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5909410 No.5909410 [Reply] [Original]

Who is the greatest living intellectual?

>> No.5909452

Saul Kripke

>> No.5909469

ma dick

>> No.5909471

sadly probably Stephen fry
>reread Ulysses every year for 30 years

>> No.5909474
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>Stephen fry

>> No.5909477

Fethullah Gülen

>> No.5909479

That just makes him a jackoff also he's annoying as fuck and to top it off an atheist, Linux user and self loathing faggot

>> No.5909480
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>Stephen fry

A stupid persons idea of what an intelligent person is like.

>> No.5909481



>> No.5909482
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>> No.5909485

Pee-ah is jus a biga-ed ol man

>> No.5909486

Academic: Harold Bloom, Federic Jameson, Dan Dennett, Terry Eagleton

Public Intellectual: Zizek, Habermas, Chomsky

>> No.5909487

Fuck off britpol go cuck up your own board

>> No.5909488


>> No.5909491


You know that opinion isn't unique to Hitchens? But you don't care, do you, parrot?

>> No.5909493

David Foster Wallace

>> No.5909496

Postulating unfalsifiable nonsense does not make you an intellectual. It makes you a pseudo-intellectual.

>> No.5909516

>Who is the greatest living intellectual?

It was Christopher Hitchens, but it's probably Slavoj Zizek now.

Yes, I said Slavoj Zizek unironically.

>> No.5909522

>Postulating unfalsifiable nonsense

What does Zizek postulate, which is unfalsifiable?

>> No.5909523
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>It was Christopher Hitchens, but it's probably Slavoj Zizek now.

>> No.5909528

What's the problem? It's not my fault that people on the right cannot into intellectualism.

>> No.5909532

Christopher Hitchens was a rightist after 9/11.

>> No.5909537

>Christopher Hitchens was a rightist after 9/11.

Supporting the removal of psychopathic dictators doesn't make you a person on the right.

>> No.5909539

Ivan Callus.

>> No.5909549

Supporting neo-cons and adopting neo-conservative beliefs does, though.

>> No.5909554

All of his pseudo-scientific 'psycho-analysis' bullshit he took from that charlatan Lacan.

>> No.5909556
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>> No.5909558

Yes if you do it by promoting right wing actors and replacing the dictator with a right wing government.

>> No.5909566

>Supporting neo-cons and adopting neo-conservative beliefs does, though.

He didn't support "neo-cons". He supported one person who has been called a neo-con by media, namely Paul Wolfowitz.

>> No.5909567

How the fuck are capitalists 'right wing'?

>> No.5909578

>Yes if you do it by promoting right wing actors and replacing the dictator with a right wing government.

I'm pretty sure Hitchens supported the removal of certain dictators, and that the people had elections to determine their own internal affairs.

>> No.5909583
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If we ignore centrism then capitalism is right wing as it doesn't oppose social hierarchies.

>> No.5909588

>He didn't support "neo-cons"
He certainly supported the Bush administration.

>> No.5909590

>>Stephen fry

>A stupid persons idea of what an intelligent person is like.

>A stupid person's idea of what an intelligent person thinks a person who thinks themselves intelligent should think about what an intelligent person is like

>> No.5909597

umberto eco

>> No.5909598

Capitalism is directly opposed to nationalism, since globalism is far more profitable for countries than restricted trade, and mass immigration into first world wages depresses the wages of of the working and middle classes.

>> No.5909601

>He certainly supported the Bush administration.

He supported a hard-line against suicidal terrorists and the states that defended them, so yes, he did, but clearly that's because no one else had balls to deal with the issue.

>> No.5909603

gtfo paralel yapi

>> No.5909618

Thank you for your post. I knew all these hot-pop public intellectuals, but the Academic ones are new to me (maybe I heard about Harold Bloom, yeah).

So that, ty.

>> No.5909619

why do people act like 'capitalism' is a singular belief and if you hold it you cannot hold other views that contradict what they consider the perfect form of capitalism

>> No.5909642

>dan Dennett

lol no

>> No.5909643

Because capitalism is simply what is in the best interest of business owners, period. In the current political climate, that is globalism, which has long been drummed up by the so-called liberals who claim to oppose capitalism but seem perfectly happy to fuck over the native working class in North America and Europe while chanting the mindless slogan 'immigration isn't the REAL problem!' as wages invariably fall and the standard of living generally declines.

>> No.5909646


He's dead.

>> No.5909651

W-whats wrong with linux? I use it since it makes my work faster

>> No.5909678
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>> No.5909679
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You are now falling in love

>> No.5909685
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>falling in love with a whore that licks toilet seats for a living

>> No.5909688
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You are now falling in love

>> No.5909689

Exactly. It's not my fault that people on the right cannot into intellectualism.

>> No.5909691

she doesn't do that anymore
besides, how we look at it highly depends on personal conditions

>> No.5909693

ay I have the same chair

>> No.5909696
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>> No.5909697

ehh, she's still cute just naturally filling out a bit more since quitting porn and getting back on a normal diet

>> No.5909698

Brook Ziporyn

>> No.5909699

>implying it's not capitalist outsourcing of labour to countries that treat their workers worse than slaves that is causing wages to fall among the first world working class

>> No.5909703
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>she doesn't do that anymore
Doesn't really matter.
I wouldn't date a cannibal either, even if she promises me not to bite off my dick in my sleep 'cause she doesn't do that anymore.

>> No.5909713 [SPOILER] 
File: 39 KB, 500x333, 1419608131628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

downright adorable :^)

>> No.5909715

At least you'd be safe from toilet cleaning when delegating household duties.

>> No.5909718

Well if that's what counts for you, Anon.

>> No.5909719

apples and oranges my friend, I wasn't talking about what she did in porn, just that she is quite cute

>> No.5909721

Everything fades in long relationships. Excitement, love, hangups about your partner's past life as a hardcore pornographic actress.

But chores. Chores are forever.

>> No.5909728

I don't really consider Sasha to be the kind of person you'd have a long relationship with.

>> No.5909729

I know

>> No.5909739

>I don't really consider someone I've never met, talked to, or even been in the same room as to be the kind of person you'd have a long relationship with
people can surprise you, they change and evolve in countless different ways, are you the same person you were 10, 5, even 1 year ago?

>> No.5909744

No, but I believe something like a long-term career in hardcore fetish pornography will leave a sort of imprint on a person.

>> No.5909754 [SPOILER] 
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The guy talking about Sasha was the one who brought up "falling in love with Sasha". I just took it to its logical conclusion. Regardless, >>5909739 is right. We have no idea what this human being is actually like. She seems plagued with regret for her past choices. She may have a kind heart, albeit shattered with existential despair.

Of course, this is an anonymous image forum and we're talking about people we fall in love with based on their actual public image and not what we can postulate with the benefit of the doubt. So obviously T-swizzle > Sasha.

>> No.5909761

Dennett's pretty popular. Would he count as public?

>> No.5909766

True it surely would influence them to some degree, however have you considered that perhaps her future partner may not care either way due to their feelings for her, being able to look past it. Moreover they may even find it exhilarating or arousing to consider her porn career, it could help build a stronger relationship.
If it's a case of her being 'resentful' and ashamed of her past porn career she may need a strong emotional rock of a partner to truly be happy and giving her that safety and happiness and reassurance that no matter what she did in the past he would still love and care for her could be the foundation of a beautiful relationship.

As long as the relationship is mutual, consensual, genuine and doesn't hurt anyone by existing then there should be no issue. Most people deserve to be happy and I don't see why a former pornstar shouldn't be allowed the chance at it either.

>> No.5909781
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>we're talking about people we fall in love with based on their actual public image
Might as well go full waifu, then.

Sure, I don't have a problem with any of that - good for her and any potential future partners. I'm just saying it might be difficult for a partner to look past her past.

>> No.5909798

Capitalism is the main reason for our "two class" hierarchy. Right is pro hierarchy left is not. Go chupa pinga estupido.

>> No.5909802

Sasha would be a rad non-standard love interest. Like if you're really not into monogamy.

>> No.5909815

Yes, let us not define our indicators so as to allow for a shitstorm and continuation of this shitty thread.

>> No.5909840
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>> No.5909884

I was thinking about the government instituted in Afghanistan, but it was mostly a general commentary that you can be against dictators you don't like while being openly right wing just like the US kept an open market with every single extreme right wing latin american dictators even during genocides like the case of Bolivia and Brasil. I was also keeping to the silly US interpretation of right and left wing. You should know that all your politics are either right wing or extreme right wing for the rest of the us.

>> No.5909898

>implying implications

>> No.5909907

Ex pope Ratzinger

>> No.5909949

this guy

>> No.5909958
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The only answer worth discussing in this thread.

>> No.5909961

The only us is the US fag.

>> No.5909966

Heath Ledger

>> No.5910000

How can we judge merits of intellectualism?
Popularity? IQ testing? Advances in their field? How do you place one field above another?

Lets say you claim mathematics as being far above biology, could you say a major advancement in biology is below an average advancement for mathematics? Could you even say that these advancements are proof of intellectualism?

>> No.5910259

Underrated post

>> No.5910260

Haha are you guys serious about Hitchens? Fucking teenagers who think it's edgy to be an atheist.

The greatest living intellectual is probably Habermas or Kripke.

>> No.5910930

noam chomsky is up there i'd say

>> No.5910943

Read The Ode Less Traveled by him. It's seriously good. I used to think he was annoying too, but he writes well.

>> No.5910957
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>> No.5910968
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RIP ;_;

>> No.5910972
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My man, right here.

>> No.5910973
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Roberto Mangabeira Unger

>> No.5910974


top kek

>> No.5910981

>takes stance on issue
>others have similar stance
>they are all the same

you're fantastic!

>> No.5910984

>strange bedfellows
>they are all the same

you're fantastic!

>> No.5910988


>> No.5911010

what he says on social theory seems obvious to me

>> No.5911021
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Nobody mentioned Badiou yet?

Meillassoux is also pretty big currently.

>> No.5911034

Anthony zirbas aka alex kierkegaard aka icycalm aka "the one who will wipe out all you miserable subhuman fagots"

>> No.5911036
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>being this much of a pleb

>> No.5911087

Samir Amin

>> No.5911097
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Peter Sloterdijk. What do my German bros think of him?

>> No.5911109
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sad but true...I challenge /lit/ to post a contender- Taleb might do it..but everyone else alive today is pretty much a hack in my opinion.

>> No.5911197

Fuck you

>Habermas is a public intellectual
how so?



Hitchen's last words were "Capitalism, downfall"

To the average person Badiou is overshadowed by Zizek's gross over-gesturing and sniffles

>"A crazy conservative, but a conservative we can learn from" - Zizek

I have no personal opinion on him cause I'm a pleb

>> No.5911211

I skimmed over "Du musst dein Leben ändern" at the Uni library recently because the Rilke quote caught my eye - it seemed to be a somewhat deep and well-reasoned book, among today's thinkers he's mid to high tier I guess.

>> No.5911220

>To the average person Badiou is overshadowed by Zizek's gross over-gesturing and sniffles
Yeah, sadly. Badiou's thought seems much more original and well developed. While Zizek is much more reducible to his influences.

>> No.5911228

Kripke is probably right.

>> No.5911238


I don't mind /pol/ coming here, but I wish they'd leave writers this poor out of the literature board.

>> No.5911239


>> No.5911242

Only dead intellectuals are great.

>> No.5911254

"intellectual" is awfully vague, but my answer would have to be Edward Witten. hugely underrated in the public sphere, the only person in history to win a Nobel Prize and a Fields Medal, universally revered by his peers.

by "intellectual" though I infer a slight "public" vibe, in which case the only two reasonable answers are Chomsky and Hawking, Chomsky being far ahead as he contributed infinitely more to his field than Hawking did, but Hawking has a huge public presence and A Brief History etc.etblahblah

>> No.5911271

Come on...I'll agree that Moldbug can be long-winded, pompous douchebag, but he still is one the very few people on the internet with fresh ideas. On occasion he can even be relentlelly funny!
He's also been a massive influence on certain recent developments...if that is not he definition of intellectual, then what is? Yes /pol/ is usually extremely annoying, but their intellectual lieges(lol) are not all that terrible sometimes.

>> No.5911277
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>this thread

holy shit

>> No.5911298

I wasn't actually making a judgement on the value of their works lol, but Zizek and Badiou are friends.

The Problem I have with Stephen Hawking is what he said about Philosophy, absolutely disgusting (he should know better!) but what's worse is that some fellow scientists especially physicists like Lawrence Krauss and Black Science man hold a simillar opinion.

>> No.5911312


Long-winded is a massive understatement. He is unable to communicate quickly - a pretty basic flaw in a writer, and one which fundamentally limits his readerbase. He is a bore to read, which is probably why he cannot get published.

What events has he had influence on? I don't follow NR that closely as I reject the basic precepts, but that sounds interesting.

>> No.5911317
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>no mention of Joe Rogan

>> No.5911322

Nice contribution.

>> No.5911323

>Lawrence Krauss
That guy is philosophically illiterate. His mind is constantly bringing him to utilitarianism without him even knowing what it is.

>> No.5911328


>> No.5911343

The funny thing about Krauss is that he contradicts himself several times in his interviews.

Massimo Pigliucci (philosopher and biologist, PhD in both) wrote an entry in his old blog Rationally Speaking about Krauss.

4chan thinks my post is spam so I can't post the link. Google "Lawrence Krauss: another physicist with an anti-philosophy complex "

>> No.5911353

Kevin Carson

>> No.5911355

What a load of shit.
Britain's best philosophers are classical liberals

>> No.5911359

yes my boys

>> No.5911363
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>It makes you a pseudo-intellectual.
Bourgeoise oppressor detected

>> No.5911369

You sound 'educated'.

>> No.5911370

I found it. I cannot understand why someone like this would actively try to debate Christians or even comment on philosophy.

>> No.5911395

He's ranked up there with Harris, Dawkins, and Hitchens and supports the brights movement. He's very public.

>> No.5911447

fu with your bait
though maybe you are the bait

>> No.5911509

Russel Brand