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5912470 No.5912470 [Reply] [Original]

Is this version of GR good? Does it have the typos and omissions?

>> No.5912475

yeah it's awful, get any one but that one

>> No.5912524

muh shitposting

>> No.5912535

The Penguin Classics edition of Gravity's Rainbow is genuinely fucked up and has a lot of weird mid-sentence omissions that make many parts completely incomprehensible.

>> No.5912564

I thought it was only the Deluxe Edition, the one with the Frank Miller cover and torn pages.

>> No.5912895

Get the vintage edition

>> No.5912929
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>> No.5912942

seriously, wtf is up with the gravity's rainbow typo meme? i've never seen any other book either on this site or elsewhere discussed in terms of which edition has fewer printing errors.

i mean, are you fucking collectors or something?

>> No.5913015

you sure love it when suddenly pens don't you

>> No.5913329


>> No.5913331

The penguin edition has multiple pages missing.

>> No.5913338


No it doesn't. It has part of a sentence missing and a few other typos.

And what's the problem of wanting an edition of GR without those mistakes? If we already have a good choice of what edition to buy, is that really so much to ask?

>> No.5913349


It's the best modern one. The 1986 Penguin has no errors but is harder and more expensive to find.

>> No.5913369

>Hurr fucking durr everything is a meme I have no fucking clue what I'm talking about but I'm sure hell bent on destroying this board and pigeonholing anything remotely good/popular without having a fucking clue because I'm a miserable underage autist

Why the fuck are you retards flooding this place the last 6 months

>> No.5913591
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Wasn't it this edition that had the errors?

>> No.5913608

That's the one I just ordered.

Fuck me.

>> No.5913617

it has like two truncated sentences out of 700+ pages, so autismal queers like to have a hissy fit about it, but really it's perfectly fine. i like the paper density and the fact that it has the thickness of like a 350 page book even though it's actually twice that.

>> No.5913644

ive got the vintage version
didnt find anything wrong with it except that half of the pages are on the verge of falling out

>> No.5913655

there are literally 3 "errors" in the entire book and good luck actually finding them

>> No.5913788

Yeah, that edition is fine.

>> No.5913802

lol why put errors in quotes. they're errors.

>> No.5913808

nice meme op

>> No.5913822

Yeah it sure is autistic to want a copy that isn't fucked up when the information is available
>I love this edition because I have it so it must be better quality than the others because it's mine and caring about the state of the book over the actual words is not autistic, apparently

Just kill yourself

>> No.5913845

>not caring about the texture and cut of the paper

and you claim to be an aesthete? plz

>> No.5913857

>Missing the point of the statement, that you have no fucking clue about the other editions and are just spouting bullshit because you want to minimize having a sub-par copy

And you're trying to read Pynchon. Hahahahahaha. No wonder no one on this board can actually discuss that book.

>> No.5913867

A less beautiful edition takes on an aesthetic aura when you know it's the edition without errors. The same way something ugly can be beautiful if it's rare. In this case, owning an error-free edition of Gravity's Rainbow signals discernment and dedication to literary integrity and therefore becomes the more beautiful book.

>> No.5913882

What in the fuck are you even saying dude. You care about what cover of
a book you get? It's cool and awesome to knowingly buy an edition that is fucked up because being aware is a "meme"? You haven't read a book in months but are compelled to be an antagonistic, petulant moron? Fuck this entire autistic board. I'm just going to solely come here to explicate on doorstoppers and bump the threads as a reminder to all of you shitposting retards that you're hopeless.

>> No.5913885

>Yeah it sure is autistic to want a copy that isn't fucked up when the information is available

It is. You can just look up what couple sentences are different and go on with your life.

>> No.5913888

im a different person. im not the guy youre arguing with. the point of the post your responding to is that it's better to have the error-free version.

>> No.5913890
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>> No.5913900

Lmao are you really trying this hard to insult people who bothered to get a copy that isn't shit? You got a book that is fucked up. It is not common for entire printings to have problems so it is worth noting. Accept it, you god damned retard.
>This person is trying to read Gravity's Rainbow
Top kek
If your post was sincere and you bothered to type that out in response to his shithead "le xD" response I maintain you are an autist.

Hooray I'm awake enough to read

>> No.5913947
File: 34 KB, 300x406, pynchon_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I bought Gravity's Rainbow today because /lit/ keeps talking about Pynchon and also because it only costed 3 euros, but I never ever went into the threads so I didn't know about the bad editions. Pic related is the front of my edition. Dies anyone know if it's any good?

>> No.5913954

Status of that edition is unknown. But it's Vintage so there should be no problems.

Only ones with known errors have been Penguin.

>> No.5913956

Nice to know, thanks!

>> No.5913984


it's more autistic to be upset over literally 3 truncated sentences and starting a thread on /lit/ once every 3 days. books have printing errors all the time. it's not a big deal. gravity's rainbow isn't even an egregious example of it.

fucking shut-ins

>> No.5913996


are you guys so twisted up over a few missing sentences that you need to make this thread multiple times? this is a meme in the most literal sense. someone started the idea that this book is completely fucked up and unrecognizable and other boring paranoid people have run with it. and now we have to look at this weird retarded thread of autists clamoring for some self-invented pure copy every day.

>> No.5914032

What the people who shout "meme!" and "stop posting this" over and over dont get is that it is NOT just a few errors we're talking about. The book is seriously fucked up. Whole pages are missing, pages have been transposed onto other pages, there's one page that's in Mandarin for some reason, and Penguin has all but told everyone to fuck off. Opening up my copy almost at random, I find a page that's entirely in capital letters and the facing page is just a giant doodle of a penis and at the bottom of the page it says "Fuck Penguin. I quit." So we're not just talking about a few ignorable errors. It's a disaster, and every time this thread is made it's good because it lets people know to avoid this catastrophe of an edition.

>> No.5914052


heh, thanks.

if anyone is wondering what these COMPLETELY INTOLERABBBLLEEEE ERRORS are, the ones that necessitate that we look at this stupid thread every fucking day, please see the link below.


yep, that's it. big whoop. many, many mass published books have printing errors, both minor and major. many of your own books probably have errors and yet you haven't noticed. there is nothing particularly bad or remarkable about gravity's rainbow's errors. this is literally the dumbest thing to be concerned about.

let this be the final post on the issue. now go buy whichever edition you want and stop behaving like you have OCD, all of you.

>> No.5914061

dude, that edition is totally fucking screwed, someone inserted a story about some guy escaping down a toilet to avoid getting raped by malcom x, clearly some intern was playing a little joke, it's pretty much unreadable

>> No.5914430
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>> No.5914442

what if there are similar errors in the Homeric epics when some priest tired after molesting the choir incorrectly transcribed a passage and now we don't know what the fuck is going on!

>> No.5914475

It is a meme, there's nothing wrong with the Penguin edition.

>> No.5914736

Is that version only available in Europe? US Amazon doesn't list it.

>> No.5914740

Shut the fuck up

>> No.5914755

You'll probably get the cover with the orange star or maybe the "where's waldo" cover which are both by vintage so obviously you can't read the book due to bad cover.

>> No.5914760

I have this edition and the only errors I've been able to confirm are the first two listed here:
The infamous "Your task, in these dreams, is pens" error is not present and neither is the "is is" error listed in the link.

>> No.5914765


you are seriously the most irrationally attached person in this thread. do you own stock in penguin's rival publishers or something? there could be no other explanation for become so wound up over people pointing out what a dumb exercise this whole thing is.

>> No.5914825

For some reason Amazon US doesn't have any Vintage GR at all. Guess I'll have to look for it in Barnes & Noble. Still, the European Vintage cover is very pretty.

>> No.5914858

Has anyone ever posted any proof at all of the alleged bad printing of GR?

Because...yeah, I read one of the editions that's supposedly good and genuinely fucked up and,
>has a lot of weird mid-sentence omissions that make many parts completely incomprehensible.
describes GR in general.

>> No.5914864

Why does it make you so mad people know an edition has errors and don't want it? Look at the elaborate responses you're posting that is essetially just bitching that people are aware of something. Holy shit. What is fucking wrong with you?
There's a menu somwhere to change publishers I don't remember just look around

>> No.5914879


>> No.5916754


>> No.5918740


Yeah I got mine off bookdepository

>> No.5918886

That is not at all true, there are frequent missing words and letter, complete misspellings and outright omissions of whole sentences throughout. It's impossible to make it more than 30 pages in without becoming frustrated by it

>> No.5918942
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Here, I made a definitive purchase guide infographic! Feel free to post it as much as you like to ensure a happy purchase!

>> No.5918945

How does that happen? Does that happen with any other novel at all? I mean, I'm just wondering how the fuck this works, the person copying it thought to transpose and entire clause with the word 'pens'? I hate to get all conspiracy theorist here, but I have literally never heard of this happening with any other publisher. Yes, it's only a few errors, but that error in the dream chapter screws up the entire meaning of the episode. What is your task? An infernal, sinister trek through the farmland, or a task that consists of going to fountain ball pens at Office Depot?