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/lit/ - Literature

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5918085 No.5918085 [Reply] [Original]

How can we make /lit/ good again

>> No.5918089

i would suggest starting with the greeks

>> No.5918108


It's fine you're just new and took the bait

>> No.5918150

/lit/ was always bad.
People need to stop pretending there was a Golden Age where things on 4chan weren't terrible. People need to stop pretending /lit/ is disconnected from 4chan. People need to realize that there's a /pol/ack in everyone, and that calling someone out for expressing /pol/ish opinions is stupid. Everyone on 4chan, on some level, hates the Other, and it has always been this way.

>> No.5918156

dude, every board has this myth of a paradisaical age, but all that really happens is after you hang around long enough the memes and threads just start to repeat and you get bored

>> No.5918168

Precisely my point.
Make new memes if you want change. 4chan is a meme machine, and /lit/ is no exception. Discussion happens here, but it isn't better or worse now than it ever was before.
Bring new books to discussions, bring new philosophers up, write something and have it critiqued. Those are the only ways to 'improve' the board.
Meanwhile, enjoy the memes.

>> No.5918169
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How to improve /lit/:
>Ignore all threads without textual examples in the OP
>Ignore philosophy threads
>Appreciate good posters

There, done.

>> No.5918174


Get out of my thread and fuck off

>> No.5918195

Your forced meme is bad. Textual examples often have no place in /lit/'s discussions. Insisting on their use and declaring the argument of any post without a textual example invalid is more a sign that you don't know where you are than a sign that you care about the board.

>> No.5918198

i would but i'm just not obnoxious enough to spam the same thread 10 times a day until people actually talk about it like that sterner nerd or evola fag, etc. i usually just post the book once and it scrolls off the board because if it's not dfw no one heard of it

>> No.5918213

>Textual examples often have no place in /lit/'s discussions.
And that my roachy friend, is why /lit/ is terrible.

Textual examples exponentially raises the quality of our board. No arguments, it's simply true.

>> No.5918215
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>good again
>browbear telling us how much he puked when a 9/10 tried to fuck him while he read in a bar, a hundred replies minimum
>quentin pretending to be a mature edgelord, everyone had to post in the thread
>russian thread only capsloq guy had decent posts
>threads with shit like pic related
>daily threads about twilight
>nonfiction vs fiction
If anything /lit/ is way better than it was at the start.

>> No.5918235

make corn a banning offence. it's a same fag, as are the "outraged" responses

>> No.5918283
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And at some point this shit was really popular, I guess /wg/ was raiding us.

>> No.5918286

Again: /lit/ is terrible by definition, as is the rest of 4chan.
Do you have textual evidence to back up your claims?

>> No.5918292

At least the trips now are aware of their own limitations and don't pretend otherwise.

You should've seen Stan/Sunhawk
Jeeeeeesus Christ.

I do miss caps guy though

>> No.5918295

> Textual examples exponentially raises the quality of our board
quit /lit/

>> No.5918300

Ban fiction

>> No.5918302
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>Do you have textual evidence to back up your claims?
Better, I have a graph.

>> No.5918307

What unit of quality does the graph use? Why are there no numbers? How did you get the data? What was the sample size? Are you serious or a troll? Are you sure that graph is accurate?

>> No.5918316

yes, he's serious.

>> No.5918325
File: 163 KB, 841x457, Imagen 19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you forgot to add "standards" to the calculations.

>> No.5918327


/phil/ pls go

>> No.5918340
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>> No.5918351

>/lit/ was always bad.
Every time a thread like this created on some board there is always a reply like this one.

>> No.5918353


We have critique threads, which aren't bad. I think we need a /lit/ book club that meets more often.

Also, all /lit/ needs is better threads, which you're welcome to create.

>> No.5918357


>you're welcome to create.

nigga half these threads is me

>> No.5918410

so you want change but you're unwilling to do your part? I fail to see why you started this thread

>> No.5918414

so i should autistically spam the same thread every day until everyone finally gives in and talks about it? maybe if i was spamming my own book or i worked for publisher and was getting pad but i'm not "doing it for free"

>> No.5918488

You should not make threads like this. They don't ck tribute anything to the board, and do nothing to improve it. You're part of the problem.

>> No.5918987

Well, I see this buzzword :"4Chan was never good" on all boards last couple of years..

Sorry to burt your bubble but 4chan was actually best place to be on internet and that "golden era" of 4chan lasted for long time.

Let me explain myself...

If 4chan was shit always , how come shitload of people lurked \ visited 4chan iin the first place.

And another thing, if 4chan sucks, that only means this generation of anons suck, because, 4chn is not TV, it does not make magical content out of nowhere, we are the one who make this place good or shitty.

Problem with 4chan is huge fucking influx of facebook,reddit, god knows where retards who wait for some interestng content, you are the one who should make all boarsds better-

>> No.5918994

How new are you?

>> No.5918995

stop with the b8 misogyny/racism/fascism/omg sjw threads

>> No.5918998

in the pic, why is it "Nous mangenons pour vous"? shouldn't it be mangeons?

>> No.5919004

Someone posting an opinion you don't hold isn't necessarily trying to b8 you

>> No.5919009

Not the guy you're responding to, but don't deny that there are quite a lot of them.

>> No.5919025

That's probably because /lit/ is more opinionated and less open-minded than it thinks. For example, if someone mentions that Walter Benjamin used Kabbalah in some of his works, instead of admitting that his work involved a degree of Jewishness (Kabbalah being necessarily associated with Judaism), people here call whoever mentioned it a right-wing conspiracy theorist and don't acknowledge the fact that he was a Jewish Marxist. The Frankfurt school conspiracy theory has more going for it than the hivemind here is willing to admit. The same is true of any right-wing stance. /lit/ rejects it because it isn't liberal or Marxist.

>> No.5919038

It's because every time Benjamin and Kabbalah is brought up its accompanied by /pol/-jpgs about how Jews want to take over the world and destroy Western civilization.

>> No.5919057

Another thing: /lit/ assumes anyone critical of Jewishness is a Nazi.
Israel is an illegitimate state, Jews have a disproportionate amount of influence over American foreign policy, and no one here can say those things without /lit/ losing its shit.

>> No.5919062

I meant the obvious b8 thread like 'no Negro/Female Cunt has ever written a good book' or other things that aren't even related to /lit/

I'm well aware that there's also a glut of misinformed and ignorant sewage that's posted in good faith.

>> No.5919070

By 'Jewishness' I mean qualities that Marx wrote about in The German Ideology and which are characteristic of the Jewish people no matter how you think of them. For example, it is a historical fact that Jews have been successful bankers and many banking dynasties are literally Jewish. It is a fact that Jewish communities are and alwaysbhave been relatively insulated, going back as far as the Old Testament. It is a fact that Jews are circumcised.

>> No.5919072

You have a persecution complex, nearly every good leftist will tell you Israel is a horrible state(I don't want to use illegitimate, every state is illegitimate if you go back far enough), its not jews that have control over American policies, its capital. The jew is just your fetish.

>> No.5919074

/lit/ cried wolf for such a long time, so no wonder /pol/ decided to drop by when their board got thrashed. But I don't mind. /pol/ can behave, they have some very intelligent posters. However I hate the meme spouters but then again we have plenty of leftists and SJWs that would defend all that shit they have been cramming down their throat. Also the "philosophers" and "nihilists".

Anyway start with the greeks might have been the best thing that happened to /lit/. I've been here since this board was created. I'm agree with earlier posters. /lit/ was never good but its getting better.

>> No.5919077

You seem very eager to talk about Jews and 'cultural marxism'.

>> No.5919079

Just because you don't agree with something, it doesn't follow that it's ignorant.
Just because something hurts your feelings, it doesn't follow that it isn't true.

>> No.5919084

I am. The fact that /lit/ can't have an actual discussion about whether or not cultural Marxism exists is one of the things I think is bad about this board.

>> No.5919089

>how to identify a /pol/-mongrel: always talking about other people's feelings being hurt

>> No.5919092

? I didn't even post anything saying what my feelings or opinions are or are not so how are you jumping in with this? And there have been a ton of things posted in lit that are factually inaccurate or completely ahistorical, how that an argument or about what you suppose my feelings are?
yeah really

>> No.5919094

Protip: it does exist but is called neoliberalism and is entirely a capitalist venture.

Now fuck off back 2


>> No.5919101

What would make /lit/ better though?

>> No.5919107


>> No.5919109

posting about books and writing
not arguments over whether women/minorities are human or not or how hitler did no wrong etc.
there are other boards to talk about that if you really have to

>> No.5919110

Yes, it is neoberalism. /lit/ usually denies the phenomenon exists in any form.

>> No.5919112

daily reminder than /lit/ was created as a quarantine board and will therefore always be trash

if you want to fix this place, start by firing the Marxist custodians

>> No.5919114

Yes, censorship of the shit mentioned >>5918995
That would make /lit/ at least 80% better.

>> No.5919117

Actually it's part of the first division out of /r9k/ since it was one of the main topics the board dealt with and 7chan also had one. It was more of a priority than /adv/ and /soc/. Arcanine used to be cool.

>> No.5919119

roach slayer anon suuuuckkked
absolutely the worst, autistic in a real sense, forced-maymay poster. he didn't trip either so you couldn't block him

>> No.5919121

Yeah, /lit/ is way better now than before. A board where Pynchon and Nabokov are over-discussed/too-read? Sign me up. Way better than "GRRM general" back a couple years ago. Elitism is a good thing.

>> No.5919146

This would be great. We'd have more Tao Lin threads. And we could finally talk about Judge Holden in Blood Meridian. Maybe some Infinite Jest threads.

People might even finally have the breathing room to complain about not writing.

Anarchists and commies could finally duke it out without a conservative ever showing their face.

/lit/ would be a paradise.

>> No.5919156

>doesn't want 20 IJ threads a day

>> No.5919158

>/lit/ usually denies the phenomenon exists in any form.

If you started a thread on neoliberalism/capitalism and its role in 'degenerating society' and making 'everything that is solid melt into air', then you'd probably get a decent discussion.
If you start out by posting a /pol/-Jew-conspiracy-jpg in the OP and blabbering on about the Frankfurt School, then you probably won't get a decent discussion.

>> No.5919175

If you use the word 'capitalist' instead of the word 'Jew,' any /pol/ discussion becomes a /lit/ discussion.
/lit/ denies the existence of degeneracy, though.

>> No.5919181

call degeneracy mass-produced consumer items and images, and you're there.

>> No.5919187

But that isn't what degeneracy is. Degeneracy is identity politics, gay pride parades, and the dumbing down and debeautification of culture.

>> No.5919188
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>> No.5919194

degeneracy is sexual liberation.

>> No.5919197


In the first year or so of /lit/, it didn't have much traffic. There were still shitty memes but like most slower boards it was pretty good.

People need to stop pretending that the quality of a board can't change over time.

>> No.5919212

>one has to imagine that Sisyphus is happy
>one has to imagine he works for a cutesy cat

>> No.5919235

I don't mind dumb lite misogyny so much as having to encounter the insane view of history/art/lit and terrible taste that these people have. Fuck a Bouguereau.

see also: the bonkers invented history of jews/feminists ruining lit in here:

>> No.5919241

And its causes and consequences, yes.

>> No.5919645

ban /pol/

>> No.5919836

There's atleast 3 marxists threads currently where your /pol/ boogeyman isn't to be seen.

>> No.5920235

This SJW stuff has got to stop. I'm going to get my mom if it doesn't.