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5921547 No.5921547 [Reply] [Original]

Since /lit/ is the smartest board, I've come here bearing the greatest riddle of my people:

How does one get gf? Can you recommend me any books on the subject?

>> No.5921551

Do not do it. Obtaining a gf is bourgeois bullshit. What you should do instead is realize a gf is costly leads to resource exploitation, the fuelling of multi culturalism, global market, and the biggest pact cuckoldry.

>> No.5921552

Stop being an insecure fag and doing things trying to get girls to like you.

>> No.5921558

what about just getting sex or how to stop being lonely

i gave up on trying to do anything like that but then girls do approach but i am too autistic and stop anything from going any further

>> No.5921562

Fight in your weight class. Learn about things other people are interested in. Learn to do things that other people will find either interesting or useful. Loosen up. Don't take yourself too seriously (unless you're handsome enough to pull that off). Be interested in what other people have to say (or pretend). Smile. Nod. Be courteous, but not a sycophant. Masturbate less, exercise more.

>> No.5921566

Read Popper and Wittgenstein.

>> No.5921577
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>> No.5921578

Pretty much

The best thing men can do for humanity at this point is ape out, destroy the infrastructure and take us to the tribal era

>> No.5921581

But Marxism is unfalsifiable theory.

>> No.5921582

One goes to a whore and asks for "the girlfriend experience". Seeing as in most places because of the bourgeois predilection for the feudal agricultural practice of wedlock and monogamy as a means to create a surplus population to ensure that wages are kept competitively low, prostitution is illegal. This means that the only standards enforced upon whores are the ones of the market and that means that no one is answerable for the inadequacy of you girlfriend experience besides the loss of profit you present as a customer. This loss of profit is negligible and insignificant due to the plethora of dudes seeking gf.

So try the free market, and if it doesn't make you happy, agitate for prostitution to be decriminalized and standardized to ensure a girlfriend experience that is indistinguishable from the "real thing".

>> No.5921598
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Read Zizek, he is an ugly autistic slob and he still gets laid. He must have figured out the secret.

>> No.5921606

>He must have figured out the secret.
Yeah, sell unfalsifiable posturing bullshit to hipster pseudo-intellectuals and pass it off as philosophy. Though, Lacan really came up with it first.

>> No.5921619

Good point, you are probably right.

>> No.5921642

>Marxism can't be falsified
>the 20th century never happened


>> No.5921654

tell yourself that you are a real life byronic anti-hero but without the sex

>> No.5921657

In all honesty, pursue the things in life that make bring you happiness. When you're stable, on your own accord, people flock to you, and I imagine there will be some of the opposite sex. Try it.

>> No.5921662

The solution to loneliness: Deeper, self abasing, and expensive loneliness

>> No.5921663

We're talking about Marxism, as in historical and dialectical materialism, not communism.

>> No.5921670

The Magic Mountain.

>> No.5921706

Learn how to flirt. The out of print book by Westerman is pretty good. It's nothing like PUA material.

>> No.5921728

Go to vagina, ask the face whats up. when face is looking up, go into vagina. never leave

>> No.5921738

You dont "get" a gf, not a good one anyway. Most long lasting relationships kind of just happen after you put yourself out there

>> No.5921814

Yep. Don't search for a girlfriend just to have a girlfriend. Once you have one, you'll know a mediocre girlfriend isn't worth the time. Engage in things you enjoy, develop yourself, and one day you'll meet a girl.

>> No.5921826

>put yourself out there
What does this mean exactly?

>> No.5921930


The picture of dorian grey by oscar wilde and the prince by machiavelle.

>> No.5921935

so you switch to men and/or learn to hate and manipulate?

>> No.5921942

>Since /lit/ is the smartest board

>> No.5921953
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You simply have to go up to girl and say "gibe de pusi b0ss"

>> No.5921964


If you work to make your life good, and by that I mean you get a steady job, a circle of close friends, some hobbies, interests, and a moral system, and then you go repeatedly to places where strangers go with the expectation of talking to others, you will get a GF.

If you are a complete social retard in these settings, and you need it spelled out after getting these things, just approach everyone as trying to become friends with them - suppressing OMG UR SO HOT - and if you feel like you get along well then voice it immediately even if it makes you feel like an idiot.

>> No.5921976


Im assuming that op here believes that he needs a gf to be hapy. If thats really the case, and op doesnt have any standards, than the best option is to learn how to manipulate and be a massive dick. It doesnt matter if you have a meaningful relationship or someone around that youre fond of, op only needs someone around to reassure his worth.

>> No.5921979

You have to admit Peeperkorn had swag

>> No.5922025

Be careful of what this anon says. Trying to become friends will inevitably lead to her thinking of you as a friend.
Maybe if this was the 1940s.

Now people just have sex and if they decide they like each other they have a relationship. You have to focus on getting sex not building a personality, if you want a relationship.

>> No.5922034
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>Engage in things you enjoy, develop yourself, and one day you'll meet a girl.

OP please don't listen to this blue pill advice. If you want a gf you should start approaching women at places like the mall.

>> No.5922038

>what about just getting sex or how to stop being lonely
You are a degenerate. Change that mindset first, then you'd aquire a GF probably more easier.

>> No.5922062

That entirely depends on how she was raised. My gf was raised very old school and preferred that we get to each know each other well as friends before we became official. It was a very nice change from the usual girl.

>> No.5922073

And also your second paragraph is good advice you want to be miserable with her in a year. A good girl wont fuck you til youve been with her for a few months at least.

>> No.5922107

It means get the fuck out of the house. Join clubs, get involved in things, you dont necessily have to party all the time but be around a large variety of people and get to know them. I got a job at a gas station where id see most of the town daily. Turns out I was considered attractive after all.

>> No.5922114

Oh and develop a personality. Obviously R9k is single because they have no talents, skills, or hobbies outside of fucking videogames. Napoleon dynamite actually knew what he was talking about. Having a female friend with COMMON SENSE give you advice helps a fuckton with the minor details none of us can go into easily. For example, dont be too fucking pushy.

>> No.5922122

>Now people just have sex and if they decide they like each other they have a relationship. You have to focus on getting sex not building a personality, if you want a relationship.
Couldn't be further from the truth. Sure, this happens today, but your advice for sex first then personality is atrocious. That mindset is why the divorce rate is so high.

>> No.5922128

You don't aim to get gf, young one. You aim to surpass your need to get gf.

>> No.5922155

I never said it was good, I simply said that was how it is.
You will probably be miserable within a year even with a great personality
True, but girls with ethical values are becoming quite rare.
Hobbies and interests won't get him a gf or even laid. Status, Money and Physical appearance are far more important to women.

Personality does matter, but you can't change that.

>> No.5922224

Sex is for prestige;
Masturbation is for pleasure.
-Paulo Coelho

>> No.5922280

Dont listen to this vapid middle class spoiled city kid. There are decent people if you arent hanging around with the offspring of faggot yuppies.

>> No.5922292

The hobby thing is about having shit in common, not impressing them. If you seriously think most girls are all about those things youre either a shutin or surrounding yourself with the casualties of capitalism. This is most likely the case if you cant last a single year without getting bored.

>> No.5922300
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Try self-improvement but be aware of the danger if you become too caught up in it. There can come a point when a well-meaning effort to enrich one's life becomes an almost religious exercise in self-denial.

For example, I set about "improving" myself and now I don't use social media, I don't drink, I consciously avoid fashion trends, and I'm too intensely focused on my hobbies to have time for much else. I hate to generalize but I don't think many women would appreciate any of that.

>> No.5922301
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Ignory all the faggotry that has been said in this thread. This your to ticket to first rate pussy.

>> No.5922309

>How does one get gf?

Apart from the obvious, like frequent pussy, why do you want a GF, OP?

>> No.5922311

not OP but I want to hold someone and be held

>> No.5922320

>but I want to hold someone and be held

Don't you have friends you can hug? Or family?

Trust me OP, getting a GF will not automatically cure loneliness. I was with my ex for a year, and I was more lonely with her than I was without anyone in my life.

>> No.5922514

Being lonely isn't a bad thing, anon.

>> No.5922528

Is this any good?

>> No.5922554

Watching my best friend struggle with one girlfriend after another from teenage to adulthood while continuing to remain varying degrees of miserable made me lose faith in romance as a remedy to anything. I don't want any retarded drama in my life and I don't see why anyone else would either.

>> No.5922704

Maybe you just want to fuck your friend.

>> No.5923007

Can you falsify that?

>> No.5923261

What are those places?

>> No.5923549


Don't lose faith in romance just 'cause another person sucks at it.


Man, the trick is easy. If you want a girlfriend, know what you want and go for it.

Unequivocally, undauntedly, uncompromisingly.

The trick to remaining happy after each girlfriend you'll inevitably dump due to your impossible standards? Never forsake your pride.

>> No.5923631

Why would you want a gf? I don't understand why so many people romanticize the idea of having one. I guess it's mostly people who haven't had one before. It's really not worth the effort, they get boring after a few weeks.

I guess you might be lucky and find a really amazing girl, but the chance isn't that high.

>> No.5923750

This is why they teach you all about the values of having a positive attitude and an imagination in school m8.

>> No.5923760

but he doesn't read zizek to get it

>> No.5923765

I also learnt in school that school system doesn't care about me

>> No.5923771

Yes, Marxism is scientific and falsifiable. How about you read on the topic first?

>> No.5923784

I knew it, he's a woman

>> No.5923803

you guys aren't making the reality of a relationship sound very fun

i knew that i was making the right choice by clinging to the happiness i get from my dreams of romance. the faceless girl who pops up in my imagination gets me by.

>> No.5923815

This. This a thousand times. The only times I got a gf were the times I wasn't actively searching for one.
This is a joke but there is some truth in it. I think his concept of Love, especially love as "the fall" applies here. True love needs to have "the fall", that moment where you're just doing fine, happy with your life and then someone pass and it's all ruined, you can't be happy the way you were before. You know, this semi-comic moment where something banal changes everything. I met my actual by asking her, in the middle of a house party, who she had voted for in the last elections, as if it were a normal thing to do. (in my defense we were all talking about politics).
This reminds me one funny joke one of my dear friends in Brazil once told me: the communist party had just won the elections for governor in a small province dominated by a family-run bureaucracy. First thing the new governor says is: "we have to give a full shock of capitalism here". When asked how this was compatible with the party's view he answered: "well, we all know that to achieve communism you have to first pass from feudalism to capitalism". So the lesson here is that you should improve your life in order to be happy with it, so the revolution can ruin everything

>> No.5923822

Althusser, is that you?

>> No.5923824

You guys...
Confidence is the #1 aspect to getting a gf/laid. With confidence, women won't care what you loo like as long as you aren't a leper. It's all about ownin up to who you are and smiling and laughing (even if you have to fake these traits at the start)
Lifting weights SIGNIFICANTLY increased my physical appearance, confidence and mindset. Go outside, get sunlight, laugh, and get laid.

>> No.5923827

Anyone can get a girlfriend, but the challenge is finding a good girlfriend. Wait for a good PERSON, OP. It's well worth it.

>> No.5923842
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Can you falsify that?

>> No.5923857

Relationships can be good for you and they help you grow a lot, even more if it comes to sharing a roof with someone you chose and you want to make it work.
They are not forever and they are not the end all of happiness, they are only tangentially related to happiness. But you enjoy them and its a different way of living your life, usually for the better in the short run.