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5914407 No.5914407 [Reply] [Original]

Which is the best ebook reader app for Android?

>> No.5915429

bump because I also want to know this

>> No.5916733


>> No.5916755

I use Play books is good enough for me and i read books on my phone

>> No.5916829

Posting for this comrade

>> No.5917727


>> No.5917736

>using anything by a russian guy

maybe in the ios appstore, but the android store has zero quality control and lets in pretty much any shitty malware a sneaky russian juif can dream up

>> No.5917777

I use UB reader.

>> No.5917795

do you think quality control means reading the source code to check if there is a trojan horse there

>> No.5917940

Nice quads

>> No.5918790


>> No.5918799

you don't have to submit the source code to the ios appstore, but they analyze it to see what data it looks at and sends and receives...but ultimately ios is just more secure by design, there are more controls over what apps can do, yeah that means its harder for little freetards to steal 99 cents video games and whatnot but for everyone else it makes it a hell of a lot more secure, deal with it

>> No.5918849
File: 1.16 MB, 2147x2790, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw I pirated every app, song, and book I have on my iPhone

>> No.5918853

I use Mantano Reader. Mainly because it gots tons of settings. And night vision...etc

>> No.5918854

edgy bro

>> No.5918856
File: 22 KB, 276x289, desnot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you probably don't read any of them

>> No.5918862
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>mfw projection

>> No.5918866

I believe coolreader is open source.

>> No.5918870
File: 10 KB, 220x326, 220px-Geo_Milev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw moar like ur projectn

>> No.5918885
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>mfw no u