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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 318 KB, 1600x1200, Assins Creed 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5912727 No.5912727 [Reply] [Original]

What's the Assassins Creed 2 of Literature?

A Dan Brown novel?

>> No.5912733

video games are for children, so probably a book for children

>> No.5912751

*tips fedora*

Videos games are only another medium to tell a story.

>> No.5912762

patently false, as nearly every great video game has minimal to no story

>> No.5912763

Some stupid historical thriller probably

>> No.5912766

b-but metal....gear...sol..

>> No.5912768


Not all games have a 'story' or the type of Story telling you're on about

Halo,Gears of War, God Of War,COD,Heavy Rain,Uncharted ,Super Mario Assasins Creed and such do have those stories though

>> No.5912779

Uncharted is supposed to actually have decent writing but all of those others not so much (or in Mario's case who cares)

>> No.5912782


historical determinism

not even once

>> No.5912807

I liked Halo's story (and backstory). One of the better mainstream sci-fi stuff I've read/seen. Same goes for Republic Commando.
I know /lit/'s gonna kill me, but fuck it, I was younger and it was a pretty fun read.
>thinking about re-reading it now

>> No.5912863


Only good game.

>> No.5912870

every game mentioned in that article sucks donkey balls

>> No.5912888

That article mentions Kentucky Route Zero so you're wrong.

>> No.5912893
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>> No.5912894

What games does /lit/ play? What games have stories that would stand alone well in literature form?

>> No.5912906

I'm not a child and none

>> No.5912915


Honestly I play mostly somewhat nostalgic games. Just got Mass Effect again, spent half my teens playing it. It's also an example of a game with a pretty good story, i.e. better than about 80% of other games.
I guess Far Cry 3 could make for a decent mainstream novel
There's lots of games that have a story that would translate well to casual literature. Pretty much anything BioWare made. But don't expect grand works of art from it
>most books and films are not grand works of art either

>> No.5912919

Metro 2033

>> No.5912920

People still do not know what this meme is for

>> No.5912921

grim fandango might make a neat childrens cartoon

that's it basically

>> No.5912924

Deus Ex.

Whilst not exactly ground breaking stuff, here's a good example (if you can get past the cringey Australian accent):

>> No.5912925


Sure he does he's just projecting.

I doubt he likes being reminded that video games are for manchildren. Who would?

>> No.5912930

>lel games are for kids grow up manchild
enjoy your pretentiousness

>> No.5912938

Bioshock Infinite

>> No.5912946

These are all actually terrible

It'd be better than most of the junk that kids watch I guess

>> No.5912947

it's called that because it's infinitely bad

>> No.5912951

Deus Ex isnt terrible

Fuck off Neo /v/


>> No.5912953

deus ex isn't terrible but it's a game mainly about making choices and wouldn't work at all in a linear fashion

>> No.5912954

You're right Metro 2033 would never work as a book.

>> No.5912955

Is it sad that anime, visual novels and Silent Hill 2 influenced my writing?

>> No.5912956

Yes stop writing right now. That includes on 4chan

>> No.5912961


So every parent who walks into a game store with their little kids to buy them a game and sees grown adults like you buying the same games that their little kids are excited over and rolls their eyes at them for being such sorry manchildren are just pretentious now.

Whatever you need to tell yourself, spergtits.

>> No.5912968

Of course it would - just as any body of work with multiple spin offs, there can be one particular story line that is considered canon. The story itself, not just the fact that there are multiple choices, is what makes the game great.

Great game and story, but I feel it would be better served with film (especially by a director like David Lynch) rather than a book. Shame they stuffed up the movie translations.

>> No.5912973

Antichamber sucks donkey balls? wut

>> No.5912978

no the greatness of deus ex in is the way it allows players to play through the game in any way they see fit, while dynamically changing based on the player's choices- something that is completely antithetical to literature. the story in deus ex would be mediocre AF if there only one way to get through it.

>> No.5913007

What is the Ulysses of video games?

>> No.5913029

It doesn't even make the game "great" though, it's just cool that the developers put a lot of work into making it that way

>> No.5913032
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>> No.5913035

It did revolutionize the platformer genre.

>> No.5913074

It did not, it refined it. The only real revolution in platforming was SMB, everything is either following that formula or digging its own niche, like cinematic platformers.

That is, if we talk 2D platformers, because of course there is Super Mario 64 which basically kickstarted 3D game design.

>> No.5913080

As in, the greatest work of the 20th century?

Probably Megaman 4.

>> No.5913104

I still like Halo's story. It's fun. I enjoyed the Fall of Reach, especially that scene about the orbital repair station. Fuck Halo 4 though.

>> No.5913332
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All AAA games are Dan Brown novels as far as Video games are concerned.

>> No.5913363 [DELETED] 

Why wouldn't they be? You're assigning too much importance to other people's opinions on trivial matters such as one's interests like it matters or like anyone is going to prevent themselves from enjoying something they love because some dickhead on an anonymous image board called them a man-child.

It's entirely irrelevant, not to mention that not every game on the market is made with the same groups of interest or age in mind. The biggest games (Call of Duty, Battlefield) are made for mass popularity, of course children are going to be just as excited for that as someone in their twenties, that's intentional.

>> No.5913371

No, not really. It's pretty much impossible to prevent something you like from influencing you as far as writing goes, not to mention that I personally believe it makes for better fiction if you don't constrain yourself to any given thing.

>> No.5913374

>grown men didn't buy model trains 100 years ago
>grown men didn't read chivalry novels 400 yeas ago
>grown men didn't play all the way through history while calling it gambling
WHile people should dedicate their time to more productive things, adults playing is hardly a rarity.

>> No.5913380

Because adults are mature enough to realize that people enjoy things that they don't sometimes and that it's perfectly ok.

I'm a grown ass man I'll spend my money on what I want faggot lmao.

>> No.5913392

>These bits of paper are covered in lies! They poison your minds, and so long as they exist, you cannot hope to see the world the way it truly is!

>You turn to them for answers and salvation. You rely more upon them than yourselves: this makes you weak and stupid! You trust in words, drops of ink. Do you ever stop to think of who put them there, or why? No, you simply accept their word without question. And what if those words speak falsely, as they often do? This is dangerous.

>They do not learn, fixed in their ways as they are. You are naive to think otherwise. It's an illness... for which there is but one cure. Is it not ancient scrolls that inspire the Crusaders, that fill Salah Al'din and his men with a sense of righteous fury? These texts endanger others, bring death in their wake. I too was making a small sacrifice.

>Am I not unlike those precious books you seek to save—a source of knowledge with which you disagree? Yet you are rather quick to steal my life. It matters little now. Your deed is done... and so am I.

It's a shame ACII went full ancient aliens and mustache twirling villains.

>> No.5913400

>Actually trying to call gambling, a heavily regulated activity and in some cases a life ruining vice, "just games"
Whatever you have to tell yourself bud but in reality adults playing video games is pretty pathetic. It's hysterical watching my programmar friend posting his fucking LoL scores to facebook and doing nothing with his piles of money except buying a new computer to play free games on. Retards, all of you.

>> No.5913415


>> No.5913421

>You will never have sex

>> No.5913426

>a heavily regulated activity and in some cases a life ruining vice
>nothing to do with korean starcraft champions
In terms of rules gambling is less complex than most table top games. Outside of the game mechanics the social contract that makes them work is even more complex since it's purely ethical, with no money or strength to force you to follow them, and somehow works.
In ruining life terms, it tends on you. People ruin their lives with pretty much anything, that doesn't make gambling and alcohol closer.

>> No.5913429
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>S-stop liking what I don't l-like!


>> No.5913432

>Being this much of a deluded shut-in

To quote the tumblrinas:
Wow. Just wow. I literally can't.

>> No.5913442

Look guy who saves images of pepe on his computer, if you want to pretend it's not laughable for an actual adult to still be captivated by autism simulators that's fine, but when you're in your mid 20's and wonder why no one wants to play with you except teenagers and neckbeards on steam and you haven't had sex in five years maybe you'll be ready to discern the cause. ALTHOUGH you might settle with a fat cheese smelling cunt who plays Borderlands! What a treat that would be.

>> No.5913448
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>> No.5913453
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>> No.5913471

>OP answers his own question
>50+ replies

Go read a book or something.

>> No.5913576


>> No.5913585
File: 17 KB, 393x284, Francoise Dorleac 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not reading a poem, refreshing the front page and repeat

>> No.5913599

video games are truly awful, a waste of life worse than drugs, at least wasting your youth as a junkie might give you some life experience to make some art, a life of video games leave you nothing but video game cliches...although i'm scheming on writing some casual games for the iphone to get money

>> No.5913606
File: 487 KB, 900x900, 1419222437874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5913616

>wasting your youth as a junkie might give you some life experience to make some art
this is what whiteboi wannabe bohos actually believe.

>> No.5913630

You just don't understand that true art comes from pain pleb

>> No.5913642

the point, my dimwitted comrade, is that there is more literature written by former drug addicts than video game neckbeards, although i suppose video game neckbeards churn out a lot of genre fiction but that is only an imitation of the cliches they internalized after decades of battles orcs and zapping martians on their nintendos

>> No.5913657

Please learn to use capital letters

>> No.5913671

Are you about to break?

>> No.5913691

capital letters are just christian propaganda originating in illuminated manuscripts penned by fudge-packing monks

>> No.5913723
File: 383 KB, 848x600, Shadow.of.the.Colossus.full.923749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shadow of the Colossus is a very nice experience to have, despite being a game.

>> No.5913731

Shit that the neckbeards trot out whenever they're challenged.

>> No.5913799
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>Being this autistic

>> No.5913803
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>> No.5913839
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This is now a Pepe thread. Post Pepe.

>> No.5913842
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>> No.5913853
File: 7 KB, 250x242, Sadfrog34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no literary lifestyle gf

>> No.5913864

fuck le devil man, popo the turtle best meme of 2014

>> No.5913925
File: 40 KB, 587x330, fross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same here brö

>> No.5913936

RTS and 4X, mostly. My brother just bought an XBox and I've been playing CoD for the past couple days. Mass Effect is one if my favorite franchises.

>> No.5913939
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>> No.5913946

Do you want to touch dicks?

>> No.5914754

If you can't differentiate between someone who calls himself "gamer" or even "pro gamer" and someone who enjoys playing video games for fun from time to time, you're the one who's pathetic. If you need to feel superior to people and you have to resent to this, congratulations, you hit rock bottom.

Also, call me a fag, but I don't think that parents should buy their little kids Far Cry or Mass Effect.
>also, the average age of people who play video games is now 30

>> No.5914774

Look guy who discusses about what people like and if they should, if you want to pretend it's not laughable for an actual adult to still give a shit about what adults spend their money and time on and judges it like a primary school student who thinks that art class is stupid and people who like it are stupid that's fine, but when you're in your mid 20's and wonder why noone cares about that but moralfags and old ladies and yo haven't had fun in five years maybe you'll be ready to discern the cause. ALTHOUGH you might settle with a hate-filled slut with now self-esteem like you! What a treat that would be.

>> No.5914863


>> No.5914874
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we might have some problems making this work

>> No.5914889

>nicht nach Deutschland ziehen
not called Country of Poets and Thinkers for no reason.

>> No.5914989

Oh, I really like the country, of course. It not only has a huge history but it's also a melting pot of a lot of current artists. I'd love to visit and I might at some point, but it's both expensive to get there and a pretty hard language.

You'll have to find someone else to take to the theater.

>> No.5915122


>/lit/ fags not liking video games solely on the premise of its 'simplicity'

Ah, another example of demonstration of cultural capital.
You people are dorks.

>> No.5915126
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>> No.5915144
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All you patricians don't know how to pick decent games.
Maybe do some soul searching before you spew your guts.

>> No.5915147
