I know it's about smash4 but I can't find the video

>> No.5923864

>Sword arts online

>> No.5923867

It was the first example that came to my mind.

egoraptor's last video.

I'm not trolling, I'm just asking what would /lit/ think of mixing weebo tropes and deconstructing them, adding stuff from the western canon, etc

>> No.5923868

Same here OP. I think it's possible! Though I don't want to make a living off of it. Just write fun stories for myself.

To accomplish this I've been writing every day, and reading to improve my prose. I just finished The Waves by Virginia Wolf, and am noe switching between The Stranger and The Black Company

I think anyone wanting to write anything should be perpetually reading. And even if my stories suck, I'll have written something I can call my own. I'd rather make a hobby than a career if I write stories like you described, and if I make some money off em, that's just a plus

>> No.5923869

>in the sense of living from making stories
Highly unlikely.

> deals with mixing recettear and some works of Marx
I feel like you simply picked the only two "economic" works you could think of and decided they went together.

>Are there any good writer that writes about videogames?
There are either a lot or none, depending on the definition used.

>like sword art online?
SAO was originally written as a series of blog posts.

>Or some good writer that writes cape stories?
There are either a lot or none, depending on the definition used.

>Do you think there's a market for such stories outside japan?
Based on Japanese light novels sales in the US, the answer is a resounding no.

Based on works by US authors on similar themes, the answer is a bit, but not much.

>> No.5923875


>> No.5923882

ok thanks.

do you think videogames/anime will be a topic of literature in the future?

about the recettear, it was just one example that came to my mind.

how bout mixing the delution of don quixote with a guy who believes to be superman?

I mean stuff like that.

>> No.5923887

just write whatever you want

>> No.5923888

If you want anime tropes on a higher level, you already got Evola done pretty much everything in that regard.

>> No.5923895


>> No.5923900

>do you think videogames/anime will be a topic of literature in the future?
Depends on what is meant by "literature". Perhaps peripherally, but I doubt as a central theme.

So the answer is either: It already is, or probably not really.

>how bout mixing the delution of don quixote with a guy who believes to be superman?
You could always start with writing fan fiction if mixing established works is what appeals to you.

>> No.5923914 [SPOILER] 
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>like sword art online?

>Or some good writer that writes cape stories?
Well, if you want borderline cape stuff like Flex Mentallo you can count with some market. Mainly the indie folks, you kght want to check what Fantagraphics and Quarterly are publishing to see if it's your cup. If british get a penciler and send some sketches to 2000AD. In any case you'd have to either start visiting /ic/ (check their sticky) or get someone to draw from you. To interest someone on your work you should have some stuff to show, each drawing takes longer than writing so you'll be expected to have all the variety and creativity technicians can't afford.

This isn't the board for any of this things, script writing tends to have a particular code and people in the respective media will know more about this.

>> No.5923930

>what do you mean
weeb tropes appealing to good writers and writing good books.
I wonder what will happen in 150 years and some writer writing about his youth in some MMO in a poetry compilation.
Is just speculation but I wanted to talk about it.

>writing fan fiction
I like more to write original stories, I was wondering about writing stuff influenced by anime/games.
I guess there are not too many examples since games and anime has less than 50 years as a medium.

maybe we can talk about how would be dealing with japanese tropes and mixing them with the western tradition.

I think if you're really good, there will be a market for you.

I mean, shakespeare deals with popular stuff from europe.

>> No.5923951

>Is just speculation but I wanted to talk about it.

>in 150 years and some writer writing about his youth in some MMO in a poetry compilation.
There's your story basis right there.

>I guess there are not too many examples since games and anime has less than 50 years as a medium.
Relatively, there isn't a lot.
Absolutely, there is a lot.

I haven't been giving specifics. You should research these topics yourself.

>good, good, good
You keep using this unhelpful word.
You don't have to be "good", you simply have to write what people will buy to be commercially successful.

>> No.5923976

>dealing with japanese tropes and mixing them with the western tradition.
Some people do that, France is really big into westernized manga since they have been reading it since the 70's and it has became the sort of thing that is part of the culture. But why would you go for the crutches from the get go? Japan abuses that kind of stuff because they have ridiculous schedules where the manga writer has 2 hours of free time weekly and the animation studio rarely manages to meet their dead lines so they live stuff to get fixed in the blue ray. They aren't choosing to do that stuff, they have no alternative. And yes, cool stuff can come from those limitations, but you can't have those limitations and it's not the same when you pretend to have them. Try to write the best thing possible and cross your fingers.

And if you want to write for a team or at least another person keep a full portfolio with a variety of things so you can show around. Be friendly and go to places where your services might be welcomed.

>> No.5923977

>speculative fiction
that's cool, thanks.

>research yourself
I know.

how bout you?
would you be interested in some magical girl type of story?

>> No.5923990

>would you be interested in some magical girl type of story?
Considering what you probably have in mind, it's unlikely.

>> No.5924000
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>cape stories
Kill yourself, faggot.

>> No.5924022

Kantai Collection isn't any better.