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File: 220 KB, 680x1039, fedora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5922908 No.5922908[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone explain why this stupid hat really is a fashion item among white dudes with mid tier intelligence?

>> No.5922920

It's not, it's a forced meme to cover up the fact that religious people have no good justifications for their beliefs

>> No.5922926

It apparently makes people with social phobia or anxiety cooler or smoother in their own minds.

>> No.5922933
File: 410 KB, 221x196, 1413421542394.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Medical reason to wear a fedora

>> No.5922960


go tip your hate somewhere else faggot

>> No.5922970


Thank you for proving my point

>> No.5922981

Their idealisation of traditional/conservative values even extends to the fashion of the time, apparently (the post-war American economic boom being the zenith of those values, it seems - y'know, back when 'men were men' and women and minorities still knew their place.)

>> No.5922995
File: 48 KB, 479x720, atheism is a religion as much as bald is a hair color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a revolt against degeneracy by reintroducing style.

>> No.5923279


This picture gets posted a lot. It makes me sad, every time. Look at his eyes. Look deeply into them.

I see nothing but sadness. Despair, even. He's locked into this life, and he's doesn't know how to get out.

>> No.5923289

He's some child actor so it's a toss up if that's the stare of child rape or he just has fat eyelids.

>> No.5923296

It's like towels are to Muslims. Atheists wear them to identify themselves with their religion.

>> No.5923415


You see what you preconceive reflected in his eyes.

It's like a Rorshach test.

>> No.5923424

I wish I could wear a mask in public.

>> No.5923427

calm down there Herzog

>> No.5923606

Just a traditional european garment that hasn't been entirely culturally appropriated by non-europeans.

>> No.5923799

>fedora wearers
>right wing politics
Haha no. Try again you dishonest faggots.

>> No.5923894
File: 8 KB, 195x250, 5435436214 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone knows that pizzas are far superior

>> No.5923896

they sell them at target

nerds' moms shop at target

they ask for one b/c they know they sell them at target

>> No.5923901
File: 187 KB, 500x518, 5435436214 (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you sure?

>> No.5923958
File: 76 KB, 1092x1077, know your shitposters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5923974

Come on, at least take a look at a dictionary before making your shitty memes.

>> No.5923981

>someone calls him a fedora faggot on 4chan
>he somehow thinks there is a point proven there

>> No.5923985

I kinda feel bad after seeing that because I definitely fit the hipster description.

I mean it's not perfect but it's kind of close and that is frustrating. I'm so much more than a stereotype!

However, those neckbeards wearing fedoras also are people I've met in real life or online and it's scary how accurate that is.

I somehow made the switch from fedora to hipster in high school, still kinda confused on how that happened (also very glad it happened).

>> No.5924007
File: 2.23 MB, 3620x2716, Black_ooze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you are in the middle.

>> No.5924020

Instead of the bullet point that starts "Transgressive", it should be "Progressive" and mention SJWism. Need to keep this thing updated.

>> No.5924035


I do when I mentioned that very thing happening moments before it did

>> No.5924036

>tfw mix but charismatic so turn insufferability into personality
The silly hats and garish outfits are because muh psychedelic culture though and fuck PBR and bargain scavenging

>> No.5924350

Who's gonna know it's you?

>> No.5924369

The left side is the average 4chan poster besides all the strawman negative traits like obesity, virginity.
What kind of 4chan poster doesn't call others faggots?

>> No.5924400

How the fuck did atheism become associated with traditionalism and conservatism?

>> No.5924453

>Idealises antiquated values like chivalry and castity
I just realized that 4chan several years ago was degenerate heaven. What's with this trend to turn from being degenerated faggots to being moralfaggots ?

>> No.5924471

Probably as soon as a Republican president is next elected 4chan will drop its neo-Nazism and revert to being a haven of proud degenerates.

>> No.5924485

It's completely mind-blowing to see new-atheism assosciated with conservativism
Try again faggots, "slowed progress" Is one of the go-to arguments for anti-theism

>> No.5924499

its not. conservative is just being thrown about here as a desperate insult.

>> No.5924517

What are you talking about. Traditionalists hate atheists, and so do conservatives. SJWs just lump everyone they don't like in one group. Marxists(real ones atleast) atleast knew that they needed to allow the fascists and nazis to run the show for a while so we can finish the dialectic and kill capitalism.

>> No.5924520

Atheists are libertarians and adolescent libertarians are blossoming into pussy craving horndogs who want to reinstate dysgenic monogamy just so they can get a piece of ass.

>> No.5924532

It's the other way around. Capitalism must slay the last vestiges of the Feudal Agricultural mode of production before we can have Communism.

>> No.5924537

Please. You are confusing the people who fap to /d/ and /l/shit with their IRL preferences. This site has been whining about the injustice of the so called(later) normies since day one.

>> No.5924750

Because there are many atheisms, just as theisms, and the most popular kind is the most obnoxious and the loudest.
Frankly, I don't even think most atheists are actually atheists. They are merely replacing one label for another and changing a few properties around while the general beliefs and values stay the same.

>> No.5924788

So what arguments do you have for their religions being wrong?

>> No.5924803

The hell is nu-atheism?

>> No.5924811

That is what you think, aks people to describe you honestly and watch how they react to see how trully insufferable you are

>> No.5924817


Most of the concepts used in religion aren't defined consistently or at all, there's zero evidence that they exist in reality, religious claims are either untestable or flat out false, we have a fairly good understanding of their history, the religious themes of most of the current big religions were already around for centuries and the fact that the best counter to any criticism of religion is editing a fake quote into a picture of a fat guy wearing a hat, which is a combination of a strawman and an ad hominem

>> No.5924827

You have failed to give me a reason for their religion being wrong though

>> No.5924835

new atheism (dawkins & co plus their gentlefans)

>> No.5924839
File: 26 KB, 294x294, 1396811541341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5924863


I just gave you several tha individually are fatal to their divine narrative.

Also, before you begin the bullshit negative proof game, can you demonstrate that the God of the Bible wasn't actually Satan in disguise and wrote the Bible to trick religious people, as Jesus was actually a demon and following him meant that they doomed their eternal souls to hell?

>> No.5924864
File: 203 KB, 1920x1080, bad philosophers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a shallow but popular form of atheism that deifies scientists as prophets. The big names of it include Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, and several others.

>> No.5924871

Doesn't that make it pretty much the same as any another religion?

>> No.5924874


* tips fedora *

>> No.5924879

Its kind of strange since the actually famous scientists would rather steer away from being antagonist of religion and were actually believers of something or other also isnt deification part of religion?

>> No.5924880

Can you demonstrate to me you weren't born yesterday and all of your memories aren't made by someone, or something else?

>> No.5924882

You're acting like everything must be science. That doesn't leave much space for anything to be interested about. (Coincidently, is that why fedoras get so euphoric about scientific facts?)

>> No.5924888

As far as I know Jesus did not at any moment temp anyone and helped without expecting something in return there is also that fact that he was tempted by satn himself and would rather die than call down the wrath of his father on his killers, are you fucking high?

>> No.5924893


Oh far from, sir.
Atheism is by definition not a religion for religion requires the belief in a deity.
Individualism and libertarianism are logical steps along the path of the atheist and his ever inquisitive mind.


Gustave de Roth, gold badge redditor.

>> No.5924897


No I don't. If you have a better method of making accurate models of reality, I would love to see it. Until then, I don't give a rat's ass about your method of touchy feely

>> No.5924902


That's exactly what I would write down to convince people I wasn't a demon

>> No.5924907

Ok man, you seem really certain, what are the proofs that the guy is actually a demon?

>> No.5924916

>If you have a better method of making accurate models of reality...
Not everything is about making models of reality. Also, the claim that there exists some reality outside of perception is an unfalsifiable dualism.

>> No.5924918


He could do all sorts of spooky black magic. Think about all the evil crafty Jews he might have fed with those loafs and fishes. He just presented it as an act of mercy, but was really just feeding his evil, Satanic followers. Why else would you keep sinners alive, to spread more sin of course.

And then there's the synagogue of Satan stuff, the perfect diversion. What better way is there to convince people you're not Satanic than accusing others of it? That way they'll never suspect you. After all, those Pharisees were merely his brainwashed minions

>> No.5924928

can't we all agree that there is no objective truth to the universe or, at the very least, any cosmic figures that might or might not exist are operating on such a scale as to render the goings on of a single species on a single planet wholly insignificant?

>> No.5924937


No absolute objective truth, sure. However, there's plenty of reliable knowledge out there

>> No.5924947

Holy shit, you're like a unholy breed between /pol/ and /x/, have you forgotten that one of the tenets of the religion is that after jesus you can redeem yourself by not acting like a asshole, have you also forgotten that before jesus god would just blast anyone that was sinful enough? Jesus christ man, calm down

>> No.5924949

>absolute objective truth
>reliable knowledge
How do they differ? Is reliable knowledge something more than just what fits into an epistemic system of a certain time and place?

>> No.5924963

Anon, it was reliable knowledge in the middle ages that if you drinked mercury you would fix any illness

>> No.5924985


Or I'm someone who realizes that when fallibility is thrown out of the window, you can make anything appear believable. When you have no limits of reality, anything can become plausible.

My example is no more ridiculous than burning bushes that talk, or virgins that give birth to babies, yet those events somehow did take place and mine didn't? Why?

>> No.5925014

Suits or khakis and a jacket is not 'cartoonishly' conservative.

>> No.5925018

But you also act like our current science is also incapabble of failing, the scietific method is continuously updating model and people don't actually feel anything about something that has no "tangible" effect to most people religions in general gives a good enough incentive for their day to day activities, can you tell me a life that exists basing itself solely on hard facts that cannot be proven wrong is a good life? Can you tell me someone that is not you would lead a good life without anything like that in their life?
This is what many of you seem to forget, you're just as retarded as those fundies who think its their holy mission to bring everyone around them to their religion of choice

>> No.5925020

The hipsters are better than the Fedoras. Both are shit, but hipsters are trying to make the world better, whereas fedoras are actively making it worse.

>> No.5925025

You realise all atheism requires is that you do not believe in god? It says nothing about the beliefs or values you hold.

>> No.5925055

Yeah, that was one of my points.

>> No.5925064

>Marxist post-modernist
>making the world better

We have plenty of that nonsense already, we need more libertarianism if anything due to how authoritarian governments are getting.

>> No.5925090

Liberty is the new slavery.