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/lit/ - Literature

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5907075 No.5907075 [Reply] [Original]

What other hobbies would compliment the literary lifestyle the most?

>> No.5907081


>> No.5907085

Sex with prepubescent girls of Oaxaca.

>> No.5907095


>> No.5907099

Living naked in a shit festering culvert by the local used book store, barking at anyone walking by who resembles an actor from the Harry Potter films.

>> No.5907119

Stand out of my sunlight

>> No.5907123

Smoke weed every day

>> No.5907142 [DELETED] 

apparently raping 16 years olds

go to bed Tao

>> No.5907194
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Nature walks/cliff hiking

Museum tourism

Exploring abandoned buildings


>> No.5907207

Wanna hang out?

>> No.5907208
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>> No.5907797
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creating art

>> No.5907818

>being poor
>being rich
>buying prostitutes
>attending bull fights
>criticizing those that attend bull fights
>extensive opiate usage
>working a factory job
>working in mines
>living in seclusion

>> No.5907819

woodworking, brewing, sailing, hunting, and playing a musical instrument

>> No.5907820

>Exploring abandoned buildings

Sounds epic bro

*tips trilby*

>> No.5907824

Music appreciation

>> No.5907855
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>> No.5907891

archery is such a boring "sport" and I just get scared that the bow string will snap or I'll shoot my hand

>> No.5907915

Okay, now I'm sure this trip is a troll.
*tips fedora*

>> No.5907924
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>> No.5907945

Enough with the hat tipping. What's so trolling about speculative hobbies?

I just found it interesting. Like learning to ride a horse, learn another language, play the french horn.

I want to do all those things except Parkour. That was a joke

>> No.5908003

The other day my mom saw me in bed reading and asked if I was ok. At school I was reading during a break and a classmate asked me what class it was for. When I told him I just liked books he had one of the stupidest looks on his face I have ever seen before walked away. It feels as if people are finding out I'm an alcoholic.But I actually keep that well under wraps I have a friend that writes and is one of the smartest people I know. But he is so close to suicide that when he is in the room the depression is palpable. Is there some sort of stigma associated with lit lifestyle?

>> No.5908008

>think's he's an alcoholic
Loving every laugh. You ain't shit kid. You're not an alcoholic if you have to hide your booze from mommy and have big boys buy it for you.

>> No.5908035
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I think I'm living a decently "literary lifestyle." I read most of the day, many of my goals have to do with reading, make a living through reading, etc.

My hobbies are tea, fountain pens, opera, homebrewing and board games. And learning generally, not just through reading.

>> No.5908040
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Well I'm getting fairly well read and I run marathons and smoke cigarettes a lot. Gonna be a doctor soon. I figure running is good for lit types because chances are the world always serves to cause you massive amounts of psychological distress already and you have grown resistant to it. Running is mainly psychological for those who get real real good it's a feat of the mind. So if you're a miserable fuck you'll be good at running cause you're just used to psychological poop being in your shitty brain. Start running you fat fucks it's Christmas ad I'm drunkas and my family is boring me

>> No.5908046

I do all of those things in real life. Except parkour of course. I think we would get along really well.

>> No.5908049

>Smoking cigarettes
>Running marathons
Nigga please.
>Not biking master race.

>> No.5908057

TV, movies, porn. Either way, the literary lifestyle is all just passive consumption of media.

>> No.5908070

You're thinking of bookworms. The literary lifestyle involves production and involvement, even if it's just done in seclusion. If you're not assimilating information and making use of it in other areas of your life, it indeed is just passive consumption. Not a lifestyle.

>> No.5908081

Other non-interests like drinking tea are popular complements to le literary lifestyle.

>> No.5908083

Why do you think of it as a non-interest?

>> No.5908086


>> No.5908092


Because you can't even define what the literary lifestyle is, teaboy.

>> No.5908094

Does producing harsh noise complement the lifestyle?

>> No.5908108

I'm not a boy, and I think /lit/ defines it a few different ways. Some seem to see it more on the writer side of production and involvement, like >>5907818. Usually they're including hobbies like alcoholism and drug usage, which I guess may augment creativity.

Some think of it more on the general person of culture and learning side, which may involve hobbies with other media, as well as appreciation and developed taste in everything from food to fitness. This is closer to what I consider it. I really just think of it as academia, but /lit/ is often anti-university.

>> No.5908118


So it's whatever you want it to be, great. That was already apparent from reading all the greentexts, but it's really funny to hear someone just unashamedly come out and say it.

Whatever helps you guys sleep at night. See you in the next "bohemian lifestyle" thread!

>> No.5908122

What did you think the point of the thread was?

I don't think anyone is planning to go through the lists and adopt each trait...OP's probably just looking for some new neat hobbies to try out.

>> No.5908126
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>literary lifestyle

>> No.5908138

How I accompany the lifestyle:
>fiddling with my car
>collecting art

>> No.5908144

This whole circle jerk is just telling me that the /lit/ lifestyle is just being an adult.

>> No.5908147

>collecting art

Any particular eras or artists?

>> No.5908150

Most adults don't read as often as /lit/ does/pretends to.

>> No.5908151
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Statistics, before I'm accused of elitism.

>> No.5908154

Well, poor as I am, current local artists. Depressingly cheap prints of early Impressionists and De Stijl artists.

>> No.5908185

ofc, depends on what you mean. if you are caught up in the Inferior form, then probably juvenile self-destructive shit. if you have ascended to the Epicurean Plane, then:

>living frugally and Simply
>being a flaneur of sorts
>film/music appreciating
>museum visiting
>concert going
>garden tending

>> No.5908191

Lets see how much /lit/ allegedly reads


>> No.5908196

You could just go through the past four years of "how much did you read this year, /lit/?" threads and get more varied information.

You shouldn't have skewed the categories so low.

>> No.5908200

Where is the archive?

>> No.5908202

It's linked in the sticky, at the very top of this board...


>> No.5908220

Writing aphorisms
Wine and beer appreciation
Beer brewing

>> No.5908223

>Wine and beer appreciation
>Beer brewing

Another homebrewing c/lit/? Did you make anything for the holidays?

>> No.5908240

coffee shops

>> No.5908244

this is fantastic! is this yours??

>> No.5908247

I have a friend who smokes like a fiend and runs about 40-50 miles a week.

In his first marathon he had a smoke while at the 5 mile mark

>> No.5908249


not that anon, but i brewed a pretty alright belgian stout that i'll be passing out during new years eve, it wound up being much too sweet but it's so much fun to brew stuff that i don't care too much. you?

>> No.5908255

only for american children such as yourself

>> No.5908273

Nice, I don't really have friends or New Years plans, so I didn't start any for that. I did a cinnamon amber ale for Christmas and gave it to some family.

I know what you mean on how fun it is, brew days make me feel like I get more accomplished than any of my other hobbies. I always feel like I've done good work at the end of one.

>> No.5908287

Imagine being the guy figuring out the mystery behind who the culvert man barks at

>> No.5908358

Exclusive hobbies for those wishing to live the Literary Lifestyle™ (Sponsored by J.Crew):

>Wearing sweaters or itchy plaid wool blazers with muted color palettes and slim fit chinos
>Going to locally owned coffee shops more for the possibility of an attractive girl commenting on the book you're reading than for the coffee, which you usually forget you paid for and it gets cold within the flurry of awkwardly adjusting yourself in the seat so you're positioned in a way that flatters your body the most and holding the book you brought in a way that allows you to both read it comfortably and also make sure the title is visible to everyone around you
>Feigning depression and writing extremely contrived poetry on the subject because you desperately want to replicate the image of a tortured artist and you're completely aware of the insincerity of what you're doing but you do it anyway hoping that if you force yourself into your own fantasy for long enough it will become a reality
>Wishing you had a studio apartment in Brooklyn
>Spending more of your time browsing Pinterest than reading or writing

>> No.5908375

Best post of 2015 so far

>> No.5908379

Exactly this

>> No.5908381


> me BTFO

>> No.5908387

Welcome to /lit/

>> No.5908388


>> No.5908391

Replace Pinterest with /lit/ and you've got yourself a deal!

>> No.5908398

Underrated bait

>> No.5908399

cannabis use, record collecting, crying a lot

>> No.5908409

Well, I learn languages and I workout. I also play the mandolin and frequently hike/camp. I do drugs in spurts of a few months or so but I make sure to take breaks. I paint/sketch with charcoal and other mediums but I'm only average. I write obviously. Getting into street photography

>> No.5908423

Can this be stickied so we don't have to see everyone beating off about posts like this when they happen?

>> No.5908426


>> No.5908443
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>> No.5908465

I just have a thing I remember:


The important subjects

>> No.5908468

>Sponsored by J.Crew

Holy lel

>> No.5908542

Alcohol, modern classical music, sex with teenage girls, suicide.

>> No.5908567

The only thing on this list that applies to me is wishing I had a studio apartment in Brooklyn

Does this make me patrician?

>> No.5908569


>> No.5908578

No, that poster is stereotyping "literature hipsters" generally, not /lit/.

/lit/ has nothing to do with Pinterest, for example. I doubt there's much of any overlap in the two sites.

>> No.5908585


>> No.5908597

No. In fact, that probably means you're a terrible person.

>> No.5908614

>de stijl

pleb alert woop woop

>> No.5909107


>> No.5909137

Take paper objects, cut out pieces and paste them onto boards and walls in new arrangements.

>> No.5909145

Socializing in trendy cafés with other /lit/ folks.
Exploring some sophisticated lifestyles as well as the proletarian one, depending on your ideas and ideals. Generally observing and thinking, no matter where you are and what you do.

Love the "abandoned buildings" part.


>> No.5909196
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square-dancing and haberdashery

>> No.5909207


>Socializing in trendy cafés with other /lit/ folks.

this isn't literary lifestyle this is a fashionable bastardization of it. this is something a clueless /fa/g would say.

>> No.5909305


>> No.5909456

Tabletop Role Playing Games?

>> No.5909478

Not really.
A lifestyle is only a style if it is shared by more than one person. Otherwise it is just a life. There's nothing bad about that either.

>> No.5909499

lifting weights (or just sports in general)

>> No.5909520


yes, its a sketch of the view from a clock-tower at a college I used to go to.

>> No.5909529


>> No.5909571

Book binding, foreign langauges, painting, drawing, public speaking, meditation, exercise.

>> No.5909625
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Long walks
The drinking of fine alcoholic drinks - e.g. craft ales, good wine, single malts.
Art collecting and the visiting of galleries and museums
For sports - HEMA or fishing

>> No.5909638

>he's never had a smoke after a long run
Listen to the doctor. It feels amazing, especially in the morning when it's quiet and you're enjoying the sunrise.

>> No.5909772

throwing poop off of buildings on to people in the street

>> No.5909858

uh... alcoholism just mean addiction to alcohol, dude. Doesn't really matter how old you are.

>> No.5909893

Nice sketch bro.

I'd start using pens for lifedrawing as well, but I'm too much of a puss.

>> No.5910049


>> No.5910051

Does that technique have a name?

>> No.5910117
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its easy if you plan it out and go slowly


not really, most people would just call it a landscape-drawing in pen. If you zoom in and look at the ground you can see in some areas I created a different type of ground-texture using a bunch of little dots, that would typically be called pointillism. It can be used to add differant textures and shadows to things.

Here is another drawing of mine that I used alot of pointillism to make. I took the picture of it when the shading on the trees wasnt finished though so that part might look a little off.

>> No.5910121

Reminds me of my nutso ex-gf

>> No.5910127

I want to have your babies.

>> No.5910129


>Nature walks/cliff hiking

>exploring abondoned buildings


>> No.5910210

Howd you get he fancy green butterfly? Mod?

>> No.5910220

It's an achievement you get when you've made enough shitposts

>> No.5910222

What are you some kind of pervert?

>> No.5910258

b-b-but i don't have do this to read books do i

nice lifestyle though

>> No.5910389

this is good. except parkour. fuck that.

>> No.5910449

>4chan achievements
that would end horribly

>> No.5910469

as if alcoholism is something to aspire to

>> No.5911724
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Try some /out/ related stuff (Bushcraft,hiking etc).

>> No.5911738
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>> No.5911746


not too much or your reading comprehension plummets.

>> No.5911753

The funny thing is, people here half think it is something to aspire to so they can be like their heroes and live the literary lifestyle

>> No.5911756


anti-intellectualism in the US is what some people will blame it on. I think that it's more anti-introvert and anti-art/artist. People don't respect creativity unless it's hugely accessible and popular (then it becomes something social. Think Game of Thrones, Twilight, Harry Potter. Everybody reads them, so everyone can talk about them).

Americans (assuming you and your friend are American) don't seem to like people who aren't extroverted and social, and reading and writing are solitary and 'weird.'

That was a longwinded and awkwardly worded post. I'm drunk, I apologize.

>> No.5911770


> Everyone under 27 lifestyle.

>> No.5911779

Naw. What is a "literary lifestyle" and what are hobbies to it?
I was only thinking of fun things to do while contemplating things to write.
>except parkour. fuck that.
Yeah, I agree really.

I am Zalgo

>> No.5911781

running is a lot more physical than biking. I prefer biking just because you can cover more distance though

>> No.5911788
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More alcoholism
Being poor
Being poor while alcoholic
Art & Music appreciation
Experimental films

>> No.5911791

>thinking alcohol is still cool among writers

It's not the 50s anymore

>> No.5911801


>> No.5911813
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clear brandies

>> No.5911821

Are students expected to include class workload?

>> No.5911832

>I'm not a boy

>> No.5912260


Can someone please explain this meme to me?

>> No.5912269

No it's a city.

>> No.5912282

Desperate men accost anything that might have a warm hole in hopes of it living nearby, assuming sex may result.

Apparently it originated in /fit/, where most of those types come from.

It's the contemporary version of "tits or gtfo."

>> No.5912302

Bird watching
Museum tourism
Wine tasting

>> No.5912307

Alcoholism isn't a hobby you dopey phonies.

>> No.5912887

Neither is being a bitch Holden

>> No.5912967

Wardrobe of assorted denims and knitwear. Sometimes double denim

>> No.5912974
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aleph-null hours in mspaint

>> No.5913216

Underrated post

>> No.5913228

you have some talent, don't let it die

>> No.5913269

An appreciation of other art forms, especially cinema. Don't stop until you start to resemble a character in a Woody Allen film or Bolano novel.

>> No.5913277


>> No.5913359

>yfw he is not a boy, but a grown man

>> No.5914210


>> No.5915159

Where I have to sign?

>> No.5915930

you wish

god you tripfags are so annoying

>> No.5915938

>What other hobbies would compliment the literary lifestyle the most?

>Nature walks/cliff hiking
>Museum tourism
>Exploring abandoned buildings

"You wish"? God, you anon's can be so annoying.

>> No.5915959


>> No.5915964

I like museums, long walks and playing bass guitar. I listen to a lot of music at work.

>> No.5916132



>> No.5916216

awesome. the lights (or speakers?) at teh top left and the cars are the best part

>> No.5916225


>> No.5916240

>mfw when forcing myelf into my fantasy ended up giving me terrifying schizophrenic hallucinations, a trip to a psyche ward, and then actually gave me my fantasy as a functional adult

>> No.5916251

why is he kekking, g-guys?

>> No.5916264

Thank you. I get the impression that the narcissist from /mu/ are slowly but surely flooding /lit/

>> No.5916282

Because youre just another pathetic empty person who tries to create an identity by books, both of your posts reek of a completely warped and broken sense of self.
Same for this guy, who apparently completely missed the point of the original post. How can anyone bring themselves to ask "Does this make me patrician?" Youre just looking for validation, get a fucking grip.

>> No.5916287

does this make you a pathetic empty person who gets off on calling other people pathetic?
your rage implies central depravity and dependance upon me

>> No.5916296
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Here's a better question: what easy to attain career compliments the literary lifestyle?

>> No.5916308

I'm just pointing out whats wrong with you or rather what I believe is wrong with you. But yeah, I'm pretty pathetic and empty(where do you think we are), but understanding that is the only way to fight it, you can keep on asking people on /lit/ to tell youre okay or if you are up to some standard that does not even exist. The last part of your post does not make any sense, but whatever helps you to fend off the truth. Which one of the two are you anyway?

p.s. an apartment in Brooklyn won't help you getting laid. And even if you get laid you will still hate yourself.

>> No.5916325


>> No.5916327

sorry the 2nd part was meant to say that if you have never met me but have had such a pointed response then your response, and the rage behind it has necessarily a lot more to do with you than it does with me; because youre assuming i said a lot more than i did, and all those extra words can only belong to you

>> No.5916342

That's hardly in the spirit of my question. I'm looking for a career.

>> No.5916349

Yes, I obviously inferred a lot but anyone who asks "am I patrician" or "why did he kek at me" has some serious troubles with himself. I'm writing from experience, I once thought in the same way, its corrosive and poisoning. I'm not really angry but you can't say the stuff I'm trying to say without sounding harsh, not trying to insult anyone, sorry about that. But I repeat: If you ask /lit/ for validation your mind is broken. Honest question: How much do you actually read?
Me as a person has nothing to do with this, that you immediately accuse me of hypocrisy instead of addressing my point is telling.

>> No.5916364

actually that original post was not mine, i wrote why did he kek because i have watched a lot of movies. a lot. but mostly when i was still in highschool avoiding going to class or engaging in reality. how much do i read? hard to say but roughly a book a week for the past three.5 years, if a "book" is considered about 300 pages long or so...

>> No.5916370
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I tell you, these eyes and minds of ours are curses. When we're small, we don't see the big picture. But as the intricacies and complexities of the universe come into focus, it become harder and harder to believe that they will work in our favor. Its not easy to recognise that we will ultimately perish, so most don't.

Its even harder for poets. The Sylvia plath effect is evidence of that.
"The Sylvia Plath effect is the phenomenon that poets are more susceptible to mental illness than other creative writers."

You're not that drunk yet anon, keep at it.

>> No.5916375

O and cuz i like Bolano and (to a lesser degree) woody allen

>> No.5916420

I assume he keked because you wrote about "creating yourself" like you were a movie or book character, which is an incredibly narcissistic attitude to take. (Who knows, maybe hes just an asshole and thought you write like a faggot) You read a lot, youre probably smart enough to figure this out on yourself, just don't protect yourself from very uncomfortable realizations. I'm not saying youre a grandiose asshole, youre probably a nice guy, but identity maintenance and broadcasting eat you from the inside. Maybe I'm projecting but this reminds me a lot of myself and I see many of my friends slowly killing themselves in similar ways; I'm partly writing this because I wish I could muster up the courage to tell them some of the stuff but if I did they would most likely stop speaking to me.

Whats your favorite Allen film?

>> No.5916449

sarry to clarify i wrote "why did he kek"
and not the post which "kek" responded to.

regardless wht your saying has certain truth about me. and anyways i secretly feel that the people who write books about creating themselves are in some ways never created fully, or never become adults fully, or full people fully, but are only part way there because they are able to siphon that creation into a book or movie that helps other people find their identities. Jung writes a bit about this that creative people make a certain sacrifice when they are young in order to be creative, if the art is real.

>Identity maintenance and broadcasting eat you from the inside.

i dont think i maintain my identity for the sake of other people, but only for myself (for now); but the kicker is that my conscience, the thing that i bounce my decisions and thoughts off of, is made collectively of the voices of people i knw, and an approximation of "everyone". in this way everyone performs indentity maintenance

i do broadcast my identity but half of it is out of depravity for being an artist, and the other half is out of genuine joy for expression, being "different" for its own sake, for my own sake of experiencing my life unfold in an enlivening way.

O look i wrote this earlier in here:
>mfw when forcing myelf into my fantasy ended up giving me terrifying schizophrenic hallucinations, a trip to a psyche ward, and then actually gave me my fantasy as a functional adult

my favorite allen movie is prolly purple rose of cairo or manhattan, even if the 17 yr old girl thing was fucked up. ive only seen like 6 of his films
sorry for giving u my life story geez

>> No.5916455

your favorite allen films? favorite films?

>> No.5916468

>dont protect yourself from uncomfortable realizations

i do protect myself now, but cant stop them anyways. I used to be so overwhelmingly, unnecessarily unafraid of self realization that it led to some trouble... but then i used to do a lot of LSD, if that could be said of a 19 yr old.

>> No.5916475
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Actually writing a book.

>> No.5916601

Oh snap, that makes a whole lot more sense, I took both to be from the same anon, and together they pretty much encapsulated what I'm trying to get at. What I mean by identity maintenance and broadcasting is for example doing things because one likes the idea of doing them, and not because one likes doing them(80 % of the people in my program right there. I'm also convinced most people don't enjoy concerts, they are there so they can tell others about being there). Thinking about what other people think of you is not identity maintenance, but once you catch yourself acting a certain way, or saying certain things because you want others to think about you in a certain way you have found yourself in the trap. Do yo know that strange feeling one gets when somebody tells you something about yourself, something which you think is true or at least like to believe is true, and you are at once sure they are being sincere but at the same time still feel like theyre wrong in some way you cant really put your finger on? You have fooled them but not yourself. Or think of self-proclaimed male feminists who treat girls like shit(so many of my friends, jesus), they're all deeply engaged in prioritizing their identity over their behavior, or even worse, they seem to think saying certain things about yourself makes it just so. You are what you do. The gap you feel between rich inner experience and the way you act is a lie that enables you to disavow behavior that doesn't fit who you think you are.
Note: "Creating yourself" is the very language of advertisements. Facebook conditioned everyone I know to constantly let others know who they are(in truth: who theyd like to be/who they would like others to think they are.) My god, the pressure on girls in particular to constantly put themselves out there, ask one of them why they do it and lose a facebook friend. Coincidentally I just heard from a friend that a girl I used to hang out with back home went into treatment for depression and some other stuff. She always was completely immersed into sharing her identity on facebook and I always assumed she was going crazy behind the boheme mask. She is apparently doing better now. She still shares way too much for it to be considered ordinary, which tells me the relapse is coming. "Depression" is just a symptom, not the real problem. Not even a 1000 likes will be enough to make her feel like shes worth anything.

http://thelastpsychiatrist.com/2010/11/a_generational_pathology.html gets it completely, and I took a lot of the jargon I use here (and some points tbh) from him.
Annie Hall is my favorite, its the funniest to me and its sweet in a way. Manhattan is very good too, I don't mind the 17 year old to be honest, the relationship seems fairly normal and it's fiction after all. Havent seen rose of cairo yet.

>> No.5916647

interesting. Im not sure though how much "making yourself" has to do with a false american dream vs. (and what you say about it being inherent in advertisement) how much is actually true. but then i am american and couldnt see it any other way, and the american dream is just a projection of people from other countries onto america because they already don't enjoy their own lives.

but howre we gonna accept that in coming times people will be more and more self-involved with social media and making a fake pseudo-version of themselves will become more prevelant but people will still not explode?

>> No.5916676


please excuse me man im thinking/writing out loud here
the possible dream of ourselves gets (our real self lost in translation) attached to the mesmerizing progression of visual/informational/connective technology; the self-lie gets maintained and fostered by the technology that lets you be whatever version of yourself they allow you to be, using their tools of self-representation, while moving at such a breakneck pace that you can’t take the time to figure out that all of it is ingenuine. Like it continues to be flashy and the big thing and you keep participating, fueled by the notion that you can still be anything you want to be?

but then art allows us to be ourselves too… so perhaps its just a question of honesty where someones out to make a profit without caring what the consequences are and another is actually concerned with people and what they’re about— but for their sake and not just in the short term to make a buckaroo. like how many people’s Facebook cover photos say “dream big” or “journey” or have some other inspirational quote with stars and trees around it in some color filter. Its an idea thats only expressed in the short term by whatever means are hip and available. its not realy held onto because as soon as the format changes and you can’t put that picture up anymore than you realize “i guess I’m not that anymore” because it was only a mask. and it’d be great if we could be invalids who never understand themselves fully because they can put on one fancy, expensive mask after another.

>> No.5917767

>implying NEETism isn't a career

Do you think the State just pays you for fun?