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/lit/ - Literature

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5913817 No.5913817 [Reply] [Original]

Nietzsche is overrated

>> No.5913821

Literature is overrated

>> No.5913830

In other news, public opinion polls show shockingly low support for eugenics!

Details at 11.

>> No.5913831

I agree

>> No.5913868

Eugenics is good, though. Those peoe are wrong. The weak shouldn't be allowed to breed. Science should decide who has children.

>> No.5913963
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>> No.5914031

Nice meme, Üntermensch.

>> No.5914064
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>> No.5914072


much nihilism

very science



>> No.5914076

When the fuck has Nietzsche ever advocated eugenics you fucking imbeciles?

Ubermensch was a rejection of the escapist facets of religion and embracing the mortal toil.

back to /r/politics shitposters

>> No.5914082
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What happens when the dude shouting LOW IQ PEOPLE SHOULDN'T BE ABLE TO REPRODUCE on comments sections receives incentive

>> No.5914086


watch out or he'll call you a simpleton next

>> No.5914124

>retard doesn't know what simpleton means

simpleton IQ: 90-100
idiot IQ: 80-89
moron IQ:70-79
imbecile IQ: 60-69
you and anyone else who thinks ubermensch has anything to do with eugenics: 59 and under

>> No.5914257

Simpleton detected

>> No.5914286

The weak and the botched shall perish: first principle of our charity. And one should help them to it.

>> No.5914304

that's a funny way to spell "Stirner"

>> No.5914313

Conflating Übermenschen and eugenics is like stupid anti nuclear hippies who can't recognise the benefits of the tech due to its niche applications (Hiroshima).

>> No.5914318

Confirmed for not understanding the idea of the Overman.

>> No.5914351

Wait now I'm confused. I thought this Neechay guy was hired by hitler as a propaganda writer to promote the idea that germans were super men? Weren't the American Superman comics made to parody this during WWII?

I feel like everything I learned in community college is a lie.

>> No.5914359

Are you saying that nuclear power does not have any drawbacks? Like, dependency on expensive materials, (financial) problems with the disposal of the radiating waste, risk of catastrophes, etc?

>> No.5914457

I want every home to run on nuclear power. The nuclear lobby should be more powerful.

>> No.5914839

Slave morals

>> No.5914856

Of course it has drawbacks, but to say that they outweigh the benefits is 'all life is sacred' rubbish. And even then, nuclear deaths are still outnumbered greatly by the fossil fuel industries. It's the best option we have currently to the coming energy crisis.

>> No.5914871

Solar is better

>> No.5914927

>It's the best option we have currently to the coming energy crisis.
Which country do you live in? Nuclear power only covers like 10% of the energy needs in my country, and scandinavian countries even tend to have too much energy while mostly using renewable ressources. If the EU manages to establish a pan-european power supply system, there really won't be a coming energy crisis the way you paint it here. 'tleast not for me. If you live in France or something, you might have a different opinion on nuclear power plants.

Anyway, the drawbacks will outweigh the benefits in the long run, due to the aforementioned storage problems.

>> No.5915323

On /lit/, yes.

>> No.5915851

In day break he says races don't start pure, they become pure through selective breeding and he hopes that one day a pure European race will be created.

>> No.5915868

Speak for yourself, faggot

>> No.5915922

>When the fuck has Nietzsche ever advocated eugenics you fucking imbeciles?
He suggested we breed Jewish banker daughters with Prussian military officers.

>> No.5915945

I agree, but I still think he is worth reading. I liked reading his genealogy of morals.

>> No.5916078

Nietzsche destroyed all my hopes, dreams, and everything I believed in. What does he want from me?