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/lit/ - Literature

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5910678 No.5910678 [Reply] [Original]

I think I know why you guys highly dislike -if not hate- female writers.

Female writers, as a rule, focus way more on feels and relationships. Not bad per se, but explains why a lot of men dislike literature written by women.

Considering also that the number of female writers is fewer than male writers it explains why so many of you belive all of them are unable to write.

>> No.5910686

>Considering also that the number of female writers is fewer than male writers it explains why so many of you believe all of them are unable to write.

Nah, really?

nb, white knight faggot.

>> No.5910692

My girlfriend doesn't generally enjoy female writers either.

>> No.5910699

Op, are you having one of those moments where you think /lit/ is filled by anything other than qt lesbians? It's okay, Marcella, you just need to remember to take your medication or start calling yourself George.

>> No.5910706
File: 269 KB, 1277x1600, flannery-oconnorwise-blood (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really, no.
They dislike female authors because they're sexist idiots.


>> No.5910708
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Also, ''feels'' can be pretty much anything.


>> No.5910712
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>> No.5910713
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qt lesbians, indeed.

>> No.5910716

Are there any classy books about men turning into women and having lots of sex?

>> No.5910719


>> No.5910720
File: 45 KB, 415x432, TheJockey1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, stop posting mango images please, we're not in a weeaboo board.

>> No.5910735

Precisely what I wanted

>> No.5910778

>Female writers, as a rule
into the garbage it goes

>> No.5910793


Who's the 3/10?

>> No.5910800

Carson McCullers, pleb .

>> No.5910807


Oh, she's a good writer. I forgot what a hambeast she was

>> No.5910826

Anon, I don't know if your eyesight or your reading comprehension is off, but, these words you are saying, you do not mean.

>> No.5910828

Don't you talk shit about my waifu.

>> No.5910868


She's ugly as fuck and you're a pleb for having a 3d waifu.

>> No.5910874

>not having a dead waifu
Who do you bury your poetry with then? Do you just stick it under the DVD player and hope she gets it?

>> No.5910880


Why would you bury poetry? Do you have some kind of severe mental problems?

>> No.5910884

>2D waifus

I'm honestly at awe that any weeaboo has the audacity to call someone else a pleb. Anime is literally THE lowest form of culture. I'd respect you more if you were a 24/7 adult baby obsessed with My Little Pony.

>> No.5910893

>implying my waifu isn't the girl with the pearl earring

>> No.5910896

>They dislike female authors because they're sexist idiots.
I wouldn't say all female authors are sexist idiots, but a disturbingly high amount are.

>> No.5910899
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Weather or not you plebs disagree, she is still objectively the best female author

>> No.5910902

No, just influenced by the Romantics, thinking about starting a medievalism brotherhood with my friends, and having a better waifu than you even if she is dead.wishing my sister didn't get all the talent

>> No.5910913

So basically the blandest possible young female?

What's special about her?

Purposefully misinterpreting phrases is such a weird /lit/ habit.

Is this a joke?

>> No.5910923

I dislike female writers because so many of them suck at writing men.

>> No.5910931

>Purposefully misinterpreting phrases is such a weird /lit/ habit.

pointing out amphiboly is /lit/ as fark

>> No.5910938

If by ''/lit/ as fark'' you mean ''pedantic as fark'', sure.

And, thinking about it, it does make sense.

>> No.5910942

it's for your own good, anon

>> No.5910953

>Purposefully misinterpreting phrases is such a weird /lit/ habit.
Oddly enough, the misinterpretation was less sexist than the 'correct' interpretation.

>> No.5910960

Explain to me why the original meaning was sexist.

>> No.5910986


>I think I know why you guys highly dislike -if not hate- female writers.

protip: it's because most of the posters on /lit/ are young and still have a poorly developed artistic sensibility. some will patrician past this and some aren't gonna make it. the world still needs plebs too i guess.

>> No.5911017

>Do you just stick it under the DVD player and hope she gets it?
holy shit lmao

More sexist to assume men are being sexist when they don't read women authors as opposed to disliking them due to the inherent sexism.

>> No.5911019

As with anything OP, men are just better. It's not that women write bad, or it's not that women can't do it, it's just that men in general write better.

That said, The Origins of Totalitarianism by Hannah Arendt is still one of my favorite books on political extremism.

>> No.5911030

i dont like them because more often than not, they focus on feminist problems, which is not something i really care for. if im going to worry about any characteristics, itll be with race theory. race and cultural problems are much more interesting than gender issues, and much more problematic IMO

>> No.5911032

Novels are like oral.
It's pointless to try to shame a gay man into enjoying a blowjob from a woman. Yes a mouth is a mouth but men simply know how to please men better.with the same equipment.

Academics and critics might have some social obligations to encourage women novelists and give them prizes or pats on the head from time to time, but the average male reader has no more obligation to a woman writer than a john has to buy blowjobs from a hooker he finds repulsive.

Women writers should stop thinking of male readers as daddies who owe them an allowance and try to think of them more like gay johns in need of a good gay blowjob. They don't care if the lady whores starve. Let the sisterhood feed them.

>> No.5911039

>Yes a mouth is a mouth but men simply know how to please men better.with the same equipment.

This sounds like truisms from a faggot.

>> No.5911045

i bet u guys wouldn't talk shit about women writers if ur mom was J.K. Collins

>> No.5911046


>making bad analogies about the average reader and the popular market


>> No.5911052

Is BEE still alive, and, are you him or just a garden variety faggot with bad prose?

>> No.5911098

Give me a valid reason to dismiss all books written by females that isn't based on sexism.

>> No.5911102

Wow, this is the shitties thing I ever read.

>> No.5911112

>with bad prose
How dare you.

>> No.5911144

>Compare myself to a gay man
>get called a faggot
I should have seen this coming.

>> No.5911182


If you were blind to your complete lack of writing ability in that hilariously bad post of yours it stands to reason that you would've been blind to your obvious faggotry too.

>> No.5911202

>Give me a valid reason to dismiss all books written by females that isn't based on sexism.
Take for example a hypothetical 18 year old anon.
He is just starting lit classes in university and is reading adult literature seriously for the first time. He has to read a bunch of novels by female writers. Let's say Pride and Prejudice; The Color Purple; The Bell Jar; Wuthering Heights and The Handmaids' Tale. If he says he prefers male authors to female authors, and he doesn't like female authors, it might not be he's sexist, it might just be that he has good taste because those five books are pure and utter shit.

>> No.5911213

This is so terrible. My beautiful post keeps getting attacked over and over but nobody makes any substantive criticism, it's all "you can't write" and "bad analogy" and "shitties thing". Life is unfair.

>> No.5911226


Implying that disliking 5 novels that are written by women is a valid reason to dismiss all books written by women

Hypothetical 18 year old anon is a fucking idiot who didn't get Wuthering Heights, hasn't read Woolf and isn't intelligent enough to understand Emily Dickinson

>> No.5911227
File: 7 KB, 200x227, spirits-player-lewis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think ur beautiful. :A)

>> No.5911232

I don't believe I have to explain this.
Just because you haven't liked some books you read by female authors, doesn't mean there aren't books by female authors you'll like out there.

>> No.5911248

>Emily Dickinson

also the books should be judged by their content. not by their author, but that idea is too much for most of feminists

>> No.5911253

Thank you anon. I do too.

>> No.5911261

Oh I was just explaining what the other anon met. I read plenty of works written by females, the author doesn't really affect the work I choose.

>> No.5911264

>choose to believe in one specific and controversial branch of literary theory among a sea of different others
>takes it as absolute truth and anybody who thinks differently is ''a dumb feminist''

>> No.5911268

>Implying that disliking 5 novels that are written by women is a valid reason to dismiss all books written by women
I couldn't care less if it's valid or not. His reason for disliking them is based on his personal experience (limited though it might be).
It isn't that he went in expecting women authors to suck, he found out the hard way, women authors can suck.

>> No.5911269


>>Emily Dickinson

every fucking time with you kitty we get it you're a bitter elitist for older poetry just give it a rest for one thread damn

>> No.5911288

>Just because you haven't liked some books you read by female authors, doesn't mean there aren't books by female authors you'll like out there.
This has fuck all to do with the post I was responding too.

>> No.5911299

so, you think that a book should get different levels of praise and support depending if it was written by a man or by a woman, by a white person or a black person etc? that's silly. well, that's definitely profitable for the modern female writers

they began it first
>isn't intelligent enough to understand Emily Dickinson
i.e. they insulted everybody who dislikes her

>> No.5911303

The concept of liking or disliking writers in general based on their gender is outdated and for plebs. You shouldn't automatically enjoy or hate someone's work just because that person is male or female.

>> No.5911513

I think /lit/s tastes just don't align with the majority of female authors. Most authors just want to tell fun stories about things they think are interesting and that is what most readers want too. I take it /lit/ isn't into stories about reconnecting with your teenaged children or about old women solving confection-based murder mysteries or about spiritual horse racing or slutty vampires but that is what the women at our library like reading and the sort of stuff a lot of women like to write apparently. You are more likely to find male-penned books about tacticool snipers and high fantasy and westerns have a heavy male presence.

The common denominator is that everyone likes stories about detectives.

Its a hard thing to argue though, given how common the use of pen names is. Nora Roberts is probably the best known romance novelist but she also writes crime/mystery novels under the gender-neutral name of JD Robb and books under either name are immensely popular. The James Patterson name is valuable and a big draw to readers but Patterson doesn't actually write very many of his novels, he has a team of ghostwriters writing novels out of his plot ideas. Most people dont know, they'll never care enough to find out the gender of the person who wrote the book they are reading. Neither are high art but I'm trying to show real world examples, who knows if you're really reading something written by a man or woman? Not every author has high internet presence and pics in their bios.

If you are preoccupied with 'literary' books things might be different but in my day to day it seems like people have definite taste over what they like to read. Whether you read a male or female-penned work that you enjoy is mostly predicated on your chosen genre.

>> No.5911589
File: 36 KB, 480x480, feminsim-and-devil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feminism is objectively decadent. Women writers should be met with an err hardened skepticism.

>> No.5911635
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leaving their husbands, killing their children, having strange rituals, denying the capitalistic ideas and shunning men human men, satyrs don't count

feminism sounds exactly as worshiping dionysus

>> No.5911659


>Feminism is objectively decadent.

you know you're projecting when you're so decadent that you forget to include even the existence of the third world in your blanket statements

>> No.5911666

Literally no first world feminists care about the third world

>> No.5911683

Why is /lit/ so obsessed with feminazism lately?
It's almost like it's coordinated

>> No.5911694


>I know that I like to misuse the word "objectively" okay I just get too excited please l-leave m-me alone

>> No.5911717

Who cares.

>> No.5911906

>err hardened skepticism
>the image
how obvious does bait have to be before you loosen your jaw

>> No.5911953
File: 53 KB, 229x220, 117731541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a Mongolian marionette show image-based discussion site and you're complaining about seeing chinese cartoons? Please liveblog your suicide on your tumblr to all of your 8th grade classmates.
But seriously, you're incredibly childish. As expected of a woman.

>> No.5911973

Oh god I'm unable to post anything that isn't a shitpost or trolling anymore holy shit what's happened to me. All I wanted to do was call you out for being childish and saying stop liking what I don't like but I can't communicate like a normal person anymore.
What's happening? I'm turning into a skeleton fueled by dank memes.

>> No.5912540

>be a massive cocksucker
>be on anime and manga imageboard
>complain about presence of anime images
>kill myself

>> No.5912543

>I dislike male writers because so many of the suck at writing women.

Street goes two ways kiddo

>> No.5912566

This is true.

>> No.5912573

>street goes two ways

It actually doesn't though. It's okay to suck at writing women because they have little agency both in real life and in fiction. If you suck at writing men you cannot tell stories.

Women writers are inherently inferior to men.

>> No.5912575


Why does /pol/ love aphorism so much?

>> No.5912785

It doesn't matter to me if you like male writers or not. Don't like male writers? Don't read 'em.

>> No.5912793

Oh wow, you believed the shit they told you when they dropped you to the mediocre lit courses. Uh, th-thanks for not being in our class when we hit classical Chinese, but why are you on an anonymous Heian poetry forum now?

>> No.5912850

Not really, it's because female writers tend to be bad at writing

>> No.5912853

Care to proffer an example? Perhaps it's just your taste in women is shit...

>> No.5912856


>> No.5912866

"Every healthy man is a woman hater"
How come there is no Strindberg pepe

>> No.5912903

it's because most people on lit are kinda dumb