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/lit/ - Literature

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5920183 No.5920183 [Reply] [Original]

Say it or confess it

>> No.5920186

I'm too good for this place.

>> No.5920189

My gf got comfortable and is gaining weight. I'm going to tell her soon, if she doesn't deal with it I'm getting the fuck out.

>> No.5920190

I haven't read a book since I was in high school.

>> No.5920192 [DELETED] 

your life sounds like a squalid little joke

>> No.5920196

I'm pissed off no one discusses anything and I'm almost apprehensive to finish the large book I'm reading because no matter how good my OP is only like four people here will have read it. I'm getting my first murakami book now because I'm waiting in line and holy fuck there is no selection in this bookstore.

>> No.5920203

i genuinely think i'm basically a genius but too lazy to actually write anything

i am fully aware that i am both very likely wrong and also that my being good or bad is completely irrelevant as long as i don't actually write / publish anything

i think a lot of /lit/ posters probably feel the same

>> No.5920208

You trip on 4chan. No matter how hilarious his life is, yours has to be twice as bad.

>> No.5920215

also i almost never read anything.

like my last book that i finished was probably some small novella i finished last summer i can't even remember what it was exactly

i just start a lot of books and don't finish them. sometimes i read plot summaries

>> No.5920219

I've never read Moby Dick.

>> No.5920220 [DELETED] 

didn't say it was a funny joke

>> No.5920221

I've started over a dozen books in the past year that I didn't finish.

>> No.5920223

tfw no gf

>> No.5920243
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I don't wear underpants.

>> No.5920247

Chubby women rule. alright? Adapt or dump her and it's your loss.

>> No.5920257

I want to be able to make money writing... but the only thing I feel like writing is experimental novels.

>> No.5920260

Sometimes, I fear that my devouring passions for reading and writing are but a means of escapism : maybe I would give it all up if she loved me.
No need to tell me I'm pathetic

>> No.5920263

me neither.
I like the way my penis feels along my thigh. It's biblical.

>> No.5920266

you guys are sick fucks

>> No.5920271

ur a twat

>> No.5920276
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I was reading Soseki's 'Kokoro' (which is great, if you've yet to read it) and came across this passage that I've been struggling with for a few days now.

> "Why is it, Sensei, that you are not as interested in books as you once were?"
> "There is no particular reason...Well, perhaps it is because I have decided that no matter how many books I may read, I shall never be a very much better man than I am now, And..."
> "And?"
> "This is not very important, but to tell you the truth, I used to consider it a disgrace to be found ignorant by other people. But now, I find that I am not ashamed of knowing less than others, and I am less inclined to force myself to read books. In short, I have grown old and decrepit."

I guess I'm worried that I'm in a similar situation. I can't remember the last time I read a book and felt genuinely improved from the experience. At best, literary fiction makes me feel cultured and intelligent, while genre fiction gives me some base comfort that I know will likely be generic and simple, but there are times when that is enough. Reading non-fiction probably wouldn't help either, as knowing the industrial process for butter production wouldn't add to my character or worldview. Audio or video would certainly be better mediums just for the sake of learning. Does anyone else have an opinion on the above excerpt? Perhaps I'm reading (heh) too much into it.

>> No.5920277

embrace the escapism you bitch

>> No.5920289

oh no im reeeeaddiiing heeelp!!!

>> No.5920291

stfu danny

>> No.5920304

I love reading for prose and invention but the simplest of plots will confuse me, not to mention the pressure of having to remember all those character names and characterisations

Maybe I'm retarded

>> No.5920310

Would you refuse a place in Eden after having embraced the Fall?

>> No.5920322

I have a weird form of anxiety, where I fear that other people will think I am mentally retarded or insane. Even though all rational and past experiences say I am not.

>> No.5920327

Refuse? No. Would I return? Depends on how much fun I was having given the fall.

>> No.5920335

At the end of our literary journey, we all come to that stage.

It's called euphoria.

>> No.5920350

Be nice to get some philosophy of education up in here.

Shame /lit/ is too focused on its 'self'

>> No.5920351


>I want to be able to make money writing... but the only thing I feel like writing is experimental novels.

Hah, I would like to just be published, don't care of money, but the only thing which I feel like writing it's whimsical epic poetry and even more whimsical lyrics, I don't care of identity, oppression etc topics which are trendy and cannot write novels for the life of me.

Well, not like I tried to be published though, I simply see no motivation to try and even to write part some drafts, if nobody publish what I like, why should I try, let's suppose I will be denied, I won't know if it's the quality fault or not, or if I get published nobody would read it so it will be like vanity publishing anyway.

>> No.5920355

i mostly like books with cool characters so that i can emulate their actions in the hopes of integrating with attractive people in real life

>> No.5920377

But I'm patty

>> No.5920388

GF is arrogant as fuck and thinks she is naïve, weird and unique. She doesn't even read that much, but she thinks she's better than moi. I read the triple, but she doesn't see me bragging, for fuck's sake. She is like anyone else, only she's unbearable.
Thank you.

Pd: she's 15 years old.

>> No.5920407

>she's 15 years old
You're going to jail

>> No.5920411

he is tao lin

>> No.5920412

I learn more reading science fiction than "good" literature.

>> No.5920422


Not everything is about learning, dork.


>> No.5920429


i hope the pussy is tight m90 because otherwise there's no excuse for this shit

>> No.5920432

I want money so I can stop getting fired from jobs. But I do agree with your general sentiment.

As for your second point of "why publish?" I think you should try to pull yourself out of the nihilistic attitude of "it is all pointless." It is self-defeating.

>> No.5920464

Worst of all, she despises sex. I finger the shit out of her everytime she comes over and she loves it. She wouldn't touch my Biggus Dickus. I don't know what the fuck is wrong with my Dolores.

>> No.5920488

Blood Meridian had great prose but I didn't enjoy reading it unless I was stoned.

>> No.5920496

why is she your gf then nigga

>> No.5920503

caps lock

>> No.5920514

I really don't know. It's my first one. I hope one day she cheats on me so I can get the hell out of here and make her feel real bad.

>> No.5920525

deny her vaginal fingering and she might cheat on you

>> No.5920527


you miserable coward. if you're not happy in the relationship, then end it.
and you should not be dating 15 year olds to begin with you dimwit. no wonder you're unhappy.

>> No.5920532


Sounds like a one sided relationship. You should probably bounce.

>> No.5920541

Dude drop that bitch, women are objectively worthless if fat

>> No.5920545

Hey, I might try this.
Thank you, anon.

>> No.5920556
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I've never consistently "read books". Usually it comes and goes in bursts, sometimes the idea of reading prose makes me feel queasy but sometimes i'll read 100 pages a day; i love the art form of literature as a whole but I've never been able to find it as cozy to relax to as a good film or tv series is.

>> No.5920560


>dating teenagers

lol. pump it and dump it

>> No.5920573

>i never consistently read books
please fucking leave this board or take that guy's fat gf so you don't post on 4chan anymore

>> No.5920968

I can't get comfy anymore. I know it sounds weird, but the things I used to enjoy the shit out of like a good book or a cup of coffee and a cigarette in the morning I just don't enjoy anymore. I'm not sure what's going on.

>> No.5920975

I think a lot of what dudes consider peak /lit/ is trash
including most of precious DFW, even though I love him

>> No.5920983

I got sucked back into /lit/ today and have wasted combined hours on it when I could be reading or otherwise enjoying life. :(

>> No.5920984

Pop culture is more interesting than high art

>> No.5920988

im participating in the spreading of the forced unfalsifiable meme because shitposting is fun

>> No.5920991

>reading to "learn"

stay pleb

>> No.5920994

even if she loves you
one of you will die and death and suffering are inescapable
so don't worry about not wanting to read to avoid the hell reality of life

>> No.5920998

"I think I'll give her a call tonight"
"Damn, it's 3:00am"

>> No.5921000
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I really enjoy graphic novels and manga.

>> No.5921010

I think reading is a much better medium for learning, say history, even a 10 hour documentary is going to have less info than a comprehensive book.
I think looking at books as a way to 'improve' the self is the wrong way to frame it, I think of reading as a way to be thrilled and moved and impressed etc-> ie as an experience in and of themselves, regardless of whatever 'gain' I may get from reading them (not that I don't think books have improved my life, knowledge; but that's not the primary goal). Also, I read way less when I'm depressed, as is pretty typical I think so idk.

>> No.5921020

are you being followed?
is she in the spring production at school?
how are your chess games going?

>> No.5921025

I think Steven Erikson's series Malazan Book of the Fallen actually has literary worth. It's just hidden and inaccessible because of how overly long he made it and the literary elements are just too scattered to immediately see. probably because his editor may as well be non existent.

>> No.5921031

are you depressed? losing the pleasure gained from simple things is one of the most common symptoms, that or you could just be bored. maybe try new things, like taking baths or going on walks, new places

>> No.5921036

I write poetry without rhyming couplets.

>> No.5921049

I like to use the anonymity here to try out different positions. Test arguments, see how they feel, how strong they are, their weak points, etc.
One day I can be a liberal-libertarian, the other a full communist, the other a hegelian idealist, the other a hard empiricist. It's fun.

>> No.5921053

Also, sometimes I claim something I'm not sure of as fact to get people enraged and correct me, since I wouldn't get the same reaction if I were to simply ask

>> No.5921077

Actually I moved to a new city pretty recently, so there's lots of new things to see. I just can't enjoy going and seeing them. I suppose I could be depressed, but I can never tell if it's depression or the regular amount of self hate.

>> No.5921086


>> No.5921299

Obvious advice, but that's what marijauna is famous for: making everything better.

>> No.5921304

You are scum

>> No.5921407

I smoked some bad one time and it gave me a feeling I can't get rid of every time I smoke. Kind of a soul crushing one. Any tips for something like that?

>> No.5921415

there are lots of other drugs you can become dependent on to temporarily make the world seem less unbearable

try an edible? idk, maybe it just doesn't work with your body, you're not missing out much

>> No.5921433

I invented the falsifiable meme.

>> No.5921436


>> No.5922570

Absolutely disgusting

>> No.5922573

You are pathetic

>> No.5922574

I love all my friends on /lit/ and wish I knew them irl

>> No.5922781

Popular philosophy is really bogged down by its right-angle approach to science. There's really no need for them to conflict, aside from petty sectional jealousy.

Basically, threads like >>5920614 piss me off.

>> No.5922782

I burn my books after I finish them

>> No.5922787

This is unfortunately so god damn true

>> No.5922788

Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus is a poorly written novel. A definite case of ideas outweighing the prose, as often is with what would later be known as science fiction.

>> No.5922799

I do this in real life, though perhaps not as deliberately. I can imagine it's annoying to some people, and it has certainly painted me the fool more often than not, but at the end of the day I'm a little bit wiser.

>> No.5922829

Why does everybody pretend to be so experienced in everything, when they obviously are still learning a lot of things?

>> No.5922854

Just before I return, to my library, a book that I do not appreciate, I ejaculate in it.

>> No.5922873

>and you should not be dating 15 year olds to begin with you dimwit. no wonder you're unhappy.
By judging his posts, he is 14 years old.

>> No.5922880


If you were a true /lit/, you would manipulate her into thinking she had to lose weight in order to keep your attention. I've done that with several girls and it works (ok, one got a depression),

>> No.5922881

>Obvious advice, but that's what marijauna is famous for: making everything better.
>I cannot have a good life without Mary J
>YFW the shit returns as soon as you stop

Nice logic brolit.

>> No.5922904

gtfo and commit sudoku

>> No.5922928

my parents are working their arses off to pay my tuition
I feel guilty as hell but I think secretly I really don't give a fuck

>> No.5922938

I know a woman who suffers from this, but it was another dimwit who dit this to her. I just agree to her effort, don't know if that is manipulative too but I want her to feel ok with herself and not like a loser a second time. Don't know if it's the right thing to do, or not.

>> No.5922955

I can never really enjoy things unless it makes me have a shiteating grin, that's pure pleasure

i'm really apathetic, and i can't hold conversations with people; i spoke like i'm afraid of people but inside i'm very comfortable with everything, it's weird.

i'm avoiding social enviroments now because i just don't enjoy anymore the small talk and the intrigue

>> No.5922956

This is me too, but I don't care.

>> No.5922958

i read books and i immediately forget everything i have read. to be really honest, i often read a sentence and when i start the next one i have already forgotten the previous one. i think its a side effect of my drinking habits. i stood in front of my book shelf today and i was astounded. i had no idea that i actually own some of these books and only remembered that i have read them at all because i saw them sit in my shelf.

>> No.5922973

this sounds slightly familiar, but you'll get over it if you want.

>> No.5922975

I'm slowly coming to terms with the fact that my mental health is steadily deteriorating. Various forms of insanity run in my family, so it's extremely likely I'm going to develop some sort of mental illness as the years progress. Already I'm beginning to feel incredibly dissociated, and suffer from varying degrees of visual and auditory hallucinations (ranging from subtle sounds to full on imagined creatures running around in broad daylight).

No one around me is aware of this, and to friends I apparently live a fairly steady and successful life. In a sense I feel an obligation to make something meaningful or impactful to the earth before I lose all control of my mental faculties.

>> No.5922980
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To add, there's something incredible about experimental novels, its goes so far left of the pointless nonsense of human achievement, its near divinity.

>> No.5923026

Happens anon you're probably just in a rut. One thing can only be comfy for so long. switch up your routine

>> No.5923037

Small talk is pretty terrible, nobody can blame you for that. But it's a part of socializing. You've got to wade through those first fifteen minutes of shit to find a subject in which you can connect. But yeah, I understand not wanting to put forth the effort.

>> No.5923086

people think im shy or socially awkward, because i dont enjoy small talk or rarely get involved in conversations im not interested in. im in fact a very confident person, i just dont feel like engaging in those conversations just to fit in. i also rather have them think of me as shy or introverted than arrogant. it still kinda sucks that most people i meet get a wrong impression. it also sucks when im alone with someone and they want to talk. like in that situation i am completely comfortable with silence, but they feel the desperate need to break that awkward silence, because they arent comfortable with it. then they realize i dont give them enough material to keep the conversation going and they eventually give up and think well, this guy is weird/boring/awkward.

>> No.5923125

I can't keep track of more than a couple characters at once. It's all good, you're not alone.

>> No.5923126


we are not samefag lel

>> No.5923129

I'm really bored of my life and have no idea what to do about it.

>> No.5923133

I couldn't read through Naked Lunch.

>> No.5923148

I smoked heavily for 5 years and I think the negatives definitely outweigh the positives.

>> No.5923149

I will never be able to pronounce Dostoevsky's name right. Or spell it for that matter.

>> No.5923154


americans you so funny/sad

>> No.5923166

Just pretend it's Dostoyevsky

My confession is that I'm stopping caffeine consumption and I have a headache and couldn't sleep last night. Anyone know how long this "withdrawal" lasts?

>> No.5923167

Theodore Dost-oy-evsky

>> No.5923193

how much caffeine were you devouring sir...

>> No.5923199

I pronounce it Dasta-llev-ski

>> No.5923398

Do you care to elaborate?

>> No.5923466

Isn't it Fyodor though?
here where I live Fiodor and Theodore are two different names...

>> No.5923488
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I'm not apply myself in the search of a job anymore
>tfw NEET

>> No.5923494

Like two to four days. Try grabbing a shitty dunkin coffee or something so you don't hate yourself if you were drinkimg a lot/really powerful blend

>> No.5923539

I read at an extremely slow pace because I have this OCD thing where I'm not sure whether I caught every word in the last sentence and rearead and rearead and rearead it. The odd thing is that I really only have it when I'm reading the page where I'm currently at, not when I'm skipping forward a bit (knowing that I don't have to be as careful), or reading internet comments or wikipedia articles.

Sometimes I'm as slow as 10 pages per hour.

>> No.5923563

I spend too much in the Internet. I have like 20 books that I've bought but I haven't read. My friends think I am an avid reader.

>> No.5923566

he's making jokes that he's humbert humbert
(I hope?)

>> No.5923574

My heart is racing and I'm anxious and being cognizant of it only serves to make it worse in a never ending cycle of what I think might lead to my heart exploding.

>> No.5923577

dunkin coffee is good breh

>> No.5923580

I never knew they were the same or equivilents? Thanks /lit/!

>> No.5923592

You're a horrible human being and deserve an awful death.
Better manipulate jews to kill themselves

>> No.5923593

I started Stalin posting ironically and now I've become an actual Stalinist.

>> No.5923596

Story of my life.

>> No.5923604

I've started reading it but the writing was so god damn awful I dropped it.

>> No.5923610


eet happensh to zhe besht of ush *sniff*

>> No.5923615

I have never read the Greeks, just compilations of some of their tales for children.

>> No.5923622

Doing any drug heavily is going to be negative. It's not fucking rocket science.

>> No.5923625

I only read Science Fiction. Literary fiction bores me.

That said, most Genre is trash. I avoid Trek/Wars shit and any Franchise based off of a role-playing game, and rarely touch fantasy.

>> No.5923630

i am so beta i think i might be gay

>> No.5923634


I've been on the weed hype for 6 years and I love it

>> No.5923644

You probably wouldn't make money writing non-experimental work either. Very few writers write for a living

>> No.5923655

Please drop dead

>> No.5923660

I'm scared to continue my 40k novella. Its been,6 months since I last wrote, I feel like I can't go back to that voice so easy.

>> No.5923670

Did you read the Percy edit?

>> No.5923676

Since I dropped out of college and my girlfriend of 6 years dumped me the only things I do every day are smoke weed, masturbate, watch cartoons and eat doritos. I also don't have a job. I know I'm the worst of the stereotype and basically a manchild but I don't hate any motivation to change myself because the two things I lived for are gone. I don't even play videogames anymore. Sunlight hurts my eyes.

>> No.5923686

Stalinism is like a combination of the economic inefficiency of the far left with the violence and social conservatism of the far right. It's literally the worst of both worlds.

>> No.5923697

I don't know how to read

>> No.5923702

exegesis is my hobby. they're going to find hundreds of notebooks when I die in languages nobody knows I speak and think I am some religious nut

>> No.5923706

Ive had an itchy crotch rash for months

>> No.5923709

90% of the time I never finish what I am reading.

>> No.5923714

I've seen more movies than anyone I've ever met or heard of

>> No.5923716

>Stalinism is like a combination of the economic inefficiency of the far left with the violence and social conservatism of the far right. It's literally the worst of both worlds.

Peak liberalism

>> No.5923772

I've almost finished 100 Years of Solitude and I really don't see what the big deal is.

>> No.5923909

what are these creatures looking like? are they realistic?

>> No.5923918

I tell people to die here a lot because I disagree with them but then I feel pretty badly about it sometimes.

I-I don't really mean it guys....

>> No.5923935

It's to late now anon, at least for those you've pushed over the edge.

>> No.5923945

I masturbate 5 times a day.

>> No.5923950


learn how to talk to people

>> No.5923956

lol me too but im pretty sure nobody has ever taken that seriously in the history of this website

>> No.5923968

I have lived a very sheltered life, and I long to fight for some sort of cause leading me to embrace fascism and ultraconservative Catholicism. However deep down I know I'm too much of a pussy to ever act on my beliefs or even disclose them to anyone outside an online image board.

>> No.5923970

I think it might be a good idea for schools to start using more 'accessible' book choices in order to help promote reading among students. Ultimately the book doesn't really matter because you are testing their ability to read and more importantly write but I think the modern curriculum turns a lot of people off reading which is a shame.

>> No.5923986

Studying modern Chinese history has made me into a hardline Maoist.

I am planning on traveling to India to do field research with the local insurgency

>> No.5923998

Tfw have killed neets that made me laugh ;_; >>5923956 maybe

>> No.5924014
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>> No.5924030

Soon you'll be more open about those ideologies anon. I don't know what country you are from but I am a slavshit and it didn't remove me from my circle of friends. Sometimes they do mock me for being too uptight though. Fuckers have never seen the inside of a Church outside Easter.

>> No.5924053

i'm obese

>> No.5924057

take care about yourself!

>> No.5924078

so your probly stealing his girlfriend then you old perverted faggot. ur like that fag who Lucien Carr killed but worse because faggot

>> No.5924081


>> No.5924088
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soul crushing and fatigued? yeah that wasnt the result of bad weed tahts just what it feels like after a while sometimes, sorry ta burst yer bubble m8

>> No.5924089

pretty sure some guys running around Iraq right now would love to have you

(all these faux fascists are such pathetic babies)

>> No.5924093

> have lived a very sheltered life, and I long to fight for some sort of cause leading me to embrace fascism and ultraconservative Catholicism
Kek. I always thought this was the main reason why there are many fascists here on 4chan. Seems I was right.

>> No.5924111

Your not relaxing and letting things go. Weed is horrible when it comes to helping you actively manage things


>> No.5924149

I don't even know anymore. I can hardly finish books anymore, sometimes I barely get past page 40. The last book I actually finished was The Fall by Camus, that was in September. I just drift from page 40 to page 40 for some reason, losing interest in them quickly. Which fucking sucks because there's so many out there I want to read.

>> No.5924316

i finished. no big deal.most overrated piece of shit in literature

>> No.5924333

I wish I was a black man born in Chicago so I could call it Chiraq Drillinois and rap about the murder capitol but instead I'm a white guy living below the poverty line in basically the same situation except I'm white so I can't use all the cool terms like chiraq and yell fuck the feds and baking soda etc without looking like a poser.

so I do proper white things like read books, write poetry, and culinary arts.

>> No.5924525

I'm afraid i will never meet someone good to form a family with and have a lot of kids.

>> No.5925177

Do it anyway.

>> No.5925181

I crashed a plane with no survivors once.

>> No.5925192

you could just actually be creative and come up with your own terminology

>in basically the same situation

you don't sell drugs or shoot people.

>> No.5925198

Eminem did it

>> No.5925208
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Ulysses was an insufferable read.
I basically got through it just to say "I read Ulysses" at the end of it.
It's a book about books. It's impossible to enjoy unless you are well-read. You might see that as pointlessly elitist. There is some justification for it though: at that time (the period know as "Modernism" / "the Modernist period") authors were becoming increasingly aware of the history of literature from all cultures. One of the defining features of Modernism is its syncretism (its meshing of different beliefs and cultures). Therefore, Ulysses is seen as a great "modernist text" because of how its literary form combines so many elements of past cultures into a whole, thus it stands as a symbol for modernity.

p.s. I haven't enjoyed this book and never will because I always found this great project of syncretism dull. But that's why it is appreciated by the critics (I think).

Naked Lunch
Blood Meridian
Journey to the end of the night

these 3 were recommended to me by lit and I hated them all

>> No.5925213

there's nothing to "get" with fiction. it's just entertainment.

>> No.5925222

As a self-appointed bystander, in the war between hipsters and /pol/fags, I'd ultimately side with the hipsters because /pol/fags are artless spergs.

>> No.5925233

I've been on Christmas break since Tuesday and I haven't read a single page. I had an excuse for a while because I was sick, but now I just don't feel like it.

>> No.5925240

Spot on
I feel you really can't really "enjoy" reading Ulysses or find it "entertaining", but you can appreciate it as a masterpiece.

>> No.5925246

I want to be a poet but I'm scared I have no talent. It keeps me up at night.
Also I've never read Dostoevsky or Nabokov and I don't really want to.

>> No.5925247

i enjoy reddits r/books more than /lit/

>> No.5925252

Know that feel, I'm worried that I suck and will never be cool.

>> No.5925253

>It's impossible to enjoy unless you are well-read.
>you really can't really "enjoy" reading Ulysses or find it "entertaining", but you can appreciate it as a masterpiece.

Why do idiots feel so compelled to speak for everyone else?

>> No.5925257

My dad sold drugs and people have gotten shot in my neighborhood. I don't do it but I live and grew up around it.

>> No.5925267

As well as that I worry that deep down I don't really connect to all these books, all this music, all these films I supposedly love but because someone on the internet told me it's good I went in looking for it to be good. I've also finally started reading Infinite Jest and it's making my self-esteem its bitch.

>> No.5925273

what are opinions?

>> No.5925288


Obviously, but they're opinions under the guise of universals. "It's impossible!" "You really can't!"

Arrogance and narcissism have broken their brains.

>> No.5925294

camus is a joke and it embarrasses me when people say they like his work and his explanation of the absurd.

>> No.5925306

I think art is a sham.

>> No.5925312

Same man, same

>> No.5925326
File: 7 KB, 228x221, 1356307749907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm worried that I'm going to lose touch with everything I used to be passionate about and become a lazy bore like every illiterate pleb in America. I've already lost interest in politics.

I'm afraid that I lack talent, and my poor quality isn't just because I haven't put in enough effort to discover it.

I started an essay on why Kanye West is the artist that best describes postmodern society, but I haven't read enough postmodernist philosophy to make any clear points. I also wanted to open with a DFW quote from one of his essays, but I haven't read any of them.

My essays also suck and I literally haven't finished a single one because I begin to suspect my thesis is based on huge assumption and delete the whole thing.

I'm worried I may be obsessed with sex, because I constantly watch porn even though I don't think would be that enjoyable. I also had went though a period of depression/rage over being circumcised. I just want to watch a nice movie under a blanket with a nice qt 3.14 who wears sweaters and cutoff jeans.

I had to stop watching anime because it makes me too sad, the girls not being real. (What a faggot I am. Asuka is the best girl.)

Feels bad, man.

>> No.5925343


Posts like this make me feel better about myself as a human being

>> No.5925356

I have never read something that has described how I'm feeling so well in all my life. And yes, Asuka fucking is the best girl.
Keep on man.

>> No.5925361

well except the circumcision thing

>> No.5925388

>"waste" most of my time
>never feel like i earn my sleep
>fear that i will never accomplish anything beyond the norm
>feel like I have ton of unutilized potential
>fear that I procrastinate because I fear becoming a recluse and losing touch with my friends
>often wake up feeling empty, I see no point of getting up.

It's as if i don't have any passion. Maybe i'm depressed. Maybe i'm just average.

>> No.5925390

>tfw tiny dick with frenular chordee

>> No.5925419

What the fuck is wrong with being circumcised? It's not like you had a choice

>> No.5925429


>> No.5925449

Less sexual pleasure, m8. I felt as though I had been robbed of my happiness by my own parents.

>> No.5925457

4chan has turned me, I am antisemitic. How can I be cured?

>> No.5925458

They're probably just ignorant

>> No.5925461

Meet actual Jews

>> No.5925463

little green men are shitposting in my head and it makes it hard to focus

>> No.5925466

You've seen the truth mate, there's no going back.

>> No.5925471
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Even so, it still shows that they didn't care enough to educate themselves or didn't think my permission was important.

>> No.5925473

But they hide themselves so well. The ones who you hide it are the worst

>> No.5925479

Since when? All the Jews I know are quite open about it. Where do you live, anyway?

>> No.5925486

Conformity is a hell of a drug

>> No.5925487

Not jew york

>> No.5925494

But you've already been cured anon, you have found the truth

>> No.5925498
File: 229 KB, 505x482, 1360867147344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my backwoods shithole is somehow better than the largest city in America and one of the most economically important because it lacks Jews
Holy fuck, you might be stupid.

>> No.5925515

jidf detected

>> No.5925522
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Poor person detected.

>> No.5925528
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>> No.5925533

Oy vey, money means everything to me!

>> No.5925536
File: 97 KB, 358x314, 1360805553813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't take a joke
>being this upset

>> No.5925542

>two fingers unfilled
Anon, I really, really like this picture.

>> No.5925549
File: 70 KB, 344x299, 1363217926071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, right?

>> No.5925550

>haha I'm not really a jew

Typical jew

>> No.5925551

I live life trying to convince myself I'm not a Schopenhauerian, but I am one, and people notice. My pessimism and cynicism permeates everything I say, and it'll probably make me very alone one day, but I don't really care.

I'd rather be alone with books and whiskey.

>> No.5925553
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Who says I'm denying it?

>> No.5925555


wtf is wrong with you besides being unable to think yourself out of a wet paper bag?

true or false: lion's share of pleasure in sex is orgasm (true)

circumcision doesn't significantly reduce you ability to orgasm

therefore, your claim about it reducing pleasure is ridiculous. Get over your victim complex and realize it's a blessing.

>> No.5925558


I enjoyed this conversation, you got me good, have a nice night friend :-)

>> No.5925561

It helps you last longer as well.

Believe me, that's a blessing in its own right

>> No.5925567
File: 35 KB, 194x198, 1362598103409.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do your research, nigger.

>> No.5925572

Is that you, rust?

>> No.5925576

sometimes i go over to /r9k/ just to feel like less of a failure. /r9k/ makes me realize im actually a not-so-bad self-sustaining person with interests outside of 4chan. even though its very clear 4chan and 4chan culture is what essentially made me have interests. Boards like /tv/, /mu/, /g/, /sp/, and even /fa/, and /a/, made me very interested in things that really just make me happy to just think about. without the initial depression i had 6 or 7 years ago that made me post here, i'd probably have a tumblr and instagram trying hard to be a special snowflake. i sincerely from the bottom of my heart know that i would be a completely different person had i not found depression, loneliness and 4chan all within my early adolescence. am im very thankful for that.

>> No.5925577
File: 5 KB, 212x251, 1325089522169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kanye west
you deserve your suffering

>> No.5925583

I'm not a robot :'(

>> No.5925588

>The World Health Organization (2007) states that "Although it has been argued that sexual function may diminish following circumcision due to the removal of the nerve endings in the foreskin and subsequent thickening of the epithelia of the glans, there is little evidence for this and studies are inconsistent."[30] Fink et al. (2002) reported "although many have speculated about the effect of a foreskin on sexual function, the current state of knowledge is based on anecdote rather than scientific evidence."[31]

>> No.5925589

>lion's share of pleasure in sex is orgasm (true)
the buildup is the best part and that defines how good your orgasm is. chopping off part of your dick reduces the nerve endings available and reduces pleasure. stop rationalizing and accept your half dick for what it is, m8
though sometimes i wish i had my dick mutilated since it seems like none of them get any pleasure out of it and can go on forever whereas i bust a gasket real quick.

>> No.5925600
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>thinking that the removal of a large amount of sensitive tissue would have little to no effect on sexual pleasure
>a single source

>> No.5925604

>the fucking World Health Organization

>> No.5925605

Nope. Don't know anyone named rust, I'm just a jaded Norwegian guy.

>> No.5925613

Watch True Detective

>> No.5925616

>all of these disgusting caterpillar dicks actually proud of their smegma-ridden woman repulsers

Enjoy having an aesthetically inferior cock, if you can even call your wooly piece a cock.

>> No.5925623

When I'm not in a stable relationship, I masturbate once, maybe twice a month.

>> No.5925636

You masturbate more when you're getting laid

>> No.5925642

i'm happy you don't have a foreskin and gnash your teeth about it

>> No.5925644


>> No.5925663

>tfw phimosis

>> No.5925669

Will do.

>> No.5925700

I basically only read genre fiction.

>> No.5925707

Like you have it now or you had it as a child and had your penis partly cut-off?
If the second one, I know that feel bro.

>> No.5925712

i feel like i need to go to the doctor and get it partly cut-off but i'm too embarrassed

>> No.5925729

I'm a lurker that hasn't read most of the books most often discussed here and only knows the basics of the oft-discussed philosophers of /lit/ (Hegel, Nietzsche), but I acknowledge that and don't post.

>> No.5925740

The most enjoyable thing I read this year was a fan fiction for a video game where a girl's vagina was described as "her virginity" and "her warm wetness".

>> No.5925749

it has helped me. also watching cool/attractive people in life and acting like them, movies are especially good

>> No.5925751

oh, and I'm responsible for the most pretentious posts on this board

>> No.5925765

I decided to revisit 4chan for the first time in years 4 days ago. I mostly wasted all of them on /lit/. I think I need a brain condom.

>> No.5925768

who're 'cool' characters? just curious

>> No.5925770

you are actually guilty but it feels bad so you tell yourself you don't care "secretly"

this is purely a guess

>> No.5925835

>I'm a lurker that hasn't read most of the books most often discussed here

Relax bro. 90% of the people who discuss those things haven't read them either and feign intellectualism.

>> No.5925872

Jordan Belfort in Wolf of Wall Street
Jackie Cogan in Killing them Softly
Ben Affleck's character in Good Will Hunting

writing this seems completely absurd but that may just my current disposition

>> No.5925876

I've never made a real friend in my life, just passing acquaintances.

I do read quite a bit (though not as much as I'd like) but I don't feel intelligent.

I have opportunities that will push me to do great things in university but fuck up at the worst possible time.

I've been with a number of women but only because the one I want doesn't want me back. I miss her terribly but she's probably gone forever.

My life is empty and I live in a constant search of something better, find it, and lose it again.

>> No.5925886

the general pathos of this post is my default state, fuck

i was depressed for a long time in my younger years and i feel it has fucked me up irreparably

>> No.5925899

You're not going to find the help you need here, bud.

>> No.5925904

I'm depressed and I can't seem to connect with anybody i meet

im also in love with my first cousin

>> No.5925911

I like to steal things whenever i visit a supermarket.

>> No.5925924

you people fucking disgust me

>> No.5925932

I feel completely incompetent in my social skills because i had no friends in high school. Constant rejection by girls and my peers has led me to a state of apathy. I don't care if new friendships die and I don't even care if I don't get laid. I'm perfectly content with wasting my days away watching anime

>> No.5925944

Dawg, it's okay. I don't even watch anime, I don't like girls, and I'm studying astrology. I don't even understand astrology, so I spend most of my time staring at my monorchid scrotum in the shower.

>> No.5925947

I just made a bank clerk to flee from her place crying, thanks to a poetry-inspired fit of anxiety. So, I was composing and writing down a poem in my notebook while I waited in the line. I needed a new credit card, she asked me to say any random word to set it as a secret one and here it hit me, I found that I couldn't say a random word, poetry whirled in my head and I felt I was not ready to let it out yet even as a single random word (I know it sounds retarded), so I refused, not explaining why, obviously, just pretended that I found it childish. She said it is mandatory. I asked her to type gibberish. She refused. I said I refuse too. She called her manager. At that time I mostly got my shit together and when the manager came I named a random word. It would end relatively fine but here I recalled that I had an older card and asked to prolong it instead of making the new one, also asked what was its old secret word and if it needed a new one. She said that she didn't know the old word and when I asked to change it to the new one she smiled and added that didn't I say that I didn't need a secret word at all. Here I lost my shit again and said that I will officially complain that she refused to change the secret word, she began to sob for some reason and fled... Dunno why, I was polite through the whole conversation, just quite sarcastic. I feel stupid now and also lost the inspiration.

>> No.5925959

you better be a pathological liar

>> No.5925961

I just wish it was different man. I want friends and a girlfriend and real hobbies but it all feels awkward and forced when i do it because i'm socially inept. I feel as if i'll never be a normal member of society and i feel so lonely

>> No.5925976

>I feel as if i'll never be a normal member of society and i feel so lonely

Trust me man, being a "normal member of society" is vastly overrated.

>> No.5925982

>friends and a girlfriend
aren't worth it if you don't love yourself

>socially inept
probably, but so are millions of people that manage to get by alright

>never be a normal member of society
I probably won't. I'm a damned freak. Monorchid means only one testicle. Like having only one hemisphere in the brain.

>feel so lonely
We're all alone at the end of the day. If you can't be happy alone, you're fucked. Love means stop looking for a reason to be alright with yourself. You're fine. My Dad killed himself because he left the circus clown business and became an astrologer, now I'm following his footsteps even though he gave up. You can't let the past or other people dictate your life. You must be the change you seek. I might whine about it here, but I know some day I'll be a successful astrologer.

>> No.5925988

I'm blind and also incapable of reading or speaking English, or any other language.

>> No.5925990

At least I'd be surrounded by people that are like me if I was normal. I feel out of place with nobody to relate to irl. I identify more with fictional characters than I do with any friends or people I know. It's been like that my whole life and it's really getting to me now

>> No.5926001

>I identify more with fictional characters than I do with any friends or people I know. It's been like that my whole life and it's really getting to me now

And I identify more with dead philosophers than I do with my friends. Doesn't stop me from feigning normality.

But if you actually have a problem, see a therapist, it'll probably help you.

>> No.5926004

Does a robot voice read everything to you?

>> No.5926006

I never learned how to read

>> No.5926007

My friends don't seem to really care about me, I'm always the one initiating conversation or making plans or giving advice or solving problems. I have to pretty much go out of my way to keep everyone together and stay in touch with them. Sometimes I feel like they're all just using me like a toy to be disposed of when it's convenient.

I read to drive away the suicidal thoughts.

>> No.5926015

I know you're right. But it's still hard to put into practice. Trying to accept myself and the fact that I'm not normal is difficult. I never saw myself with a happy future. I always wanted to join the Marines in hopes that I would die in battle so I wouldn't have to do it myself, kek. Now I have the strangest desire to become a homeless drug addict and die alone somewhere.

If I didn't have my family I would have killed myself already. I have two cousins who are my best friends and I do not want to leave them.

>> No.5926016

>My friends don't seem to really care about me, I'm always the one initiating conversation or making plans or giving advice or solving problems.

You need to tell them to fuck off, and find new friends.

>> No.5926019

I sometimes read and write fanfiction.

>> No.5926023

You sound exactly like me when I was in high school.

I'm going to tell you now, find new fucking friends no matter how hard or impossible it may seem. My friends treated me the same way: disposable. Unwanted. It does you no good maintaining friendships like that. In fact, you're probably better off alone. Find yourself and then find some real friends because friends like those can only do you harm.

>> No.5926029

No, I don't lie. May be I poorly explained, it was a psychological stupor where her request of a random word was psychologically equal to a request to show an unfinished work and to a random person too. And then she annoyed me even more.

>> No.5926031

I came extremely close to my own mortality tonight and it's probably going to cost me several hundred dollars. On one hand it pushed my depressed thoughts out of my head entirely because after being uncomfortably exposed to death I'm kind of scared of it. On the other hand I have this new anxiety because of how close I came to dying and how the situation played out. If things went slightly differently I could be some dead asshole on the side of the road right now. I hope that the experience stays burned into my memory so I remember how close I constantly am to death.

>> No.5926047

You'll be over it by this time tomorrow.

>> No.5926051

I want to add onto this and say that I don't think most people really appreciate how good it is to be alive even if their life sucks at the moment or always has been relatively shitty. I was into Camus for a while and was really just like who gives a shit if I die the world is absurd or whatever. But now I think that I value my life a bit more. I'm set back a bit now because of what happened but I still have good times ahead and it's better to take a penalty than be out of the game entirely. I hope that when I die my death is welcomed and expected, and not as sudden and shitty as it almost was.

>> No.5926143

I'm gradually becoming a hermit. I think that if I don't get to that point I will never scape from it, that I no longer will have turning point, I'm scared, that if I keep lime this I will alone with myself, only to become more and more cynical, to become more and more paranoic, to lose myself completely. I'm scared of the point when I lose contact to the world, I'm afraid of me convicing myself to hate everyone. I dread the day when my most despicable myself wins and twist the shit out of everything.

>> No.5926149

This has already happened to me and I'm not even full-hermit yet.

>> No.5926153

this thread is weapons-grade edgy and i'm ashamed that I relate to some of it

>> No.5926190

I've inherited a very rare printing of The Lord of the Rings books from my grandfather who counted them amongst his most treasured works in his library.
Unfortunately I'm in a terrible financial situation and desperately need the money selling them could get me. But I was close with him, and I know how much he'd hate to see them go.
I'm so torn.

>> No.5926480


people on here are way less smart and well read and 'patrician' than they say on here, it's just a bunch of people bullshitting on the internet trying to have fun///work out their obvious mommy issues

>> No.5926485

Hey, I bet your Grandpa wouldn't mind sacrificing a lot for you. If he was alive he would probably help you in your financial problems and let you sell the book. If you really need to then do so, if you're being a huge greedy faggot that wants the easy way out then fuck off and become a beggar on the streets.

>> No.5926488
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oh boy how is Jordan Belfort cool? bc he married a 22 y.o. model and got to be a crazy fuck for a couple of years? how is being a broke ass conman cool? At least look up to some other Scorsese character who isn't so buffoonish.
sorry, but this is on par with teens who are in the mass murderer fan clubs

>> No.5926493
File: 131 KB, 1171x389, Hellenismos is the answer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>confess it
I started a Hellenismos craze in /lgbt/

>> No.5926497

Don't take people who encourage not trying to have friends/gf/social interaction etc. seriously. It's one of the basic human needs to have some sort of connection to others and the dude in Notes from the Underground isn't someone to aspire to be.

>> No.5926498

the way he acts, the character, that is why i said the movie not the actual guy

if you act the way he did you will be perceived as desirable/ cool/ attractive

deliver your retarded prejudices somewhere else

>> No.5926529

Right, even so he's an asshole to everyone he meets pretty much. That kind of glib charm only works in the short term and tbh if he wasn't Leonardo you wouldn't think he was cool (are you looking up to Jonah Hill's character?). Sorry anon, just think there are cooler sociopaths to look up to.

>> No.5926552

look everyone i found the low functioning autist

>he's an asshole to everyone he meets
his whole workplace loved him

>if he wasn't leonardo you wouldn't think he was as cool
why didn't i say his character in the titanic then, or in total eclipse, you are wrong again, fuck off

Jonah hills character was a complete goofball which is not 'cool'

>there are cooler sociopaths to look up to
your point? it was a 5 second list for the random anon

i'm done with you

>> No.5926556

I find myself trying to give genuine advice on this board and feeling bad for some of you, even though a lot of you are scum with bad taste and hateful politics.

>> No.5926575


>> No.5926606


>> No.5926631

Christfags are least annoying and retarded here than in any board. So thanks for not spamming fedora memes and saying retarded shit.

>tfw too late to say Merry Christmas and too early to say Happy New Year

>> No.5926641
File: 49 KB, 593x474, cage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a nice holiday season.

I wish all of you healthy blood pressure and a peaceful mind.

>> No.5926672

Hey, we're in the middle of Kanzaa

>> No.5926857

I've shat my pants while being heavily intoxicated 3 nights ago. The first time, and I'm completely depressed over it. After a two night binge, I was on my way to the city and midway I actually defecated a small lump of shit, completely involuntary. So I called a taxi on the whim, sat there with my shit-smeared pants, went home (while being heavily drunk) and went straight to fnish the shit and take a shower. My mom urged me to stay home but after I cleaned up, I went back to the city to drink some more. I might have a drinking problem.

>> No.5926859

I hate people who say "Ur a pleb" because they only claim to read dry philosophy books (and we all know they haven't)

>> No.5926896

You're a bad person.

>> No.5926905

These last 30 days have been the strangest days of my entire life.

>> No.5927643

reverse psychology: try forcing yourself to not reread/read carelessly/make mistakes/skip forward like you said. Just a suggestion.